#original post

Visiting my family’s neighborhood for a couple days this week as a halfway point to my next mining tVisiting my family’s neighborhood for a couple days this week as a halfway point to my next mining t

Visiting my family’s neighborhood for a couple days this week as a halfway point to my next mining trip.

Top is my parents’ house, bottom is my uncle’s! 

Post link



ℍ' ..- - ℝ..

Pile 1


“ I am leading you toward the answer to your prayers . Please listen to and follow the steps ”

“ I am communicating through your Intuition , thoughts and dreams ”


Pile 2


“ It is safe for you to be powerful , You deserve it ”

“ You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself ”


Pile 3


“ You are flying high right now , which may threaten others . But keep that zeal in you ”

“ Don’t descend , because others will soon become inspired by your example ”


Pictures are from pinterest

Take care and stay hydrated ✨

Aleza ❤ @alaezasmystery

aka the most overdue post on my blog. I have been struggling with getting a basic recipe and guide out because it’s such an important, useful, tool that can go overlooked and I want to get it right. I’ve decided to go ahead and publish the copy from the pages i’ve written on it since I’m 2 years late on my cookbook. I promise it’s coming! I have page layouts and everything - i’m sad i had to put it on pause so consider this a sneak peek and a very long post. hope you like it!

Disclaimer ⛔

The idea here is that the original recipe isn’t safe for consumption but those ingredients are what make it so effective. So it can be wise to have two different batches working. The classic which is toxic - for external work, and a modified recipe that can be ingested. Make sure you keep these properly marked and away from each other. 


As a seasoning in food
As a daily supplement 
Cleansing Baths
Floor Washes
Protection Work
Repelling negativity


The history behind Four Thieves is elusive- There’s a possible confusion of names. Richard Forthave, a man said to have allegedly concocted and sold the vinegar as a medicine. The name being transformed over time from Forthave’s to Four Thieves. Then there are the more classic tales of thieves ranging from four to four hundred, employing it as a pesticide and cologne during the plague. Regardless of it’s origins, it was highly effective. It’s prolific history has made it a staple in folklore and practices around the world to protect oneself from illness and malevolence.

One tradition I personally enjoy when crafting your own is adding a new personal ingredient to a batch. Your own contribution as a “thief” to the ever-growing folklore. Customize your vinegar to your own needs! For example, I add turmeric for it’s anti-inflammatory properties as well as it’s energetic and positive correspondences


Thieves Vinegar #1 [edible Base recipe]

-Rosemary (protection)
-SageorSage Flowers (cleansing)
-Lavender Flowers (cleansing and calming)
-Garlic (Protection)
-Bruised Cloves (Protection)
-Strong Distilled Vinegar (Cleansing)

1. Sanitize and cleanse your tools with the method of your choice. Wash and dry your herbs.
2.Take the carving tool and in the head of garlic write your name and the names of the people in your home if you so wish. You can also make this for others, using their name. Think about all negativity and unwanted energy leaving the space as protection fills the area like the aroma of the garlic.
Place the entire head of garlic in your jar.
3.Take your cloves, and give them a smash with the flat side of a knife, or use a mortal and pestle to gently crush them while keeping them whole. You can also take any heavy object to them while they’re in a plastic bag/under parchment paper if these aren’t available to you.
Maintain the same thoughts of protection as the garlic while crushing and adding the cloves.
4.Add the rosemary, sage, and any other desired edible herbs with a clear mind, thinking of a clean protected space, having the utmost confidence in it.
5. Fill jar with vinegar knowing you’re surrounded by clean, positive, and sanitary energy.
6. Let the jar work either in the sun or in any cleansed space for a week to 3 months.
7. Shake occasionally.
8. Strain and store in sanitized glass container of your choice.

