#ot3 or more friendly

  1. “Care to explain why my bathtub is full of frogs?”
  2. “Quit asking how I got stuck up here and just catch me.”
  3. “I swear this isn’t blood, it’s cherries.”
  4. “I don’t know who put the cat in my shower, but I’m unamused.”
  5. “Seriously! I just put that pie out, who took it?”
  6. “Is that a ring box in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?”
  7. “Keep your flea riddled bird out of my hair or else.”
  8. “Did you just put a dirty diaper in that car trunk and close it?”
  9. “Is the lipstick on my cheek really necessary?”
  10. “Whatever he’s saying, he’s lying!”
  11. “I play a mean air guitar if that’s what you’re asking.”
  12. “How about we put on some pants and figure this out?”
  13. “I’m sorry but swimming in the fountain isn’t allowed.”
  14. “Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
  15. “Are you seriously stealing flowers off that grave?”
  1. It’s my roommate’s birthday and you just made me drop the last cake in the store so help me either find a new one or bake a new one
  2. My dog just ran through the doggie door to your house please let me go in and get it
  3. I just upended a cup on you on accident so please take my shirt/jacket and i’m sorry
  4. Your kid keeps running over here and stealing food off my plate when you’re not looking and I don’t know how to make it stop
  5. I opened my cardoor and didn’t see you riding by on your bike and you crashed into it holy crap
  6. You’re a school to be a nurse/doctor and I just got hit in the face and my nose is bleeding and did you know you faint at seeing that much blood
  7. I’m pretty sure your baby keeps dropping it’s toy on purpose for my attention and it’s cute but this floor is probably really dirty
  8. This pregnant person is just a friend/retaliative so please stop giving us weird looks because I was flirting with you it’s not mine
  9. My cat just stole your dog’s ball and went up the tree with it I’m not sorry why is your dog even afraid of cats
  10. I don’t even like sandwiches but you’re a cute deli employee who always gets the order wrong but your smile makes it okay
  1. A is setting off fireworks weeks before the holiday, B goes over to tell them to stop (bonus: c is the responding officer for the illegal fireworks)
  2. A has a big lush pool and B overheard they were going out of town for the weekend, so B uses the pool but A comes home early
  3. A is a busybody/nosy neighbor and confronts B about their very green yard (bonus: B’s yard is painted to look nice but isn’t watered enough)
  4. A is having a summer party/BBQ and B sneaks in for free food and pool usage
  5. A’s dog got out and invaded B’s kiddy pool (bonus: B doesn’t even have kids, the pool was for their adult butt to sit in)
  6. A keeps getting water on their face and can’t figure out how, B is shooting a squirt gun at A from outside the window when A looks away
  7. A notices B has sunburns but only in weird shapes on their body like someone wrote in their sunscreen (bonus: it’s dick shapes)
  8. A is sunbathing on their apartment roof naked, B came up to do the same (bonus: C’s a janitor that has to open the accidentally locked door)
  9. A found the perfect beach spot to set up their stuff, B is playing volleyball and keeps missing the ball so they have to walk next to A to get it
  10. A is barbecuing and B keeps telling them to flip the burgers but A says they’re not ready (bonus: they’re burnt outside and raw in the middle)
  11. A paddled out into the ocean to try and surf but got stuck/scared, B is the life guard that has to paddle out and drag them back to shore
  12. A seen a shark and caused a panic, B was wearing a fake fin to trick people (bonus: C is the beach patrol and isn’t amused with them both)
  13. A keeps spitting their watermelon seeds over the balcony and B finds them on their balcony and is angry
  14. A was fishing and heard B screaming down the river, A has to help B get a hook out of their finger 
  15. A had a swimsuit malfunction and after some teasing B gives them a towel to cover up with