#nct smut



repeat until death | na jaemin

repeat until death | na jaemin

genre:smut, angst, best friend’s brother au

pairings:jaemin x f. reader

word count: 13.2k

warnings:death, tragedy, loss, depression, anxiety, kissing, language, unprotected sex, creampie there are many potentially triggering topics in this fic, and it is meant for mature audiences. please do not read if you are easily affected by mentions of death and the process of coping with it.

synopsis:How do you prevent a tragedy? If you knew the events that would occur beforehand, would there be anything you could do to stop it? You used to believe in destiny, back when all it entailed was love and happy endings, but now you were skeptical. Because the world couldn’t possibly write something so cruel.

here it is! my submission for the Star Cross’d collab under @neosmutcollective. please make sure to check out the other works as well! tracking is under the #nscstarcrossdtag.

There were three rules to being Na Jaeyoung’s best friend.

One, you can never unfriend her.

Two, you cannot lie or keep secrets from her.

Three, and maybe the most important of them all, you arenotallowed to fall in love with her older brother. Na Jaemin is off limits.

Off limits until you can’t hold yourself back. Until life and death separate a promise made before you could even fathom how hard you could fall for someone else. They say the right people will always walk into your life, and you liked to believe that you were destined to meet the Na’s.

But you never knew it would come to this. They always talk about when they come in, but never when they walk out.

Keep reading

I don’t usually read angst because everytime I did, I’ll be sad for the whole day. I decided to read this to torture my self some more so that I could cry coz nowadays I’m on the edge. Like things make me upset and sad but it’s not enough to make me cry? And that feeling is so frustrating that I couldn’t breathe. But surprisingly, reading this gave me comfort and realizations. It put me back to the pace that I’m used to. This is beautiful thank you soo much.


yours to tame


knight jeno x princess fem reader

genre: romantic comedy, period drama, childhood friends to “enemies” to lovers, smut, fluff, some light angst

warnings:mention of injuries (not serious), horse riding, swearing, masturbation, sex toys talk, anal talk, dirty talking, praising, use of princess and sir, fingering, biting, spanking, multiple orgasms, unprotected, oral m receiving, marking m receiving, blood sucking from finger, light choking f rec


You’ve been told the tale of your family your whole life: someone with royal blood will be the most dangerous person alive. It has been considered a funny joke until a bird got involved and suddenly you were relegated in your room with a bodyguard in front of your door. What happens if those men all get injured one after the other and you decide to use that to your advantage? And what can you do when your childhood friend you used to have an unrequited crush on is a knight and has been tasked to be your bodyguard as everyone else is too scared to?

as per tradition, this is dedicated to @sunflowerforhaechan​ <3


If I am the most dangerous person alive, you do understand I do not need a bodyguard or anything, right? I can protect myself.” 

Your father sighed, hearing you trying to have the same conversation you’ve been having for the past days since the bird came to the palace. 

“Darling, you realise that the more dangerous a person is, the more in danger the person is as well,” your mother added, placing down her cutlery and putting her hands together in front of herself. “We just care about your safety. That’s all.” 

You stared at the peas on your plate with an annoyed exhale. 

Since you were born you’ve been told the tale of your bloodline being affected by a curse an infinite amount of times: someday someone with regal blood will be considered the most dangerous person alive. 

You used to joke a lot about it, using it as an excuse when you got in trouble. 

Keep reading


yangyang was the best at reading you. as much as he liked to play around, he was always there when you needed him.

words: 3.5k

warnings/tags: smut, non idol!au, college!au, unprotected sex, breeding?, switch!yangyang but kinda soft dom ig, sub!reader, hurt/comfort, love-making, feelings, fluff

a/n: this is just soft. build up but what’s new, it’s me and i can’t shut up about him. 

yangyang was always good at reading you. he was like that with most people, observant enough to pick up on the mood around him. but with you, some days he may as well be reading your thoughts. at times it’s like he knows what you’re feeling before or better than you do. when you walked through the door of your shared apartment with hunched shoulders, he knew something was off.

he had finished class earlier, spending the remainder of his afternoon playing games online and eating whatever he could find in the pantry. you guys really needed to go shopping. he made a mental note to chide you about it later, his mischievous self always looking for a way to tease you, even knowing full well he was the one who ate all of the food.

he was sprawled out on the couch waiting for you, mindlessly clicking through youtube videos and watching as the time ticked on. it was now thirty minutes after your last class, and he couldn’t stop the slight bit of worry that creeped into his mind.

your apartment was only about eight minutes from campus, having chosen it for that reason, so you should have been home already. and you always let him know when you were held up with work or going to be home later. it wasn’t that you couldn’t go about your day without letting him know what you were doing, he just worried when he didn’t hear from you for a while. this was unusual for you two.

he sat up straight, shaking the negative thoughts out of his mind and checking his messages in case he’d missed one. nothing. that was weird. he decided to send you one and ask how you were doing, but before he could hit send the telltale click of your deadbolt filled his ears, his head snapping over to you, ready to give you an earful.

you walked through the door a second later, turning to lock it and remove your coat and shoes by the rack without a word. yangyang let a smirk curl at his lips and took the opportunity to poke fun at you.

“what took you so long! we ran out of snacks,” he teased lightly, “i almost starved.”

you turned in his direction, still silent, and it was then he could see the tired look on your face, your shoulders drooping and your legs barely holding you. his smirk was wiped away at the sight of you, his legs already making their way over to you.

he held your shoulders, tilting his head in an attempt to meet your eyes, but they were unfocused as you gazed off into space. he felt his heart crack at how defeated you looked.

“what’s wrong, baby? talk to me.” he let his hands fuss at you, straightening out your oversized sweater, a few gentle fingers coming to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. you didn’t budge. you didn’t even seem present in the room. your head stayed lowered in its position. he began to worry that something bad had actually happened.

taking your face into one of his hands he turned you in his direction, checking you for any clues that could help him figure it out. 

“did something happen? did someone do something to you? at least tell me you’re okay.”

the hint of panic in his voice brought you to your senses, pulling you from your zoned out state to look into his eyes. it was like you hadn’t even registered him there. as the warmth of his touch seeped into your skin, his eyes searching yours so intensely, you felt yours sting with tears. tears you didn’t realize you were holding back.

that had him springing into action. yangyang was an energetic and playful boy, but he was serious when he needed to be and he knew exactly how to take care of you when you needed him.

