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Excuse my furry ankle

So I make these anklets when I feel these urges… I dont ever have a set color when I start but as soon as I look into my container of beads something whispers to me and tells me which to pick and what pattern to do. The pearl one I made right before Ezilion ‘came back into my life’ (if you dont know Ezilion has been following me since a child and I forgot him, check out #ezilion to read the story) I’m not sure why he chose white pearls because he is black with red accents but I think it’s because they’re shiny and look like real perals, the middle one I made right before Persephone came into my life and I just finished the Red and black one… I’m not sure who that one is for but I have a pretty decent idea.

I wear them everyday and they make me feel like every step I take they’re with me. Does anyone else feel the need to do something before a deity comes to work with them? Any rituals?

I just want someone else to appreciate this shady-ass reading. Everything’s fine.

 Sometimes she whispers to the trees at night. Sometimes, when she’s patient, the trees whisper back

Sometimes she whispers to the trees at night. Sometimes, when she’s patient, the trees whisper back. 

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Altar Update: November 2018I was very disappointed that I didn’t have time to make any special OctobAltar Update: November 2018I was very disappointed that I didn’t have time to make any special Octob

Altar Update: November 2018

I was very disappointed that I didn’t have time to make any special October or Samhain altar cloths last month, but I did purchase some great fabric so I’ll have them ready for next year!

For November I have another Autumnal set, with a gold Pentacle. I also got a new wand, which came in one of my subscription boxes. Aside from that, not too much has changed–I’m still enjoying my trees!

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 Equinox enjoying the chilly Autumn morning from atop my altar. I didn’t catch it on camera, but jus Equinox enjoying the chilly Autumn morning from atop my altar. I didn’t catch it on camera, but jus Equinox enjoying the chilly Autumn morning from atop my altar. I didn’t catch it on camera, but jus

Equinox enjoying the chilly Autumn morning from atop my altar. 

I didn’t catch it on camera, but just before I snapped the first picture she had a lovely moment where she “kissed” my onyx raven, which is something I do when I’m asking for Marzanna’s help and guidance. Very sweet–I hope Marzanna helps her with what she needs!

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This month I ordered my first ever Sacred Iseum subscription box! I got the Sacred Chest, which is the “middle” subscription at $50 a month, and is supposed to contain 7-10 items.

I didn’t realize this before ordering it, but it looks like Sacred Iseum is a store with a large catalogue of magical and witchy items. This further excites me, as I think it puts them in a position to send a great variety of wonderful items each month.

Without further ado, let’s get into the box!

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It comes packaged discreetly, in a regular Priority Mail box. The return address does say “Sacred Iseum,” so if you’re very far into the broom closet and you live with other people, that might be a giveaway.


The presentation of the box is just adorable. The contents were sitting in a scrap of green, satiny fabric, and topped with this cute Autumn leaf ribbon. Upon first opening it, I finally got a little whiff of the scents inside–very subtle, gentle, and a bit sweet.


Here’s the info page!


Before we get into the main contents of the box, these paper products were also sitting on top. The cute little “check” had my legal name written on it, which is why it’s blurred. We also got a prosperity sigil, a small piece of parchment, a prosperity spell, and a little oracle-style card about prosperity!

Now, onto the main contents!


The Prosperity Candle was dressed in a bunch of loose herbs that came sprinkling off everywhere when I opened it. I kind of love it!

They wrapped the Palo Santo in a little scrap of fabric that matches the ribbon on top of the contents, which was pretty cute.


This Prosperity Bath contains Epsom & Sea Salts, Rosemary, Chamomile, Lavender, Rose, Elecampane Root, Hibiscus, and another one of their products, Abundance Oil. It smells divine, sweet and heavy. I can’t wait to try it out!

On the right there, you can see some items that until now I was completely unfamiliar with: Lodestones. The powder next to them is Lodestone food. These are used by focusing an intent on them, and then adding a pinch more Lodestone food every few days, while you keep the pouch nearby.


The Abundance Protection Charm Bag is very neat. I like charm bags and satchets, but I’m often too busy or lazy to put them together myself. It’s awesome to have one here to model after in the future, and to get accustomed to practicing with one. Its ingredients are Sea Salt, Honeycomb, Cinnamon powder, Shepherd’s Purse, Garlic, & Pine Needles. Sticking out of the top you’ll also see Black Beard Wheat.


As I’ve probably mentioned in other posts, I don’t use oil very much, so while I like the smells I’m never quite sure what to do with them. That being said, the Abundance Oil, which you’ve seen mentioned as an ingredient in a few other items in this box, is absolutely lovely! It also came packaged in a baggie to prevent any leaks from getting all over the rest of the box, which I really appreciated as a few drops had squeezed out of mine and made the whole thing all slick and oily!

This oil contains Frankincense, Myrrh, Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Birch, Dragon’s Blood, Hibiscus, Juniper Berry, Clove, Basil, Elecampane Root, Patchouli, Jasmine, Rose, Bay Leaf, Chamomile, Blood Orange, Raw Emerald, and Cash Flakes. Whew! What a list. Some of those are oils, and some are solid ingredients.

I’ve never seen Birch Oil used before, but a quick search informed me that it is in fact a thing, and I’m actually very interested to check it out sometime. It sounds wonderful! I’m always drawn to oils that come from trees.


The last item is this gorgeous Triple Moon mini altar table. It took my breath away when I pulled it out–what a wonderful item! Now that I’ve got a Weeping Cherry Tree going in behind my house, I think this little altar would look wonderful outside underneath it in the Springtime, skirted by Periwinkle. During the colder months, however, I think I’ll use it for a secondary altar space, maybe an area that I can dedicate to specific spells, deities, or other intentions.

I am very impressed and pleased with this first box from Sacred Iseum. If this is any indication of the boxes to come, I think I’ll like this one a lot!


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It finally feels like Autumn here in Maryland! The leaves changed to fiery red, and a chill lingers in the air in the mornings and evenings. November subscription boxes are drifting in.

The theme for this month’s Witches Moon is “Mystic Scribe,” and it sure is a cool one!

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The literature.

This month’s box came with quite a few paper products sitting on top of the main package, so I’ll start with those!


The oracle card is from the Wisdom of Tao Oracle Cards (Volume 2). There’s a typo in the description of these saying that the deck is by “Me.” As cute as that is, a little bit of Googling found me the proper artist’s name: Mei Jin Lu!

My card is “You Know What To Do.” As I begin to dip my toe into the dating world for the first time after ending a very long relationship, I appreciate the encouragement this card brings to me, and the patience that it advises.


These five Intention Sigils are themes that appear later in the box. They can be used for charging specific items, placed around your altar or home, or kept in your Book of Shadows. The five intentions they represent are Psychic Energy, Protection, Prosperity, Peace, and Enchantment.


Book of Shadows pages! Yay! As usual we have Adrienne Alden to thank for these beauties. The first one is an informational page about the December Full Moon. It includes multiple different names and correspondences for it, as well as some lovely art. I’m hoping that we continue to receive Moon-related art like this–it would be awesome to get one for each month.

The second page is a chart depicting several “magical alphabets.” It’s absolutely lovely and so useful–I will definitely be using some of these scripts in personal art projects and gifts.

That’s it for the paper products. Now let’s get under that tissue paper and open the box!


The Thoth Magickal Oil contains Tangerine, Almond, and Cinnamon oils, as well as Cinnamon Bark and Coriander Seed, along with a bit of Lemurian Quartz. I adore Almond oil. It smells so good! A few months ago the Fae oil also contained Almond. This oil smells like a spicier, more Autumnal version of that one. Like I’ve found myself dropped into a different magical dimension of sparkling Autumn trees, eternal twilight, and magical beings.

The Inner Flame Sacred Salt is similar in its spiciness, but without the sweet almond to tone it down. It will be great for an Autumnal bath, and would probably smell wonderful if mixed with a little bit of the oil! It contains Star Anise, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg oils Chamomile, Spearmint, and Star Anise mixed in.


We got a nice variety of herbal items this month–a smoke blend, a tea, and an herb. I like this combination–it’s got a bit of something for everyone.

The Sweet Wood Bark on the right is also known as Cinnamon Bark. If you’re sensitive to Cinnamon like I am, take care around this one! I certainly won’t be burning it in my home, but I will likely find use for it in a satchet, or as an offering.

The Clearing Sacred Smoke on the left is a blend of Lavender and Sage. The recommended use is to burn it on charcoal like loose incense, or to dress candles. It’s basically like a smoke cleansing bundle, but loose! If you’d rather carry a little mesh strainer or bowl around your house instead of a bundle for cleansing, loose herb like this is a great thing to try!

The “Grey” Black Tea is mix of Orange Pekoe and Cornflower. It looks incredibly dark in the bag, I can wait to see how it looks while steeping. I tend to prefer black teas above all others (I guess I’m a bit boring in that sense!) so I can’t wait to try this one.


The incense this month is called “Stillness,” and the scent is of Palo Santo. It’s very calming! I love woody scents like this and Cedar, so I’ll probably keep this one around for burning on my altar or before I have company.

The candle this month is different from previous ones in that it is completely undressed. The color looks almost like it would glow in the dark. It’s just plain white wax with no scents or herbs, and the spell parchment is blank, ready for your own intentions to be written on it.


Ah, crystals! I love crystals, and these ones are new to my collection–rough Moonstone! It’s always fun to get unique and interesting crystals that I don’t already own. I think the only further thing I could ask for is that they include a locality for the mineral collector in me, but I know that’s not always possible.


Now time for the star of the box–inks! This beautiful ink set from the Victorian Trading Company has one color for each of the different intentions and sigils listed earlier: Psychic Energy, Protection, Prosperity, Peace, and Enchantment. It comes with a gorgeous glass pen. I have no experience with inks and pens like this, but I can’t wait to try them out. I’ve been saving up the parchment from each box, and now I have a whole stack of different parchment colors to write on!

That’s it for November’s box! The inks bind together the theme, connecting the page on scripts with the blank spell parchment and the sigils. I love how in the last few boxes, the items all seem to be connected in deeper and more tangible ways. The Witches Moon never fails to dazzle me with something wonderful and unique.
