#nct 127 imagines


Y/n went out last night with their co-workers and is feeling the pain of it the next day. They are suppsed to be going on their frist date with Johnny but a hangover changes those plans.

Part of the long term couple series.

            Rolling over in your bed your head pounds, your mouth tastes like regret, and you can feel what you like to call it sweaters on your teeth. Pulling the blankets up over your head you groan and wish that you could remove your head from the rest of your body. You hate being hung over and you should have stopped drinking last night but you were having fun and had lost count of your drinks and after a while you stop caring how much you were drinking and was just focused on having a good time with your co-workers. You hoped that the rest of them were feeling just as awful as you were.

            Closing your eyes, you pray that you’ll find sleep again and that when you have reawakened your headache will be gone. As you are thinking this you hear your doorbell go off and almost cry. Why, why were you being punished for having a good time last night. You lay there thinking that if you don’t answer the door whoever it is will just go away. Unfortunately for you that is not the case and whoever is at the door continues to ring your doorbell. Flinging the covers off yourself you sit up and instantly the room spins. Dam you really need to learn to cut yourself off.

            “I’m coming,” you call and wince at the own sound of your voice as you make your way towards the door. Pulling it open you lean heavily against the door jam and look up at the person outside your door.

            Standing there looking handsome, healthy, and annoyingly not hung over is Johnny. You narrow your eyes at him and wonder how much it would hurt your head to tell him off. Probably a lot you figure so you settle for just glaring at him. Johnny for his part just smiles down at you and holds up a coffee carrier. You don’t hesitate to reach out for the coffee. He laughs as you pull the cup towards you like it’s the most precious thing you have ever set your eyes on.

            “Party a little to hard last night?” You ignore him and move into your apartment and settle onto your couch with your coffee. Johnny follows behind you laughing as he shuts the door to your place and takes a seat on the opposite end of your couch.

            “Y/n if I would have known you would go this hard last night, I would have told you to cancel your evening plans. We can’t go out and do what I planned with you hung over.” Johnny shakes his head at you in disappointment. You know that he’s joking but you are not in the mood for Johnny’s teasing.

            “Stop talking,” you groan as you curl up on the couch and take another drink of your coffee. Why did he have to be so annoying when you were suffering.

            “Alright I’ll take pity on you. But only because you’re suffering,” Johnny tells you and you note that he has lowered his voice as he tells you this, “You owe me though. I had the best date ever planned.”

            “Johnny,” you whine.

            “Okay, I’m done. I’ll get you some pain meds.” He gets up and starts to walk pass you when you reach out and wrap your hand around his wrist.

            “Will you also order us some really greasy food and not judge me when I walk to the bathroom holding my head so I can brush my teeth to get rid of the sweaters?”

            “The sweaters?” Johnny questions and you nod your head slowly.

            “On my teeth.” You tell him, Johnny smiles and gently pulls you up and moves you towards the bathroom. “I won’t judge you at all.”

            He kisses the back of your head before shutting the bathroom door behind you with a promise to bring you a change of clothes and tells you to take a shower, it’ll make you feel better and when you come out the food will be here. You shuffle your way to the sink and brush your teeth already feeling better with the awful taste and feel out of your mouth. You get into the shower and sigh at the feel of the hot water. Johnny was right it would make you feel loads better. You heard the door open and turn your head towards the door.

            “Just bringing you a change of clothes.” Johnny continues to use his gentle voice and you hear the door click close once again. You spent more time than you normally would in the shower, but it felt good, and you figured you deserve to spend a little extra time in the shower than normal.

            Exiting the bathroom, you are greeted with the smell of food, and you stop waiting to see how your stomach is going to react. When it grumbles in hunger you sigh in relief. At least you’re not so hung over that the smell and thought of food makes you sick. You’re already feeling better after your shower and you’re hoping that the pain meds you took will kick in soon and you’ll be feeling more like yourself in no time.

            Making your way back into the living room you find Johnny sitting on the couch with a burger in his hand. On the coffee table is your burger and what you are hoping is a cup full of diet coke. You shuffle around your couch and flop down onto the couch. You reach out for the burger and take a huge bite out of the burger and let out a satisfied moan and then reach for some fries. Johnny chuckles at you but doesn’t say anything else. Which surprises you he usually has a comeback waiting to be delivered.

            “What no smart-ass remark to make?” You question as you reach for some more fries with your one hand and take another bite of your burger with the other.

            “I’m going easy on you today, don’t worry though I’ve got them all saved up here.” Johnny taps the side of his head. You roll your eyes and take another bite of your burger. Johnny let’s you eat in silence and your thankful for it. Once you finish eating you feel more human again.

            “Thank you for getting me some food,” you tell Johnny as you lean back against the couch. Johnny leans back as well causing your shoulders to touch.

            “No problem. You know that you can call me anytime for anything,” you know that Johnny means it and it just makes you like him more. Rolling to the side a little you lay your head on Johnny’s chest and drape one of your arms over his stomach.

            “How amazing was the date that you had planned?”

            “It would have gone down in the history books as the best date ever. Lucky for you I’m quite fond of you and still plan to take you on said date.” You look up at Johnny and see that he has a determined look on his face.

            “Fond huh?”

            “Fond.” Johnny confirms looking down at you his hand comes up to tuck some loose strands of hair behind your ear. Johnny starts to lean down towards you, and you know what he’s intending to do and before his lips can touch yours you start to pull away.

            “I just ate a burger with onions,” you protest but that doesn’t seem to matter to Johnny. Who hooks his arms under your armpits and pulls you closer to him so you two are only a breath apart?

            “Don’t care, I’ve been wanting to do this forever and I’m tired of waiting.” With that statement Johnny connects his lips to yours. It starts off gentle with just a touch of his lips to yours but once you let out a sigh Johnny doesn’t hold back. He wraps his arms around you and his tongue finds its way into your mouth. The two of you continue to kiss until you have to break apart for air. But even then, Johnny doesn’t stop. He trail’s kisses along your jawline and down your neck.

            “Johnny,” you pant trying to calm your breathing.

            “What Y/n?” Johnny asks in between kisses.

            “I know this isn’t the date you planned but I’m putting this down as one of the best dates ever.” Johnny laughs into your neck causing you to smile. He pulls away and frames your face with his hands.

            “Good to know but I’m still taking you on the date. Now kiss me.” You don’t hesitate to reconnect your lips with Johnny and it’s while you’re kissing him that you realize your headache is gone. Who would have thought that kissing Johnny would make your headache go away? Or maybe it was the pain meds, but you liked to think that it was Johnny’s kissing that cured your hangover.

Y/n is enjoying wrapping presents and when Jungwoo messages to see if he can bring his gifts over as well Y/n is more then happy to help. What is supposed to be just friends getting together to wrap gifts though soon turns into something else. 

Part of the long term couples series. Can be read as a stand alone.

           Christmas music was playing softly in the background, your Christmas tree’s lights were on, along with the million other lights you had strung up throughout your apartment, and a cup of hot chocolate was sitting next to you as you hummed to yourself while wrapping presents. You had about 10 rolls of wrapping paper out. Christmas bags and tissue paper were scattered all over your floor, along with an assortment of ribbons and bows. You personally were having a great time and was a little upset that you were running out of presents to wrap.

