#jeff sessions


Looking ahead to 2020 through the chaos of Trumptude

LEXIE CANNES STATE OF TRANS — The other shoe fell today. We knew it was coming, and by gosh, it came with a few surprises. Who knew education secretary Betsy DeVos would try to protect trans kids and stop the trans menance known as Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Sessions eventually got his way of course, and unless trans kids live in a blue state, they’ve now 4 years of misery ahead of them. One…

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aflcio:Call 1-888-704-9446 and tell legislators that Jeff Sessions is unfit to be Attorney General.


Call 1-888-704-9446 and tell legislators that Jeff Sessions is unfit to be Attorney General. #StopSessions

☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️

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People were led to believe that Trump wrote his eerily nationalistic Inaugural speech after posting this photo on Twitter a few days before the Inauguration:

Butaccording to The Wall Street Journal, Trump’s speech was written by his two aids: Steve Bannon (executive chairman of the extremely right-wing “news” page Breitbart) and Stephen Miller (infamously worked for racist Jeff Sessions who may be appointed for Attorney General).

We can’t trust a word Trump (or his wife) says to the public.

millennial-review: Well we got rid of Flynn. Actually Flynn got rid of Flynn. Two to go.


Well we got rid of Flynn. Actually Flynn got rid of Flynn.

Two to go.

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Emails from DNC server show Flynn, DIA director under Obama, was sent as a mole and Trump caught him just in time.

(RT - Moscow) Documents provided by Wikileaks in the form of emails and memos hacked from the DNC prove General Flynn actually joined the Trump campaign under false pretenses.

“Have Flynn call me,” stated one email from DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to Obama in August, “We need to make sure he doesn’t overplay his hand on Russia.”

“It seems pretty clear that the email proves the DNC knew and in fact directed Flynn’s communications with Russian Intelligence,” said Press Secretary Sean Spicer, “That means that it was actually Hillary in contact with Russia. That makes a lot more sense. It means Putin was trying to help the Democrats by setting up the president and that, as has been historically true, it is the Democrats who have betrayed the nation to Russia.”

The administration hasn’t released all the evidence yet, stating that they want to make sure none of the evidence against Hillary and the DNC was fabricated. 

“We want to be certain we don’t inadvertently mislead the American People. President Trump has been nothing but 100% honest and accurate with his statements, and we want to continue the administration’s track record,” explained Spicer.

“If these new leaks turn out to be confirmed, and we think they will,” say Attorney General Sessions, “We will indict Hillary, Obama, and anyone else in the DNC privy to this plot to bring down the government. We will charge them with espionage and sedition. Anyone who speaks with a foreign power about policy decisions when not authorized by the president is committing a serious crime, and since Flynn did so, that he did so at the behest of the Democratic Party is both serious and disappointing.”

The administration promised confirmation no later than Monday.

Wouldn’t it be great if the committee investigating Russian influence on the campaign could offer Roger Stone immunity from prosecution if he testifies to everything he knows? Including naming names: Bannon, Sessions, Manafort, Christie, Pence, Assange, Kislyak, Putin, Trump … 

Stone is such a douchebag he’d have zero qualms about turning on his “friends” to get out of hot water. Anyway Ollie North proved that it can help you avoid conviction by a real court. The only downside is Stone wouldn’t get his richly deserved deserts, but I’m willing to pay the price.

Carter Page too, while we’re at it, though it wouldn’t be as mich fun.
From Vlad to Worse Dept.JEFF SESSIONS: PUTIN’S NEWEST PUPPETGet more stupidity delivered directly to

From Vlad to Worse Dept.

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DACA activists erect, then tear down, confederate statue of Jeff SessionsOn Wednesday, activists wit

DACA activists erect, then tear down, confederate statue of Jeff Sessions

On Wednesday, activists with the Latinx-rights group Mijente marched to the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., where they first erected, and then tore down a statue of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in confederate garb.“Jeff Sessions is a living monument to the Confederacy,” Mijente director Marisa Franco said in a statement announcing the action.The protest took place in response to the administration’s decision to endthe Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program which protected hundreds of thousands of young undocumented people who arrived in the U.S. as children. The president had Sessions make the official announcement on behalf of the Department of Justice.Read more.
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