“oh baby, come here,” he cooed, pulling you into his arms and stroking the back of your head softly. as soon as he did, your arms were clinging to him, your form shaking slightly in his hold. he was sure his heart had broken, your weak sobs making him want to cry too. but he wouldn’t, for you.

he waited patiently for you to let it all out, holding you by the door until you were ready to talk. when you sniffled and lifted your head, he brushed the hair from your forehead, staying quiet and giving you room to speak.

“i’m sorry.” he knew you were going to apologize, but let you keep going. “i wasn’t ignoring you, i was held up after class and i just wanted to come home so badly but he wouldn’t let me and i didn’t even realize the time.”

“was it that professor?” you nodded, yangyang following suit in understanding. the one who always gave you a hard time about your assignments.

“that prick. one of these days i’m going to have to give that old man a talking to,” he pouted, earning a giggle and a weak slap on the arm from you. he continued, “i will! i’m not above fighting an old person.”

your giggles erupted into a full belly laugh, your bright smile returning to your face, lighting up the room once again. there you were.

he just watched you with his big gummy smile, happy that, for the most part, you were okay and that you were smiling again.

“i was just kidding, by the way, i wasn’t actually starving.”

you shook your head, scoffing at him. “you can get your own food, you know,” you teased back weakly.

he didn’t respond, his deep brown eyes boring into you and making you feel small. “well… what do you want to have? it’s still a bit early for dinner but we can start to make something. or order something later?” you asked.

yangyang shook his head, his hands holding you by your waist and pulling you closer to him. “i don’t really want to eat right now.”

your eyebrows furrowed together, “mm, okay. what do you want then?”

he leaned forward until he was flat against you, a hand trailing down your back as he spoke, “just want you. let me make you feel better.”

the intent behind his words was made clear to you by his actions, his hand rubbing soothingly into the small of your back and sending a shiver down your spine. he kissed the side of your head down to your neck, stopping before he reached the sensitive skin there.

you felt yourself melting into him, your exhausted brain shutting down at his smooth voice. you felt out of control of yourself. most of all, you felt needy, wanting him more than anything now.

you leaned into him, legs nearly giving out, a small hum in the back of your throat. he smiled to himself, stepping back to place a hand behind your knees and scoop you up into his arms.

you were both shocked and impressed by the action, unaware that he had such strength. the revelation making you feel even smaller in his grasp.

yangyang carried you to your bedroom, sitting on the end of the bed and shifting you into his lap so you were sat across his legs.

one hand traced patterns on your back, his other hand smoothing up and down your thigh. he was waiting you out to make sure you wanted to continue. “are you sure this is okay? if you want we can just cuddle and watch tv or nap. those are good to me too.”

your heart clenched at your boyfriend’s sweet words, his soft tone breaking you down into a yearning mess for him. the feeling was unfamiliar to you, with you usually having good control of them. you just nodded and hid your face in his chest.

he chuckled and lifted you from his lap to stand you in front of him, his long legs on each side of you. “let’s get these off of you.”

his movements were slow and calculated as he pulled your sweater over your head. he was treating you like fragile china that would shatter in his hands at any moment. it only made you weaker. with the same carefulness he removed your bottoms, leaving you bare in front of him while he was still fully clothed.

you felt like you had been put under a microscope, acutely aware of his gaze as his eyes wandered over every curve and dip of your body. if the pure adoration wasn’t so present in his eyes, you might have felt a bit self-conscious. the only thing you felt was the overwhelming desire for him to take you right there.

you were having trouble finding your words, unsure of what you even wanted to say, so you just tugged at the bottom of his hoodie hoping he’d get the hint.

he grinned, that mischievous grin you’d come to love, and pulled it over his head in one swift motion, his toned chest and arms on display for your glazed over eyes. you were barely thinking anymore, just feeling. the heaviness of the atmosphere weighed on you, making you crave him more.

your hands flew to smooth skin, fingers trailing over his prominent collar bones to his shoulders that had gotten bigger in recent months. he shivered when you dragged your nails down his abdomen, feeling up every part of him.

it wasn’t usually like this. you and yangyang were pretty much always on the same wavelength, being more inclined to have fun and be less serious when you were having sex, even trying new things in a space that was more lighthearted. but this was different. this was much deeper. it was so intimate.

you felt yourself growing more timid, which was another first. your dynamic with him was different, as well, you being the one who was more experienced and typically leading. it alternated back and forth between you two, yangyang’s ability to read people being very helpful for times when you didn’t feel like being in control. but even in those times, you still had control - over yourself. now you just felt vulnerable and dazed. if it weren’t yangyang making you feel that way, it would have terrified you.

but the boy, with his big sparkly eyes that were looking up at you now, only filled your heart with warmth, no fear present. without realizing it you had crawled back into his lap, fingers fiddling with the button of his jeans in a lazy attempt to undo it.

he laughed from deep in his chest, amused by the far off look on your face as you fumbled your way around him. he kept his comments to himself, only pressing his lips to your forehead and pushing his pants down his hips.

when you didn’t make a move to let him take them off, he lifted you in his arms once again, flipping you slowly and laying you under the plush blanket.

he knew your mind was shutting off and it had his chest swelling with fullness to know he made you comfortable enough to get that way. you were always the responsible one, so often shouldering the burdens and taking care of him on top. you rarely let your guard down, even with him at times. it took him a while just to get you to open up to him in the beginning. but even at your most vulnerable, you always maintained control.

to be able to see those walls come down and for you to allow yourself to. to put enough trust in him to have total control over you made his heart pound behind his ribs. he wanted to be everything you needed, everything you were to him. to make you feel special and cared for and safe. he knew it would take a while, and now that it’s here, he feels so full. full of love for you. and he just wants to show that to you.

yangyang quickly tore off his jeans and crawled up to you on the bed, leaving a trail of kisses up your leg, over your stomach and chest all the way to your lips, molding his together with yours and warming you from the inside out.

tugging at the blankets beneath you to pull them up, he moved so you both were under the covers, and settled himself between your legs on top of you.

he looked down at you with such fondness in his eyes, taking in every small detail and gracing every spot with a kiss as he went. the adoration he felt for you was immeasurable, all consuming. you were so special to him. you understood him and complimented him in a way no one else could, always making him feel loved and seen. now he could return the gesture. 

