#not a shitpost


This isnt shitpost related, but I figure i will at least let yall know this blog isnt dying but itll probably be few and far between for posts for awhile, bc life is kicking my ass.

I may try to add some more mods on, since i really like this blog, so send me a message if anyone would be willing. I dont think ill have a real mod application, I’ll probably just ask a few questions

If anyone saw the ask i just published, i read it wrong n then deleted it x( yike



It is funny that Hitlers last moments of life were pure misery and terror before he blew his own brains out, it is funny that Luis Carrero Blanco was blown up by a bomb so powerful it sent his car flying over a 3 story building, it is funny that Ronald Reagan got shot and that his wound led to health complications that plagued him for the rest of his vile life, it is funny that Margaret Thatcher lived in constant fear of assassination by the IRA, it is funny that Mussolini ended life looking like a prized ham in the deli section, and it is funny that Trump might die from covid.

bad things happening to history’s monsters will always be funny

“There is a God, her name’s Karma, and she’s got a sick sense of humor”.

- Joseph Fritz, Tiger King


studying history is such a different experience once you start looking for the queer people whose queerness was erased. queerness was present at every time and every place; no matter how many times history is rewritten it’s still there to be rediscovered

So staright up, I’m doing a paper on some of the history, especially with the greeks and jews, and there’s some really cool stuff

For example, did you know that in jewish culture, the responsibility of “sex for procreation” was completely up to the men. Women were completely free of the major sexual laws, meaning that women were allowed to have an abortion or prevent child birth, along with the ability to practice homosexuality



As many of you know, I am conducting research on the Hetalia fandom in preparation for an academic conference in a few weeks. There I will be presenting my work on racial representation and the experience of poc in fandom with a focus on Latinos and Mexican Americans. However YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE POC TO FILL THIS OUT

As part of this research I have created a survey to gain a better understanding of the demographic makeup of the fandom, representation in the fandom, and the experiences of poc. Please take the time to fill it out as it would really really help me out

If you would like to continue to be a part of this research you can contact me on this tumblr or via Discord

Discord tag: basement-eggs#5747




The fourth and last post with the prompt list of the this event. And…Again, if it is not too much to ask, please reblog.





(For now, that is all..)

EVERYONE IS INVITED! Ask blogs, art blogs, cosplay blogs, headcanon blogs, whatever the hell it is blog, … (I think you got the idea) and everyone else! @hetabang

I don’t care with what you do, just come and join us. I really want to have a great time with Hetalia fans! (I’m a bit lonely here by myself)

I would like to say that I’m sorry for being such a pain in the ass for inviting so many and randomly people… But unfortunaly today, is not the day.

Anything you need or for more details just ask!

The main rule is “NOT BEING A LITTLE BITCH TO OTHERS”, so that means no drama, no bad language, no harassment, … 

There is no need to participate in everyday of the event, do only the days that you can/want

Also it makes my day seeing the tags that the interested participants do, I love it so much

Went to Hot Topic today and I simply had to have him





y’all ever remember something extremely embarrassing and just feel horrible about it

Pro Tip: Try to think of something embarrassing some else has done. You probably can’t. Which means no one else remembers the cringe thing you did.

wait that actually helps so much

i can remember most stupid things that other people in my life have don’t that they don’t even remember.

Checkmate, psychology

If you remember something you’ve done and cringe about it, congratulations!

It means you have since grown as a person!

*unhinges jaw*

*eats burger*

*re-hinges jaw*


Guys, please, for yours and others safety, go block @/youra-c-u-t-iepie-y-o-u-r-s-e-lf , they’re extremely ableist and have been following random neurodivergent people just to harass them and to tell them to “ký$”. Please stay safe, and if they message you, delete the message andBLOCK THEM.

