#pregnancy tw


( rhys. )

        the truly TERRIFYINGthing is that rhys DOESknow what tim is saying, more terrifying still that he thinks he might be capable of… WARMINGup to the thought of them with a c h i l d. rhys’ hands worm their way around to timothy’s back, slipping UNDERhis shirt to smooth up the planes of muscle beneath his boyfriend’s skin. the contact is SOOTHING, somehow, but it always is. a sigh released into the other’s chest as rhys allows his head to fall forward, forehead pressed against soft fabric. 

        teeth worry the inside of rhys’ cheek, nerves twisting his intestines in KNOTS. he feels like he could vomit ( which he expects is going to be a frequent thing ANYWAY) and… it is with that thought that rhys feels maybe, MAYBEhe already HASmade up his mind. 

        “Our schedules are a mess as it is. We’d hardly have the time for each other if we didn’t livetogether, and sometimes I think I’d lose my head if you weren’t here to help me keep it screwed on.” pulling back from the soft embrace, rhys looks up at tim with the face of a man who is considering a future he’s never had the CHANCEto consider. “But… but let’s thinkabout it, okay? Making a decision right now isn’t smart. We need time to mull it over.” 

     a pleased sigh leaves his lips at the feeling of rhys’ hands running along his back, a hand coming up to comb through the soft tufts of rhys’ hair. this is a heavy and loaded decision, both sides having their set of prosandcons—no matter WHAT they end up choosing here. the hand that isn’t combing through rhys’ hair is picking at the cuticles of his thumb with the nail of his index—a nervous tick he’s had since he was just a k i d—he wonders if it’ll be passed on to their child… if theydo decide on not terminating.

we shouldn’t think about it too long though, y’know ? if we’re not ready, we wouldn’t wanna like… get attached. and things can get a little more complicated the farther along you are.  tim acts as if they’re gonna take MONTHS to finally decide on what they’re gonna do—though a small part of his brain tells him that they’ve b o t h already made up their minds here. 

     “we could figure it out, rhys. we always do. that’s how we work.  timothy’s positive attitude sees nothing but the good in this situation they’ve found themselves in, pulling back from rhys with a soft smile on his lips as calloused hands come up to cup his face. “ we’ll think about it.  he agrees, a sharp nod of his head as he leans forward to press a kiss to rhys’ forehead. 

( rhys. )

        “This is going to sound INSANE, but I’m really craving something vinegary.” eyes are fixed on the ceiling, brow a contemplative furrow as rhys’ hand continues to stroke through timothy’s messy hair. tim has had his head pillowed on the VERYsoft bulge of rhys’ stomach all morning, SWEARINGhe can hear something inside. rhys keeps telling him that it’s probablyjust gas, which only makes tim POUT. “I feel like I could possibly finish an entire jar of pickles. That’s not healthy, is it?”

     i don’t think an entire jar of pickles would be aGOODidea, rhys. not for you o r the kid. “ there’s a breathy laugh, eyes fluttering shut as he keeps his head propped on rhys’ stomach, looking up at the atlas ceo.  we could get you something ELSE. though i think all the stores are closed…  glancing at the clock, the time tells him they’re currently sitting at 11 pm—and wow they’ve really done NOTHING today. but time in bed together ? timothy certainly wasn’t gonna complain about it. “c’mon, sweetheart. let’s go see what’s in the kitchen.  reluctantly pulling himself up from the bed, his hands are held out for rhys to take.

