


Less pheromones making people unable to control themselves, more pheromones expressing emotions leading to silly conversations.

“Babe, are you okay? You smell distressed!”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m playing minecraft on hardcore mode and the creepers keep scaring me.”


“You smell really good. Did something happen?”

“I got to pet a dog today!”


An omega who has never nested before because they never felt safe enough gets into a relationship and their partner finds them nesting. The omega freaks out and is like “don’t look at me! It’s embarrassing!” But their alpha is just so happy they feel safe.


 Omegaverse is just xeno for cowards so in this essay i will propose some fun updates to the genre inspired by actual reproductive strategies found in nature. ; )

The Snake Model (Snodel):
- Omegas are female. They have a single opening for the digestive and reproductive tracts called a cloaca.
- Alphas have hemipenes aka two dicks. In nature this evolved to get sperm into both the pink and the stink (not that scientists will admit it).
Pros: two (2) dicks
Cons: realization that it’s been cloaca porn the whole time

The Seahorse Model:
- Alphas are actually female. Their big throbbing knotty cocks can stay exactly the same but they’re actually ovipositors.
- Omegas have a brood pouch. The eggs deposited can even be microscopic/semen-like if you’re squeamish.
Pros: no substantive changes to popular “biology” needed; includes the phrase “brood pouch”
Cons: forces confrontation with inherent misogyny of the genre

The Bluegill Sunfish Model:
- Aggressive, hyper-masculine Alpha males pair off with female-mimicking omega males.
- Alpha-omega pairs stake out a territory, build an inviting nest and put on sexy displays together to impress the local females.
- Females who approve of a male pair deposit eggs in their nest then go back to their wives and careers.
- The males fertilize and care for any eggs left in their nest.
Pros: fascinating, sexy, domestic and original; female characters exist and are all lesbians
Cons: none

go wild.

send me fics to review!

“touch me” you say.

“where” he asks.

heat rises off of your skin, your lips feel heavy as he envelops them with his own, and you press into each other, closer, and closer still.

“in the places that only belong to you”

imagine this. your mate sitting next to you just as you are right now. maybe they’ve got their fingers in your hair, maybe they are grazing your palms with their fingertips. Maybe they’re propped up on their elbows just looking at you, just as you are.

Dreamy-eyed, but in the honest sort of way. Because they see you, they see you like nobody else ever has, and it sort of makes you scared. Because what if they see too much? But no, because they don’t care, they see you.

and they can’t get enough.

imagine your alpha saying.

“you have no idea how much i needed this”

as you pull them into a tight cozy embrace, and they practically inhale your soul.


Fluffy Pregnancy Headcanons (Omega+Alphacouple)

  • A few weeks after the Omega’s heat their Alpha wakes up in the middle of the night to their omega whimpering and retching over a bucket because they woke up feeling really sick.
  • The Alpha holds their mate’s hair back and rubs their back whilst purring, hoping it soothes their upset love.
  • When the omega falls back asleep the Alpha stays awake for hours, making sure their omega is safe.
  • When the omega wakes up they are continually vomiting all morning until they get so weak that their Alpha simply picks them up and takes them to the doctor.
  • After the doctor dismisses the Alpha’s fear of stomach flu they set up an ultrasound to have a look at the omega’s stomach.
  • The omega lays there weakly, clutching their Alpha’s hand as the doctor puts gel on their stomach and starts the ultrasound.
  • After a few seconds the doctor points at the screen, encouraging the couple to look at three little dots on the screen.
  • The Alpha is confused so the omega lightly slaps them on the arm with a giggle “I’m pregnant you goof, they’re our babies”
  • The Alpha dissolves into tears and hugs their mate, gently stroking their hair as they start to cry and kissing them all over.
  • When the couple get back home they curl up on the sofa and talk about anything and everything to do with their new babies.
  • As the morning sickness continues the Alpha gets their omega so cosy in bed and brings them mugs of ginger tea and candied ginger to ease their nausea as well as whatever food they fancy.
  • One morning the omega gets out of the shower and looks at themselves in the mirror. When they see the first signs of a bump forming they get really excited and yell for their mate who comes rushing in and is equally excited.
  • When the nesting phase starts the omega starts stockpiling anything soft they can find to make the ultimate nest. Their Alpha smiles when they find them carefully arranging pillows, blankets and stuffed animals in complicated patterns.
  • The Alpha helps by scenting the things that the omega wants to keep close to them.
  • As the omega gets further along and their bump grows they start to waddleand it’sadorableand their matelovesit
  • The omega starts to become tired very easily because they are small so the alpha literally scoops them up and deposits them in their nest so that they relax.
  • The omega hates relaxing so the alpha goes out and buys them lots of craft materials and encourages them to make a baby book. The omega loves this idea and starts creating, adding in scan photos and other cute memories.
  • One night when the Alpha tries to cuddle the omega moves away and starts to cry, sobbing about how they feel so fat and gross and how could their Alpha want to be that close to them when they are so ugly.
  • The Alpha frowns and fixes a big bowl of ice cream to cheer up the omega who can’t resist the sweet treat. When they’ve finished their Alpha gently undresses them and cuddles them close, kissing their neck and running their hands all over the omega, paying particular attention to the omegas big beautiful tummy. They insist that the omega has never looked so gorgeous.
  • One day the Alpha brings up decorating the baby room and the omega gets soooo excited, producing a scrapbook they made when they were a teen, mapping out just how they want the baby room to look.
  • The Alpha goes all out, making sure to get everything right to please their precious mate.
  • They insist that they don’t want their pregnant mate around the paint fumes so they encourage them to go out with their omega bestie who takes the pregnant omega shopping for baby clothes.
  • The Omega goes into labour one morning but is too scared to cry out for their Alpha.
  • Their Alpha finds them in the nest sobbing and holding their bump, trying to soothe themselves through a harsh contraction. The Alpha undresses in a flash and crawls into the nest, holding their omega close to their bare skin and rubbing their back to soothe some of the pain.
  • The pair spend the day in the nest as the Alpha holds the omega and massages them and spoon feeds them ice chips as they pant through the pains.
  • When the omega starts pushing the alpha sits behind them, gently wiping their hot skin with a cool cloth and purring and encouraging them as they deliver their three beautiful pups.


