#medicine inside


5 self-help books that helped me during hard time

Eat that frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy

“Everyone procrastinates. The difference between high performers and low performers is largely determined by what they choose to procrastinate on”

Life lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the Mysteries of Life and Living by David Kessler, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“Loss shows us what is precious, while love teaches us who”

I decided to live as me by Kim Soo-hyun (Korean book, English version I found only on Amazon)

“There is no perfect answer in life and whatever your decisions are, all of them are just and right as long as you are responsible for them”

Defining decade: Why Your Twenties Matter And How To Make The Most Of Them Now by Meg Jay

“I wasn’t scared of losing my past. I was scared of losing my future”

Your brain at work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock

“We all often think about what’s easy to think about, rather than what’s right to think about”

31 March 2022

Today I have a day off Also, I decided to return back this plant to my study table

How To Change Careers, According To 50 People Who Made A Pivot

I think this article is very useful, especially for young people. The world should understand that it is normal to change career and job ☝

Signs and symptoms of burnout


▫️ Feeling tired and drained most of the time

▫️ Lowered immunity, frequent illnesses

▫️ Frequent headaches or muscle pain

▫️ Change in appetite or sleep habits


▪️ Sense of failure and self-doubt

▪️ Feeling helpless, trapped, and defeated

▪️ Detachment, feeling alone in the world

▪️ Loss of motivation

▪️ Increasingly cynical and negative outlook

▪️ Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment


Withdrawing from responsibilities

Isolating yourself from others

Procrastinating, taking longer to get things done

Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope

Taking out your frustrations on others

Skipping work or coming in late and leaving early

‼️ Dealing with burnout requires the “Three R” approach:

Recognize - watch for the warning signs of burnout

Reverse- undo the damage by seeking support and managing stress

Resilience - build your resilience to stress by taking care of your physical and emotional health

✍ Reframe the way you look at work

Support your mood and energy levels with a healthy diet (check my guide - Nᴜᴛʀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛɪᴘs ꜰᴏʀ sᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛs)

Reevaluate your priorities

Talking to a mental health professional may help you discover the strategies you need to feel your best

Also, don’t be afraid to talk with your family and friends

18 March 2022

Spent some time in the library studying Korean

Memory process and strategies

Psychology divides the learning and memory creation process into three important stages

Encoding - initial learning of information

Storage - retaining of information in long-term memory

Retrieval - access and use of encoded and stored information

Strategies for different stages of the memory process

Encoding - initial exposure to stimulus

▫️ Elaborative encoding

▪️ A mnemonic that relates to-be-remembered information to previously existing memories and knowledge

▪️ If you are unable to answer “How?” or “Why?” then that could be a potential gap in your knowledge

▫️ Semantic encoding

▪️ The process of giving meaning to a piece of information employing techniques such as chunking, mnemonics, and memory palaces

▪️ The meaning of something (a word, phrase, picture, event, whatever) is encoded as opposed to the sound or vision of it

▪️ Semantic encoding results in better long-term retention of information when compared with strategies such as rote memorization

▫️ Dual coding

▪️ This is the idea of using different types of stimuli to help learners encode information in their brains more effectively. For example, visual and verbal

Storage- maintaining information on long-term memory

▫️ Chunking

▫️ Mnemonics

▫️ Sleeping

Retrieval - access and utilization of information that has been encoded and stored

▫️ Spaced retrieval

▫️ Interlearning

▫️ Testing effect

28 February 2022

Today I received Body Buddies hearts They are so cute

focused thinking vs diffuse thinking

focused thinking

▫️ targeted, concentrated and narrow thinking

▫️ need for a specific tasks

▫️ essential for acquiring knowledge and understanding

▫️ active

The strength of focused thinking lies in its ability to analyze and solve problems in a sequential manner

diffuse thinking

▪️ general, broad and conceptual thinking

▪️ creates connections and links

▪️ essential for consolidation of memory

▪️ passive

Rather than being focused on a defined path, diffuse thinking allows your subconscious to make unexpected connections between disparate ideas

The trick is not to choose between the two approaches, but rather to cycle between focused and diffuse thinking for the most significant impact

Want to learn an unfamiliar and challenging concept ❓ Study it with focused thinking, then let your brain shift into diffuse thinking. The combination will allow your conscious brain to investigate the idea while your subconscious mind forms new links and connections to embed it into your memory and thinking