( rhys. )

        it really wouldbe unfair to JUSTbe blaming timothy, which is whys rhys ISN’T. takes TWOto tango, and rhys knows that it’s just as much hisfault as it is tim’s, but it’s so EASYto be MAD. this isn’t the end of the world, so why does it FEELlike it is? using his anger as ammunition isn’t fair, though, and rhys takes a moment to pull himself together, letting timothy try and console him with his hands. rhys’ mouth works over silent words, opening and closing as timothy offers a LOGICALsolution, but his voice sounds reluctant, and rhys’ heart jumps for some inexplicable, terrible reason.

        gaze falls to the floor, body melting under the digging and massaging of tim’s fingers. calmer now, rhys is capable of speaking rationally, less venomously. “I know you’re going to say that ultimately it’s MYchoice,” he breathes in slowly, letting his hands drop to timothy’s waist. they bunch up in the fabric of his boyfriend’s shirt, distractedly playing with the hem of it. “But what do you want to do? If it’s a shared blame, then it’s a shared decision, too.”

        would it really be so b a d? rhys tries to wrap his mind around the thought of them having a child, and there goes his heart doing that jumpingthing again. it’d be hard… but they could manage it, rhys thinks, and it SCAREShim to have a thought like that. or maybe it EXCITEShim. 

        “Do you – - wantto keep it?”

     he mulls over the question rhys proposes to him, continues massaging his fingers into rhys’ shoulders, putting pressure down into all the right spots. he knows rhys well, and knows the exact points to dig his fingers into to make rhys melt. he seems like he needs it right now anyways… god, maybe they should go to a spa. but now really wasn’t the TIMEto be thinking of that.

     cautiously, as if dipping his toe into the water to test, tim moves to pull rhys into his chest, arms wrapping tightly around his body.  i think… hepauses then, rests his chin on top of rhys’ head as he runs over the words in his head, tries to find the EXACT way he wants to word it to rhys.  i think it’d be interesting. i wouldn’t say i WANT to keep it but… there’s like this little voice in my ear, a ‘what if’ voice… y’know ? “ he hopes and prays rhys knows what he’s going on about—that they’re on the SAME PAGE about this.

      but, you’re right… i AM going to say it’s your choice, even if this is a shared decision. i-i can’t force you to keep a baby you don’t want to make ME happy, that’s not fair. 

Positively Pregnant

BTS Reaction to your pregnancy test finally coming back positive.

Warning: Vomit (Morning sickness)


  • He waits anxiously in the living room as you take the test, wringing his hands.
  • When you don’t come out after 15 minutes he starts to worry and goes to find you
  • You’re sobbing on the floor when he walks in
  • Immediately he is at your side telling you it’ll be okay you can try again
  • You’re crying too hard to tell him, so you hand him the test and he freezes his soothing motions
  • Tears well in his eyes as you watch for his reaction
  • Suddenly you’re being lifted off the floor and carried towards your bedroom he lays you down carefully, but he doesn’t let go.
  • His hands trail down your sides and lift the hem of your shirt.
  • He leans down and presses hundreds of kisses into your tummy as you giggle, trying to wriggle away from your husband’s affectionate assaults


  • You find out while he is on tour
  • There’s only a month left so you don’t tell him
  • He would only want to fly home immediately and there’s nothing for him to do yet
  • Hiding from him is torture when he checks in everyday and all you want is to spill the secret and see the joy on his face of finally…
  • But you know it’ll be worth it
  • He comes home to string flower petals leading to your closed bedroom door
  • He opens it to find a tray of goodies laying out for him and a jewellery box with a note that says ‘find me waiting in the bathroom’
  • He doesn’t open the box too eager to see you after so long he takes the box and heads straight for you
  • He is more than confused to find you sat on the closed toilet lid in a fluffy bathrobe instead of in a bubble bath like he was usually greeted with
  • You roll your eyes and gesture to the unopened box he still looks very confused at the little white stick displayed under new cufflinks that read “daddy”
  • Eventually you just stand letting the robe fall to display your rounding belly.
  • The shock finally hits him, and he sweeps you into his arms, cradling you close with one arm, the other hand on your stomach.


  • You are out shopping with your little boy
  • Daddies black card burning a hole in your pocket as you treat the birthday boy
  • You’d just finished lunch when the overwhelming urge to vomit hit
  • The next three days you struggled to keep anything down
  • Yoongi eventually convinces you to go to the hospital even though you think he’s being a bit dramatic for a stomach bug.
  • The news you are six weeks pregnant hits you like a truck after what the doctors told you last time
  • It’s one of the few times Yoongi lets you see him cry off stage.