yangyang lowered himself and kissed you with all the emotions he couldn’t contain, something so tender and full of passion. the warmth that was radiating from him was so overwhelming you could cry right there. but you just kissed him back, meeting him in that place and returning his devotion.

he held you close in his embrace, a hand wandering down your stomach to your side and rubbing at your hipbone with his thumb. his fingers danced across your thigh to your core, met with the slick heat of your folds. he parted them with a finger, spreading your wetness up and down, kissing you all the while. his tongue brushed against yours in slow, focused motions. he let his finger slide back down, dipping into your entrance and making you gasp on his lips. 

he slid his finger into you all the way, curling it and drawing broken whines from you. yangyang moved back and began crawling down between your legs and your hands flew to him, grabbing at his shoulders to stop him.

you shook your head, clinging to him, “don’t need to. want you inside.”

he froze, stomach flipping at your demure tone as he returned to his spot over you. “okay, baby, let me grab a condom-”

“no,” you held his arms, lifting your hips to meet his untended erection, “want you like this, if that’s okay.”

he crashed his lips against yours, nodding and moaning into you, his need for you just as intense. he used a hand to trace along your slit with his length, coating himself in your essence before pressing the tip to your opening. slowly he pushed into you, your muscles loosening to accommodate his width. the defined edges of his head rubbed against your walls deliciously as he inched himself into you further, the feeling already too much for you in this state. 

he stilled, lips parting from yours to search your eyes for any discomfort, finding none. you pulled him back to you and encouraged him with a small thrust of your hips. without hesitation he pushed the rest of his length into you, bottoming out and reaching a place inside you that had your body humming with satisfaction. he was so close, you could feel every detail of him, hot and twitching in your center. you thought for a second that you could even stay like this, but you wanted more of him. 

when you wiggled your hips, he got the hint, laughing through his nose where his lips were pressed to your jaw. “tell me how you want it, baby.”

“don’t care. just want to feel you deep inside.” 

he couldn’t help but find you adorable and stroked your cheek, pushing aside the feelings that arose in him to focus on you. yangyang lifted himself on his arms and pulled out of you, thrusting back into you with a force that had you arching off the bed. 

lowering his head to your chest, he kissed your breast so softly you almost didn’t register it, a whimper escaping when he took your nipple between his lips.

he paid special attention to all of your sensitive areas, making sure to cover every part of you with his affection, while rolling his hips into you in a slow rhythm. it wasn’t like you to just lie and take it, you always wanted to make him feel good too. but you were sure that if it weren’t involuntary, you wouldn’t even be breathing right now. 

yangyang returned to your lips, pouring himself into you and giving you all that he could. he was losing himself in you already, quickly coming undone from the velvet feel of you wrapped around him so tightly. he wanted to be as close to you as possible, to be one with you. he increased his speed, pumping into you harder trying to get as much friction as he could for the both of you.

each thrust sent shivers across your skin. he was thrusting into you so hard you swore you could feel it in your womb. the thought had you bringing your legs up around him to hold him closer, all sorts of primal desires swimming in your mind. 

he shifted in your hold, hitting that sweet spot in you with his next thrust and ripping a cry from your throat. at your reaction he picked up the pace, now pounding into you and rendering you a moaning, panting mess. you’d never felt this good before, feeling the heat pooling in your core and building up with pressure. 

you felt like you were drifting away from yourself, from reality. you couldn’t hear any outside sounds or see anything besides the white taking over your vision. you weren’t even thinking. all of your senses were overtaken by one thing; yangyang. your body ached with the need to feel him even deeper inside of you. you wanted him to push himself into you as far as he could and plant his seed there. you wanted him to mark you on the inside, in the deepest, most intimate way. it was all you could think.

“please,” your voice sounded separate from you, struggling to form the words, “please fill me. want you to fill me up. make me yours.” 

yangyang felt like his arms were going to give out on him, the meaning of what you said flashing in his mind and making him quake from deep within. you two had always played it safe, even though you were on birth control, he would always pull out and finish somewhere else. hearing you ask for him to finish inside you had his control slipping, his movements growing sloppier as he chased that feeling.

he crashed his lips against yours, nodding and moaning against you. his hips drilled into you and had you tightening around him, the feeling drawing airy moans from his lips. the air was permeated with the sounds of skin slapping and heavy breathing, but the only thing he could focus on was your sweet voice. 

lowering himself onto his elbows he slid his hands under your back, hugging you and burying his face in your neck as he felt himself nearing the edge. “you gonna come for me, baby? let go all over my dick while i fill you up?” 

you whined and rut your hips up into his, dragging your nails across his back and making him hiss. you nodded, pleading with him to keep going, to give it to you, that being the only thought you could form. “i’m-” 

everything went white, then seeped into a warm gold like sunlight pouring over you, your body as weightless as a fluffy cloud floating in the sky. the only thing keeping you on earth being yangyang’s touch and his smooth voice as he reached his high immediately after you, burying himself in you and filling you in your deepest part. 

yangyang moaned against your neck as he rode out his high, lightly bucking his hips and milking himself in you, giving you every last drop in him. 

you felt his cum in spurts, spilling into you and spreading heat to your womb. you’d never felt anything like it before. you felt full. you felt whole. and you felt absolutely weightless as you came down from your high, your senses flooded as you drifted back into the room. 

when you opened your eyes you were met with the dim light pouring in from the living room and yangyang resting his head on your shoulder. everything seemed to have a rosy tint to your eyes, the room glowing faintly pink. 

yangyang raised his head to look at you, a small smile coming to his lips and making him look like the cute boy you had fallen for some time ago. the sparkle in his eyes made your heart skip and you pulled him in for a kiss, melting into his touch. he let himself drop onto you, still seated inside of you. 

when it came to yangyang, everything else fell away. there was nothing that took over your mind more than him. nothing that you made feel as whole as you did now. as complete as you did, just having him this close. you felt you could stay like this with him forever. 


hendery could never get enough of you… he just wants a little taste


warnings/tags: smut, oral, facesitting, hendery being the good man that he is

one of your favorite parts of your boyfriend was his face. the face that held such tender eyes and the most welcoming smile. the same face that would contort in ways you didn’t even think were possible and have your sides sore from laughter. the face that would look fatally good dipping down between your thighs. somewhere it ended up often, including now.

it had been out of the blue. you were watching his pick of a pixar movie innocently on the couch, hendery’s long arm around you holding you to his side. it was calm and peaceful when, entirely unprompted, he slid a large, veiny hand around your upper thigh and massaged the sensitive flesh there, a gasp tearing from your throat. before you could question him he was nipping at your ear, taking the lobe between his smooth lips and releasing hot breaths that had you trembling.