           While you were finishing up another present your phone pinged and glancing over you saw that it was a message from Jungwoo. Your heart started to beat a little faster at seeing it was a message from him. Things between the two of you had started to change ever since you moved into your new place. In those three months that you had been living in your new place you noticed that Jungwoo would often be at your place. Not that he didn’t visit you at your old place but now that you were living alone, he seemed to stop by more.

           You had also noticed that the two of you were starting to get more comfortable with one another. It wasn’t uncommon for Jungwoo to put his arm around you but now you found yourself seeking out his touch more. There were times that when he was sitting on the couch that instead of taking the space next to him you would curl up in his lap. And let’s not forget the numerous times that you were certain Jungwoo was going to kiss you. Just thinking about those times made you blush. Pushing those thoughts aside you grab your phone to see what he was messaging you about.

Jungwoo: If I bring you food will you help me wrap everyone’s gifts?

Y/n: You don’t even have to bring food. I love wrapping gifts!

Jungwoo: Got it just bring food for me.

Y/n: Noooooo I was joking I want food!!

Jungwoo: Alright I’ll get you food as well. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes

You sat your phone back down and did a little happy dance in your chair at the opportunity to wrap more presents and having food brought to you. There were many things that you were good at but sadly cooking was not one of them. How you worked in the bakery always amazed you, but it helped that the only thing you were in charge of was decorating, packing them up, and collecting the money. If you had to actually bake Taeil’s girlfriend would have either fired you or gone out of business by now.

Going back to the presents in front of you, you refocused on wrapping and let your thoughts wondered back to Jungwoo and the most recent time that you thought he was going to kiss you. The two of you had been watching a movie together and had fallen asleep. When you had woken up Jungwoo was on his back, and you were sprawled across him your head resting under his chin. When you had lifted your head Jungwoo had woken up and the two of you had locked eyes. Neither one of you moved and Jungwoo had started to lift his head towards yours and just as your eyes were starting to close you felt your body going sideways and Jungwoo was no longer under you.

When you had opened them, you were now lying on the couch and Jungwoo was sitting on the edge looking down at you with a look on his face that you had never seen before. You weren’t sure what to do but Jungwoo seemed to. He had given you a soft smile, told you to go to bed and pulled you up and out of the couch. Before he left, he gave you a hug and a kiss to the top of your head. That was the closest you figured you were ever going to get to kissing him. And it made you frown as you taped down one side of the present in front of you.

“Y/n,” Jungwoo called causing you to jump. You hadn’t even heard him opening the door. “Do you wan to eat at the table or in the living room.

Jungwoo soon came into your line of sight with two bags containing food hanging from his hands. His eyes scanned the table and floor taking it all in before he stated, “Couch it is then.” And disappeared into your living room. You finished wrapping your one present and then followed after him. Jungwoo had everything out on the coffee table by the time you joined him.

“What did you get?” You ask as you take a seat next to Jungwoo.

“Some Japchae,” Jungwoo replies as he hands you your chopsticks. The two of you start to eat and talk about how your days have been going. Yours was more relaxing then his since you didn’t have to work, and he did. But Jungwoo was in a good mood even with having to work. Once the two of you finished eating you headed back to the table to work on wrapping Jungwoo’s gifts. Jungwoo came in with bags full of gifts and dropped them on the table.

“Alright how do we do this?” Jungwoo questions.

“What do you mean? Like how many are you wrapping and how many am I wrapping?”

“No like how are we wrapping them.” You stared at Jungwoo and then it dawned on you.

“Jungwoo have you ever wrapped a present before?” Jungwoo looks to the side then back at you with a sheepish look on his face.

“Someone has always done it for me.” He admits.

“Come here. I’ll show you how to wrap a present.” You wave your hand in a come here motion and Jungwoo steps up next to you.

“Okay let’s start with an easy gift,” you pull out a gift that is in a box, “First pick out what wrapping paper you want to use and then unroll some of it.”

Jungwoo does as he says and grabs some wrapping paper and rolls some of it out onto the table. You set the box down on the wrapping paper and walk him through how to measure how much paper you’ll need to cover the whole gift. Where to tape it and then the fun part picking out the ribbons and bows to put on the gift to make it extra pretty. Jungwoo listens to everything you say following your instructions exactly.

“How do I make the ribbon curl?” Jungwoo looks to you as he holds the scissors and ribbon.

“Like this,” you step behind him, leaning over you place your hands over his and show him how to run the ribbon over the scissors to make it curl. When you turn to look at Jungwoo, he is already looking at you and freeze. Jungwoo is looking at you so intensely it makes you want to run away but you hold your ground and look right back at him.

“Y/n what would you say if I told you that I wanted to kiss you?” Jungwoo asks. You slowly blink and wonder if you heard him correctly. Did Jungwoo just tell you that he basically wants to kiss you.

“I would say that I want to kiss you too.” Jungwoo smiles at that and leans into you. You hold your breath waiting for his lips to touch yours, but they don’t. Instead, his forehead rest on yours.

“I want to kiss you and I’m thrilled that you want me to kiss you,” Jungwoo starts off, “but I’m not going to kiss you right now.”

You start to pull away, but Jungwoo places his hand at the back of your head and holds you gently in place and you don’t try to pull away from him. You look into his eyes and wonder what he is thinking.

“Y/n I think that we need to talk about somethings before we take this any farther. I want to do this right and know what we both want and were we stand with everything. So, I’m not going to kiss you right now but once we talk, I promise you the first thing I’m going to do is kiss you.”

“Let’s talk right now then and then get to the good stuff,” you urge him. You love that Jungwoo wants to do this right and that he is being kind and gentle with you. It’s something that you need especially after your last relationship but in this moment all you can think about are his lips touching yours.

“Soon, Jungwoo let’s out a breathy laugh. “Right now, let’s wrap these presents and then when we have a day that’s just the two of us, we’ll talk.”

“Okay as long as it’s soon,” you agree. Jungwoo gives your neck a squeeze and you know that you’ll talk soon.

“Let’s finish these presents.” Jungwoo says as he let’s you go. You straighten back up and move to sit beside Jungwoo. You watch as he goes about measuring the paper for the next present and smile to yourself. Maybe your Christmas gift from Jungwoo would be himself you were hoping so because right now he is the only thing that you want for Christmas.  

Y/n has one goal and one goal only. To make a gingerbread house. It shouldn’t be hard right? When Mark walks in to Y/n’s place though he’s not sure what to think when he sees what you’ve been working on.

Part of the long term couple series. Can be read as a stand alone.

           Scooping out another large glob of frosting you are determined this time to make sure that the walls of your gingerbread house stay up. When you had gotten the brilliant idea to make a gingerbread house for Christmas you didn’t think that it would be this hard. But it was proving more difficult than you thought it would be. Every time you got three walls standing the last wall would somehow fall and you knew that if you couldn’t get the walls to stand on their own there was no way that they were going to stay up when you put the roof on. Carefully adding frosting to the bottom of your stand and the gingerbread wall you move it into place once again.