Fluffy Pregnancy Headcanons (Omega+Alphacouple)

  • A few weeks after the Omega’s heat their Alpha wakes up in the middle of the night to their omega whimpering and retching over a bucket because they woke up feeling really sick.
  • The Alpha holds their mate’s hair back and rubs their back whilst purring, hoping it soothes their upset love.
  • When the omega falls back asleep the Alpha stays awake for hours, making sure their omega is safe.
  • When the omega wakes up they are continually vomiting all morning until they get so weak that their Alpha simply picks them up and takes them to the doctor.
  • After the doctor dismisses the Alpha’s fear of stomach flu they set up an ultrasound to have a look at the omega’s stomach.
  • The omega lays there weakly, clutching their Alpha’s hand as the doctor puts gel on their stomach and starts the ultrasound.
  • After a few seconds the doctor points at the screen, encouraging the couple to look at three little dots on the screen.
  • The Alpha is confused so the omega lightly slaps them on the arm with a giggle “I’m pregnant you goof, they’re our babies”
  • The Alpha dissolves into tears and hugs their mate, gently stroking their hair as they start to cry and kissing them all over.
  • When the couple get back home they curl up on the sofa and talk about anything and everything to do with their new babies.
  • As the morning sickness continues the Alpha gets their omega so cosy in bed and brings them mugs of ginger tea and candied ginger to ease their nausea as well as whatever food they fancy.
  • One morning the omega gets out of the shower and looks at themselves in the mirror. When they see the first signs of a bump forming they get really excited and yell for their mate who comes rushing in and is equally excited.
  • When the nesting phase starts the omega starts stockpiling anything soft they can find to make the ultimate nest. Their Alpha smiles when they find them carefully arranging pillows, blankets and stuffed animals in complicated patterns.
  • The Alpha helps by scenting the things that the omega wants to keep close to them.
  • As the omega gets further along and their bump grows they start to waddleand it’sadorableand their matelovesit
  • The omega starts to become tired very easily because they are small so the alpha literally scoops them up and deposits them in their nest so that they relax.
  • The omega hates relaxing so the alpha goes out and buys them lots of craft materials and encourages them to make a baby book. The omega loves this idea and starts creating, adding in scan photos and other cute memories.
  • One night when the Alpha tries to cuddle the omega moves away and starts to cry, sobbing about how they feel so fat and gross and how could their Alpha want to be that close to them when they are so ugly.
  • The Alpha frowns and fixes a big bowl of ice cream to cheer up the omega who can’t resist the sweet treat. When they’ve finished their Alpha gently undresses them and cuddles them close, kissing their neck and running their hands all over the omega, paying particular attention to the omegas big beautiful tummy. They insist that the omega has never looked so gorgeous.
  • One day the Alpha brings up decorating the baby room and the omega gets soooo excited, producing a scrapbook they made when they were a teen, mapping out just how they want the baby room to look.
  • The Alpha goes all out, making sure to get everything right to please their precious mate.
  • They insist that they don’t want their pregnant mate around the paint fumes so they encourage them to go out with their omega bestie who takes the pregnant omega shopping for baby clothes.
  • The Omega goes into labour one morning but is too scared to cry out for their Alpha.
  • Their Alpha finds them in the nest sobbing and holding their bump, trying to soothe themselves through a harsh contraction. The Alpha undresses in a flash and crawls into the nest, holding their omega close to their bare skin and rubbing their back to soothe some of the pain.
  • The pair spend the day in the nest as the Alpha holds the omega and massages them and spoon feeds them ice chips as they pant through the pains.
  • When the omega starts pushing the alpha sits behind them, gently wiping their hot skin with a cool cloth and purring and encouraging them as they deliver their three beautiful pups.