“baby? wh-what are you doing?” it was almost pathetic how quickly he had you like putty in his hands.

“hungry,” he all but growled in your ear, making you believe that he really might just eat you right there. you knew he didn’t mean for food but weren’t sure how to you respond, so you just placed your smaller hand over his that was now cupping your heat.

he filled in for your silence and continued, “wanna taste you, princess.”

you shuddered at the deep tone of his voice, hot and rough to your ear. you were still unresponsive so hendery elaborated for you.

“want you to ride my face. can you do that for me, baby?”

uh,fuck yes. you came to your senses and nodded. he didn’t wait for a verbal answer and was already rising to sit himself on the floor with his back against the couch, grabbing your thigh nearest him and motioning you to get up.

you got the hint and stood in front of him, knees already weak at the thought of his mouth on you, and waited for his next command.

hendery sat up and helped you lift one leg over him so you had a foot on each side of his hips on the floor. he leaned forward and wrapped both hands around your calves, slowly drifting up to your thighs where he squeezed rather tight, causing you to stiffen up. he caught you off guard when he pressed his lips to your thigh, biting and sucking at the supple flesh on the inside of your leg.

“fuck, guanh-ah!” the name caught in your throat as he trailed his tongue up to the bottom of your small pajama shorts, leaving a wet strip behind.

he huffed, frustrated that the fabric was in his way and pulled back, tearing them down your legs and helping you balance as you lifted each foot to remove them completely.

“no panties, that’s my girl,” he hummed, clearly pleased.

with nothing to keep you from him, he guided you over him with two strong hands on your hips. 

“like this.” he had you kneel on the seat of the couch, your knees by his head as you straddled him, your wet core directly above his handsome face.

he’d eaten you out before, plenty of times, but something had you hesitant to do it like this. what if you hurt him?

he rubbed the outside of your thigh with his fingertips, sensing your hesitation.

“it’s okay, princess, i’ll be fine,” hendery was always on the same page as you, if not two ahead, “i’m dying to taste you. don’t make me wait any longer.”

well, what were you gonna do? say no? you nodded and what had just been a warm smile fell to a greasy smirk. before you could register what had happened, you were on him.

hendery pushed your legs apart by your knees and lifted his head to meet your slick folds, placing an open-mouthed kiss above your clit.

you held back a screech in your throat, his hot mouth was already wearing you down. you only hoped you’d be able to hold yourself up by the end of this.

he growled against your core, vibrations flowing through you. “so good.”

and he dove in, his hot tongue licking a stripe up to your clit, spreading you open for him. your stomach tightened at the sudden movement and you needed to steady yourself with a hand on the backrest in front of you.

a curse slipped from your lips, heavy breathing its only accompaniment.

your boyfriend chuckled against you, “so wet already. all for me.”

sucking your bottom lip between your teeth you just nodded rapidly, the hand you weren’t using coming to his long hair, gripping the dark brown locks and earning a guttural groan from him.

“just like that, hold on tight, princess.

hendery held you to him with both hands on your ass, his tongue lapping at you like you were an oasis and he’d just trekked through the barren desert.

his tongue worked shapes into your core, his being multilingual proving useful for more than one reason, and you were positively fucked. your hand tightened on his hair, pushing him impossibly closer to you and you groaned at the sight of his handsome face flush against you. he looked as perfect as ever, even here.

you were so fucked.

he seemed to enjoy you tugging at his hair, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass when you did, nails leaving a delicious sting on you.

he moved up to focus on your clit, regaining his breath, and sucked it into his mouth, ripping a cry from you. “oh my god, fuck!” sure, he’d done this before but had it ever been this good?

hendery’s tongue flicked against your swollen bud in short, rapid motions, occasionally sucking it between his lips before continuing. if he didn’t ease up on it, you were definitely going to come soon. you tried to communicate this by pulling him back with the hand in his hair, him reluctantly pulling off of you with a pop.

“too much? getting close?”

you turned your head, a small nod being the only reply he got.

“okay, love, i’ll take it slower, hm?” it was more of a statement than a question, him not bothering to get an answer before diving back in and flattening his tongue against you, heat flooding to the area with it. it was incredible.

and then he did something he’s never done before- something you’ve never felt before, and it took you a second to register that his hot muscle had entered you, easily slipping into you and curling up to your walls.

it felt like the wind had been knocked out of you, your body reacting as if it had, and you needed both hands to hold yourself on the back of the couch.

he didn’t wait for you to recover before he started moving, fucking his tongue up into you and filling the room with lewd wet sounds. your moans coupled them, making it very obvious to anyone within a few meters what was going on, but you couldn’t find it in you to care.

the pleasure you were feeling was a new kind, and you were barely able to keep track of this foreign sensation building up in you, hendery wiping your brain clear with each thrust of his skilled tongue.

he never slowed or faltered, his thick muscle giving sweet friction to your opening and putting your head on spin dry.

all at once you felt the familiar feeling in your core, you were close, but something felt off. you had little time to investigate before hendery brought a finger to your opening, poking into you and joining his tongue at a brutal pace.

and you only figured out the feeling when it washed over you, crashing like a tidal wave and engulfing your senses, leaving you to hold on for dear life. your head was overwhelmed with pressure and you had no control over your body, left with no choice but to surrender to the tide.

hendery didn’t stop through the whole thing, only separating from you when you had half collapsed into the back of the couch.

holy fuck. i just made you squirt with my tongue.” he sounded as fucked out as you felt, a hint of satisfaction mixed into his tone.

you tensed. you just what?on his face?!

you found the strength to sit up and look down at him. his sculpted face shining with your essence, dark eyes lidded, and a small goofy smile on his lips. you didn’t have the energy to feel any sort of embarrassment, the look on his face clearly telling you he enjoyed it as much as you.

you rested your head in your arm on the backrest, panting, your thighs feeling like jello as you tried to keep yourself up. you were ready to surrender and fall asleep on the spot, but your boyfriend had other plans apparently.

hendery spread you open again, your legs shaking under you. you yelped when you felt him licking up your thighs to collect every drop he missed, returning to your slit to place a kiss to your clit. he’s not finished?

