


“pla·gia·rism [ˈplājəˌrizəm]: the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own” is such a raw quote you’d think it was from the dictionary but i wrote it


I decided to put my computer degree to good use and put this little How To together to help with the plagiarism problem because I’m sick of it.

This will disable text highlighting on your blog pages so they can’t use copy.


  • Sorry I didn’t do this sooner. I haven’t done coding in a while
  • Not sure if someone else has already done this
  • This should work on desktop but likely not on app because that’s a whole other thing
  • I have not thoroughly tested this but it seems to work on mine on my blog page itself

Reblog and tag your fellow/favorite content creators. Feel free to send me a message directly if you have questions. I hope this helps, darlings. I love you all.


Keep reading




I found out recently that at a time of his life when Tolstoy was in a slump and had stopped writing & earning money, his wife Sophia borrowed money from her mum to start her own publishing office and publish editions of his works—and in order to figure out how publishing worked, she travelled to St Petersburg to ask Anna Dostoyevsky for advice, as Anna had also spent the past 14 years planning the editions of her husband’s work, correcting proofs, placing ads in papers, battling official censors, etc.
It reminded me of this post about women writers supporting each other—so many links between women in history that we never hear about. Someone please write a book about the wives of all the great male writers…

(In previous years Sophia, while giving birth to Tolstoy’s 13 children and raising them and managing his estate (he was a count) pretty much on her own, also wrote the clean copies of all of his manuscripts out of his nearly illegible drafts—the final draft of War and Peace was 3,000 pages and she copied it seven times, correcting spelling and grammar and offering key suggestions and critiques of the plot; for example explaining to him that people would be more interested in the social or romantic plots, the human aspects, than in the minutiae of the battles and war strategy plots. A few months before his death, Tolstoy named a male friend the executor of his literary estate rather than his wife, who had been doing this thankless job since she was 19, and gave to the public domain all the copyrights to his works that Sophia had previously owned (for her publishing company). She wrote in her diary “Now I am cast aside as of no further use, although I am, nevertheless, expected to do impossible things.”)

Also I shouldn’t be surprised (but I am) at just how many “great male writers” read their wife’s (or female relatives’) diaries and drew a lot of inspiration from them, stealing ideas or even sometimes entire sentences / paragraphs / poems out of them. This is such a recurrent pattern. There’s Tolstoy (who read Sophia’s diaries and also asked her, when she was 17, to show him a short story she’d written, gave it back to her the next day saying he’d barely glanced at it, when he actually wrote in his diary “What force of truth and simplicity!” and used the story as the embryo for the Rostov family in War and Peace), but also William Wordsworth who read his sister Dorothy’s journal and drew a lot from it, and F. Scott Fitzgerald of course. When Zelda was still young a magazine editor offered to publish parts of her journals, and her husband (of 5 months!) said he couldn’t allow it because he drew a lot of inspiration from them and planned on using parts of them in his future novels and short stories. There’s also French novelist Raymond Radiguet who stole his female lover’s diary to write his novel The Devil in the Flesh, and was lauded by fellow male writers & critics for his brilliant insights into a woman’s mind. Which had been copy/pasted from this woman’s diary.
[Also, while he didn’t read it until after her death, Henry James’s sister Alice mentions in her diary that he “embedded in his pages many pearls fallen from my lips, which he steals in the most unblushing way, saying, simply, that he knew they had been said by the family, so it did not matter.”]
I really love reading women’s journals, and when they were married to a famous writer, you wouldn’t believe how often the person who edited them mentions in the introduction “if some passages sound familiar it’s because her husband was reading her diary and ~getting inspired” ie plagiarising although the term technically doesn’t apply because every word his wife wrote and idea she had was legally his property (just like she was).

It makes me feel so bitter to contrast what women do—decades of unpaid, unacknowledged work to proofread, copy, publish, preserve from censorship, improve, develop and promote their husband’s writing—with what men do—openly steal ideas and whole sentences from their wife’s writing while forcing her to give birth to 13 children that she didn’t want and he doesn’t help raise.




llyodhansen (a now deactivated user) was copying my blog.

it wasn’t just my theme that they replicated (before changing it, after i learned of it), it was the bio, the faq, the taglist, the guidelines, the banner, and small posts (yes, i will be petty for that).

if you see anything like that happening to anyone on here, PLEASE LET THEM KNOW!! imitation isn’t flattery these days. at least with me. thank you sonny for letting me know about this situation!!!

