

12.02.2020 | 17:00

Here’s to the last round! Survived yesterdays exam, next one is on friday! There’s a hell lot to study for, so i’m gonna spend the next two days cramming madly. I’ll be so relieved when this will finally be over! My body is reacting to all the sugar and coffee already - and not in good ways. So i need to reduce that consuming again after this, so that i can stay healthy. Hope you’re all doing good, don’t make the same mistakes than i do! Stay healthy and motivated xx

09.02.2020 | it’s already February, and i’m full on studying for my last exams. Already had the first one, finances is comin up in two days, then it’s the last one about leadership and organisation on Valentine’s day. Time’s flying by so fast and i’m actually living on coffee, carbs and sugar at the moment. I’ve already gained some weight again, and the semester hasn’t come to a complete end yet, because after that, it will be time to write three research papers (between 10 and 15 pages each) in a month. How do you cope with stressfull times?

15.04.21 | 22:09

I’m revising again for some exam i want to take in order to work for the Government which is something where i could see myself right now. It’s actually fun right now but also kind of hard because it’s all in french and it’s my weakest language…

[25.12.2020 | 20:47]


I just wanted to step by. I’m actually going through a weird phase right now, where i’m trying to „find my thing(s)“. So many of you guys seem to know and i’m actually unsure. Maybe i’m grey academia, maybe i’m gay academia, who knows! What i’m sure is that i’m kind of confused about all of the communities that have developed through the past few years where i haven’t been that active anymore. Also, i’m going through a hard phase where finding a job in arts and culture is basically impossible, so i’m not really sure what i’m still doing here. Maybe my thing is to remind you that you’re still good enough even if you’re unemployed!

Can someone update me on what’s been happening?

I always keep thinking about whether or not i should revive this tumblr. It feels like my followers are kind of inactive. Also, i actually finished my Masters degree last week. However, as you all know, the situation in arts and culture and music is kind of bad, so i do have a really bad chance of getting a job. I‘m still hunting for a job, so i’ve got a lot of time to kill at the moment. I kind of want to study something, but then again, i just want tonread and relax, because the past years have been so so stressful. Maybe i’m going to slowly change into a litblr, as i do have quite some books to photograph and read.

28.8.2020 | hi guys!

Just to update you about why it has been so incredibly quiet here over the past months:

I‘ve actually submitted my master thesis last week so i‘m now officially done with university and studying. I‘ve moved out of my room as well, moving back to my parents because i don’t have a job yet. (As you can imagine, going on job interviews during a pandemic in theatre/cultural/music sector is quite challenging.)

That being happening, i‘m taking some time to actually find a job. I’m on a holiday two weeks and travelling to see some friends in Germany and Austria. Much needed and deserved break incoming! I hope you’re all doing okay and are dealing with the changes we are facing right now.

[30.05.2020] Hi guys! I’m in the middle of master thesis stress, spending way too much time in front of my laptop, applying for jobs and trying to write on my novel. And, of course, drinking too much coffee. Some things just never change.

How are you all?

˗ˏˋ February 26, 2021 : monthly divider´ˎ˗

hello everyone! since i’m still working on my immuno notes, i decided to share here with all of you my bujo monthly divider for the month of february! ૮ ´• ﻌ •აっ♡

i’m not really into monthly dividers but i thought maybe it’s the time to try something new? and i’m happy this very first try turned out really good. yey! i might be uploading some study related post in here next week, i’m just a little bit pre-occupied with my other responsibilities. anyways, how are you all getting by? i hope all of you are doing well. have a great day studynerds! ૮ฅ • ﻌ •აฅ

☀️ my week in pictures ☀️

- got the cutest “starting school bag” from a good friend for my Zweitstudium, tysm!

- selfmade Bibimbap with friends & watching Demon Slayer season 1+2

- went on campus for the first german literature courses about medieval german

- had my first dutch lesson

Not in the pictures: headaches/migraine bc of weather changes & period cramps, working at the bookstore and on translation stuff. Also some important family things, hope these are clearing up next week!

Yay, got the official letter and information from university for my “Zweitstudium” (second degree bachelor) starting in April.

If I get into all the courses I want, I will only have to go to uni on Tuesday and Wednesday. The other days are for preparing classes and my translator work. At least that’s the plan ✨
