

I’m feeling a bit sad tonight. I’m sick and it’s terrible. My room is really messy but I don’t have the energy to clean it. I’m behind in school but I can’t focus enough to get it done. I’m watching a movie but I’m too tired to pay attention yet not tired enough to sleep…

I just want to live in the little pockets of calming joy that you sometimes get in the world.

You know, the moment you make someone laugh after they just finished crying;

The quiet moment before the rain starts falling, When the world holds its breath;

The long awaited hug between you and a loved one who you haven’t seen in a while;

Dipping you feet into a stream as you read a book, the sun just rising over the treetops;

Being alone in a house where you feel like you can get stuff done in your own time…

Give me those simple things in life. Please.


So I just learnt there’s this actual thing called the Super Pink Moon, the moon of spring. But “that’s not a reference to its actual color. NASA notes it’s “a name that comes from the herb moss pink native to the eastern US, and one of the earliest widespread flowers of spring.”





Almost all of human culture throughout history seems to regard birds and beautiful, majestic, respectable animals but have you actually met a bird??? Have you ever seen anythingresembling dignity come out of those things???

Pictured above: Dignity escaping from birds in liquid form
Spotted Sandpiper, Texas (top) and Common Bulbul, Malawi (bottom)

August 13, 2019

@jabercoll, my friend, you forget the part where birds often poop… nonchalantly… on each other.

These Black Vultures?

They’re called Black Vultures for a reason. They are purely black. They have no white feathers.

Their poop, however, is white. They are highly social birds, they roost in large groups. And like birds are wont to do, they nonchalantly poop wherever they happen to be. Which is often directly above another bird. 

August 13, 2019

Birds don’t have a rectum and thus can’t store their feces, so they don’t have a choice!

This blog is pro-cloaca

No cloca-shaming was present in my previous post! However, their ROOSTING BEHAVIORS *cough*

Black Vultures are still one of my absolute favorite birds ever, and they are perfect in every way, even down to their cookies-and-cream feathers

August 16, 2019


Cute! #butterfly #plants #nature #mariposa #lepidóptera

This looks like the same Gulf Fritillary butterflies we get up in North America! They range down into South America, too!

The caterpillars eat leaves from the passionvine. There are lots of varieties of this plant. Here are two in Texas:

Yellow Passionflower

Passiflora “incense” - I grow this vine in my garden and it takes over the entire back yard! The flowers are huge (see the spider in the right of the photo?) and hummingbirds will even come to feed at them.

August 15, 2019

  Fishing and hiking and really just being outside! – Guest Submission

(Please don’t add negative comments to these posts.)

dfilms:Trail Mix-Up, 1993


Trail Mix-Up, 1993

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