… have a great day today!!

@justevans used to be llyodhansen and is also plagiarizing!!

(if you see this on your dash, please reblog it!)

please share this post and block them!!

information under the cut:

Keep reading

their new username is @berryevanstan

After Henri Matisse by students at the Visual School of Arts, New York, 2015.Of plagiarism I once wr

After Henri Matisse by students at the Visual School of Arts, New York, 2015.

Of plagiarism I once wrote, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Mere copying, in other words, also my words, had no value.

Three years ago, a photography instructor decided to challenge my unique perspective, arguing that within his medium true plagiarism was not possible. An inherent originality, he said, would transform the imitator into a creator.

His students were told to mimic as best they could a famous image containing nudity.

When I was in art school I remember becoming discouraged, believing any worthwhile image had already been made. The goal of this assignment was to teach that even if you try very hard to remake someone else’s work, your photographs can only be your own.

I must admit that the ensuing product, prepared by the students, looks nothing like Matisse’s Blue Nude.


Post link


By Jane X

Tom Cotton has recently pushed a group called “Women for Cotton.” Talk about an oxymoron. Truly baffled, I wonder how and why any woman who actually knows the truth about Tom Cotton and his views about women would vote for him. Anyone … Anyone … I say in my retrofitted Ferris Bueller voice. He has repeatedly voted against us at every turn and has earned a big fat zero concerning everything that affects us women folk and just as important, our families. Honestly, let’s look at his voting record: he voted against the Violence Against Women Act, not once, but twice, he voted against the farm bill which included food assistance for us single moms who need help to feed our kids, he voted against the student loan bill that would help those sisters who are trying to educate themselves, he was against changing the form of military justice that allows twenty six thousand rapes a year in the military to go unchecked with only 238 convictions, he voted against immigration reform which helps keep families intact, and he voted for a government shutdown which had a detrimental effect on female government employees and of course those “stay at home moms” who are married to said employees, costing American taxpayers 26 billion dollars, and to top it all off, he voted against equal pay for women cause you know, we should be pleasing our husbands and frying chicken barefoot and pregnant to put it nicely.

If that isn’t enough, we can look to his patronizing comments about women in the military and his writings at Harvard which are just beyond all explanation. How any honorable man can blame women’s equality for the fall and great demise of modern society is just … bizarre. Mind you, Tom Cotton wants to force every woman in America to give birth to children no matter the circumstance including rape, incest, fetal anomalies, and even when the mother’s health is in jeopardy as he supports “personhood.” For those of you who don’t know what that means, let me explain. Personhood would give a zygote more rights than a living breathing woman and would be disastrous for women’s health and to be more accurate, endangers the very lives of pregnant women. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU2BZN_GRhI

It would also stop stem cell research for those suffering from diseases with no cure and in-vitro for those women who have trouble conceiving. It would even lead to a ban on any type of hormonal contraception. Think about that. Ninety-nine percent of all American women have used birth control during their lives, yet Tom Cotton either doesn’t realize this or doesn’t care. I vote for the latter. Even more disturbing is his connection to Phyllis Schlafly’s doctrine of thought. Both Schlafly and Cotton even used the same phrasing, “perverse incentives” to describe women who have used food stamps to feed their children. Remember, she believes that if women just got married, they would not be at risk of being raped. It is Mind boggling, ancient, and quite frankly, a disgusting belief system. To begin the comparisons between Schlalfly and Cotton, let’s start with the similarities in their comments on women in the military.

Ms. Schlafly has a blog called the Eagle Forum in which she spews her archaic views regarding our sisters who have served most honorably in the military even though they are more at risk of being raped by one of her own than being killed in combat, and remember, Cotton supported the measures to keep it that way. Meditate on that for a while. Not too surprising as Ms. Schlafly has strong thoughts on rape. Hey gals, IT’S YOUR FAULT. Yes, all caps, because her statements of the present and the past yield no other conclusion.