Accidental courting!!

An alpha that keeps baking cookies for this omega they know because they’re their favourite and they helped them with their work last week so really it’s just paying them back … right?

But it keeps happening. The alpha finds themselves lending their sweaters, bringing extra coffee, and unconscious scent marking the omega.

Could lead to misunderstandings and angst or confessions ! Maybe ends with a didn’t know they were dating type deal.

Honestly I love the “we didn’t know we were dating” type of stuff for an Alpha and an Omega. Cause like there’s a lot of straight forward courtship headcanons, but like an Alpha and an Omega who just start as friends at first, like not even trying they just get along since forever. And they just do things couples do naturally because they don’t think much of it.

Omega will make a nest in the Alpha’s room and spend the night with him/her inside of it. Just sleepover time, no biggie.

Alpha will constantly lend clothes and blankets for the Omega to nest and to wear in school/college/work.

Alpha will cook and clean for the Omega whenever the Omega needs it or is feeling unwell.

Omega will groom the Alpha. Wash his hair, brush it, pluck his eyebrows.

They’ll go to the movies, to have lunch, shopping together.

They always reject each other’s potential mates, saying “she’s not a good fit”, “he doesn’t know you at all, look at what he just said, stupid” and things like that.

And maybe one day one of them actually goes out with someone and they both feel horrible about it. The Alpha/Omega constantly keeps thinking about the other, not paying attention to his/her date at all. And at the end of the night they just have to go see the other. Because it didn’t feel right and he needs to hug the other right now! And then they realise they love each other and always have, just didn’t know yet.


Imagine an Alpha who has a crush on their Omega friend but is in denial about it. They start carrying around an extra hoodie or sweatshirt in their backpack in case that friend in particular ever says they are cold.

One day it’s raining and the Omega is wearing a tshirt and jeans. The Alpha friend excitedly jumps at the opportunity to give them their scented hoodie. Their friend gets a little shy once they put it on because it smells so much like the Alpha and the Alpha is so pleased that they accidentally start rumbling (it’s like an omegas purr but for alphas). Then they are both just really embarrassed (mostly the alpha tho).


More things in Omegaverse. MORE I TELL YOU

More infertility!

More Infertility with ALPHAS!

MORE ACE OR ARO AND LGBTQA+ in Omegaverse I swear to fucking jesuse I cannot gobble enough of that up!!

More irregular heats! More moody heats!! Moody DOES NOT just mean crying! MORE DIVORCED Omegaverse!

More how disabilities impact cycles and daily lives!

Less of the “no one would ever want a Omega with/like” and more, “this common aspect of heat irritates my prosthetic/ overloads my senses” more Overstimulation outside the sexual sense.

More “alpha/s fucked my hormones/emotions” over.

More sex work with less “I’m ashamed of it” in GENERAL. But also Omegaverse.

This is such a vast world I promise you.

How would someone who goes through cycles react to them if they hate sex? If they are uncomfortable with the idea of ever bonding?

Both how they react AND their partner.



Omegas seem to always be in pain during their heats, it’s apparently a common trope in A/B/O fics. They only get better when they finally have sex.

But I suggest alphas in pain during their rut.

I personally don’t like much the “pain” but I see this “heat symptoms” like menstrual cramps but instead of treating with pain medicines and heat therapy (heating pad or hot water bottle) you treat with warm dicks and/or suppressants. And some omegas have strong pains than others.


