#nice memes




Receive Good News This Week Spell

Positive Affirmation: “I will receive the good news is have been waiting for or I will get some type of good news this week”


Like to Charge, Reblog To Cast Spell…

I don’t usually reblog these but it’s chilly af in my room and my seasonal job is about to come to an end which makes me sad, so

Omggg I got good newness so happy af like Judas Christmas !

sorry for post drought ive been watching the olympics non stop

im sorry for posting such adult content

ive been listening to french pop music for the past three hours

different meme. do I care? lol no


I felt that

this feels like it was posted several years ago

a real ad i got. I don’t even know at this point

Sorry I haven’t been posting. I’ve been a big ol’ blob of sad the past couple months. Things just aren’t getting any better. But I’ll post every now and then. Thanks to the followers that stick with me lol. Y’all should dm me. Let’s have a chat.

The PH community is surprisingly good at math

I had the most disappointing sex today someone cheer me up please thx

Other people: having a healthy and satisfying social life

Me, an intellectual:

