#bpd sucks


gimme attention!!! wtf why isn’t anyone paying attention to me!! i’m an attention whore!!! i need it to live!!!! give me the attention i so rightfully deserve!!

sorry for the lack of actually useful posts. i’ve been out of brain juice. there is nothing sloshing around in my head except brain, idk probably a lost sock from the washing machine, a couple moths, & spiderwebs. i have had No Thoughts and that is okay!

Why am I so triggered by being told to be quiet… like wtf.. I’m such a fucking child

Just gonna stop keeping my hopes up over stuff…

425 of you gorgeous people following me now, thank you, thank you so much. I appreciate all of you so so much

My Boss: good morning // insert Name and Last Name// :)

Me Who cant remember his Name or Last Name:

Current mood .

My bpd brain be like :


I feel like there’s a neon sign hung around my neck that says “treat me like shit”.

And what’s worse, is (in my case a lot of the time), I’m self aware enough to know I’m not ACTUALLY being treated like shit, OR, I feel myself being the one causing problems. But I can’t stop it. I can’t quiet the demons that make me truly feel these things.

My neon sign is for the demons in my mind. And sometimes others around me MUST know those demons, because it feels like I’m teamed up on and I can’t win.

Good times.

Do you ever listen to a song you haven’t heard before and it makes you realize you’re still not over that specific person