  • It’s a joke when he says “maybe you’re pregnant” after developing a weird craving for spray cheese on salt and vinegar crisps
  • This wasn’t even that weird
  • You laughed
  • It’s not exactly out of character for you to try weird food combos
  • Except spray cheese is disgusting
  • You still feel a little silly when you go out to buy the test
  • Lo and behold the little plus mark appears and you are left in shock
  • Fully on autopilot you walk into your kitchen test in hand
  • Hobi looks up confused, glancing at your outstretched hands and makes one of those noises only he can
  • He sweeps you off your feet and dances you around the kitchen pulling you out of your shellshock.


  • You’d never seen someone so excited yet so close to an obvious breakdown
  • There are 30 swatches of paint on the wall of the spare room by the end of the week
  • Trying to remind him that if there is still 32 weeks to go does not slow down the process
  • He enlists the boys while they have time off because he is worried he won’t be around to help as much when their schedules pick up again
  • Every detail is run by you before it’s placed in the nursery
  • And he has a baby shower party planned long before your second scan.


  • The moment the at home test comes back positive Tae has booked you in for a hospital scan
  • You sit in the private hospital room twitching as you wait for the ultrasound technician to come in
  • Taehyung squeezes your hands reassuring you after so many negatives and false starts
  • This time feels different though
  • Eventually the doctor comes in and you lie back ignoring the discomfort that comes with a transvaginal ultrasound
  • It was early on and you needed to be sure
  • The doctor’s brows furrow and you steal your nerves for the news that it was another false alarm
  • “Are you prepared for the possibility of multiple births?”
  • Taehyung can’t contain his excitement head whipping to look at your pale complexion
  • The doctor doesn’t get to say triplets before you’ve blacked out
  • You thought you were around 12 weeks and starting to show
  • Nope! Six weeks and very bloated


  • Five nights into your private luxury yacht honeymoon you are vomiting over the side of the rails while your very confused half naked husband watches on
  • You’re taken to the doctor at the next port
  • You laugh when he suggests pregnancy you’ve only been off birth control for a month now
  • Everyone said it would take forever and you’d already waited for so long
  • Turns out the universe just didn’t want you living in sin
  • They did several tests
  • Each positive
  • You do wish the little bean could have waited to make you sick when you weren’t living on a boat for a month
  • You cut the trip short
  • But JK already had you rebooked for six months after the due date for your first family holiday


Tomorrow: SMUT! specifically somnophilia

Still one day of reactions left if you want to suggest something.

Tell me about your kinks

Mornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse - often wakiMornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse - often wakiMornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse - often wakiMornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse - often waki

Mornings are rough for Me-Me. That’s when nausea and the urge to pee are at their worse - often waking her up from her sleep and making it tough to get the rest she needs. So rather than laying back down, only to be awakened moments later, Me-Me walks across the hall to the nursery.

The nice thing about inheriting a house is that the rooms are decorated and ready to be occupied. This one is her favorite. She’s sure that the baby will love growing up in this room.

(Full post available to read on my website)

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I genuinely cannot get the idea of Kiri being a girl dad out of my head and I wrote this in 15 minutes. Not proof read. Please enjoy.

Girl Dad Kiri

He would be the best dad ever as it is but when he finds out you’re having a girl he can’t help the flow of happy tears that pour from his eyes. Something about having a little one around and the hope of her being exactly like you fills him with so much joy.

You always told him that you wanted your first to be a boy but you’re happy nonetheless to experience something like this with him. He’s so reassuring that everything will be okay and that you guys will be the best team to raise your daughter.

He’s so gentle and so affectionate with you, especially once you start showing. He can’t keep his hands off of you and your little baby bump. Something about seeing you with a swollen belly, carrying his baby, makes his heart skip a beat. He’s always offering to help you up, help you sit or lay down. Always has one hand on your belly and the other on your lower back or grasped in your hand.

