#mirabel madrigal



I find so funny that when Mirabel sees Bruno he just… runs away dramatically. I mean, dude, where are you going? What’s your goal? Are you trying to lost her and then go to your room? And then what??

Mirabel only has to follow the linear path and eventually she would find a door inside the walls.

So I Watched Encanto

And I have a few thoughts.

First, let’s talk about Bruno, I think it is relatively clear to everyone that Bruno was misunderstood and his ability was misunderstood and all of that. His power worked as a warning system, like if you did or were going down a certain path his power was like “Hey if you keep doing this, this is what will happen.” Or even in the case where there was no changing it, people would always put the blame on Bruno. This was a man who was there showing you the truth of your future and your actions, who was then blamed for showing you the future of your current actions despite being asked to show the future of your current actions and thus unfairly got a bad rep. With Bruno, the reason why the future is hard for him to read or tell is the fact that it is by and large changeable and in some cases happened thanks to Mirabel’s existence herself, which brings me to my next point.

Mirabel did have a gift whether it was at the start or shown more clearly at the end with the role reversal of Antonio walking her to the door. Her gift was both the house and magic itself, at the end it’s not the candle that brings everyone’s power back it’s Mirabel or more importantly her gift, which is closely related to the house itself. She is the magic or becomes the magic or even inherits the magic and without her, there is no magic. If we look at the song “Waiting For A Miracle” she’s feeling hopeless and thus the house begins to crack, then when she reconciled with Isabela the house begins to fix itself, then when she has the fight with her Abuela who makes her feel utterly hopeless the house literally ends up falling apart and the magic for a moment dies. Afterward when she begins to feel hope again and reconciles truly with her Abuela the magic returns as her hope returns. So one could actually say her gift is both the house and being the gift giver itself and the one who keeps the magic alive for the family. One side of her being the gift giver could be both seen with Antonio and having Isabela’s powers grow stronger, as well as being able to direct Bruno’s gift allowing them to see something they normally wouldn’t.

I thought I’d challenge myself to draw some of the other Madrigals…but now I’ll f

I thought I’d challenge myself to draw some of the other Madrigals…but now I’ll feel guilty if I don’t draw them all…

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I often tell myself not to talk (too much) about my favorite characters, but uh, this is the first tI often tell myself not to talk (too much) about my favorite characters, but uh, this is the first tI often tell myself not to talk (too much) about my favorite characters, but uh, this is the first t

I often tell myself not to talk (too much) about my favorite characters, but uh, this is the first time there’s been a whole musical number about it

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Bruno WIP
so the scene with the drawn plate on the table? not okay. HE DESERVES A PLATE so Mirabel gets him one. Also a new ruana.

mirabel! requested in my twitter art giveaway.

mirabel! requested in my twitter art giveaway.

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Mirabel and Sora

I feel like theyd get along so well cuz I feel like they have similar up bringing plus happy nature hehe

I love this so much and now I really just want it in he is wanted in Kingdom Hearts and if they don’t put it in king’s hearts I will actually be kind of sad.

Bruno’s first welcome-home present after his return was a hand-stitched place mat from Mirabel with his name on it.

Angsty Headcanon: When I first watched Encanto, I was surprised at Mirabel’s lack of bitterness over not having a Gift, as well as her close relationship with Casita. This is because I thought initially that the magic came from Casita, and it was what gave the family members their doors and powers. As the movie went on, it was clear that Casita was a creation of the Encanto, just like the Gifts were, and didn’t have control over everything.

That being said, what if five-year-old Mirabel thought that her door disappearing meant that Casita was rejecting her. Imagine a distraught Mirabel in the nursery after the ceremony, wondering what she did wrong, asking in a broken voice if Casita hates her. Imagine Casita becoming frantic, waving doors, putting blankets around Mirabel’s shoulders, and trying to communicate to her in whatever way it can that it doesn’t hate her and has no idea why she didn’t get a Gift. The whole house starts vibrating with distress, unable to cope with its youngest inhabitant thinking it would hurt her on purpose.

That’s the first time Abuela notices the cracks and wonders if Mirabel is the cause.

After Bruno’s return, there are inevitably some people in the village who still call him creepy and spread rumors about him being a bad omen, sometimes saying awful things to his face. Bruno is quiet about it, but Dolores finds out immediately. The nieces and nephews unanimously become Bruno’s personal protection squad. Anyone who speaks ill of him or makes him feel bad will suddenly find lots of loud birds in the area when trying to sleep, and will find themselves tripping over roots and vines that seem to appear right by their feet. Luisa flat-out ignores any requests from those individuals and Camilo pulls pranks on them.

When Abuela finds out, she is furious. She gives all of her grandchildren a stern lecture on misusing their powers, and forbids them from doing anything of the sort again.

After that, she proceeds to march into the village and drag the people being mean to Bruno to the casita one by one and waits with arms folded while they apologize to her son.

I really loved how Encanto shows a family that loves each other while also being deeply flawed and in need of help. At the beginning, it’s easy to think that everyone is pushing Mirabel aside and ignoring her feelings but really, they’re just busy trying to keep up their own facades of being fine and hiding their own insecurities and fears. They’re so focused on trying to act like they’re okay, it’s hard to notice that others around them are doing the exact same thing.

Even Mirabel doesn’t realize that Luisa, her strong sister, is feeling weak and scared, or that Isabella, her “perfect” sister, is being crushed by everyone else’s expectations. Once the family starts opening up to each other and sharing the hurts they’ve been hiding, that’s when the love between them truly shines and they’re able to start healing.

I think a lot of families are like that: They love each other, but unwittingly create toxic environments for some or all of its members through too-high expectations, a need to seem fine when you’re not, and a fear of disappointing the people around you.

A lot of things about this movie spoke to me. I’ll probably make a longer post later, but that’s what I’m thinking right now.