“now, let’s see if you can do that again. i’m still thirsty.”


xiaojun has one too many secrets, one of them proving much harder to hide

words: 4.5k

warnings/tags: smut, dom!reader, sub!xiaojun, virgin!xiaojun, build up, masturbation, handjobs, feelings, comfort, xiaojun is kinda baby

a/n: i have no idea what to tag this it’s just me not being able to shut up about dejun but enjoy~

to you, it was pretty obvious you had a thing for xiaojun. or at least you thought it was, but the boy seemed entirely oblivious to it. which thinking about it was probably for the best. xiaojun was most passionate about his music and performing and you’d never want to jeopardize that, even if you did stand a chance. so you kept your feelings at bay, as much as you could working beside the beautiful man. you did your job and helped him do his, and that’s how it was.

xiaojun was naturally friendly and developing a friendship with him came easily, the two of you being comfortable enough with one another to go past something strictly business. and that comfort helped with your job, being one of the staff who helps with styling and makeup. makeup artist was your primary role, so you spent a lot of days being up close and personal, which was probably no good for your health, but was the closest you could get to your deeper desires. you had learned to be content with that.

what you failed to pick up on was that xiaojun harbored feelings of his own. the not-so-subtle stares, the fond eyes he held for you. the way he hung on every word when you spoke and how he reveled in your speech when you shared tiny details about yourself with him.  

xiaojun thought and felt similarly to you, thinking that it wouldn’t be the best idea to get involved, but also that you wouldn’t want a guy like him. he didn’t think anything was really wrong with him, but when he compared himself to the other guys, he felt like he wasn’t enough. to be frank, he felt too inexperienced.

to xiaojun, you were so smart, insightful, always ready to help and so capable. you weren’t that far from his age, but still he couldn’t help but look up to you. you were all of those things without even being condescending, only ever lifting the people around you up and encouraging them. which is probably why xiaojun’s brain felt so liberated to let it get this far. he just hoped you’d never catch on to his lingering eyes and you could just stay like this, as his kind noona, as his friend.

but of course, secrets can only stay hidden for so long.

okay, so maybe xiaojun had a little problem on his hands. in his humble opinion, he’d say a pretty decent sized problem, but a problem nonetheless. and he only had maybe five minutes to solve it before he had to get his makeup done. by you. he could not let you see him like this.

he didn’t mean to get this way, usually he was good at controlling his urges and suppressing any feelings that accompanied them, but when you showed up to the studio for the day, he never stood a chance. you had decided to wear a dress today. different from your usual loose fitting pants and tops, this dress was more form fitting, hugging your torso and allowing his eager eyes to take in the curve of your chest all the way down to your hips where it was a little more flared to reveal your pretty legs. 

fuck, this wasn’t helping. xiaojun threw himself back against the wall and held his face in his hands, feeling disappointed with himself that he’d think such lewd things about you, and as a result, be sporting a very noticeable hard on in his pants right now.

he had already been in here for ten minutes, excusing himself almost immediately upon your arrival and retreating to a single person dressing room to try to calm himself down. but it wasn’t going away, and he only had a few minutes before he needed to get ready for the shoot. where he’d have to be next to you. with you looking at him with your pretty big eyes and leaning over to apply his makeup and your soft touches on his jaw when you hold his face steady, and your skin peeking out from the lower neckline of the dress and nope. he couldn’t go out there like this. it wasn’t even going down, how was he going to face you?

xiaojun felt the frustration filling him rapidly, panic joining the flood to his senses, and he knew there was only one way to get rid of this in time. and it made him feel sick. he hated that the idea even entered his brain. he was normally too shy to even participate in conversation that was remotely sexual in nature, never mind do something so dirty where anyone could see him. was he really about to jerk off in a dressing room? he glanced at the time on his phone. he had enough time to bust one out.

but it wasn’t that easy. even as hard and aching as he was, he was hesitant with his touches, trying to keep from making any sounds that would allude to what was going on in here. more than that, he couldn’t stop thinking of you. thinking of your warm voice and even warmer eyes and how disgusted you would probably be with him if you knew what he was doing. he was disgusted with himself. he felt like such a pervert doing this without your knowledge. he imagined the disappointment in your eyes if you ever found out and it made him want to cry. tears were already welling up out of frustration and shame and he couldn’t keep going.

xiaojun kneeled down on the ground hunched over with his head in his hands, probably looking as disgraceful as he felt. he tried his best not to cry, but thought maybe if he did it would kill his boner. he didn’t want you to see his eyes and ask what was wrong, though, so he just tried to calm himself and breathe.

in his concentration he hadn’t realized he’d been there for more than five minutes, already being past the time he needed to start getting his makeup done. he didn’t notice your soft footsteps approaching the door. he didn’t even notice your careful knocks on the door or the click of the doorknob twisting and revealing his pitiful form to you.

it had been a while since xiaojun had literally ran away earlier. you’d walked into the set and greeted the rest of the boys, and before you could even get to xiaojun he was booking it to the dressing rooms. figuring that he just needed some space, you paid little mind to it, growing increasingly concerned only when you saw the time tick by on the clock, every other member already made up and ready for the shoot. you decided at this point it was okay to look for him and at least see what was going on and try to get him back to start the day. you never in your wildest dreams expected to walk in on what you were seeing now.

xiaojun was all but crumpled on the floor, his face buried in his palms, his shoulders shaky, and his pants down to his knees on the floor. you couldn’t stop your eyes from wandering south and that’s when you saw the tent in his gray briefs, a large wet spot spread over the front. he still hadn’t noticed your presence, and you were thankful cause you were sure the look on your face was absolutely ridiculous.

your heart felt like it was in your ass and you were hit with three overwhelming desires. the first, to rush to his side and try to comfort him and find out what’s wrong. the second, to close the door and find a room of your own cause you were definitely soaking your panties now. and the third and most prominent, you wanted to help him relieve his problem.

you did none of those as you now had the attention of xiaojun, who nearly jumped out of his skin when he looked up and saw you in the doorway, his heart two beats shy of a heart attack. he gaped at you, floundering for the words to say as he just curled into a ball and did his best to hide himself. when you said and did nothing, he swallowed thickly and said the only thing his brain could muster.