6 February 2022

Study weekends On Tuesday I will do the covid test again and hope to be free I enjoy spending time at home, studying and watching YouTube, but I want to go back to the hospital (to practice)

Antidepressant food

Dietary pattern and food choice may play a role in the treatment and prevention of brain-based disorders, particularly depression

❕ Many nutrients are implicated in the pathophysiology of depression, for instance: the long-chained omega-3 fatty acids, B-vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. Deficiencies of these nutrients can cause depressive symptoms

Nutrients such as the long-chained omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, and several phytonutrients promote the expression of Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) and thus influence neuroplasticity

Antidepressant nutrients are folate, iron, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA), magnesium, potassium, selenium, thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and zinc

Antidepressant plant food with high antidepressant food score

▫️ watercress

▫️ spinach

▫️ mustard, turnip, or beet greens

▫️ lettuces (red, green, romaine)

▫️ swiss chard

▫️ fresh herbs

▫️ chicory greens

▫️ pummelo

▫️ peppers (bell, serrano, or jalapeno)

▫️ kale or collards

▫️ pumpkin

▫️ dandelion greens

▫️ cauliflower

Antidepressant animal food with high antidepressant food score

▪️ oyster

▪️ liver and organ meats (spleen, kidney, or heart)

▪️ poultry giblets

▪️ clam

▪️ mussels

Gut health is critical for brain health. Eat healthily, stay healthy ☝

3 February 2022

Yesterday I started a new online course about mental health and food They mention so many interesting articles to read, and one of them is about antidepressant food

1 February 2022

Some study vibes with my favorite pastel highlighters Happy lunar new year Also, wish you a productive February

Study tips every student should know ✏️

Listen carefully. Even if you feel that you are not an auditory learner, try your best to listen carefully and attentively. For example, a teacher may emphasize important information or add information from his experience that you will not read anywhere

Read curiously. If you try to learn what you are curious about, chances are you will remember what you read much more easily and quickly. So look for interest in everything. You never know what will be helpful to you in the future

Think critically. The sharing of different opinions, theories, or queries can help you develop deeper critical thinking around subjects. Read my post about ‘critical thinking’

Note-taking actively. Think actively, make connections. Don’t just write notes for you to have them. Instead, write notes consciously, adding illustrations, diagrams, and information from different sources

Remember regularly. Review your notes, index cards, mind maps time to time. Make a plan for when to repeat each topic. Practice makes permanent

Reflect personally. You should ensure that you reflect on what you are learning. How does it relate to you? How can it help you in your future profession?

Explain verbally. One of the best ways to establish whether or not you have grasped what you have just studied is to explain it to someone

31 January 2022

I spend time at home because I have covid so I study, watching Korean dramas and YouTube

So new free wallpapers

How to stay productive

▫️ Write 10 goals you want to reach this year, use Present Simple. Then choose 1 goal out of 10 that will have the most significant impact on you. Write this goal on a separate paper, set deadlines, and write a plan to reach it

▫️ Always plan your days and weeks. Write tasks by priority and then by the due date

▫️ Try the ABCDE method to understand how to prioritize tasks. Write these letters near each task, and after some months, you will unconsciously begin to understand what things are more important to you based on your goals

▫️ Follow 80-20 rule “80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event”. So, after making a to-do list, find tasks that will help you reach 80% of your goals. Don’t spend time on unimportant tasks

▫️ Always think about results. Whether you act or not act, you need to know the consequences ⛳️

▫️ Put off things that are not of great value, consciously. Free up time for more important things ⌛️

▫️ Don’t try to do everything simultaneously, don’t try to reach your goal without a plan. Step by step

▫️ If you have free time and you are not tired, complete the tasks that you didn’t want to do or do more on the main tasks to free up time in the future

▫️ Regularly clean your study/workspace

▫️ Develop your skills, engage in self-development. Analyze your work and look for your weaknesses to make them strong

▫️ For rest time, choose activities completely different from your work or study. Changing activities has a positive effect on brain function ‍♀️

22 January 2022

Study timelapse of me making notes with ‘study with me’ video on YouTube

22 January 2022

Clean desk before study session and take water to stay hydrated

8 January 2022

I had a crazy day today ‍ but at least this photo gives me an aesthetic vibe

7 January 2022

I wish everyone a productive month stay motivated but remember to have rest and enjoy life ✨