           Holding your breath, you push the wall up against the other two walls hoping that they’ll all stay standing this time. Slowly moving your hand back, you pump your fist in the air when the walls stay standing. It had only taken you four tries, but you finally managed to get the walls to stay standing. Now all you had to do next was get the roof on and then you could really start to decorate. Glancing over at the clock on the wall you knew that Mark would be to your place soon and while you had hoped that you would have the gingerbread house done before he got to your place you didn’t think that was going to happen anymore.

           Turning your attention back to the gingerbread house you focused on getting the roof on without any of the walls collapsing. Somehow you had managed to get the roof on with all of the walls standing up. Maybe the hard part was over and everything after this was going to be easy.

           “Are you kidding me why are you falling!” Mark hears as he opens the door to your apartment.

           “Y/n?” Mark calls as he walks further into the apartment. He wasn’t sure what was going on but from the sound of your voice whatever was happening was making you upset.

           “In the kitchen,” you call back to him. “Why are you leaning to the side?”

           Mark enters the kitchen and sees your kitchen table is covered with a variety of gumdrops, m&m’s, frosting, and other candy. He also sees what he is assuming is supposed to be a gingerbread house though it looks more like a pile of cookie, frosting, and candy. Mark then looks at you. Your hair is thrown up into a messy bun, pieces of hair are falling out of it. You have frosting on you and some red dye smeared across your face.

           “Do I even want to know what is going on?” Mark is approaching you like you are a wild animal and that any sudden movements by him will cause you to either bolt or strike out at him.

           “I’m trying to make a gingerbread house,” you tell him barely giving him a glance as you try to shift the leaning house back into an upright position. “But the stupid house won’t stay standing, the roof is collapsing in, and I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten my weight in chocolate because I’m getting stressed out from this stupid thing.”

           “Okay why don’t you just calmly set down the frosting and butterknife and we can figure out a way to fix this.” Glaring at Mark you can’t decide if he’s being serious or if he is teasing you.

           “Mark, I swear if you’re teasing me about my gingerbread house, I’m going to throw it at you.” What you don’t do is set down the frosting or the knife. Instead, you focus back on the leaning house and wonder if you could use pretzels to support the house and keep it upright.

           “I’m not teasing. I’m being serious just set everything down and take a step back. Maybe what you need is a break and when you come back with a fresh mind, you’ll be able to get it to stand upright.”  Mark does have a point. You have been working on this house for hours maybe you should step away for a bit and come back to it later.

           “You might be right,” Setting the frosting and knife down you really look at your boyfriend and while you know he is being serious you can see it in his eyes and the twitching of his lips that he wants to laugh but won’t.

           “Making a gingerbread house is harder than it looks!” You defend yourself. Though you’re probably the only person on this planet who has struggled as much as you have with getting a gingerbread house made.

           “I’m sure it is,” Nods Mark. He moves towards you and leans in to wipe the frosting from your face. “I think even with your gingerbread house leaning to the side and the collapsing roof it still looks great.”

           “Really?” You question because glancing over at the house you think that it looks like a mess, and you don’t think would give Mark the same complement if your places were reversed.

           “Maybe it’s not great but I like it because you made it.” Mark admits causing you to laugh and Mark joins you. It’s as the two of you are laughing that the house leans even more and eventually the whole thing collapses into a pile of cooking, frosting, and candy.

           Your eyes widen and you look over at Mark who is looking at the pile with wide eyes as well before he turns to face you. He’s waiting for your reaction your sure of it. He probably doesn’t know if you are going to laugh, cry, or scream. And while you want to do all three laughter wins out. You throw your head back and laugh. Mark joins you once again and moves towards you to pull you into his arms.

           “Still think my house is great?” You laugh into Marks chest. You can feel Mark’s body shaking and you look up into his laughing face. He leans down to kiss you while the two of you continue to laugh.

           “I think anything that you do is great. Even a collapse gingerbread house.” Mark reaches out to the gingerbread house and picks up one of the pieces that is covered in frosting and candy and holds it out to you to take a bite. The house may not have turned out, but it sure does taste good.

It’s Christmas Eve and Y/n is not expecting Jaehyun to be home until Christmas day. But it seems that Y/n is going to be getting an early Christmas present.

Part of the long term couples series but can be read as a stand alone.

           Jaehyun quietly unlocks the door to your apartment and toes off his shoes in the entryway before he silently makes his way down the hallway towards your bedroom. He had told you that he wouldn’t be back until Christmas day but him and the rest of his members had been able to wrap up the video shoot early and were back in Korea by Christmas Eve. Jaehyun had thought about calling you and letting you know that he was going to be back sooner than planned but he had decided to wait and surprise you instead.

           As Jaehyun makes his way down the hallway he looks into the living room and sees your Christmas tree with the lights on and a few presents sitting under the tree. Jaehyun remember when you had dragged the fake tree out of your closet and told him that the two of you were going to decorate the tree together and you didn’t want to hear any complaining from him. When he was about to open his mouth to protest you quickly shut him down by saying “We are doing this as a couple, and I know it’s lame, but I want to do this.”

           That had gotten him to shut his mouth and help you set up the tree and decorate it. Once the tree was done Jaehyun had to admit that he enjoyed decorating the tree and he had a strong feeling that the reason had to do with the person who was standing next to him admiring the work that they had done together. Jaehyun adds his present for you to the rest of the gifts before he turns off the lights and continues down the hallway.

           Gently pushing open the door to your room Jaehyun sees you laying on your side, legs tucked up close to your chest, one of your hands is tucked under your cheek. Jaehyun found it cute that you slept like that whenever he wasn’t next to you. As much as you liked to claim that you weren’t a cuddler in sleep you were. Once you started to drift off to sleep you would turn into him and thrown a leg and arm over him. There had even been times when he had woken up on his side with you curled around him face pressed into his back.

           Moving to the bed Jaehyun sat down on the side and reached out towards you. He ran the back of his hand down the side of your face causing you to stir. Your face scrunched up in annoyance and your eyes started too slowly open. You looked up at him and blinked away the sleep and confusion at seeing him earlier than you had planned. Jaehyun smiled down at you letting you wake up and get your bearings.

           “Hi,” you whisper your voice filled with sleep. “When did you get back?”

           “Landed about two hours ago and came here as soon as I could.” Jaehyun told you. You nodded your head in understanding still not fully awake. You scoot over in the bed making room for Jaehyun.

           “Lay with me,” you tell him. Jaehyun smiles at you before he crawls into bed with you. The two of you lay on your sides facing one another. You waited about two seconds before you moved right into Jaehyun space.

           “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you until tomorrow.” You tell his chest. Your hand starts to trace up and down his side. The touch of your fingertips is so soft Jaehyun can barely feel it and he finds the motion calming.

           “We finished early and were able to convince management to let us go home early to be with those we care about for the holiday.” He tells you his voice starting to fade out as he starts to let the tiredness from work and traveling set in.