The epidemic of rape and domestic abuse doesn’t seem to faze Ms. Schlafly, but apparently, even a fictitious military flick is hard for her to stomach: “G.I. Jane proves that women can take a beating as well as a man, but so what? The movie shows that she lacks the upper body strength to pull herself out of the water into a boat, a rather elementary test for anyone seeking to be a Navy Seal. The pretense that G.I. Jane could do everything the Seals do is a Hollywood fiction created with trick photography, make-up, and a stand-in for the star. It’s all as make-believe as the scene where her Seal commander talks to her in the shower and somehow doesn’t notice that she’s nude,”

Now, let’s look at Tom Cotton’s statement about women serving in the military which he made on the Laura Ingram show: “To have women serving in infantry, though, could impair the mission-essential tasks of those units [showering in the nude]. And that’s been proven in study after study, it’s nature, upper body strength, and physical movements, and speed, and endurance, and so forth.” And what exactly does he mean by our “nature?” Obviously he has never seen a woman give birth, or witnessed a woman protect her children. Would not these same traits be beneficial in the arena we call war? Fierce and deadly protection of the “family” unconsciously or willingly without a second thought of sacrificing life and limb, and the ability to endure extreme pain might prove beneficial. No? It’s astounding when you compare the two statements between Cotton and Schlafly: nature, upper body strength, and apparently the belief that male soldiers should not be held accountable for their innate “manly desires.” In my humble opinion, men that rape their own comrades are the ones who are detrimental to the mission and the men who allow that to occur and protect the criminality of soldiers and allow them to remain in the military are the threats. Not women. “That be” you Tom Cotton. And who does he sound like? Do their words sound similar? It should. You can read more about that interview here:

If belittling female soldiers isn’t enough, let’s move on to the Violence Against Women Act. One of the aspects of this act is to help quell help domestic abuse and help rape victims. Interestingly enough, Schlafly and Cotton want to change divorce laws. They both think no fault divorce laws destroyed the institution of marriage. Let’s compare the comments made by Cotton and Schlafly. She says, “The recent PBS program called “Breaking the Silence” is an example of feminist propaganda that men are batterers and women are victims. Among the falsehoods in the film was the assertion that ‘one-third of mothers lose custody [of their children] to abusive husbands’ and that if a divorcing father seeks any form of child custody, he’s most likely a wife-beater.“ Shaking my head. Yeah, she said that. http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/nov05/05-11-09.html

She goes on to say that, “Because of perverse incentives a so called "no fault divorce” is often followed by a bitter child custody dispute with bogus allegations of domestic violence or child abuse, and the winner can get a huge child support windfall. Usually the family court judge cannot tell who is telling the truth.“ Now read what Tom Cotton wrote in his Harvard Crimson article, “Promises and Covenants.” "For example, liberals wanted to help the poor, especially poor children, so they created a welfare system with perverse incentives that encouraged the birth of children into poverty.” He also stated that feminists should hail the covenant marriages as it doesn’t allow men to dump their old hag wives for new bustier prettier versions. http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1997/10/3/promises-and-covenants-pmen-are-simple/

Mind you, Tom Cotton, still today, seems to believe that garbage. He cares so little about the plight of women that he voted against the VAWA, both versions, and what was his reason? His reason was this: he was afraid that a white man might be falsely accused and have to face justice “on the reservation.” http://arkansasnews.com/sections/news/arkansas/house-passes-violence-against-women-act-no-ark-delegation-support.html

On his the “truth” about Cotton website, he had this to say about the VAWA: “This law spends $660 million, much of which goes to fund liberal organizations to carry out an ideological agenda without effective results in reducing violence against women. This law is poorly and too broadly written. It unconstitutionally surrenders the rights of Americans who are not Native Americans to racially exclusive tribal courts, potentially violating the 4th Amendment Constitutional rights of American citizens to due process.”

Unfortunately, he is serious folks, but again, I wonder who he holds dear to his heart when espousing such nonsense about the “liberal agenda” and what not. Oh look what Phyllis Schlafly had to say on the subject in 2011: “The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), now up for reauthorization, is in major need of revision. Its billion-dollar-a-year price tag spent by the radical feminists to pursue their ideology and goals (known as feminist pork) … VAWA should be subject to rigorous auditing procedures in order to curb waste and fraud and to establish accountability.”

I’ll give you a hint—feminism and liberal are interchangeable in Tommy’s book of games. Just ask him and watch him run like a “little girl” cause’ he knows I am right. I dare say, my five year old “female” child has more kahunas than him.