“noona, i’m so sorry, it’s not what it looks like.”

if he was on the verge of crying before, now he felt like he was going to break down. tears stung at his eyes as he watched your face, blurry through his tears. he fucked up. he fucked everything up. xiaojun let his head fall between his knees and hugged them close to his chest, trying to soothe himself and also astral project to a place where he hadn’t just been caught like this, by you.

you snapped out of your stupor at the sound of his voice breaking into a small sob, jumping into action, closing and locking the door behind you and carefully approaching him on the floor. to hell with the shoot. they could do all the other boys first. right now, you had to figure out what happened here.

you kneeled a few inches away from xiaojun, a tentative hand coming to rest on his elbow, you figured that was the safest spot. you moved it to his knee when he didn’t respond to your touch and decided to break the ice.

“junie, what’s the matter?” you tried to sound as soft and neutral as possible. he cried harder at your words and you felt your heart clench with sadness. you had decided that you hated seeing xiaojun cry more than anything in the world. and you needed to make it to stop.

you tested the waters and put your hands on his shoulders, gently rubbing them in an attempt to calm him. “hey, it’s okay. you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, but is there anything i can do to make you feel better?”

of course, you were still so kind to him, even when he was being a creep like this. he didn’t deserve it. he didn’t deserve your help. but he was so humiliated he couldn’t move. he didn’t know what to do. he wanted to come clean just so he could rid himself of these burdensome feelings and at least know he was honest. maybe you would understand. you were always so understanding. he whined and shook his head miserably.

you were glad to at least get a response from him, now wondering if your presence was unwanted. you decided to push a little further and if he didn’t budge, you would leave. pretend you never saw anything.

“no, you don’t want me to help? do you want me to leave you alone?”

you were being so patient and now he was just being rude. he huffed and shook his head faster, hoping you’d accept his nonverbal responses.

you understood that he didn’t want you to leave, he just needed some time, so you carried on caressing his shoulders.

“can you tell me what happened?”

honestly, you had a pretty good idea, if the still present bulge in his briefs was any indication, but you weren’t sure how he ended up like this. he was already upset before he’d noticed you walked in on him, so it couldn’t just be embarrassment. you wanted to hear it from him.

xiaojun let out a shaky breath, no longer crying and just recovering from the sobs that left him. he knew he had to explain himself. he realized that letting you make your own story would probably feel worse to him than even your worst reaction to the truth. so he steadied his breathing and lifted his head, still covered by his hands. he wasn’t ready to see you yet.

“i don’t want you to get mad at me, but i’ll understand if you do.”

okay, now you were really confused. why would you be mad at him… for being caught jerking off? clearly something was wrong beforehand, but you still walked in on him. shouldn’t he be upset over that? you stayed silent and squeezed his shoulder, silently telling him to continue.

he rubbed at his eyes and sighed. this is it. there’s no going back from here. he’s going to tell you the truth and everything will be different. at best, you’ll pretend that it doesn’t bother you and just be mildly uncomfortable around him and at worst, you’ll be repulsed by him and avoid working with him in the future. maybe even quit working for the group. he pushed down those thoughts. he owed you the truth.

his voice sounded foreign to him when he started speaking, hoarse and small to his own ears. he peeled his hands from his face but kept his head down, not wanting to see the look on your face as he poured himself out to you.

“i’m really sorry, noona. i didn’t mean to. i didn’t want to do this, i just couldn’t control it. i thought it would go away on its own and when it didn’t i tried to make it go away and it still didn’t and i just felt so awful cause i thought such dirty things about you. i just can’t help it. i…” he hesitated, unsure whether it was weird to include this but figuring if he’s gone this far, he should bare it all and let you decide with the whole truth.

“i just like you a lot. you’re so good to me and you’re so beautiful and i couldn’t stop my mind from wandering but i know it’s wrong and i understand if you never want to talk to me again. i just don’t want you to think of me like this.”

your head felt numb. you had stopped your small motions on his shoulders, needing all your focus to comprehend his words. he was like this… because of you? he liked you?

your heartbeat increased to a steady hum, vibrating in your chest at his confession. there was so much to unpack, and much you’d have to address later, but for now the boy you had such strong feelings for needed your help, and needed to be relieved from his guilt.

without speaking you placed a hand on his jaw, raising his head to look into his eyes. they were red and puffy and he looked so pitiful yet so pretty. you were sure you’d started daydreaming in the studio and this was all fabricated in your mind. but the way xiaojun was searching your eyes was real, and the way he leaned into your touch, now realizing you had been stroking his cheek this whole time, was veryreal.

you wanted to take it slow, to comfort him and tell him it was okay, but you were still vaguely aware of the passing of time and knew you didn’t have much of it. you needed to get your hands on him - now.

“can i help you?”

was he hearing that right? did you mean what he thought you meant? not only had you not gotten upset with him, but you wanted to help him. does that mean you feel the same? or at least want him in the same way?

as if reading his mind, you nodded, a small smile spreading over your delicate pink lips.

you realized he needed a little more assurance before you could go on. “i like you too, junie, a lot. i never wanted to act on it, but i can’t help it either. and i’d really like to help you, if that’s okay.” your eyes flicked down to his problem.

surely he was imagining this. you hand combing through his bangs brought him down to earth and he could only nod. he didn’t even just want you at this point. he neededyou.

“let me make it better, junie.” the nickname rolling off your tongue and sending a shiver down his spine.

you leaned in slowly, eyes on his lips before fluttering closed as you hovered barely an inch away from him, his hot breath grazing your skin.

to your surprise, he closed the gap and pressed his lips against yours, desperation flowing through him. you led him in moving your lips, deepening the kiss and relishing how soft his were. heat rushed through you and you felt greed rising up in you. you wanted more. you needed to taste him.

poking at his lips with your tongue you pushed into his mouth, his lips instantly parting for you with a gasp, and you licked at his tongue with your own.

xiaojun’s breathing picked up and you knew he was still feeling it. he wanted this just as much. deciding to be forward you push one of his legs down by his knee, letting your hand slowly crawl up his thigh.

he struggled to keep up with your kiss, your tongue twirling hypnotically around his, freezing when he felt your hand on his thigh. panic took over his senses once again, realizing he had left out one minor detail. he was a virgin.


you pulled yourself from him reluctantly, looking back into his eyes that were angled with worry. “what’s wrong? is it too much?”

he straightened against the wall and shook his head, trying to look confident. he need to look a little less pathetic when he said this.

