

Peter: welcome to my very first vlog in which I will be trying different hair products.

Peter: *sprays hairspray into his mouth*

Peter: well, right off the bat, I can tell you that this is not very good.

Tony: what the fu-

Rhodey: How do you manage all these kids you keep getting?

Tony: The secret is, I don’t. I have no control over them whatsoever.

Tony: This morning Morgan yelled out to me and when I showed up to see what was going on, Peter shot me in the throat with a nurf gun.

Tony: You can’t make everyone like you, you’re not Peter.

Steve: What? Not everyone likes Peter.

Tony: Who doesn’t?

Steve: Well-

Tony: Names, now, Steve. GIVE ME THIER NAMES!

Tony, deathly hungover: Please tell me I’m imagining that I claimed I was the king of ducks.

Steve, sipping his coffee: I would, but then I would be lying to the king of ducks.

Tony, sarcastically: Yeah, everything is great. We are just one big happy family. We are all having a great time.

Also Tony: I want to set either myself or this compound on fire.

Tony, holding a cauliflower in front of Steve’s face: what is this?

Steve: … a cauliflower?

Tony, to Peter: now tell Steve what you think it is.

Peter, arms folded: ghost broccoli

Steve: I’m going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to react, okay?

Tony: Sure.

Steve: If you want to live give me all your money!

Peter, loudly: Bold of you to assume I have any money.

Tony, over everyone’s shit: Bold of you to assume I want to live.

*Peter suddenly appears in the space ship*

Tony: Peter! You’re back! What happened?

Peter: I was starting to sing Bubblegum Bitch for the 12th time in the soul stone and it just yeeted me out.