Here are a few examples of the VAWA really does:

VAWA has improved the criminal justice response to violence against women by:

• holding rapists accountable for their crimes by strengthening federal penalties for repeat sex offenders and creating a federal “rape shield law,” which is intended to prevent offenders from using victims’ past sexual conduct against them during a rape trial;
• mandating that victims, no matter their income levels, are not forced to bear the expense of their own rape exams or for service of a protection order;
• keeping victims safe by requiring that a victim’s protection order will be recognized and enforced in all state, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions within the United States;
• increasing rates of prosecution, conviction, and sentencing of offenders by helping communities develop dedicated law enforcement and prosecution units and domestic violence dockets;
(Factsheet: The Violence Against Women Act)

I have to ask. Does any of that sound like a “liberal” agenda to you? How about feminist pork?

Tom Cotton and Phyllis Schlafly are so similar in their thinking, writing, and actions, I suggest we play a little game. Can the reader tell who wrote what? Was it Cotton? Was it Schlafly? Who knows! They sound the same don’t ya think?
“Feminists who allegedly speak for women should attack divorce, not its effects. If men have easy access to divorce, many will choose it thoughtlessly. Being married makes a man care more about his family’s expectations and future because he sees his family as enduring. It also makes him more faithful and committed to his partner. It’s true that women who have found men who are already better partners are more likely to marry them, but it’s also true that marriage settles men down.They may not gain true happiness with their new trophy wives, but they certainly will not slide into the material indigence and emotional misery that awaits most divorced women. If restrained, however, men can fulfill women’s deepest hopes.” (Ms. Tommy Schlafly)

Oh shucks, I would tell you, but I’ll just let this stew for a bit, while I await my knight and shining armor to arrive, so he can fulfill all my hope and dreams while beating me to a bloody pulp because there is now a ban on no fault divorce laws. Likewise, Ms. Schlafly most recently enlightened us all in regards on how not to get raped: GET MARRIED. But wouldn’t you know. Cotton suggests the same. If only women would stay in bad marriages enduring psychological and physical abuse they could avoid the pitfalls of poverty because divorce is the root of our money shortage. Not that women are paid less, not that some men do not pay their child support, not that high paying, truly, family friendly employment doesn’t exist, not that our country is the only industrialized nation not to offer maternity leave, not that women lack quality access to affordable childcare, not that women lack access to affordable birth control so they can control their reproductive lives, not that they are burdened with tremendous student loan debt, not that rape, domestic abuse and patriarchal hammers beat women down, and not that the top one percent is robbing our country and our sisters blind. Nope. None of that has anything to do with the poverty level of single women.

And much to my chagrin, Cotton’s voting record does not reflect a solution for any of the aforementioned problems. Instead, he recommends that women “defend these men against feminism, but also demand that all other men accept the lifelong nature of marriage.” The audacity is overpowering isn’t it, and the uncanny similarity to Ms. Schlafly is in fact, nauseating, although Tommy “know nothin’ bout’ women” creates the same symptoms for me—frequently.

Further, and on a different note, if one wants to get technical about plagiarism, I must explain that if a writer uses more than three words in a row, the author must put quotes around it and give credit to the writer, but there is also another rule. When one bases their entire article around the premise of another person’s intellectual property, the writer must credit that author. When reading “Promises and Covenants,” it is quite clear where Cotton got his material, so not only does he not respect women, but he steals from them while telling them to stay at home, make babies, and clean house. How is that for gallantry? Please take the time to read this tom-foolery, not pun intended. http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1997/10/3/promises-and-covenants-pmen-are-simple/

Now, besides the intellectual theft issue, there is that sick notion that Tom Cotton actually believes that women have babies in order to receive SNAP benefits. Single mothers everywhere understand what an utter joke this is, but it isn’t funny. Not. One. Bit. And quite frankly, Tom Cotton should be ashamed of himself for ever writing such a monstrous and untrue statement, yet he is eerily quiet on the subject and when a columnist at the Democratic Gazette asked for a comment regarding all these “brilliant” essays, his communications manager brushed him off with a shameful but joking tone. “Like,” what Cotton wrote in college was irrelevant, but actually it isn’t. In fact, it reflects his voting record of today. Therefore, it would be nice, if Justin Brasell would answer the question. Why does Cotton vote the same way today as what he wrote of yesteryear? And just how much money did Ms. Schlafly’s organization donate to Tommy’s campaign or does she “just” endorse him? I wonder if he has the ovaries to answer, but somehow, I doubt it.