“i’ve… i’ve never done this before.” he fascinated himself with the sleeves of his hoodie.

your heart started rolling around in your chest. could he be any sweeter? you felt bad for a second, wanting his first time to be a little nicer than just some quick handjob in a dressing room, but more than anything you wanted to make him feel good.

“that’s okay. i’ll just use my hands and if you want me to stop at any point i will.” you tried not to sound patronizing.

he shook his head again, a pout taking over his face this time. “don’t want you to stop. i want you. i just don’t know what to do.” he blushed.

you had to giggle at how adorable he could be even in a situation like this, taking his face in your hands and pecking his pouted lip. “it’s okay, you don’t have to do anything. let me take care of you.”

your smooth voice melted him to his core, fully surrendering to you and your touch. he trusted you. he wanted you to do whatever you wanted to him. he just nodded and threw his head back against the wall.

you glanced at your phone, already being way past the time he needed to be ready by. what’s five more minutes going to do? not wanting to be interrupted, you sent a text to kun, asking him for a few more minutes to talk to xiaojun and to have everyone else go before him. he replied in seconds, apparently having been worried and told you he’d do what he could and to try to hurry and get him back out quickly.

you couldn’t tell if he was suspicious from his text alone, so you threw your cares with your phone somewhere on the floor and went back to the beautiful boy in front of you. the same boy who had just admitted his feelings for you and the fact that he was hard because of you.

returning to kneel in front of him, you placed one more quick kiss on his lips and smoothed your hands down his chest to his hips then his thighs, straightening his legs on either side of you. his face and neck were flushed and he barely held eye contact, feeling shy under your gaze. you were drinking up the sight, saving a mental image for later.

without wasting any more time, you palmed him over his briefs, his dick still straining under the material.

“this must be hurting, hm?” you gave him a few experimental strokes through the fabric and he whimpered, nodding frantically at you.

before continuing, you decided not to do this on the floor, your bare knees also starting to go numb on the cold tile, and pulled him to stand. “come on, let’s get you on the couch.” you helped him pull his pants off over his feet so he didn’t trip on them and laid him across the futon.

he looked nervous, fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie, looking so small and fragile under you like this. it ignited a flame in you that you’d yet to place, saving the thought for later to pay attention to the boy beneath you.

you held his eyes as you hooked your fingertips under his briefs, pulling them down his thighs slowly, then letting them trail down his torso to his now bared lower half. his dick stood tall against his stomach, tip an angry red and glistening with precum. you weren’t sure what to expect, but he was bigger than you thought he would be. of course, his dick was just as pretty as him.

“such a big boy” you cooed, not sure where the tone came from but continuing as xiaojun seemed to twitch when you spoke. he turned his head from you.

“noona, don’t tease me.” he sounded so small. you rubbed his thigh and smiled.

“i‘m not. you’re just so cute, so tall and hard for me.” he let out a whine.

you curl your fingers around his length, finally feeling him under your touch, already intoxicated by his warmth and velvety skin. wiping your thumb over his tip, you collect his precum and spread it over his head, earning a loud moan from him.

“as much as i want to hear those pretty noises, you gotta keep it down so no one hears us, okay, baby?” 

xiaojun felt warmth pour through his chest. he never knew how much he wanted to hear you call him that. he wanted to be your baby. he nodded and brought his sleeved wrist to his mouth, his other hand gripping his hoodie.

you started pumping him in a steady rhythm, not wanting to make him wait any longer but trying to make it as enjoyable as possible. he was squirming under you doing his best to keep quiet, small moans and breaths escaping anyway. he never knew how good it could feel with your hands bringing him there. he was half convinced he’d never be able to be fully satisfied with his own hand again.

your free hand came to scratch at his inner thigh, making him shiver under you. “tell me, what were you thinking of that had you so worked up?” 

he gulped, barely coherent but still finding the words, “was your dress. thinking about your… breasts,” he whispered the word, “wanted to touch them, suck on them, have them all over me.” he was panting, his words having a clear effect on both of you. fuck, he was so hot.

“mm, i would love that, baby. maybe next time, somewhere more private.” you both laughed airily.

you wanted to stay here and pleasure him all day, ignoring your responsibilities in favor of earning pretty sounds from your pretty boy. but you knew you couldn’t be much longer, hoping this would be enough for xiaojun and that you’d have another, better time with him soon. 

with that you picked up speed, twisting around his head and paying special attention to the edges, occasionally running you finger over his leaking hole and pulling sharp gasps from him. 

maybe it was because it was his first time with someone else, or because he’d been hard for so long, or just because it’s you, but the coil in him was tightening embarrassingly fast. you felt so good.

you could tell he was getting close with his moans increasing in pitch, barely held back by his hand over his mouth. he looked like an angel. he didn’t even look real. but you knew this was because not even your mind could produce something so divine. you wanted to see him let go for you, because of you. with that goal in mind you pumped even faster, making sure the most friction was around his head.

he felt himself falling hard, barely able to control himself under your ministrations. it was so much. his moans bounced off the walls of the small room back to his ears, making him wince. he knew she shouldn’t be so loud but couldn’t stop. 

“it’s okay, baby, let go.” 

he whimpered, entire body shaking as he was nearing the edge. he wondered if he could find a way to stop time and have more of you to himself, but he was grateful for this for now.

your hand moved up his abdomen, lifting the hoodie up to his chin and putting his torso on full display. you eyed his chest hungrily, flicking a finger over one of his pink buds and drawing a small cry from him. so sensitive. tucking the fabric under his chin, you brought your second hand to his center to cup his balls, gently thumbing at them and learning what he liked best.

between that new sensation and the twisting motion you were using, he was going crazy. you worked him so well, he was surprised he’d even held out this long. almost on cue, he felt the heat pool and he knew he was at his end.

“noona,oh my god,” he was almost thrashing in your hold now, “gonna cum.”

he held off for a few more seconds, unsure if it was okay to just let go like this, but with one particular twist of your wrist, he was sent spiraling over the edge.