6 January 2022

Apps for productivity


Plant a seed in Forest when you need to put down your phone and stay focused to get things done. As you stay focused, this seed will gradually grow into a tree However, if you cannot resist the temptation of using your phone and leave the app, your tree will wither


Create an activity, and log sessions manually or with the automatic timer. This app helps to control how much time you spend on different activities ✍ Absolutely free app


Todoist is a productivity reminders planner. Use Todoist to capture and organize tasks the moment they pop into your head, remember deadlines with reminders and due dates


Structured is an app for people who need structure in their life or just like to know what’s up next. This app helps make that easier than ever, ensuring every task and event is in one place, ready and waiting. All that’s left to do is smash the day ahead, checking off tasks as you go


If you’re working toward any goal, like studying for final exams or learning something new, track your progress and stay motivated


OffScreen helps you track phone usage and keeps you stay focus. You can set up your screen time goal, get daily insight, see screen time activities. Also, this app has focus mode

Habit tracker

Habit is a habit tracker app that helps you to build good habits, reach your goals. It will remind you when needed, track habits with stats and notes, analyze habits with charts, therefore reach your goals at ease. It is also the first habit app that let you and your friends build habit together by remind and encourage each other ‍‍

Focus plan

Focus is a gamified focus study timer app to help people better manage their time and focus on the important things in their life ⏰


SleepTown is an incredible app that helps you attain a healthy, regular sleep schedule. Construct amazing buildings just by achieving your bedtime and wake-up goals every day. Put down your smartphone before going to bed and build your own town while you sleep

5 January 2022

Free screensavers for macOS with clock

- aura clock

- retro anime clock

- fliqlo

- padbury clock

Apps with free clock for iPad and iPhone

- MD clock (not all designs are free)

- flip clock

- clockphone

Online resources for medical students ‍⚕️

Illustrate your publications and presentations

▫️ bio render - create science figures

▫️ smart servier medical art - 3000 free medical images

Study online

▪️ free stanford online courses

▪️ Zero to Finals - YouTube channel and free website with notes and podcasts

▪️ Online Med Ed - hundreds of free videos for your entire medical school journey

▪️ BiteMedicine - Qbank, textbooks, videos and live webinars - full access costs £9.99 / month

▪️ AMBOSS - medical learning platform - unlimited library access costs $9.99 / month

▪️ Osmosis - health education platform - prime costs $378 / year or YouTube channel

▪️ YouTube channel Ninja Nerd - free lectures

▪️ Radiopaedia - free radiology resource to know how to interpret medical imaging

▪️ GeekyMedics - contains free videos of the different examinations, showing you what clinical signs you’re looking for, and why

▪️ Medcomic - combination of art, humor, and medicine makes it easy to recall information and ace exams - full access costs $149.95 / year


Sparkson’s Illustrated Guide to ECG Interpretation - Kindle $55,14 on Amazon

The ECG Made Easy John Hampton

9 May 2022

Effects of physical activity on the brain

Simply moving your body has immediate, long-lasting and protective benefits for brain Better mood, better energy, better memory, better attention

A single workout you do will immediately increase levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline

Studies have shown that a single workout will improve your reaction times ‍♀️

Exercise produces brand new brain cells, new brain cells in the hippocampus, that actually increase its volume, as well as improve your long-term memory

Exercise will do is its protective effects on your brain. It is important because the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus are the two areas that are most susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases and normal cognitive decline in ageing. The more you’re working out, the bigger and stronger your hippocampus and prefrontal cortex gets

The rule of thumb is you want to get three to four times a week exercise minimum 30 minutes an exercise session plus aerobic exercise ‍♀️

So don’t forget to care of yourself every day Stay strong and healthy

Resource: TED The brain-changing benefits of exercise / speaker Wendy Suzuki

Basic steps to study effectively


  • Use different study methods based on previous experience
  • Do not focus on one method if you find that the quality of learning has declined


  • Apply critical thinking, make judgments, or defend opinions


  • Break information into its constituent elements and, before next step build connections with previous knowledge


  • Solve problems using the gained knowledge


  • The ability to interpret and explain information
  • Use your own words to explain general information, learn by heart only definitions and instructions


  • Recall knowledge and the basis of all learning from time to time
  • Highlight information you will use in your future job (experience will help you do this)

1 May 2022

First day of the month means I need to clean my desk Have a nice month ✌ Stay healthy and strong

23 April 2022

Study session making pathology notes

23 April 2022

Love weekends so much because I can study and relax Wish you happy weekends