           “I’m glad that you’re here,” you whisper as you notice that Jaehyun is starting to drift off.

           “Me too. I was worried that I wouldn’t get to spend Christmas with you,” Jaehyun admits. You snuggle in closer to him and kiss his chest.

           “You made it, with plenty of time to spare,” Jaehyun nods his head in agreement.

           “Made it in time to spend Christmas Eve with you and then wake up and do Christmas day the right way. Now sleep Y/n otherwise Santa won’t come, and you won’t have any presents to open on Christmas day.”

           “You can just tell me that you’re tired Jaehyun you don’t have to make up stories about Santa coming. I’m an adult and know the truth.” You inform him.

           “Shh, let’s just pretend for tonight that he’s real and embrace all the magic that Christmas brings with it. Now close your eyes and dream of sugar plums.”

           You’re about to tease Jaehyun and ask him when he became such a knowledgeable man about Christmas. But you can see the exhaustion that is written all over his face and how he is fighting to stay awake and talk with you and while you want to you talk more to him and enjoy having him back home you know that you’ll have all day tomorrow with him which is more than what you were originally going to get.

           “Alright, let’s sleep and dream of sugar plums,” you stretch up and gently touch your lips to Jaehyun’s “Merry Christmas Jaehyun.”

           “Merry Christmas Y/n.” Jaehyun tells you before he drifts off to sleep. You snuggle into him with a smile on your face, eyes closed, and instead of dreaming about sugar plums you dream about yours and Jaehyun’s first Christmas together.

After a bad break up you are finally moving into your new place. As you’re moving into your new place you are reflecting on the past month and mostly on how your friendship with Jungwoo has grown and started to change.

Part of the long term couple series. 

             Looking at all the boxes that filled your new apartment a giant smile spread across your face. You were finally free! Never again would you have to worry about walking into your place and seeing your ex and his new girlfriend sitting on the couch making out. You wouldn’t have to sneak out of your room and cautiously make your way towards the bathroom and pray that she wasn’t in there. And best of all you no longer had to keep all your anger in and pretend to be nice. That had to be the worst part of living the last month with your ex. Acting like it didn’t hurt to have his new relationship flaunted in front of you and that it didn’t make your heart ache at times.

           The only thing that had made the last month even slightly bearable was your new friendship with Jungwoo. You weren’t sure at first if you and Jungwoo were going to work as friends. For starters Jungwoo was a lot touchier than you and he liked to communicate, a lot. When you had called him a day later after seeing him at the bakery, he instantly started in on you and how it had taken you to long to reach out to him. Then when you two had hung out in person he was always touching you in someway be it his foot touching your, his arm around your shoulders, he had somehow managed to make sure there was some form of contact between the two of you.

           This had been nice when the two of you were at your shared apartment. When your ex had come in with his girlfriend you had instantly stiffened and Jungwoo had noticed it right away. The arm the was resting casually around your shoulders wrapped tighter around you and pulled you in closer to him. When you looked up at him Jungwoo’s kind eyes were looking down at you.

           “Don’t give him that power,” he whispered, you nodded your head in agreement and gave him a hesitant smile. “Remember he’s not worth your tears.”

           After that things had started to get easier between you and Jungwoo and he had become an important part of your life. Jungwoo was the person that you texted when you were having a bad day or found a funny meme. He was the one who had come with you to all of your showings and helped you decide on the place you were currently standing in. He was also the person who had helped you move and was staying to help you unpack.

           “I think we gained more boxes somehow. Because I do not remember carrying this many boxes out of your old place,” Jungwoo huffed as he dropped the last of your boxes onto the floor without a care in the world. You would have yelled at him if the box wasn’t clearly labeled clothes.

           “I don’t know what to tell you. The number of boxes has not changed. Maybe you’re just getting weak.” You tease Jungwoo as you start to open boxes.

           “No, that is definitely not it,” Jungwoo shook his head as he made his way towards you and peered into the box you had open. Jungwoo didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your middle and rest his chin on your shoulder. Like you had said Jungwoo was someone who liked contact.

           “Can we please eat first before we continue to unpack. Everyone else got to eat but you and me!” Jungwoo wasn’t wrong when he had brought over his friends to help you unpack you had ordered food for everyone as a thank you, but you hadn’t had a chance to eat. You were to focused on getting everything out of your apartment and Jungwoo had helped you with that. While everyone else waited for you at your new place to unload and carry everything up. Giving them all time to eat. At the mention of food your stomach gave a loud grumbled.

           “Let’s get food.” You laugh as Jungwoo giggles beside you. Before he lets you go, he gives your neck a quick peck and moves away from you to grab his phone. You stare after him as he goes. Jungwoo has never kissed you before and you’re not sure what to make of it.

           “Where do you want to order from?” Jungwoo calls as he scrolls through his phone unfazed but what he just did.

           “Um,” you start causing Jungwoo to look up at you and you feel a blush creep across your face.

           “Why are you blushing?” The question is innocent but there is no way that you are telling Jungwoo that his lips are the reason for your blush.

           “Am I?” You play dumb, “It must just be from all the work we have done. Just ignore it. Order from wherever you’d like you know my order.”

           You go back to the box you were unpacking and listen to Jungwoo as he places your order. He then rejoins you in the living room. Glancing over at him you take in all that his Jungwoo. When you had first met him, you had found him cute but were too heartbroken to really take him in. Then as your friendship started to grow you guess you never really focused on anything but that and mending your broken heart and ego. Now though, as you looked over at Jungwoo you were suddenly very aware of him. And not just in his looks which were suddenly very noticeable to you. Had Jungwoo’s lips always been so soft and plump looking and why did he suddenly seem taller and to move with a gracefulness you hadn’t noticed before.

           “Y/n are you feeling, okay? You’re staring and you look a little flushed?” Jungwoo breaks you out of your trance and your eyes fly to his that are watching you with concern.

           “All good. I think I’m just more tired than I realized, and it’s suddenly hit me,” you tell him.

           “Let’s take a break than. It’s not like you have to get everything unpacked today and I don’t have anything going on tomorrow I can help you then as well.” Jungwoo grabs your hand and pulls you towards the couch. Of course, your tv was set up. The guys had claimed that was something that had to be taken care of right away. Although why it took almost five them to get it set up, you’ll never know.

           Jungwoo pulls you into his side and turns on the tv. He soon finds a mindless show for the two of you to watch. Knowing that right now you are not going to be able to focus on anything new and you like how he knows that without you having to even say it. Halfway through your show your food arrives and it’s exactly what you like. Jungwoo hands you your food with a smile before he returns his attention to the tv.

           “Jungwoo,” you call. He gives you a distracted hm and continues to eat and watch the show.

           “Thank you for all of this.” You tell him as you scoot a little closer to him. Jungwoo looks over at you and studies you for a moment.

           “Why do I feel like you aren’t just thanking me for the food?”

           “Because I’m not.” You admit. “I’m thanking you for everything. For letting me cry at your place the first time we met. For coming to the bakery to check on me and for everything after it. I don’t know what I would have done this past month without you, and I just wanted you to know that I’m thankful for it all.”