Hi everyone, we’ve gotten a lot of messages lately about a lot of our stories showing up on Wattpad. Just so you all know, if you see our writing on Wattpad, IT IS NOT US POSTING IT. We’re looking into getting the posts removed, so thank you for letting us know! This blog is the only place we publish our writing so if you see it anywhere else, it has been stolen from the blog and was not authorized to be posted anywhere else. It’s unfortunate that people would take advantage of other creative people like this but unfortunately, it’s become a real issue. Please let us know if you find our stories published anywhere besides this blog. Thanks guys!

*Admin Sinnabun*

So we’ve gotten an increasing number of messages lately about our stories being posted on wattpad, and I just wanted to make it clear that none of the admins have a wattpad account that we post these stories to, so if you see our stories posted there, it’s not by any of the admins, and the fics have been stolen. If you see our stories on there and they’ve credited our blog as the source, we don’t necessarily have a problem with that, but we’d appreciate it if you’d still let us know, so we can monitor it and gather whatever feedback may be left there. Also, someone reported the wattpad account penguandpengui to us, and I’ve been in contact with them and we worked everything out, so please support them and know that we’re on good terms. I recently found a wattpad account with the same @ as this blog, with the name Hopesmiling that has posted a bunch of our stories (some have already been removed) without crediting the blog. Just so we’re clear, we have nothing to do with this account and these stories were stolen from the blog without our knowledge. I’ve left comments on the remaining stories asking them to remove them within the week or else get reported for plagiarism. Thank you guys for always looking out for us and helping us keep our stories that we put so much love and effort into in our own hands, you guys are the best and we’ll continue working hard for you!! <3

*Admin Sinnabun*

scuffed-ramblings: natural-opposites: ~Wolf Child Ya know what fucks you, Wolf and/or roo? Reverse



~Wolf Child

Ya know what fucks you, Wolf and/or roo? 

Reverse image search.  


Post link



Shadow Work Tarot Spread!

~Wolf Child

Lol, well this is just sloppy plagiarism. Come on, @natural-opposites , you couldn’t even take the time to remake the graphic? You just trimmed off my blog name? Had to leave my ages old avatar on there though, huh? Tsk tsk - my Virgo rising is up in arms right now, lmao.

I put this stuff out for free - I don’t even care if I’m not directly linked in external sources or whatever. But blatantly trying to take credit for something that obviously isn’t yours, not even making an effort to redesign and/or improve upon it, that’s just petty. 

For the record, I released this alongside the “January Shadow Work Challenge” back in 2015 I believe it was. Here is the original link.

This is infuriating. And they had the balls to claim that it’s theirs on some old IG post?? I can’t find a way to report this person(s), so…hey, TAROT COMMUNITY!!!

They’re liars and they’re unapologetic. Show ‘em your backs, would ya?

Or at least help spread the word that we see what’s going on, and it’s not ok.

@unmaskingthedivine is a generous ANGEL and to see her work ripped off like this I could just..


Yup, youuu guessed it. Here’s another list of Wattpad users stealing works from tumblr and posting it to their accounts without asking for permission.* If you’ve given the person permission great! But chances are most on this list have not. Please don’t send unnecessary hate to these people, just inform them if your work is stolen and report their links. Also, please reblog to boost. Chances are this will not show up in tags and it needs to get out there. I will also not add a read now, because everyone needs to see this no matter how bulky it is.

Urls might have also changed/ they’re not on tumblr anymore in this too so if you know what they’ve changed to or if they left please let them know! Now on to the list! 

First we have this one!

  1. Cant stop by @lokirels 
  2. Black lace for Beginner, Dog tags and storage units, by @moteldwelling 
  3. Lost Control by @navybrat817
  4. On his Shoulder by @whateveriwant
  5. Pretty face on a pretty neck @whistlingwillows
  6. Around your neck, That black tee by @beyondspaceandstars
  7. Two Servings by @marvel-diaries

Next we have this collection. It’s mainly Bucky x reader HOWEVERthey have stories for other fandoms as well. There’s a lot here so I’m only going to list the people, they are titled by what assume your one shot probably was title with I’ll put how many times too.