Stands behind you while you cook dinner, fingers interlaced as he holds you from behind. Kissing the crook of your neck. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

“Are you sure you don’t need any help? You shouldn’t be on your feet, I don’t want your back to get sore. By the way, have I told you how beautiful you look today?”

“Eiji, I’m okay.” You reassure him. “Plus you know you can’t cook anyway.” You smile at him as his chin rests on your shoulder. Earning a soft laugh from behind you. Leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. Of course he agreed that you’ll always be the better cook and he can’t wait for his baby girl to learn from the best. Hoping that she’ll share the same love for cooking and baking as you do. He dreams of watching his soon to be favorite girls in the kitchen while he gets to try everything the two of you come up with. He’d definitely join in as the two of you playfully throw flour at him while making his favorite baked goods.

He doesn’t really do any research because he feels like he was meant to be a dad, besides he has you. Kind of freaks out and forgets things when you’re ready to go into labor but it’s hard to be upset with him by the wide toothy grin and gentle eyes of adoration spread across his face.

Let’s you squeeze his hand as hard as you need to while he sits behind you and tells you how great you’re doing. Always reminding you to breathe and that it’ll all be okay.

Once your baby girl finally gets here, he’s so eager to hold her. Scared he might crush her because of his size, but he’s so in love already that he can’t help himself.

Definitely cries when he sees her in your arms for the first time. He can’t help but let the tears flow as he looks at his beautiful little family. The family you gave him.

You’ve made all of his dreams come true and he couldn’t be more ecstatic when you tell him you want to try for another. How could he possibly tell you no? The idea of a growing family always made his heart swell in his chest.

You’re so hard on yourself after you try and try and try for a boy after having your third girl.

“Eiji, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just want to give you a boy. I want you to have someone that embodies you. I want you to have that connection” you tell him.

“Honestly, another girl couldn’t make me happier. It’s one more reason I’m reminded of how lucky I am to have you” He’d tell you. “One more reason for me to do everything I can to protect you. All of you. Even if we did try again I would still hope for a girl and I would still hope she’d be exactly like you.”

He would definitely teach them that even girls can be strong. Definitely takes them to the gym and puts them through training when they’re old and capable enough. Is definitely the best sports dad ever if that’s what they’re interested in.

He’s so supportive of everything and he continues to thank you for giving him the perfect family. He truly could not have asked for more and if you wanted, he would happily continue to build a family until your hearts content. He can’t get enough of having a being that is half of him and half of you running around.

Even with having 4 kids running around, he never forgets to pay attention to you. Continues to be very affectionate , even in front of your daughters. Always complimenting you on how you look. Makes jokes about you being a milf. All your daughters roll their eyes and tell their dad he’s gross and to take those comments elsewhere. He can’t help but throw it back in their face jokingly and say “don’t temp me or we might just end up with another one of you around the house if that happens.”

You can’t help but laugh and tell your kids that they shouldn’t settle for a man any less that what their father is like. Because he truly is the best husband and the best girl dad.

Just imagining big, pro-hero Kirishima holding his newborn baby has my ovaries exploding. This was so frigging cute I love

(ID: eight images with pastel rainbow backgrounds, there are black curved lines bordering each corner and black text in the center of every image; the text reads 1) “transgender and pro-choice”, 2) “include trans people in your abortion rights advocacy”, 3) “pro-choice and childfree without apology”, 4) “bodily autonomy is a human right”, 5) “this isn’t gods will you’re just an asshole”, 6) “not subject to the rules of your religion”, 7) “my body my life my future my choice”, 8) “forced pregnancy is torture”.)

I wish like hell we had an actual organized feminist movement these days. We don’t.

Instead we have just as many feminists who loudly oppose a right to bodily autonomy as we do those who support it. We have feminists who openly collaborate with Republicans to support and pass laws limiting bodily autonomy and medical freedom.

