#light academia


So please don’t badger, spam, or call your friend who might be MIA or even just not texting you - yes, maybe even specifically only you - for a few days. They might need a break to themselves, and they don’t want to show their vulnerability because ‘normally’ they aren’t like this. They specifically don’t want to burden you.

Or maybe they just need a few days to themselves. People have boundaries and we need to respect them. Something might be happening in their personal lives, and if they don’t want you to know, let them be.

Don’t text them every few hours asking them whether they’re mad at you.

Don’t spam their inbox of every social media account you share/know and ask what’s happening.

Don’t call them. Don’t email them. Just let them be, there’s no need to apologize for something you’re worried you might’ve done (especially if you have anxiety - your fears of them hating you because they haven’t contacted you is understandable, but that friend might be having a bad episode also). 

If you spam their inbox every three hours you’re not helping the situation. Let them be after contacting them once or twice, and wait until they’re comfortable with coming back online. 

Because you demanding an answer, or apologising might be overwhelming for that person, and might make their personal struggles worse.

So just relax, and wait for their response. Maybe send them a ‘I hope you’re doing okay since you haven’t been online for quite some time’. They’ll appreciate it. 

If your friend has something they want to tell you, they will.

(Note: This only applies if you know your friend well enough to know that their silences aren’t them being mad at you. If they’re giving you the cold shoulder because they’re annoyed that might require methods to tackle.) 

(If you’re worried they might be in some kind of actual danger, just ask. ‘Are you having a mental health break? I haven’t heard from you for a few days so I hope you’re safe.’ This relieves them of the need to explain where they’ve been while letting you know they’re alive and safe.) 

(Additional PS: I know this isn’t along the usual line of what I post since dark academia is usually about the aesthetics, but I consider topics like mental health, LGBTQ+ Issues and social issues part of academia as well) 

So I’ve decided to make a series called ‘An Artist’s Life in a Textpost’, which is basically a series of textposts paying homage to a certain artist’s life in a series of point forms. I’m not sure whether anyone would be interested, but I decided to do it anyways because 1) it’s really quick to write and 2) I love discovering new artists (not just painters, but also musicians, poets etc.) and I don’t want to spend time pouring over their 5,000 word biography on Wikipedia or some other website. So here goes nothing!

(If you’re interested in following this I’ll be tagging it with an artist’s life in a textpost so…zero points to me for originality but yes) 

Throwback to that time when I watched too much Bernadette Banner and thought my English teacher’s North-English/British?? accent was a Transatlantic one and I stayed back after class just to ask him that and he chuckled at me. Everytime I think of that I die a little in the inside.

(Okay but in my defense he did spend most of his childhood years in America - )

Day 8/30

24.05.2022 // Love it in the early morning when the library is practically empty. Never mind accidentally catching the wrong bus and being half an hour late because I’m too tired to function. Anyways, if someone can yell at me to proofread my work on a daily basis, I’d greatly appreciate it.

astroboy. - suggi

dream jobs:

  • 19th century poet who suffers from melancholy
  • your local philosopher who just sits around and asks unsettling questions

fall aesthetic: unruly curls. deeply flushed cheeks. subtle smoked eyes. bitten nose hidden behind a novel. spectacles tuck into a knitted cardigan. dried flowers resting behind an ear. cocoa with your dearest fur baby. scribbling random thoughts in a journal. dark boots and dainty ballets. loud giggles and cherished moments.

i love rain so much. there’s just something about it, no matter the time of day or the season, if it’s cold and and hanging thin in the air making you long to go inside after a long day, or soaking through your clothes in a summer downpour. the smell, the way the clouds look, the feeling. it’s both nostalgic and makes me feel like I‘m just living now, in this moment, watching it drip off the leaves and splash onto the pavement.

forgotten letters, earl grey tea, antiques kissed by time, and a hair ribbon to keep your focus on the intricate words lost in the volumes of authors long gone by.

september mood: warm crusty bread baked from scratch, oxford shoes and cable-knit sweaters, fluttering eyelashes and glossy dusk-pink lips, wooden buttons on wool coats, lily of the valley and violet perfumes, and watching vintage horror movies on a stormy night.

that subtle change in the way the breeze feels against your face

autumn has come once more for a full embrace

the fact that we’re on this earth for a limited time, and in that limited amount of time we can only experience a limited amount of things… we can only read so many books or watch so many movies or listen to so much music. And we will never know what we’re missing out on. And then we’ll be gone. and maybe we do have multiple lives, maybe we do get reincarnated, but we don’t remember our past lives. I can’t tell u what my past lives experienced. I’ll only be able to fall in love in so many ways. I can’t dress in every way i want. i don’t look exactly how i want. I know people i wish i were closer to and there are people i long to meet. This life is so short and i can’t even start to work my way through the bucketlist of life because of these things tying me down. The idea that there will come something so amazing and i’ll never be able to experience it fills me with so much anguish and loss and i genuinely don’t know how to fill that void. so for now i listen to every type of music, i watch shows and movies my friends recommend. I read and I read and I read. And there’s always more. But i guess what is life if not a constant yearning for meaning?

070821. getting into such a big phoebe bridgers kick + time for art — i’m selling prints of these btw message me if you’re interested weeee >:))

052621. not really study related but i thought this was incredibly important information . my friend got me a bunny nightlight