@ gaybybirth (can’t tag them) @poeticblissme@221bshrlocked(2x)@bitsandbobsandstuff(2x)@stuckydealer@ugh-supersoldiers@notimetoblog@jaamesbbaarnes or jjamesbarnes (maybe? Idk there were a few of ya’ll that popped up in this and it might be another person) @buckybarnesstar@prettyyoungtragedy@redgillan@avasparks@ceruleanbucky @ xmidnight-moonlightx (can’t tag them either) @ cleolemonfanfiction (might not be there url anymore) @nev3rfound @ agent-styleson (might not have the url or left) @ thottybarnes (can’t tag/i think their url changed) @revengingbarnes (2x) @ babybarnesy (can’t tag) @melodramaticfanatic@borkingbarnes@sinner-as-saint @ jewelofwinter (can’t tag) @baroquebucky@sincerelymlg @ jupiterbucky (can’t tag) @ flightofthefantasieson (can’t tag) @ fatbottombarnes (can’t tag) @sebbystanimagines(5x)@sergeanttucker @ hannie-writes-marvel (can’t tag) @ spacemansam (don’t think that’s their url anymore but they have a bunch) @ fandommaniacx (can’t tag) @littledarlinwrites(2x)@becs-bunker(3x) @the–sad–hatter@thebuckboibarnes@angryschnauzer@heavenbarnes 

On to the third list. Once again there’s a lot however most of the people in the list I can’t tag/ they’re url isn’t attached to them anymore.So either they didn’t credit properly or it’s been long enough they original authors have changed their names.  Make sure you check their other ‘works’ because they also have stolen stories on their page.

And then lastly is a user that was in my last post that stillhas their story up with a bunch of stolen work too. 

I’m sure there’s more out there, but that’s what I’ve found for now at least in the marvel fandom. This isn’t including the like four others I found for other fandoms. Please do not take our work and post it some place else unless we specifically state it’s alright. 

*this is also only stuff I’ve found where they’ve blatantly stated they took it from Tumblr and that they didn’t write it. The only way you can tell if your work has been posted some places else is to look it up on a plagiarism site like Quetext.

this is so upsetting…thank you so much for informing me



Plagiarism Alert

This person has a bunch of stolen fanfics uploaded on her instagram account jjkxfics7

I’ve seen a couple of mine on there and have reported her. Please check if any of your works have been stolen as well. Please report.

She’s changed all the titles and has changed around some words, but the plots are the same.

My story

she’s blocked my account and took down the fic, but others are still on there

please reblog so other writers can see if their work is on her account

the balls on this one to act like they come up with these ideas as if they’re not copy pasting other writers works. look at them, boasting about new followers like everything on their page isn’t stolen work smh

“any requests?” they ask. how about stop being trash and delete your page smh

i really haven’t been in the mood to write/post anything since i found out one of my fics was plagiarized. that person is still posting without a care in the world, and it makes me angry because nothing can be done even when i’ve been constantly reporting


Plagiarism Alert

This person has a bunch of stolen fanfics uploaded on her instagram account jjkxfics7

I’ve seen a couple of mine on there and have reported her. Please check if any of your works have been stolen as well. Please report.

She’s changed all the titles and has changed around some words, but the plots are the same.

My story

she’s blocked my account and took down the fic, but others are still on there

please reblog so other writers can see if their work is on her account

Plagiarism Alert

This person has a bunch of stolen fanfics uploaded on her instagram account jjkxfics7

I’ve seen a couple of mine on there and have reported her. Please check if any of your works have been stolen as well. Please report.

She’s changed all the titles and has changed around some words, but the plots are the same.

My story

The influence of Chaucer is conspicuous in all our early literature; and, more recently, not only Po

The influence of Chaucer is conspicuous in all our early literature; and, more recently, not only Pope and Dryden have been beholden to him, but, in the whole society of English writers, a large unacknowledged debt is easily traced. One is charmed with the opulence which feeds so many pensioners. But Chaucer is a huge borrower. Chaucer, it seems, drew continually, through Lydgat and Caxton, from Guido di Colonna, whose Latin romance of the Trojan war was in turn a compilation from Dares Phrygius, Ovid, and Statius. Then Petrarch, Boccaccio, and the Provençal poets, and his benefactors: the Romaunt of the Rose is only judicious translation from William of Lorris and John of Meung: Troilus and Creseide, from Lollius of Urbino: The Cock and the Fox, from the Lais of Marie: The House of Fame, from the French or Italian: and poor Gower he uses as if he were only a brick-kiln or stone-quarry, out of which to build his house. He steals by this apology,—that what he takes has no worth where he finds it, and the greatest where he leaves it. It has come to be practically a sort of rule in literature, that a man, having once shown himself capable of original writing, is entitled thenceforth to steal from the writings of others at discretion. Thought is the property of him who can entertain it; and of him who can adequately place it. A certain awkwardness marks the use of borrowed thoughts; but, as soon as we have learned what to do with them, they become our own.