I’m seeing just as many self-identified feminists right now who seem more outraged by the phrase “pregnant person” than they are by the rapidly approaching loss of abortion rights.

Instead of amplifying the conversation, they hope to shut down the voices of trans people who will also be impacted by the loss of access to safe abortion.

Can’t really say I’m surprised that we’ve ended up where we are now.

While you were busy being outraged by trans people playing sports, Republicans have this entire time been working towards the goal of eliminating the right to safe legal abortion.

While you’ve celebrated with Republicans as trans people feared losing the right to access gender affirming care and parents feared having their trans children taken away from them, those same Republicans have been plotting to strip your medical rights away from you and take away your right to decide when or if you have your own children.

While you raged about trans people pissing and shitting in public toilets, Republicans have been using the support for their party generated by anti-trans bigotry to get more Christian forced-birthers elected and appointed.

While you rant about trans people being part of the abortion rights conversation, I promise you that Republicans are already planning ways to prevent legal access to and healthcare coverage of birth control, plan b, and possibly even sterilization.

And while you’re angry about gender inclusive language, I promise you that Republicans are already celebrating the end of legal marriage equality.

Trans people are not responsible for the oppression of women, for the patriarchy, or for the loss of our reproductive rights. Christian Republicans, those who support them, and those who support their beliefs are.

I’m kind of numb over the supreme court draft that got leaked. This is not a surprise. Like a lot of other folks, I’ve been expecting for months that we’d seen Roe overturned this June.

I’ve been angry and scared about it for some time, but I did expect this would happen during my life time. I grew up around the “pray to end abortion” crowd. In spite of my largely unchurched childhood, I was raised culturally Christian and educated in the bible belt. Damned near everyone I grew up around treated the end of legal abortion as a future goal and outcome. “God will win”, they said. “Our bodies belong to God and not ourselves”, they said.

I’ve questioned a lot of things, but I never was anti-choice. The idea of being pregnant always disgusted me, and the thought of having no choice in the matter always scared me. And how could I justify forcing on others what I reject for myself?

I don’t have any answers. But I am afraid that this is just the beginning of what we will see. I believe firmly that the gay marriage ruling will be the next target. I’m afraid of what will happen with trans health care rights. And religious freedom (real religious freedom, not Christian privilege). I’m worried for myself and for everyone else.

For @hlord369 who asked for some ‘adorable pregnant korrasami cuddling’ For the record,

For@hlord369 who asked for some ‘adorable pregnant korrasami cuddling’ For the record, I totally headcanon Korra freaking out the entire time Asami is pregnant- always asking if she needs water, or food, or to readjust the pillow, or if she’s comfortable and Asami is just like, 'Korra, pls, I’m fine, just go to sleep’ but can’t stop smiling because she loves that Korra cares so much.

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The abortion conversation is actually a perfect example of how asinine the concept of trans men having male privilege is. When people start talking about abortion rights, there is always at least a half a thousand posts made with the statement, “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be free and available on every corner,”. Of course, this isn’t true- men can get pregnant, and we don’t have easy access to abortion — in fact, it’s often harder for men to get an abortion than it is for a woman.

Of course, if cisgender men could get pregnant, then maybe that original statement of “then abortion would be free and available of every corner,” might be slightly closer to the truth. That’s because the government/ the patriarchy is run with cisgender men in mind. Laws are made to make their lives easier. This isn’t the case for transgender men, in fact, the law is regularly working to make our lives much harder than that of a cisgender man or a cisgender woman’s.

The source of male privilege is the patriarchy, in simple terms, the patriarchy is the way that the government is built with cisgender men in mind. It supports only cisgender men. Not transgender men. Which is why transgender men doesn’t possess male privilege.

Instead, we get laws that make it harder for us to get birth control, and we get told to shut up by women whenever we try to talk about abortion and birth control from the male perspective, because it’s seen as “diverting the conversation away from the real victims (women),”.

[cw for transphobic rape, forced pregnancy, forced detransition]

Cis women’s takes on trans men and abortion also completely fail to think of the particular harms that we face in places that are anti-abortion.