“cumming!” his hips bucked into your fist, strings of cum shooting impressively far up his chest, painting him in white. 

you let him set the pace with his thrusts as you milked him through, watching his face for a tell of when it was too much. he whined and jerked in your hand and you let him go, dipping a finger in a streak of cum on his tummy and bringing it to your lips to taste. 

xiaojun’s eyes blew wide at that, sitting up and putting a hand on your wrist to stop you, but having been too late. 

“sweetest thing i’ve ever tasted.”

the tips of his ears burned red and he let himself slump back on the couch. “thank you, noona. i’m sorry you had to find me like that.”

you went to run a hand through his hair but decided against it, wanting him to look somewhat composed when you went back out there.

“don’t be. i’ll admit, i never imagined i’d confess to you under those circumstances, but i can’t say i mind.”

he giggled, and like that the sweet boy you knew was back, smiling and stretching out his arm for your hand.

you held his for a moment before jumping up at the sound of knocking on the door. you didn’t have to wait long to figure out who it was, kun’s stern tone piercing through the wood, “if you brats are finished, we have some work to do!”

biting back a laugh, you and xiaojun rushed to fix yourselves, him pulling you back by the hand to press his lips to yours. “thank you, noona.” you just smiled.

“of course.”

❁ commissions ❁

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  • $9 / PHP 450
  • at least2 weeks
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  • $21 / PHP 1,000
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special set

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Nctzens unite

Hello all!!

I just started getting into nct (late i know) I’ve always listened to their songs but i never really went further than that, i only knew a few of their names. Can y’all recommend me some nct shows to watch so i get to know them better?? My favs are Johnny and Jaehyun Thank you all im excited to get to know nct☺️


Korean fans are going through what international fans go through on the basis. Their group is active and promoting but they can’t see them in person and cheer for them. Their group is having performances but they can’t be there to see them in person and cheer for them. DO YALL KOREAN FANS UNDERSTAND WHAT US INTERNATIONAL FANS HAVE TO GO THROUGH NOW we can’t go to their performances and cheer for them, and we cant be by their side when they are feeling down to cheer them up

I don’t mean no hate but its definitely hard being an international fan, not having many opportunities to see them, not understanding what they are saying and not having the money to go see them. I love all fans but being a broke international fan is

12:37 AM

A loud deep groan escaped jaehyun’s mouth as he orgasmed for the umpteenth time that night. How many orgasms had he had? You had no idea. You lost count after the fourth round.

“How’s that, baby?” You asked, chuckling a bit at his fucked out form. You gave his cute little butt a soft spank. Your strap still buried balls deep in his ass.

“Fucking amazing,” he breathes. “Let’s go again.”

“Jae, we’ve been going at it for nearly two hours now,” you exclaimed. “I’m tired.”

“Then let me ride you,” he hurriedly suggested. “Let me ride you. Fuck, please let me ride you.”

Gosh, you never realized how high his sex drive was up until this point.

“Okay, fine,” you agreed. Gently removing the strap from his hole before moving over to the chair in the corner of the room. Jaehyun bounced off the bed with no problem. Like he wasn’t just in doggy style for nearly two hours.

You sat down with your legs spread. The silicon strap standing high and tall. You open your arms, telling him to come on. He happily straddled your lap. His chiseled chest hovering over your face. Stroking your strap like it was an actual cock before aligning it to his hole. Slowly, he sank down on the strap. Closing his eyes and once again groaning loudly at the euphoric feeling.

You lick your lips at the sight. Planting your hands on his hips, massaging them as he slowly bounces up and down. Him doing the same by placing his hands on your shoulders.

“You’re so pretty,” you praise him. “Taking my cock like a good boy.”

You give his nipple a few kitty licks before wrapping your mouth fully around it. This sets him off and he begins bouncing faster. Whimpers leaving his mouth out of pure bliss. You release his nipple from your mouth before doing the same to the other.

“Oh, my god,” he moans, wrapping a hand around his throbbing cock. “I’m gonna cum.”

Suddenly getting some energy back, you lifted him up slightly with all your strength, snapping your hips up to thrust back into him roughly. He vigorously jerks his cock. Biting his bottom lip harshly as he nears another orgasm. You remove one hand from his hip to wrap around his neck, pulling him into a wet hungry kiss.

He cums. Splattering his hot white semen on his hand, some landing on your chest.

He pulls away from the kiss to catch his breathe. Pieces of his curly black hair fell over his hooded eyes. You brush them to the side leaning your forehead on his. You remove his cum covered hand from around his cock. Replacing it with your own; slowly pumping it to ride out his high.

“Fuck, that was crazy,” he muttered, breathlessly “Never thought I could do that.”

“Never thought you’d have a higher sex drive than me,” you laugh.

He slides off of the strap. Helping you out of the harness and placing it on top of the dresser. You’re about to walk to the bathroom to run a bath for him but he stops you; setting you back down on the chair.

“What are you doing?” You questioned as he sat on his knees in front of you.

“You just gave me the bestest sex ever,” he said grabbing your calf’s, setting your legs on his broad shoulders. “Did you really think I wasn’t gonna pay you back?” He asked.

But before you can even respond,

He dove right in.


I would like to apologize for being dead as hell for the past several months. I started college back in august and i barely have time for anything nowadays. y'all had no idea how bad my writers block was until rn. anyways, thanks for staying tuned! and as always, the requests are open so feel free to send in one! ✨groups are listed in my bio!







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| / | 3’ | 19

✧.* M A S T E R L I S T

. NCT 127 ( in progress )

. NCT DREAM ( in progress )

. WAYV ( coming soon )

. NCT U ( coming soon )

! ⚠︎

— I will not hesitate to block you if I feel like you’re lying about your age. You’re still a minor. Please be responsible. Don’t corrupt your mind at such a young age :(

— Refrain yourself from asking about my personal life. I definitely do not feel comfortable about sharing my private life in this platform. Please respect that.

— I do not tolerate hateful behaviour towards other blogs, fandoms or people unless there is a valid reason. I will block you immediately if you start acting like shit.

— I do not write. I only recommend fics. Remember that.

☀︎ i will keep on updating my list of fics. if you have any recommendations, please don’t be afraid to come into my ask box. i don’t bite ;) it wouldbe greatly appreciated. thank you!

— C H A I N

sm don’t be a coward & post the full video to nct’s dance yt channel we need more Dream content

Me: about to go to sleep


Me after the video, not being able to sleep after that
