#money sigil


customizable emoji spell

swap the first two and last two emojis for what you need to get there and what you want the outcome to be!

for me it’s :

phone interview——> job/$$——> apartment

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hi lovlies ❤️❤️

making an emoji manifestation spell because my boyfriend has a phone interview on wednesday and once he gets the job we can move out asap!

i am claiming this as reality and manifesting our future

  • this is pretty specific to my situation but if you are counting on a job to get you where you need to be, in my case a new apartment, you can use this too. change the last two emojis to what it is the job will manifest and make possible in your life and change the first two if it isn’t a phone interview.


phone interview/resume

✅ successful interview, got the job!

paychecks, money flow

manifest, all of this above leads to:

our apartment!

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EMOJI SPELL - like & reblog to cast

✨ ☄️

to keep money flowing, to put your resume in front of people, to get on the schedule, to turn the fire into flames that get you where you want to be

This WORKS!! Seriously.