The dominant narrative around trans men and abortion is that we have the same problems as cis women, plus we have “a more difficult time” accessing reproductive healthcare services (often with no explanation of what that actually means – being turned away because we have an M on our medical records, because we look like men even if we have an F on our medical records, being excluded from automatic notification systems like cervical smear reminders, etc). We’re treated as “cis women plus”, without much consideration to what the larger world looks like for trans men in states and countries with anti-abortion laws.

If you can’t terminate a pregnancy, and you can be charged with manslaughter for a miscarriage, then the legal system can force pregnant trans men to stop taking T regardless of the patient’s wishes. T isn’t birth control, but it does have adverse effects on pregnancies; it’s extremely likely that doctors will be forced to stop prescribing T to pregnant trans men so that they can’t be seen as complicit in “breaking the law” (inducing a miscarriage).

This means that cis men can forcibly detransition trans men by raping and impregnating us. The detransition is backed up socially when all pregnancy-related care services are “for women”; this forces us to live socially as women in order to not fucking die of neglect during pregnancy.

So not only do we not have male privilege, because access to these services is harder for us than it is for cis women, but we face specific dangers from anti-abortion law that cis women never fucking talk about, either because they don’t know or because they don’t think our forced detransition is a big deal.

Yeah, this as well.

I did meet up with a trans man once at a bar in Seattle, we were talking about the current abortion bill in Texas while getting a little too drunk, who spoke about a very similar issue, because it had happened to him.

He was sexually assaulted by a cis male roommate and ended up pregnant. It had turned out the man who had assaulted him had purposefully been stealing his birth control. He had been celibate and trying to figure out where his meds were going (and suspected someone in the shared-house he had been stealing them for some reason, but assumed it was one of the younger girls who had recently started dating), then he was rapped several times and told to his face that being pregnant would show him that he wasn’t a real man.

He lived in Texas at the time and this occurred numerous decades ago, this was before Robert Eads passed away. There was zero legal protection in place, anywhere on earth, for trans men who needed reproductive care, ovarian care, cervix care, or any other form of “female health care” and no movement, even within the queer community, was talking about the need for those protections.

It was the 80s. Getting an abortion in Texas as a woman was hard then (and is now), and it was impossible as a man. He had to de-transition to get an abortion. And by de-transition I mean the whole nine yards. He had to tell his therapist that he was a cisgender woman in order to get her help with getting an abortion.

He had just barely made it before the “it’s too late to get an abortion” line in the time-frame when he got his.

Not only that, but he had to wait until 1998 to get back on testosterone, because he had to lie and say he wanted to de-transition to get that abortion. The abortion he wouldn’t have been able to get unless he said he was a woman. Knowing that if he didn’t say he wanted to, he would have had to anyway during the period in which he was pregnant and would be forced to give birth, due to the reasons stated above by canadianwheatpirates.

That was over a decade of his life where he was fighting to re-transition, after he was raped and forced to de-transition in order to get an abortion. Over a decade of his life where he was just waiting and pleading for access to medical transition.


Lottie via Instagram - 05.04




Alright y'all I’m pregnant despite using a plan b and I need to get an abortion its going to cost about $800, I’m black, poor and disabled and can’t possibly afford a baby

Even a dollar helps

We’re at $414/$800. Thank you guys so much . Almost there


Fandom: Marvel/Avengers

Pairing: Loki/Female Reader

Category: Fluff. Fluff without plot.

Rating: G.

Summary: Loki watches you with your child, and he can’t get over the way it makes him feel.

Warnings/Notes: This is a “sequel” of sorts to TogetherandAs One. You were pregnant, and now you are the mother of Loki’s baby boy. If this sort of thing throws you out of a fic or triggers anything horrible in you, I’m sorry. I just wanted to give Loki something like this. Next week’s lullaby will not feature a cis-female Reader.

Never Alone

Growing up where he did, and how, Loki had never put much stock in the idea of miracles.