Hey I dont know if you’re still around, but my friend loved your Alpha Peeves post and was wondering about your ideas for Omega Pet Peeves?

Sure I do!

20 Omega Pet Peeves

1. “No I’m not acting like this because I’m almost in heat, though if you say that again, I’ll tear into like I was”

2. “Well, I saw this one coming, this is the part where I’m told it’s my fault for __________ because I’m an omega?”

3. “No it’s fine really, I can do it, I don’t need to get an Alpha to help.”

4. “Did you seriously just tell me I smelled like heat, as if I don’t already know that.”

5. “I’ll dress how I want, I don’t care if AlPhAs don’t like it.”

6. “I was just asking if you were okay? You smelled distressed. No need to get all high and mighty alpha.”

7. “Of course Omegas can date other Omegas.”

8. “Yeah I’m dating a Beta, no I don’t need an Alpha.”

9. “Yeah ________ really is my job. How do you think I feel in an Alpha dominated profession?”

10. “If I had a dime for every time I got catcalled by an alpha I’d be too rich to walk anywhere.”

11. “Please stop trying to set me up with Alphas because your think they’ll make me more calm/submissive/relaxed.”

12. *deep sigh* “Actually I’m an adult.”

13. “I’m an Omega, not a moron.”

14. “I hate wearing collars. I know Alphas know better than to bite random Omegas necks.”

15. “Actually I don’t want kids” … “No, I don’t think I’ll change my mind.”

16. “I’m really happy not being mated, I don’t want a mate.” … “No, I don’t think I’ll change my mind.”

17. ”I’m not made of glass, treat me like you would a Beta/Alpha”

18. “Actually, my mate is very supportive of my independence.”

19. “I’m not teasing anybody, I’m wearing f*cking shorts (dress, etc.)

20. I think at some point it just becomes convenient for people to accuse Omegas of _______________ honestly.”






  • Cuddling facing each other with the Alpha pressed close to their Omega’s chest.
  • The Omega wears tight-fit clothes so they can cover themself in their Alpha.
  • The Alpha purposefully buys stuff too big so it actually fits their Omega.
  • (Basically, they share a closet)
  • The Omega asking for help with simple tasks their little Alpha can accomplish so they can feel helpful and macho.
  • Perfectly slotting together like pieces of a puzzle
  • Little bites and marks on the Omega from their overprotective alpha
  • The alpha gets angry and into lots of fights defending their omega, and later on the Omega fixes up their partner with scolding and lots of kisses.


To my fellow blog owners with original writings…

Make sure, if you can, to protect your hard work! I see a lot of you guys with extensive writing on here and I would hate for someone to take advantage of your writing.

I know that I just make silly little headcanons on tumblr dot com, but I try really hard to do this. It’s a hobby and something I really enjoy. I’ve had this blog for nearly 10 years, don’t look at me I am old. Even though I’ve had posts stolen, been sent hate asks, and/or been told my writing was shit, I’m still here.

I love this AU and it brings me comfort and friends who also feel the same way.

I don’t want to be an asshole to fellow blog people that want to get a following or whatever, but I hope you all take this post into consideration.

The people behind these blogs are just that, people.



bottom alpha headcanons (nsfw)

  • alphas having pleasure via anal penetration is basically a sexual common knowledge, but it still seeing as a taboo by many people, and straight up dirty and wrong by traditionalists;
  • straight alphas having a hard time to let their omega partner know about their sexual preferences;
  • an alpha topping another usually requires a knot ring, even more if there’s a more dom top/sub bottom dynamics going on, the alpha brain is stupid and wants to know any hole;
  • an alpha who has some kind of trauma related to their rut (with omegas) that chooses to be with an alpha during their rut;
  • (and it’s impossible to be knotted during rut);
  • alphas with a breeding kink, but the being bred side of it;
  • in extension, omegas/female betas buying cum lube and toys for their partners (because of course there are toys that can fully substitute the need of an alpha for an omega in heat);
  • an alpha having the surprise of their life when discovering that their omega/female beta is more than willing to top them at any time;
  • people assume the alpha is the top in alpha/beta & alpha/omega relationships just for the alpha yo fluster their partner by telling people how big their partner’s cock is;
  • (bonus when it’s an omega or a female beta, they proclaim their partner have a collection of big dick);
  • cockwarming. just a tons of it;
  • knotting toys, so they can be the bottom, but still knot without being in pain.

i vaguely remember someone asking about bottom/sub alphas recently….can’t remember if i responded or if that was during finals lol. anyways, enjoy this super in-depth post!

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