

What about aesthetics?

These are my characters again: Alice (albino) and Lily (red). Alice - a witch, earns a living by layouts of tarot cards, fortunetelling, predictions and other things. She does not see the future, but she is a very insightful girl. Her talent is different: by nature, Alice is a very strong magician. That’s just the problem: she does not know how to control her abilities, and therefore restrains herself with all her might, fearing to harm others.

Lily is an ordinary student who dreams of building a musical career. The problem is that she is shy, awkward and afraid of the scene. She is a cheerful and positive person who does not know how to control emotions, unlike Alice. Very romantic, windy and kind.

Lily and Alice get to know each other when Lily comes to Alice after announcing a room for rent in the apartment. It turns out that the reason for the low price lies in the apartment, literally filled with magic (mostly because of Alice). There are a lot of strange and wonderful things that first scare Lily. But soon she was fascinated by the low cost of rent, and after that by the mysterious landlady of the apartment, which even does not take off her bright red shawl in the heat.

Allie Smith

“I always knew that this is going to happen since those are one of the things, she often tells me. Rebelling against her religious mother is one of her favorite activities and one of them includes her random hook-ups with strangers without her mother’s knowledge. Married, cheaters, criminals, and maniacs. For every guy that fascinates her‒makes her want to fuck them immediately. And she doesn’t do this for the pleasure her body gets, rather it’s all for validation to prove her self-worth and acceptance.”

-Red Hair Woman by Michael Garmash

PS: I don’t own the pic.
