#oc moerai madrigal


CHAPTER UPDATE|chapter two: i will do anything for you

… “So am I, mi pequeña luciérnaga, it’s the last gift we’re going to have until all of you are grown and have your own kids!”

“That’s gonna be a long time, papá,” Moerai says in awe, eyes going wide as she pulls away from him.

Her papá chuckles “Indeed it is, Moe, but it’ll be worth the wait.”

Moerai nods in agreement “My kids will have the neatest gifts!”… .


(message me if you want to be added! ) tag list:@ocfairygodmother@lost-in-the-shelves@farfallasunicas@claryxjackson@ocappreciationtag@toalltheocsivelovedbefore@giveourfuckingflamingosback

PLAYLIST RECS | did you get enough love, my little dove?

❝After her papá disappeared and her younger cousin, Mirabel, wasn’t blessed by the miracle, Moerai Marigal knew that her family was in shambles although they bury it under layers of denial. And then nearly a decade later, Mirabel starts claiming that the miracle is dying and it’s up to them to save it. But after all the miracle’s put her through, Moerai wonders if it’s worth saving.❞


( message me if you want to be added! ) tag list:@toalltheocsivelovedbefore@ocappreciationtag@lost-in-the-shelves@claryxjackson@farfallasunicas@giveourfuckingflamingosback@ocfairygodmother

CHAPTER UPDATE|chapter one: my little firefly

… "You better not be encouraging Camilo’s antics, mi pequeña luciérnaga, you know that your Tía Pepa won’t like that.”

She hadn’t been playing games with Camilo today, he had recently been blessed by the Casita and his gift was that of shapeshifting. Herself, little Mirabel, and Camilo had been having a blast with his gift, much to everyone’s chagrin, since his birthday.

Moerai shrugs her shoulders nonchalantally “Tía Pepa doesn’t scare me, papá! ‘Sides, I don’t mind her storms.”

“Well, luciérnaga, she scares me,” … .


(message me if you want to be added! ) tag list:@ocfairygodmother

BOOK POSTER: my little versailles

❝With the gift to see into the past of a person or object, Moerai Madrigal had silently been deemed the more useful version of her papa, Bruno Madrigal by her abuela, although Moerai would hardly call her ability a gift. Since her fifth birthday Moerai has had to deal with the crushing weight of not being able to touch anyone she loves without seeing everything they’ve been through and she had to deal with the pressures of being a magical Madrigal.

After her papa disappeared and her younger cousin, Mirabel, wasn’t blessed by the miracle, it wasn’t hard to see that her family was in shambles although they buried it like the past under layers of denial and the five stages of grief. But somehow her family moved on in an unconventional way, Moerai stayed the same, always wondering when her papa would come back, wondering when it would be alright to talk about him again. And then Mirabel claims that the miracle is dying and it’s up to them to save it.❞



( message me if you want to be added! ) tag list:@toalltheocsivelovedbefore@ocappreciationtag@lost-in-the-shelves@claryxjackson@farfallasunicas@giveourfuckingflamingosback@ocfairygodmother