✨ Thieves Vinegar #2 [edible & ornamental]

- Rosemary sprig(cleansing, purifying, healing, protection)
- 3 dried Red Chili Peppers(banishment, protection, warding)
- 5 cloves ofGarlic (protection, healing, warding)
- 11Peppercorns (banishment, protection, warding)
- Strong Distilled Vinegar (protection, cleansing, banishment)

Fill jar or bottle with ingredients in an eye pleasing manner
2.Top with vinegar
3.Display in the kitchen, the place in the home with the most activity or where you feel you need it the most

☠ Thieves Vinegar #3 [non-ingestible] 

-Thieves Vinegar #1
Your choice of ingredients like:
- Black Peppercorns, Chili Pepper, Rose, Wormwood*, Meadowsweet, Thyme, Ginger, Turmeric, Angelica*, Horehound*, Marjoram, Rue*

Follow same method as Thieves Vinegar #1

House Wash / Bath for Cleansing and Uncrossing

- 1 gallon Hot Water
- 3 tablespoons Thieves Vinegar #1 for bath or #3for home
- Psalms 23 or any protective prayer/words you like

Method for House Wash:
1. Combine ingredients in bucket with preferred house wash or alone.
2. Read prayer/words over the mixture three times to bless it.
3. Wipe down walls, floors in a counterclockwise motion, working from the back of your space to the front.
4. Listen to music you enjoy loudly and open your windows and doors. Let in as much sunlight in as  possible at the very least. Have fun and fill the space with your own positivity and hard work.
5. Be proud and say thanks afterwards.
6. Light a preferred incense to help set the tone of your freshly cleansed space.

Method for Bath:
1.Take an intimal shower to sanitize self with normal preferred products. 2.Combine vinegar with water in bath or basin.
3.Read prayer/words over the bath three times.
4.Immerse yourself for 10 minutes at the least while thinking of all negativity leaving your life and positive, protective energy covering you and the actions you can take to help facilitate that.
4a. If in a shower pour the water starting from the top of your body working your way down, thinking about the same. See all unwanted energy flow down the drain with the water.
5. When finished, air dry and dress in clean white clothes if able to. Do this during the time of day you have the most alone time.
6. Thank any spiritual guides, God, Gods, or the universe- anyone you may have for their blessing and protection and try to conserve your energy for the rest of the day.

Quick Salad Dressing [Bonus Recipe]

2 Tbs Thieves Vinegar #1or#2
6 Tbs Salad Oil
1 Tbs Dijon
3 tsp Thyme

Thanks for Reading! ✨

The more we see of the Collector, the less evil they seem. Especially with the last two episodes, he seems less like a powerful calamity capable of ending universes and more like a kid who’s been alone for far too long. That combined with the fact that the draining spell was stressed to be BELOS’s plan, and not the Collector…redemption actually seems like a plausible route.

I love that Luz is letting her Palisman choose it’s form for itself. She spent so long being pushed into boxes that didn’t fit her until she finally stumbled into a world where she felt at home. She forged herself anew there, and now she’s giving her Palisman the chance to do the same.

Have been thinking about The Master and Margaritaagain

As always, click for better quality

Hello! This blog is a place for my doodles, created to motivate myself to finish and share more drawings and to settle on a style as I transition from traditional to digital art. I’m not an artist, just a person who loves to draw and wants to learn more.

This is a side blog - my main is a bookish/travel/miscellania blog over at @bluebellravenbooks.

All the best, bluebellraven

If eyes are windows to the soul, I think hands are an expression of the soul

Sometimes your identity is going be contradictory. That could be for sexuality, gender, religion, basically anything that makes up who you are as a person. And that’s okay, and natural. The world is made up of shades of gray, and our brains are incredibly complex organs running off ancient instinct. Things are going to be nuanced, and things are gonna get a little contradictory. The sooner you embrace that, make peace with it, learn to love it as a natural and inevitable part of who you are, the happier you’ll be. I promise

I don’t know you, and I probably never will. I don’t care. I want you in this world, despite it all. I want to be in this world with you

The world deserves you, and you deserve the world. You are worthy of existing here and now. You always have been, you always will be. I promise

Summertime practice session
