#mentel health




[Image description and alt text for a nine-image comic.]

Image 1.
[An illustration of a crying person walking away from a sad-faced moon, star, strawberry, bunny, and fish.] Why your friend with chronic illness/pain might not want to hang out.

Image 2.
Chronic illnesses can have many different symptoms and can be “invisible”.  [In the middle of the image, the crying person’s face is underneath a rain cloud. Their face is surrounded by the words “diarrhea”, “constipation”, “back pain”, “headache”, “fatigue”, “nausea”. The bottom text reads: “(and that’s just to name a few)”.]

Image 3.
You’d think your friend would want some extra love when they are struggling… and you’re probably right! [The star frowns and holds a cell phone. The phone says, “The number you have dialed is unavailable”. A dotted line from the phone leads to a heart.] So why are they isolating themself?

Image 4.
[The person, strawberry, and fish stand next to a table with a pizza. The person looks alarmed and there are three exclamation points above their head.] Things to consider: social “norms” → something that may seem simple to you like eating out can be hard for many people! Whether you struggle with dietary restrictions, panic attacks from dining out socially, or have a complicated relationship with food + eating. What’s easy for you might be hard for a loved one…

Image 5.
[At the top of the image, the word “Mobility” is surrounded by a circle of lines.] Long road trips or a day at the beach can sound fun when you’re healthy… but for a lot of people who have chronic pain or illness, it can be challenging with a lot of pressure + stress from potential risks you may not realize they have to consider! Like sitting for long periods of time or available bathrooms! [The bunny and the moon think, “perfect weather for the beach!” The moon holds a beach umbrella. The person is next to them, thinking about a toilet.]

Image 6.
[The person sleeps under a blanket.] Dealing with pain + illness can often lead to depression which can make obligations like returning messages and keeping dates hard for someone who’s struggling to take care of themself, even if they love and miss you! [Three yellow flowers with sad faces.]

Image 7.
Why them and not me? [In the top left, the star thinks, “I just wanted to go to the bar?”] It can be hard and confusing to see someone you love choose to lean on someone else and not you!!! But try and be understanding and not take everything too personally. They might be able to connect in a really needed way right now. It doesn’t mean they love you any less! [In the bottom right, the person talks to a mouse. The mouse says “Oh ya! I have panic attacks in crowds too!”]

Image 8.
For people dealing with something chronic it often means they will always be battling and trying to find ways to manage through things like: medication, diet, lifestyle, surgery, and much more. [The person looks overwhelmed. They are surrounded by a long paper list, three pills, and a broken heart.] Whether diagnosis is new, old, or still being awaited, it can be a painful and scary process!

Image 9.
So what can you do? Be patient, loving, and open to this process with them! Be prepared to listen and meet them where they are at! [In the middle of the image, the crying person hugs the moon, star, strawberry, bunny, and fish. All are smiling.] Ask what you can do to make them feel safe and heard!!! Communicate needs and boundaries in a kind and considerate way! Treat each other tenderly because you never know what someone may be struggling through!

[End image description and alt text.]