He had what he needed, most of the time, and whenever Asgard could not provide something else that he needed, it made sure to crush him under a thousand other weights to distract him from whatever was missing. There were no miracles to put him on the throne instead of his war-hungry brother. There were no miracles to save him when everything he thought he’d known began to crumble in around him. For the briefest of moments there after he let himself drop off of the Bifrost, he thought maybe he might be rescued by a miracle, or else find his miraculous peace in a permanent sleep, but…well, he’d very quickly realized how very wrong he was. After that, he was far too deep in the mire of torture and misery to even remember what the word “miracle” meant anymore.

Keep reading

littlemixnet: leighannepinnock: We’ve dreamed about this moment for so long and we can’t believe thelittlemixnet: leighannepinnock: We’ve dreamed about this moment for so long and we can’t believe thelittlemixnet: leighannepinnock: We’ve dreamed about this moment for so long and we can’t believe the


leighannepinnock: We’ve dreamed about this moment for so long and we can’t believe the dream is finally coming true… we can’t wait to meet you. ❤️


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Pro-Lifer blogger “aubscares” informed me she works at a CPC called “Positive Options.” It has four locations:

339 S River Ave
Holland, MI 49423
Tel: 616-396-5840

4623 Lake Michigan Dr
Allendale, MI 49401
Tel: 616-895-1893

114 Chestnut
Allegan, MI 49010
Tel: 269-686-7111

Grand Haven
700 Washington, # 130
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Tel: 616-842-7510

There’s also a ‘mobile center’ (a bus) that only provides pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.
Tel: 616-294-0822


The site is incrediblymisleading, the tagline literally stating “For your health, choice and future.” The front page has three links labeled “Pregnancy,” “Adoption” and “Abortion.” “Abortion” is not clickable but the other two are. There are three ‘happy client stories’ and only one has talked about deciding to parent, the other two are extremely open-ended and leave a lot up to the person reading the ‘story’ and one even makes it sound like they’re opting for an abortion but ‘haven’t decided yet.’ There is no indication they do not preform abortions aside from a small ‘disclaimer’ stating a list of services they do not provide. The list reads as follows:

~All of Positive Options’ services are free of charge;
~Medical services are overseen by licensed medical professionals, some of whom are volunteers;
~Our pregnancy test is 99% accurate 3 to 5 days before a missed period (positive or negative);
~Positive Options recommends clients consult a licensed physician to confirm the results of a pregnancy test or ultrasound;
~Any counsel received at Positive Options is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling;
~The use of electronic recording devices will not be permitted in order to protect client privacy and the privacy of Positive Options staff;
~Any attempt to obtain services or resources under false pretenses will result in the discontinuation of services; and,
~All information is kept confidential and will not be released without a client’s written consent, except if child abuse and/or criminal sexual conduct reporting laws apply or if we believe or hear that a client is  in danger of hurting themselves or others.
~Positive Options does not offer annual exams, birth control devices, mid-life services, abortion services or referrals, mammograms or breast screening, in-vitro fertilization services, pre or post-natal care, treatment of infertility, or treatment of reproductive tract infections.
~Clients will receive a referral list of local physicians for continued reproductive care.
~The contents of this website are for information purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
~In no event shall Positive Options be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on the content of this website.


Some items have been bolded because they deserve extra attention and cause suspicion.

This site has an entire page dedicated to abortion and the different types with no indicators that this ‘clinic’ does not offer them. Oh, excuse me, yes they do have a smalldisclaimer at the bottom of the ‘services’ page:


I have gone through the entire site at least four times and only justnoticed this. I couldn’t imagine what a scared, nervous, anxious, or upset pregnant person could miss or interpret. 

The ‘medical team’ includes two Nurses (Linda Dykstra RN, Nurse Sonographer and Val Kuipers RN, Nurse Sonographer) and a Nurse Practitioner (Mary Teerman LPN, Nurse Sonographer) and a Doctor Jim Gerard, MD the Medical Director, and a local practicing OB/GYN in West Michigan. Three nurses and one doctor for four locations? My general practitioner has two LPN’s and about six nurses and she’s in a small family practice!