Tagging (sorry, this is really important)

@natsueyama@thetearoom@galaxyemp1r3@welcome-to-gaytown and anyone else who can boost this.



it can be therapeutic to admit “actually my childhood was deeply fucking awful.” not “my parents tried” or “there were good times too” or “I was lucky in certain ways” but solely to acknowledge “I went though some fucking messed up shit what the fuck was that about ”

“my parents tried” other people’s intentions don’t excuse or erase your suffering. parents are expected to try, that’s the bare minimum of being a parent, and it doesn’t undo the consequences of failing to protect a tiny vulnerable human being. “there were good times too” children are profoundly capable of joy, every person’s childhood contains some measure of joy, childhood shouldbe joyful, and none of that erases the lasting trauma of the shit you went through. your childhood isn’t a math problem where the positives and negatives balance out towards some neutral zero, reality doesn’t work like that. “I was lucky in certain ways” and pretty fucking unlucky by the sound of it. ok so “things could have been worse” things could always be worse and they could always be better, that is a mundane and meaningless expression meant to make excuses for other people, and bitch it sure as thunder doesn’t erase the fact that you walked through hell.

You. Deserved. BETTER.



Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder, so here’s a salute to all the kids and adult children who grew up with absent mothers, angry mothers, negligent mothers, abusive mothers, overly-critical mothers, codependent mothers, overwhelmed and struggling mothers, mothers who ignored your cries for help, mothers who sacrificed your happiness to placate others, mothers who tried to do better but failed, and mothers who didn’t try quite hard enough.

And to every child and adult who has a complicated relationship with their mother or caretaker–it’s okay to feel conflicted. It’s okay to feel hurt and love and resentment and pain and sympathy and longing and guilt bundled up into one big tangled ball.It’s okay to struggle to reconcile the bad memories with the good ones that simultaneously exist. It’s okay to be angry about the ways your parent failed you, and also aware of their personal struggles, and the way their parents in turn failed them. It’s okay to recognize that you were loved but also that you were treated unfairly, unkindly. Contradictions are the natural state of the world. Multiple truths coexist. It’s okay to be conflicted.

Parents are humans. Human relationships are complicated, and cannot be summarized by a greeting card. Wherever you are coming from, I hope your future holds healing and love, love, love.

Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who had to raise or reparent themself. You should never have been put in that position, but I’m proud as hell of you for surviving. You deserve a bouquet of flowers and a box of sweets and to be celebrated and have your struggles acknowledged.

#I have a friend in this situation who as a joke started sending herself mother’s day cards every year. The tradition evolved and last i heard she now celebrates Mother’s and Father’s Day specifically by buying herself flowers/cupcakes/etc and having a spa/bubble bath day. and it works so well that now she actually looks forward to 2 holidays she used to dread #self-care is punk actually


Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder, so here’s a salute to all the kids and adult children who grew up with absent mothers, angry mothers, negligent mothers, abusive mothers, overly-critical mothers, codependent mothers, overwhelmed and struggling mothers, mothers who ignored your cries for help, mothers who sacrificed your happiness to placate others, mothers who tried to do better but failed, and mothers who didn’t try quite hard enough.

And to every child and adult who has a complicated relationship with their mother or caretaker–it’s okay to feel conflicted. It’s okay to feel hurt and love and resentment and pain and sympathy and longing and guilt bundled up into one big tangled ball.It’s okay to struggle to reconcile the bad memories with the good ones that simultaneously exist. It’s okay to be angry about the ways your parent failed you, and also aware of their personal struggles, and the way their parents in turn failed them. It’s okay to recognize that you were loved but also that you were treated unfairly, unkindly. Contradictions are the natural state of the world. Multiple truths coexist. It’s okay to be conflicted.

Parents are humans. Human relationships are complicated, and cannot be summarized by a greeting card. Wherever you are coming from, I hope your future holds healing and love, love, love.

Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who had to raise or reparent themself. You should never have been put in that position, but I’m proud as hell of you for surviving. You deserve a bouquet of flowers and a box of sweets and to be celebrated and have your struggles acknowledged.

Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder, so here’s a salute to all the kids and adult children who grew up with absent mothers, angry mothers, negligent mothers, abusive mothers, overly-critical mothers, codependent mothers, overwhelmed and struggling mothers, mothers who ignored your cries for help, mothers who sacrificed your happiness to placate others, mothers who tried to do better but failed, and mothers who didn’t try quite hard enough.

And to every child and adult who has a complicated relationship with their mother or caretaker–it’s okay to feel conflicted. It’s okay to feel hurt and love and resentment and pain and sympathy and longing and guilt bundled up into one big tangled ball.It’s okay to struggle to reconcile the bad memories with the good ones that simultaneously exist. It’s okay to be angry about the ways your parent failed you, and also aware of their personal struggles, and the way their parents in turn failed them. It’s okay to recognize that you were loved but also that you were treated unfairly, unkindly. Contradictions are the natural state of the world. Multiple truths coexist. It’s okay to be conflicted.

Parents are humans. Human relationships are complicated, and cannot be summarized by a greeting card. Wherever you are coming from, I hope your future holds healing and love, love, love.

send me drawing recs and i’ll sketch them








i attacked S.E Hinton and it was a heterophobic hate crime


liek dis if u cri everytiem :,C

“I think these two characters, who happen to be the same gender, are in lo-”


one reblog = one attack

Post link

i don’t start school til aug. 20th so if y’all wanna submit stuff so we can have good content that’d be great

y’all r awesome btw ❤️

i’d die for all 450+ of you


Me when somebody reblogs one of my posts without adding any tags to specify how they feel about it:

Sorry to make a non-related to TF2 post but!!! I have a blog I made for Dead by Daylight!

It’s called @sparkslinger-hub! It’s all about the ship between DoctorandDeathslinger from DBD! I know it’s a rarepair but like if y’all like Dead by Daylight and maybe wanna give this blog a chance maybe you should follow it!!


Mod Quinn!


Saying that the protests in America is just politics is the same as people saying that two same gendered characters in cartoons are also politics. Why do my fellow nonblack members of the LGBTQ community get mad about the ladder? Why aren’t you getting mad about the first?


My fellow nonblack members of the LGBTQ+ community. If you honestly think that we as a community have the ability to stay silent on the current events happening in the United States you are dead wrong. We have the privilege of having our current rights because of black voices. Do you remember Marsha P. Johnson? Do you not know the history? Did you forget Stonewall? To stay silent on the protests of the current day is the same as betraying the women, men, and others who had protected US. Do you not understand? Black people have protected us. Many of them ARE us.

I want to bring up though I should not bring up our history to make any of YOU realize that black lives matter.

Black lives matter. They’ve always mattered. Not just because many of them participated in Stonewall and other protests and ended up helping us.

If you are part of the community, if you do not realize our history… if you do not recognize that we OWE it to the black community to help, then I am not sorry to tell you that you do not belong in our community 

If you are pro LGBTQ+, you are also pro Black Lives Matter. It does not matter what excuses you have


Once when my dad got pissed that I apparently wasn’t studying enough and spending all my time on my laptop I told him I was about to start doing some stuff for my Computing A-level, and after an hour and a half he said “are you actually gonna do any work?” because I was still on my laptop.



“Kids these days are always on their phones” As opposed to literally what else? Reading a magazine? Staring blankly at my surroundings? Arguing with my parents? Why does your generation cling to this rabid shaming of people for using interpersonal communication devices to stay in touch with the world? What do you want from me

The previous generation seems to universalise the usage of electronics in general under ‘waste of time/lazy activity’. My mom goes “you just go from gadget to gadget to gadget why don’t you get up and do something” like, seriously dude?? I just finished reading an paper on why the Japanese real estate market crashed after 1986 and still hasn’t recovered as of 2020, on my lazy activity phone here, what exactly did you do with your last half hour?

I showed him my screen and told him there isn’t really any other way I could do Computing work.

My mom used to yell at me for being on my phone all day and all I was doing was writing stories and listening to music; but because she couldnt hear or see exactly what I was doing, I was being lazy.

And if I couldnt tear my ADHD ass away from my special interests fast enough I was ignoring her.