           Jungwoo’s face softens at that. He sets down his food and takes yours out of your hands so he can pull you into a hug. You wrap your arms around him and breathe in the scent that is Jungwoo. You don’t know how you had gone on so long without knowing him but you’re glad that you know him now.

           “You don’t have to thank me for being there for you. I’ll always be here for you.” Jungwoo says it with such seriousness that you don’t question it or make a joke. Instead, you just squeeze him a little tighter before pulling away and return to your food and the tv. Jungwoo does the same and for the first time in your friendship you’re the one to initiate contact. You slide closer so you and Jungwoo are touching from hip down. Jungwoo doesn’t say anything, but he does tangle his one leg with yours and you notice the side of his mouth twitch up.

Taeyong comes to walk y/n home after work and with teh snow falling and him feeling romantic. Taeyong takes you on a romantic winter stroll that leads to dancing with the snowflakes falling around you.

Part of the long term couple series. Can be read as a stand alone. 

           Locking the door to the studio you pull on your gloves before turning to face the snow fall that greets you. Thankfully it was a warmer night for winter and there was no wind. Making the snowflakes that were falling more enjoyable. You look up at the sky watching the snowflakes gracefully make their way down to the ground. You always liked watching it snow it was something that you found calming. Stepping out from under the awning you tilt your head down to avoid getting snow in your face and start the short walk back to your place.

           As you’re walking you hear a ping from your phone. Pulling it out of your pocket you smile as you see it’s a message from Taeyong. Opening your phone, you stop walking as you read the message.

Taeyong: Turn around. I want to walk with my girlfriend in this romantic setting

Turning around you see Taeyong standing a few feet away from you in a black peacoat, with a scarf wrapped around him, and gloves on. His nose and ears are a little pink from the cold, and he smiles at you as you make your way towards him. You stop in front of him and tilt your head back causing a few snowflakes to fall on your face. Taeyong reaches out to wipe them away and leans down to kiss you on the tip of your nose.

           “Hi,” he whispers to you causing your stomach to flutter and heart to race. Only he could do that to you with one simple word.

           “Hi,” you whisper back. “I thought you had to work late tonight?”

           “We finished early, and I thought I’d walk you home.” Taeyong reaches out for your hand and then pulls you in close to him before he starts to walk in the direction of your place.

           “I’m glad you did. You get to now have this romantic moment with me as you pointed out earlier.” Taeyong nods in agreement. He glances down at you and smiles.

           “You look pretty with your cheeks and nose red and snowflakes in your hair and eyelashes.” You smile at the compliment.

           “Thanks, you look pretty good yourself.” You tell him back. You like walking with him like this. It’s comfortable and you are enjoying the chance to have a moment alone with your boyfriend. “Are you cold?”

           “No? Why do you ask?” Taeyong pulls you in closer to him thinking that maybe you are cold.

           “If you’re not cold I was wondering if you would be okay with making the walk a little longer?” You weren’t ready to give up this moment yet and wanted to make it last just a little longer.

           “I think I can handle that.” Taeyong smiles down at you and the two of you turn right instead of going left towards your place.

           The two of you wander the streets not really paying attention to where the two of you are walking. Soon you find yourself in the park. Surprisingly the Christmas lights are still on, and you can hear Christmas music playing through the speakers that are placed throughout the park. Taeyong starts to slow his steps until the two of you are at a standstill. You turn towards him and without a word Taeyong positions the two of you, so you are ready to dance. When you look up at him, he gives you a small nod and doesn’t move until you give him a returned nod letting him know that you are ready. Then he takes his first step, and you follow his lead.

           The two of you move about like you have been dancing with one another for years. There is a comfortableness that is there that usually only comes after dancing with the same person for years. You trust in Taeyong and his movements. You know that he won’t lead you astray. As Taeyong glides you around your eyes stay locked with his. You don’t bother to look anywhere else. As the song comes to an end and another one starts up Taeyong easily changes the speed at which the two of you are dancing to.

           He starts to slow the two of yours movement and you go from gliding to a much slower pace and instead of large movement they become smaller and more precise. Eventually he slows the two of you down until you are just swaying back and forth in one another’s arms. Taeyong pulls you in closer to him until you are flush against his front. You curl your arms around him and bunch the back of his jacket between your fists. You turn your head to the side to rest your head against his chest. Taeyong’s one hand stays to rest on your back while the other glides up into your hair. Taeyong hand strokes through your hair as the two of you stand there in one another’s arms, the snow falling down around you.

           “You really know how to make a moment romantic,” you whispered not wanting to have the moment ruined by any loudness.

           “You bring it out in me,” Taeyong whispers back. The two of you continue to stand there rocking back and forth slightly. Neither of you are ready to let the moment go just yet. Eventually the cold starts to seep into your body and a chill runs through you.

           “We should head back before the both of us get sick,” Taeyong pulls slightly away from you and readjust you to his side.

           “Alright,” you sigh wishing that the moment could last longer but understanding why the two of you need to head back. Your cold and staying out here just to prolong the moment will only lead to you or both of you getting sick.

           Before you two leave Taeyong brushes some hair off of your hair and smiles down at you. He leans in towards you and presses his lips to yours. You lean into Taeyong your eyes closing as his lips touch yours. The kiss doesn’t last long but it has quickly become one of your favorites. Because it was with Taeyong the man who wanted to walk  you home after work, who took you walking because it was romantic, and then danced with you in the snow.

summary:“i’m scared to walk home alone in the dark and every one of my contacts are either busy or not answering so my desperate ass googled up call boy numbers and you answered but I have to explain to you that I don’t want sex I just want to talk to somebody!”

pairing:johnny x reader

genre:office! au, call boy! au, fluff

You walked through the halls of the office, papers in one hand and a cup of steaming coffee in another. You sent warm smiles to the few amount of people who passed by you, who nodded in return. Arriving in front of a door with the name “Seo Youngho” engraved on a plaque, you set the files down and knocked.

“Come in,” a muffled voice sounded from inside. You opened the door and peeked inside, finding your boss hunched over his desk, focused on doing paperwork. His circular specs were almost falling off his nose, but he made no move to push it back up.

“The papers you asked photocopied for the meeting tomorrow morning and your coffee, sir,” you said, not too loud in fear of disturbing his focus. He waved a hand to his desk dismissively.

Stepping outside once more to grab the files you had put down, you used your back to push open the door and readjusted the heavy load to ease the discomfort on both your forearm and hip. Walking forward, you tentatively set down his coffee on his desk and the files beside his paperwork.

“Thank you, (Y/N).”

You hummed, waiting a little until he finished signing something. Noticing you were still there, he looked up at you from under his glasses in question.

“Did you need something?”

“Um, with all due respect, sir,” you fiddled with the ends of your shirt nervously, “It’s getting quite late and I still have chores to do at home…”

You trailed off. He got the message, eyes trailing to the clock on the wall.

“Ah,” he rubbed the back of his nape in slight embarrassment, “You’re free to go, then.”