—Emerson, “Shakespeare; or, The Poet” (my emphasis)

Post link

People were led to believe that Trump wrote his eerily nationalistic Inaugural speech after posting this photo on Twitter a few days before the Inauguration:

Butaccording to The Wall Street Journal, Trump’s speech was written by his two aids: Steve Bannon (executive chairman of the extremely right-wing “news” page Breitbart) and Stephen Miller (infamously worked for racist Jeff Sessions who may be appointed for Attorney General).

We can’t trust a word Trump (or his wife) says to the public.

A South Korean author who won the 2011 Man Asian Literary Prize for her novel, Please Look After Mom, has acknowledged having plagiarized material for a short story published in 1996.

In an interview with a local South Korean newspaper Tuesday, Shin Kyung-sook, 52, apologized to readers and said her publisher, Changbi, will remove the short story, “Legend,” from future editions of her collection of short stories.

Shin’s remarks come a week after fellow South Korean novelist Lee Eung-jun wrote an online article for Huffington Post Korea, accusing Shin of lifting a passage from a 1983 Korean translation of “Patriotism,” a 1961 story by the late Japanese writer Yukio Mishima. Both passages describe a young couple’s sexual awakening.

A day after Lee’s article appeared, Shin denied any familiarity with the Japanese author or his work, but has since changed her tune, saying she could no longer be sure of her memory.

“I desperately tried to recall my memory only to find that I haven’t read ‘Patriotism,’ but now I’m in a situation where even I can’t believe my own memory,” Shin was quoted as saying by Yonhap News Agency in her interview with the Kyunghyang Shinmun.

This isn’t the first instance in which the acclaimed author—one of South Korea’s most widely read—has faced allegations of plagiarism. In 1999, according to a blog run by Melville House, an independent publishing house in Brooklyn, South Korean literary critic Park Cheol-hwa suggested that sections of Shin’s work, “Goodbye,” closely matched Kenji Maruyama’s “Water Family.” The dispute was never resolved.

Read full article here.


Art thief Jeff Dieschburgplagiarised the work of Jingna Zhang and presented it as his own version of Turandot. Even winning prize money for it.

When confronted, he claimed he was “inspired” by her work even though it’s obviously just her work but flipped and recoloured.

In other news, Jingna is not the only artist he has chosen to steal from.

 The Raven (2012) •••• Writer: Hannah Shakespeare & Ben Livingston

The Raven (2012)
Writer: Hannah Shakespeare & Ben Livingston

Post link

There’s someone in The Borgias fandom stealing from this vid I made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOA4ZHDzZREand also stealing clips from another one of my vids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hujkck4F9y0

I’m not going to link to the plagiarizer here. Please don’t click on their vids (lmk if you want the original copy and I will send it to you). But the offending video is called “ _ ” and the so-called ‘vidder’ (who is not actually a vidder, plagiarizing =/= actually making things) is LadySultán.

They are directly and deliberately stealing clips; they have changed things up just enough that it’s not possible to report it as plagiarism, but it’s pretty obvious what they’re doing if you look at the vids. They are using my vid, and my clips, to get eyes on their channel for whatever reason, and they didn’t ask me for permission. This is stealing, plain and simple.

Making a new vid to a song that’s already been used for vidding in the same fandom is one thing (and it’s fun to see different takes on the same song), but what this person is doing is not okay. I put a lot of time and effort into making those vids, and into choosing the right clips for the song, and it’s very upsetting to see that they’re being stolen.

(Also I’m p. sure they actually stole the clips from my vid, which is extra enraging. If they just asked I would probably have been fine with a remix, but they did not. Ugh. I guess I’m going to have to watermark my vids now.)


Art thief Jeff Dieschburgplagiarised the work of Jingna Zhang and presented it as his own version of Turandot. Even winning prize money for it.

When confronted, he claimed he was “inspired” by her work even though it’s obviously just her work but flipped and recoloured.

In other news, Jingna is not the only artist he has chosen to steal from.

Drag his ass all the way down.
