#now please



So, with the new info coming out from SCOTUS…..I’m just gonna drop this great resource for other women in the US…

Did you know you can get the abortion pills without the need of being pregnant? Did you also know you can get them for about $150 dollars…..and the site I’m about to share has a sliding scale, and helps you afford it if it comes to that.

I understand 150 is still a lot of money, but prenatal care is way more. And every uterus owner deserves the right and access to a SAFE abortion. Since, ya know, the whole reason Roe v Wade passed was because legality didn’t affect abortion numbers, it just affected the number of safe abortions.

This site is a great resource!!! And keep in mind, a lot of states that have already passed anti-abortion legislature are charging it as a felony….ya know what that means ….felons lose the right to vote.

So people who are pro-life, you’re allowed to have your own views and beliefs, but now that they are being forced on everyone, you need to think about what you care about more. A woman’s right to vote? A woman’s right to life? A woman’s right to mourn the loss of her child without a criminal case to “make sure” it was a miscarriage and not caused on purpose? Pro-choice is exactly what it says, giving women the power to make choices based off their own beliefs and values.

Another resource, if you’re on Reddit, r/auntienetwork is also a really great place to get assistance in women’s health, including obtaining abortions. It’s regular people who want to help out.

I’m sorry for people in states that have trigger legislation or are in the midst of it being drafted. You’re entitled to your own bodily autonomy. And I’m also sorry that a lot of the stuff people are telling you is to move to a blue state or out of the country….as if the price of living and wages in America afford the ability to pick up and move at a moments notice. If Roe v. Wade gets overturned, you will have support, and you will have a choice. You’re not alone. This is an attack on all uterus owners, and so we need to support one another since the US has proved over and over that they are not committed to supporting women’s needs.

And if you need to vent to someone, my PMs are always open. ❤️

gimme attention!!! wtf why isn’t anyone paying attention to me!! i’m an attention whore!!! i need it to live!!!! give me the attention i so rightfully deserve!!


In the mood to pick flowers with a girl, make flower crowns and sit on a picnic blanket while she lays her head on my lap