Nodding, you turned around and exited his office with a small “Have a nice day, sir.” You walked down the now nearly empty hall, spotting a few cubicles still alive with the sound of crunching keyboards and light filtering under office doors. Shaking your head, you continued down the hall and grabbed your bags, shrugging on your bomber jacket over your white blouse and pink skirt. You fished your phone out of your pocket, clicking the home button and frowning at the time. 9:42 PM.  

You passed by the front desk, the receptionist already snoring softly. Chuckling softly to yourself, you walked out through the spinning doors and stepped onto the streets outside. The night wind was chilly, the moon covered by the cloudy sky. Suppressing a shiver, you unlocked your phone and called the number of your best friend.

“I’m sorry, the number you have dialed is currently out of reach. Please try again lat-“ you ended the call before the it could finish. Furrowing your brows, you scrolled down your contacts and tried calling your brother instead. It rang thrice before the automated voice greeted you once more. You let out a frustrated sigh.

You spent a good fifteen minutes in front of the office, dialing different numbers of your friends and either receiving no answer or quick, hushed explanations that they were busy and hanging up before you could even get a word in. Your parents were no option, either—they were abroad enjoying the vacation of their lives. It was expensive, and plus, you didn’t want to disturb them. Running a hand through your hair distractedly, you bit your lip and considered your choices.

Your house was just barely within walking distance, but it would still take you a good amount of time. Before you started working at the office, you were convinced that you could walk or take a bus home, but you certainly weren’t expecting to come home at this ungodly hour. Unfortunately, the nearest station that entertained 24-hour buses was a four-mile walk. You clicked your tongue in annoyance at your misfortune.

It wasn’t that you were scared of the dark or anything, but walking home alone at night wasn’t exactly the safest thing for a woman. You tightened your jacket around yourself, remembering the stories your mother had told you about the dangers of the streets after the sun had set. They were just stories until one of the girls at your campus was stalked and mugged after walking home at night alone. That was when you made it a habit to call someone every time you were doing so – they may not be there with you, but their voices calmed your nerves. Plus, you read online that if you were being stalked, you could inform the person at the other end of your whereabouts and situation updates. It was a foolproof plan; if only people had the time for it.

An idea struck your head. Not a good one, but it was an idea nonetheless. You took a few minutes to contemplate it, but then realized the longer you took the time to think, the darker and more dangerous it was going to be for you.

“I’m really out of my mind,” you groaned, chiding yourself mentally. But you don’t get anywhere being sane, right? A small voice responded in your head. You sighed. She had a point.

Mind made up, you opened your browser anyways and turned on incognito mode. You didn’t want anyone snooping through your history seeing what you were going to do today. Cheeks blushing, you searched up ‘call boy numbers’. Within seconds, an array of results popped up. Ignoring their provocative titles, your fingers tapped the first website that showed up on your screen. The red tint of your cheeks deepened as the webpage loaded; the titles and advertisements were far too vulgar for your taste. Your eyes averted over the images, wisely choosing to pretend that they did not exist.

You scrolled down to find a list of names and individual phone numbers. You read over them, finding one name that snagged your eye. Johnny,it read. The name sounded American—maybe calling a foreigner would bring less shame to your family. Bonus points if he didn’t understand a lick of what you were saying.  

With a deep inhale, you clicked on the green call button. Your screen darkened and you tentatively brought it up to your ear. After a couple of seconds of ringing, it stopped. Your heart felt like it was going to leap out of its chest —a quick glance at the screen showed that you were connected.

“H-Hello?” You started hesitantly, “Johnny-ssi?”

“That’s me,” a deep voice responded, and you felt a shiver run down your spine,  “What would you like me to do, babygirl? Do you like it when I call you that?”

Your cheeks were on fire, “A-Actually, I was wondering if you could just stay on the line instead of coming over? I’ll still pay your company, of course, just without the sex part?”

Your voice had dropped to a whisper, and you looked around to see if anyone was watching you. No one was in sight, fortunately. You heard a chuckle from the other end.

“If that’s what you want, babygirl. You don’t want daddy to see you pleasuring yourself, do you?” There was a sharp intake of breath from the phone, “You’re such a bad girl. Should daddy punish you?”

At this point, you were as red as a beet, “I don’t—oh my god, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this—Johnny-ssi, can we talk normally? Please?”

There was silence for a few moments. Afraid that you pissed him off, you were about to launch into an apologetic spiel, but he beat you to it.  

“Yeah, sure, what’s up?” His tone was casual now, almost relaxed. You were taken aback at the sudden change and difference in his voice, but you recomposed yourself.

“It’s just that, um,” you started, “I’ve just finished work at this hour and I’m terrified at walking home alone, but all of my friends were either too busy or didn’t pick up so in my desperation I had the stupidest idea to, I don’t know, google up call boy numbers and call one—Johnny-ssi, are you there?”

You pulled your phone away and stared at the screen for a quick second, showing that you were still connected.

“Yeah, I’m still here. Continue,” he prompted. You sighed softly.

“So will you talk to me while I walk back home? Just for peace of mind, you know?” You asked, cringing at yourself as you imagined all the possible ways he could reject you, “Plus, someone needs to know if I got murdered or not.”

It was silent for a few seconds. Just after you thought he hung up on you, you heard, “Are you serious?”

“Yes!” You were almost reaching the point of begging, “Please! It’s just until I get home, I promise. If you don’t want to hear from me ever again I’ll never even look at your number. At least it makes for a good story to tell, right? Will you do it?”

“Oh, uh, yeah, sure,” he cleared his throat, “Is it a long walk to your house?”

“No, it usually takes fifteen to twenty minutes,” you bit your lip hesitantly, “So, Johnny-ssi—it’s okay if I call you that, right? Do you have another name that you prefer to be called with?”

“No, no, Johnny’s fine,” he chuckled.

“Well, um, Johnny-ssi, what are your hobbies and interests?”

With that, you began your walk home. You didn’t know if it was the call boy charms or pure charisma, but conversation was light and easy between you two. He even made you laugh a couple of times, especially with his corny jokes.

“Enough with embarrassing me,” you could hear his smile from the other end of the line, “What about you? I’ve never had a client quite as interesting as you with their requests.”

“What is this, twenty questions?” You laughed lightly, but then mulled it over, “On second thought, that’s actually not that bad of an idea. Should we play it?”

“If you want to. I’ll go first, then; ever had a pet?”

“Sadly, no,” you sighed, “I’ve always wanted one but my mom’s allergic to fur. I had a goldfish once as a kid, though; Concrete didn’t last very long.”

“You named your goldfish Concrete?” You heard his flabbergasted tone and let out a small laugh.

“I wasn’t very creative as a kid,” another bout of laughter pealed out of your lips, “How about you?”

You heard his chuckle from the other end of the line, “That’s something we have in common. I had a dog named Flower before I moved away.”

You let out another giggle before you could stop yourself, “Good to know I’m not alone in this world, then. Speaking of pets, do you happen to have any pet peeves, Johnny-ssi?”

Surprisingly, Johnny and you had more in common than you thought. The both of you talked about everything there was to talk about. Your opinions that contrasted, though, made for good conversation topics—the both of you spent a good chunk of your walk debating whether or not water was wet.