Also this cute line:

“We are dedicated to providing our communities with a wide range of free and confidential services to all.”

Yeah, you mean pee tests and free ultrasounds. That’s a ‘wide range’ of services.

So if you live in or near Allendale, Allegan, Grand Haven, and Holland be aware of Positive Options. If you do drop by, say hi to aubscares for me. :)

tangled ⇨ queen arianna of corona“ I had no idea what I was supposed to do in this world, so I went

tangled queen arianna of corona

I had no idea what I was supposed to do in this world, so I went out and found my own way.

janet mongomery as arianna 

Post link

20 Pregnancy and baby prompts

requested by: anons

request: fluffy pregnancy/new baby/new parents prompts

Feel free to use and reblog!


#1 - Person A being overly emotional and sensitive due to their pregnancy and Person B comforting them patiently

#2 - Person A being totally oblivious to the fact that they’re pregnant (bonus points if Person B has to make them aware of all the obvious signs)

#3 - Person B putting on weight although Person A is actually the one who is pregnant

#4 - thinking about every word they come across as a possible baby name (bonus points if Person B says how absurd Person A’s suggestions are but making the most absurd suggestions themself)

#5 - Person A being teased about their weird cravings during pregnancy

#6 - Person B excitedly telling Person A how big the baby in A’s belly is every week (like a gummy bear, hamster, mango, etc.)

#7 - Person B being dazzled by Person A’s ‘pregnancy glow’

#8 - talking to the baby through the belly and telling them how excited they already are

#9 - waking up and thinking how incredible and miraculous it is that they’re pregnant and going to have a baby

#10 - thinking about the things that make the time of their pregnancy special and deciding that one day, they’ll tell their child about it

Newly parents:

#11 - being repeatedly astonished how tiny the baby is

#12 - relaxing for the first time in days when the baby finally sleeps peacefully for some hours

#13 - Person A watching Person B holding and being engrossed in the baby (bonus points if they’ve never seen them so soft)

#14 - the baby being visibly excited when one of the parents is entering the room

#15 - Person A making conversation with the baby and speaking both parts (bonus points if Person is shaking their head about with endearment)

#16 - Person B - being usually the stoic one - somehow managing to evoke a laughing fit in the baby

#17 - yet having to learn how to change a diaper

#18 - being unable to stop caressing the baby because “it’s so soft!”

#19 - having the baby wear matching clothes with the pet

#20 - Person B trying to teach the baby their first words and Person A is rolling their eyes because the baby is still much too small


“Gimme kiss” | Various

Parings: fem!reader x Bakugou, Midoriya, Shinsou


Warning: MDNI, smut, fem bodied reader, aged up characters (all 20+), breeding kink, creampie, lots of cum, pregnancy kink, a lil fluff in Shinsou’s, established relationships, that pro hero life.

A/n: I wrote this a while ago and it was supposed to be a funny little drabble about saying something out of pocket to your boyfriend. But somewhere along the line it got out of control. Now it’s pretty much a breeding kink drabble. Sorry. not sorry


Him: “gimme kiss”

You: “I’ll give you a son”


This man would freeze up for a second, looking at you with furrowed brows to check if you’re being serious. Seeing that look on your face, he knows that you are, so he doesn’t even hesitate when he grabs his phone to call his agency, saying he’s taking the weekend off for “family reasons”. He will then proceed to ruthlessly fuck you full of his cum, not daring to pull out after each load to make sure it stays inside. Not even in your bedroom room either. No, he’ll grab you from wherever you’re standing, bending you over the closest surface and taking you right then and there. He will only bring you to the bed when your legs start to give out and there’s so much of yours and his cum leaking down your legs. But even then, it won’t be enough for him as he continues to shoot load after load in your already full womb.  No trying for weeks with Bakugou, this man is making sure you get pregnant tonight.

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