#nonbinary positivity



I wish allnonbinaryaroacesa very pleasant evening


transfeminine nbs deserve only good things in life.

transmasculine nbs deserve only good things in life.

transneutral nbs deserve only good things in life.

all nbs deserve nothing but the very best!


Being nonbinary can be romantic and mysterious, bright and happy, full of fury, or anything else.

No one can forever limit how you conceive of yourself.


Being nonbinary is not just an “identity” tacked on to a more fundamental you.

You are nonbinary in every sense.

Being nonbinary is as much an “identity” as being cis.

You don’t have to match any expectations or stereotypes about being nonbinary (or anything else for that matter).

You’ve cut your own path this far. Keep it up.


You don’t have to compensate for being nonbinary by trying to be “perfect” or “better” than others in some way.

It’s ok to mess up, be ignorant of some things, have quirks, etc.

Being nonbinary is a great part of the unique experience that is you, and there is no need to apologize for it.


Even though you are nonbinary there will probably be other nonbinary people whose ways you don’t understand and may even disapprove of.

Remember, however, that part of what makes this community so vibrant is the sheer variety of people in it.

The color red isn’t anything like blue, and blue is very distinct from yellow, but a rainbow nevertheless includes all these colors and more.

I believe that you can build a life that you enjoy as a nonbinary person.

Even if you must reinvent yourself, or change your plans, or things turn out a little differently than you had imagined.

You’ll make it one way or another.


If you have to revisit a label or labels you’ve lived with for a long time, that’s ok.

The basis of wisdom and learning is revisiting what you thought was true.

Labels are not different.


All pronouns are good pronouns.

She/he pronouns, singular they, neopronouns, using any pronouns or no pronouns are all good.

Why is this all good? Because your stance on your pronouns is harmless and it makes you happy!


Learning that you’re nonbinary and accepting that new self can be intimidating.

But you need to embrace it even if you get hurt and make mistakes. Living fearfully as less than who you really are, while dreaming of that true but unknown you, is a disservice to yourself.

It’s ok to be afraid of growing into yourself, but grow nonetheless.

Do something nice for yourself soon.

It’s tough out there for nonbinary people. Even if life was easy, you’d still deserve a treat now and then.

Have some fun. Relax for a minute.


Nonbinary friends, I hope you can enjoy at least one element of how you look or present yourself today.

I know it can be tough to really appreciate yourself sometimes, but you have so much to be pleased with.


It’s ok if you can’t present how you want right now.

Maybe you don’t have the money, or it’s unsafe, or you’re just not ready yet.

Whatever the case, you are still real and your labels are still true even if others can’t tell.

You deserve to receive, and be respected in, health care as a nonbinary person.

Your needs and expectations are likely going to be different than cis people, which is fine.

Medical professionals have to adapt to many situations in their jobs. Learning to treat you shouldn’t be any different.


Discover labels for yourself. Create new terms. Life your life free of definitions. Change the labels you’ve identified with for so long!

This universe is too strange and incredible to hold yourself back.

Follow suit and give no f*cks!


You don’t have to dress differently than you’d like just to “prove” that you’re really nonbinary.

You are truly nonbinary in everything you wear.


Being nonbinary is too wild to be contained in the simple systems and hierarchies many of us are accustomed to. It will always need to be further explained and examined.

Let this beautiful chaos go untamed even if it’s sometimes as overwhelming as the expansivness of the universe.

It’s ok to try something and have it not work out.

A new name, pronouns, even a gender label might’ve seemed right, but actually wasn’t.

It wasn’t a waste. You learned and grew a lot in the process.

You’re important and valuable always.

People might try to devalue, judge, and insult you for being nonbinary, but what they say is meaningless.