By the time you turned the corner to your street, you found yourself more than a little disappointed. You had to admit, there were times that you found yourself walking slower than usual just to prolong the conversation you had with him. The house that before seemed far away was just a few strides away now.

“Hey, Johnny-ssi? I’ve arrived in front of my house,” you rummaged your bag for your keys, and once you found them, held them tightly in your grip before inserting them to the door, “Thanks for accompanying me all the way back. Well, on the other side of the line, anyway. I really appreciate you not hanging up the moment I told you this, um, honestly less-than-bright idea. As promised, I wouldn’t bother you again, right?”  

“The pleasure was all mine,” he replied. You felt your stomach drop slightly. A second of silence passed before he spoke up again, “For the record, I wouldn’t mind in the slightest if you wanted to bother me again. You know my number, don’t you?”

“I—Yes, I do?” It came out more as a question than an answer. You were surprised, to say the least. He chuckled.

“Well, it’s getting late—you should get some sleep. Make sure to sleep well.”

Still flustered, you managed a flimsy reply, “G-Good night, Johnny-ssi.”

“Good night to you, too. Dream of me, will you?”

You heard him laugh before you hung up on the call, face lighting up like a christmas tree. Call boy charms indeed.


You sighed, bringing the cup of steaming coffee to your lips as you leaned on the countertop of the pantry. You relished the feeling of the warmth flowing from your mouth to your throat, warming up your stomach.  The cold air nipped at your bare arms, biting all the way to your bones. Not only was it freezing, the office was practically abandoned.

“Oh? (Y/N), you aren’t going home yet?” Nakamoto Yuta walked in, blazer off and only clad in black slacks and a white dress shirt. His usually neat hair seemed messy, almost like he had run his hands in it multiple times. You couldn’t blame him, though—working in this particular company could be stressful at times.

“Nah,” you shrugged, looking at the clock carefully positioned on the wall from under your lashes. You brought the cup of coffee down, “Youngho-ssi likes to work late.”

“It’s almost eleven, though. Want me to walk you home?” He winked before walking over to make his own cup of coffee. You simply let out a small snort, which he chuckled at.

Yuta, although stationed at one of the higher-ranking positions in the office, had a reputation of flirting with the new interns. You had been here long enough to be immune to it.

“Seriously, though,” he frowned, but the twinkle didn’t disappear from his eye, “It’s really late. Are you sure you’ll be fine? Just because Youngho works late doesn’t mean you should, too.”

“S’alright—It probably gets lonely for him. And you practically live on the other side of the city.”

“You’re right,” he chuckled, walking back to the door and putting a hand on your shoulder, “Don’t hesitate to knock on my office if you need me.”

With another wink, he breezed out of the pantry. You brought the coffee cup once again to your lips and tilted it upwards, only to find that it was already empty. You let out an irked sound and pushed yourself off the counter, throwing the paper cup to the trash can before walking to the coffee machine to make another cup for your boss.

You swiped the Americano from the coffee machine, pouring half a packet of creamer into it and quarter a packet of sugar, just how he liked it. Mindlessly, you started to hum to I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. It had been stuck in your head all day—your brother had been having his own concert during his hour-long showers and you just so happened to have overheard him singing the song. You grabbed a spoon and started to stir the cup of coffee, eyes glancing at the clock on the wall. To be fair, it was a good hour or two later than your usual late hours.

You took the spoon out and left it on the sink, turning around only to be faced with a broad chest. You let out a little scream of shock, nearly dropping the mug. Your boss’s face stared down at you, eyebrows up in question at your panicked attitude. His hair was disheveled and tie undone, giving him an unkempt look uncharacteristic of him.

“You should go home, (Y/N). It’s really late.” He said, and you took a moment to calm yourself before nodding.

“Yes, yes, I—right,” you held out the cup of coffee to him, “Your coffee, sir. Have a nice day—night. Remaining time left of the day.”

You cleared your throat awkwardly. He took it from your hands, and you diverted your eyes to the floor before slinking beside his frame to exit the pantry. That was embarrassing.

“Make sure to get home safely, (Y/N)!” You heard him call out as you walked away.

You made sure to mutter a “Thank you!” before grabbing your bag and shrugging on your jacket. Before the day could get any later, you made your way out of the building into the cold night. The sound of your phone ringing the other side of the line was a welcome buzz to your ears.  It’s been a month or two since you started regularly calling Johnny, and the time you spent walking back to your house has, admittedly, become the favourite part of your otherwise routine day.


“Hey. I was starting to wonder when you’d call,” came the familiar voice. You smiled, heart lightening already. “You’re going home a bit later than usual, don’t you think? They better be paying you overtime.”

“It’s fine—well, kinda,” you snorted softly, “It is a bit closer to midnight. S’alright, though. How’s your day been?”

“Pretty uneventful. You have anything going on for you?”

“You wanna hear all the boring stuff?”

“Of course. I love listening to you talk,” he purred. You sputtered, cheeks flaming up as he laughed. “Are you blushing yet?”

“Oh, shut up, you,” you walked leisurely under the street lamps, “I started off the day kind of late. Got to the office, had a couple of meetings, worked on this one partnership proposal my boss is having a hard time approving. Ah, I don’t know. I’m definitely going to work on it again once I get home. What else? The weather’s getting colder, and it’s not helping that the office heaters are either broken or constantly on low heat. I’m not very good with the cold, if you can’t tell. My brother has been obsessed with I’m Yours by Jason Mraz and I think it’s infecting me, too. I’ve been trying to get it out of my head by humming but it’s just not working. And I think I’m rambling again. Sorry about that. Johnny?”

There was silence, then a rustling sound. “Hello?”

“Oh. Sorry. You… got cut off for a bit there,” he cleared his throat, voice underlined with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. “By I’m Yours, you mean the one that goes…”

You listened to him sing, a small smile playing on your lips. “Yeah, that’s the one. You never told me you sang, Johnny.”

“What can I say, I’m a man of many talents,” you rolled your eyes. “But I’m curious about your office life.”

“I’ll tell you about it if you do that parrot impersonation one more time.”

“You’re gonna record it!”

“Only for research purposes!”


“Are you done with the partnership files, Jaehyun-ssi?”

“Hmm?” Your coworker looked up from packing his documents to his briefcase, blanking out for a split second before his mind returned to his head. “Oh! The papers! One second—it’s here somewhere…”

He looked around his desk, flipping through some piles of paper and upturning others. He eventually grasped a thick bundle held together by a binder clip at the bottom of his messes, pulling them out and handing them to you.

“Thanks. Make sure you get home safely, Jaehyun-ssi.” You knocked twice on his cubicle wall, turning around with a wave.

You heard him call out “You too!” as you walked down the quiet hallway, making your way to your desk. Lately, you’ve found the office more bearable—heaters all around the floor had been turned up, and someone had even put in a maintenance request for the broken ones. A small smile turned up on your lips at that.

You settled down on your desk, ready to finish up on a report. Not even five minutes had passed before someone broke your concentration.

