#my diary


Why do you pray her?

When next day you prey her?

-my diary


If you saw this post it means you need to laugh hardly.


Because you look better when you simle.

And for sure someone wants to see laugh out loud, and laugh themselves too.

Live, laugh, cry because you don’t live twice.

Nothing lasts forever,

Neither the innocence of a child,

Nor the love you fed.

Diamonds degrade and fade,

Love burns, lust remains.

-my diary

The butterfly never counts weeks of her life,

A flower never count how much nectar she gave away,

A gardener never count how many flowers she watered,

Why do you count how many hours you have lived?

-my diary

Hakuna Matata

Wonderfully said

Hakuna Matata

Is a glorious phrase

Hakuna Matata

It means there is no trouble

Hakuna Matata

Is a symbol of wonder.

- my diary

Colours clinging in the sky

Water smuggling the lies.

Hey guys,

My poems got published and I am beyond happy


Check it out on @iinkpublications

And me also on @vin_vinner_

Red everywhere on the map,

Seems like a vision,

Trying deceive the features,

Noone seems to envision.

-my diary

Life is an empty canvas,

It is all upto you,

Fill it,

Or leave it.


Have courage in yourself,

Be kind to everyone else,

And experience the wonders,

The life wants to tell,

Wonder after wonder,

New day ,

New adventure.


Июль был классным, а, кажется, стала сентиментальной

Dzień chyba 12

Zjedzone: 1100 kcal

- chleb z wege kabanosami, margaryną i sałatą - 253 kcal

- mleko sojowe czekoladowe 250 ml-158 kcal

- wrap z wege gyrosem, majonezem weganskim sałatą, ogórkiem i pomidorem i do tego pieczone ziemniaki - 689 kcal

Trochę dużo wyszło ale od jutra będę jeść mniej i przejdę na tą dietę (zdjęcie), ale będę ją ciągnąć najdłużej przez tydzień i później znów wrócę do jedzenia 900-1200

also myślałem czy nie zamówić tego makaronu co ma 6 kcal na 100g i chyba to zrobię tylko nie mam aż tyle kasy i boję się, że rodzice się przez to wkurzą..

a co u was motylki?:)



It’s Sunday guys!

My daily life!

A few weeks didn’t post my daily life section.

Today lunch, simple noodles + iced green tea.

Have a nice day!

See u next post.



My daily life!

Hello Monday!

Today lunch:

A bowl of Ramen + Iced Tea!

Seriously, I thought I can eat that.. but I give up when eating a few only.

It’s really spicy!!!

Enjoy your day guys!

See u next post!

I need your help. I’m going to drop the price of the journal on my Etsy! It’s a hand painted picture of Frida Kahlo in oil paints on a Moleskine Ruled Journal.

How much should it cost?

Message me! Let me know!


Last week I did what I should have done years ago and took my life back. I gave my toxic job of 6 years my 2 week notice. I have given it my all in the last 6 years, stayed late, came in early, worked weekends, worked off the clock, grew the company. All that did not matter in the end, I gave my 2 weeks and they couldn’t do the same. I was asked to leave before completing my 2 weeks. If I already didn’t have my mind made up this would have been a final nail in the coffin. I’m moving on to a better job with more money and better benefits but I still feel hurt by how it ended at a job that I gave my last 6 years to. I didn’t even get a thank you. I was tossed out like a piece of trash, you know why? Because I learned my value. I saw what I’ve done, I saw all the extra jobs that I took on with no extra pay. I saw people doing 1/10 of the work making double. The extra things I took on to be a “team player” became and expectation and part of my job. Other people used me as a resource to help them grow while I was stagnant. I’m one of those people that likes being challenged, I love figuring things out and working towards a goal. When I stopped learning, I felt stuck. A local competitor company reached out to me, saw my potential, listened to what I was looking for in my next role and invested in me. After many interviews with different companies this just felt right. It was like a breath of fresh air feeling appreciated and heard. I’m taking away many lessons from my job that I’m leaving. I learned that I do have tough skin after all. Working in the construction industry I’ve been told that you can’t be a “wall flower”. I was tough when I had to be and compassionate when someone needed it. The friendships I’ve made I’m taking with me. I learned that I need to be respected and appreciated sounds crazy that my recent role didn’t come with that. I learned that company culture outweighs just about anything and in order for any company to be successful and grow taking care of current employees is the only way to get there. The biggest lesson I’m walking away with is that I now know my value and I will never again sell myself short. Here’s to new beginnings! 4/8/22

PSA to parents

On the way to drop my son off at school we stopped to grab him a water at a convenience store. While at the store a woman walked up, grabbed my arm and said how gorgeous my son is. I thanked her, she started asking me how old he was I said he’s almost 8. At that point she turned to my son and asked him if he goes to school to which he said “yeah, I’m late now because we had to stop and get a drink”. She immediately asks “where do you go to school?”. That’s when I felt something being off. I ignored her question, told her that we are in a hurry and to have a good day. My son and I walked out of the store and she was watching us from her car. I purposely walked very slow to see if she was going to pull out and leave the parking lot but she only made a loop and parked back in the same spot. We got in our car, locked the doors and started to pull out and sure enough she’s right behind us. I took a quick left onto the main street knowing that she won’t have time to take a left to get right behind my car. Thank god for the 3 cars between us. I was starting to panic since I had to drop my son off at school which was less than a mile away but I did not want her to know what school he went to. I turned fast on to a small street hoping that she missed me. My heart was beating out of my chest. Call me crazy, call me paranoid but I trust my gut. My gut said something was off. Probably doesn’t help that I’ve seen so many tik toks lately about kids being abducted at stores. Bottom line is trust your intuition, it’s better to be wrong than sorry. I hate that we live in a world like this, I hate that if you are just being nice you might be judged for being a creep. I hate that I had to explain to my son that there are people out there that take kids away from their families. It’s so sad that at even at his young age he picked up on the weird feeling from the lady. I hope and pray that I am wrong, I hope that any other mother would do the same in this situation. Be aware, be on alert, protect your babies, they are the future. 3/2/22

It’s me!

So I’ve had to write a few posts to catch up with the 20 weeks that have flown by and I’ve completely forgotten to introduce myself

So I’m the mum to be behind this blog.

My names Lauren and I’m 28.

I wasn’t actually planning on ever having children, I was always more career minded and had always set myself goals regarding that.

But hey! I’m not one to turn down a challenge, and I fully expect motherhood to be just that!

Aswell as giving you updates, tips and tricks, I will fully appreciate loads of involvement and others people opinions on things. I’m new to this right? I’m never going to know everything!

The reason I decided to do this blog was because I wanted something my little girl can look back on in years to come. I want to be brutally honest about everything, which will probably put her off parenthood forever

So this is me! A face to the blog at last!