“Knock-knock,” you let out a small yelp, turning your head to the side to see your boss leaning against the wall beside your desk, eyes glimmering with an emotion you couldn’t decipher. His tie was loose, strands of hair escaping his usual neat hairstyle. “Earth to (Y/N).”

You blushed, embarrassed, “R-Right! What is it, sir?”

“There’s not much to do tomorrow,” he licked his lips, shoving a hand in his pant pocket, “You should wrap up and get back.”

A glance at the clock instantly made you understand why he was worried. “Right. Okay. Thank you. Are you sure you can…”

“I’m sure. Make sure you get home safely, (Y/N). And stay warm,” his eyes followed you as you shoved your laptop into your bag, grabbed your phone before standing up, “Do you need a ride?”

“I’m fine! It’s walking distance, but thank you,” you brushed yourself off and handed him the partnership files, “They’re from Jaehyun-ssi. Make sure you get home safely too, sir. Good night.”

He waved goodbye to you, and you made your way to the lobby. It took a while for your cheeks to regain their original color. Although you had been working under Seo Youngho for quite a while, you didn’t fail to notice how attentive he was starting to be. Of course, how incredibly attractive he was didn’t escape your radar, either. As his secretary, though, it was absolutely important for you to keep up your professionalism—even if he was really hot.

You rummaged through your bag to find your jacket, only to realize you had completely forgotten it by your coat hanger. Drat. You cursed yourself for your own stupidity. Oh well.

The moment you took a step outside, the wind instantly nipped at your exposed arms. You withheld a shiver, looking at the sky. It wasn’t thatlate yet, and the street lamps illuminated the sidewalk quite brightly. Just for tonight, you were going to walk alone.

Despite having a lot of fun with Johnny, you didn’t want to impose on his work too much. Plus, he had been acting a little oddly as of late. It wouldn’t kill you to be a bit more independent for a couple of nights. You huffed, gripping your phone tightly in your hands as you walked down the streets.

Not a lot of people were out and about, and you could spot a couple a ways up ahead and a guy walking on the opposite side of the street. It calmed your heart a little, at least. It was quiet for a while, the wind biting your arms and swaying the trees. As you walked through a reflective store display, though, you spotted somebody walking a bit behind you.

Wait, wasn’t that the guy who was walking in the opposite direction before? Your brows furrowed. No. He probably went the wrong direction. It’s alright. He’s just trying to get home, like me.

Despite you trying to convince yourself, your heart started to beat a bit faster. You walked a bit faster, but also heard his footsteps speed up to match your pace. The couple who had walked in front of you had long disappeared. You gripped your phone tighter.

Before turning the corner, you stopped. Your heartbeat was in your ears, and you made a show to open your phone and open google maps before looking up at the street sign. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the man stop and stare at you. After a solid three minutes and no sign of him moving, you started to feel your blood rush and curses fly through your head. He was wearing a hoodie and a cap, swaying slightly in the wind—obviously intoxicated. You swore under your breath, shaky fingers opening your contacts as you took a step forward. He did the same.

You scrolled wildly for Johnny, clicking the call button at once and putting it to your ear as you speed walked. Your breathing was labored, mind already in overdrive.

Pick up, pick up, pick up! You begged. Please!


“Johnny!” You breathed out, voice small, “Please call somebody—Gwangmyeong sam-dong, hurry!”

“Are you okay? Are you safe? What’s happening?”


“Stay on the line with me—do not end the call. That is an order. What’s happening?”

“There’s someone following me. He’s—he’s right behind me. I can’t talk too loud. Please. I’m going to make a run for it.”

You heard crackling sounds on the other side, “Is your house far?”

“A bit more. I have to—” you gulped, “I have to unlock the door with the keys.”


You heard the footsteps behind you gaining speed. You braved a look, and the man smiled eerily at you, causing you to walk faster and faster until you were sprinting.

“Johnny!” You cried out, but you felt a hand grab your arm and pull you back roughly. Their nails were caked and dirty, hand grimy from filth. You screamed, dropping your phone.

Before you could look up to see their face, something forcefully ripped him away. His nails scratched your arm, but you could barely register the pain. You heard a loud crack and a thud, and you shut your eyes in hopes that everything would just go away.

When you opened your eyes, you saw the stalker sprinting away back in the direction you came from and the back of a man clad in a black blazer and pants. He was panting heavily, hair messy. His figure was familiar, and it wasn’t until he turned to you did you realize who he was.

“(Y/N)!” Before you could even register what was happening, he was already embracing you, pulling back to inspect you and make sure you didn’t have any injuries. “Are you alright? What did he do to you?”


“Your arm—you’re bleeding, (Y/N), let’s—”

You drop wordlessly, your arm still linked with his. Your breathing was still heavy, the thump-thumpof your heart and blood rushing loud in your ears. Out of a sudden, you felt a heavy weight on your back and shoulders, heat engulfing you. You look up to see your boss squatting in front of you, only wearing his pants and crinkled button-up.

“I thought I told you to stay warm,” he chided, adjusting his blazer over your shoulders to make sure it blocked out the wind. He placed something on your hand, and you looked down to see it was your phone—albeit with a crack on it. “You should probably end that call.”

The line was still connected to Johnny, and you stared at it for a moment before bringing it up to your ears.


“Here,” your head snapped up to see your boss with his phone beside his ear, voice both audible in front of you and through the phone speaker. “(Y/N)?”

You drop your phone once more, tears now flowing freely down your cheeks. Youngho’s face twists into a mix of surprise and panic, clearly at a loss of what to do.

“Oh my god—(Y/N), why are you crying? Please stop crying. I didn’t mean to—that guy is gone. Oh no, please stop crying.”

He brings you up to engulf you in a hug once more, rocking you slightly. You wrap your arms around him, tears wetting his shirt.

“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid Johnny, Youngho-ssi, whoever you are,” you wail, “I can’t believe you’re my hot boss. Why are you my hot boss? You could have been literally anyone else, and I’m so embarrassed and it’s all your fault. I’m sorry—I just really, really like you and—oh my god, please let the ground swallow me up whole.”

“Yes! Yes, it’s my fault. It’s all my fault. Please stop crying, (Y/N). I’m also really glad you think I’m hot, and I really, really like you too, but—oh no, I made it worse. I’ll do anything, I promise. I’ll walk you home every day after work, and I won’t ask you to make me coffee anymore, I’ve even quit my side job ever since you started calling me. Please feel better.”

“You quit your side job?”

“That’s not the point here, (Y/N). Really,” he stared you down, eyes softening, “I promised myself I wouldn’t make you cry. I’ll do anything to make up for it, okay?”

“Even the parrot impersonation?” You manage between sniffles, already letting out a small laugh as you pull back to wipe your cheeks.

He grabbed your hands, cupping your face and wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “Even the parrot impersonation.”

He leant down and gave you a chaste kiss, pulling back so your foreheads and noses were touching. He kissed your tear marks away, pulling you into another embrace once he was finished.

“Please kiss me a bit more. Then we’ll call it even.”

“Fair enough,” he smiled, leaning down to kiss you once more.
