#principal bump



Small details in the owl house that mean a lot to me

  1. Principal Bump offering teenage Eda a stress toy to help with her destructive tendencies in a safe way.
  2. In reaching out, when Alador goes in for a hug and Amity stops him in favor of a handshake.
  3. When Amity knows Luz is lying to her about the human realm but still makes a point to not go through her phone.
  4. Willow showing Gus how to breathe through his anxiety attack, and in turn Gus showing Hunter how to breathe through his panic.
  5. Eda holding back King and Hooty from crowding Luz and Hunter when they get back from the emperor’s mind.

I know we say this every week but that was honestly one of my favorite episodes! Top 5!

Finally, a proper Gus episode with no Lumity to overshadow him. Seeing Gus and Willow’s origin was so sweet, how she helped him calm down melted my heart!

Geez Amity pissed me off this episode. Willow may have been timid and shy before but she’s gotten so much stronger, physically and mentally! I know Amity is trying to be a good friend, but she still hasn’t met the real Willow yet.

At least he’s safe for now. And is that his Emerald Entrail jersey!?

I never expected Matt long ass name to join a second coven, let alone the illusion track. Nevertheless, I love it! Also the twins look great! If you listen closely you can hear Odalia’s blood boiling.

Gus is so strong and talented! To see an illusion from that far away and be able to counter it from the Head Witch of the track no less! Not to mention the illusions he creates. In season 1, he struggled with creating messages for Luz and in season 2, my boy is covering schools and graveyards with illusions!

This is a friendship I never saw coming, but I’m not complaining! Gus helping Hunter breathe and trying to talk to him while at the same time respecting his privacy. God this show is just so freaking great!

Bump and the Illusions professor definitely had Dumbledore and Mcgonagall vibes this episode. I’ve always liked Bump but after this episode and “Them’s the Break, Kid” I’ve only come to enjoy him more!

Strike a pose!

This episode was stellar everyone! Gus once again overcoming his insecurities and proving how strong he is, Hunter rebelling against Belos and revealing his plans, Willow and Amity continuing to mend their friendship, Bump being awesome, and showing everyone how dangerous illusions can be!

Three episodes left of season two and we are going in blind. We have that screenshot of King and Steve but that’s it. Can’t wait for next week!

I love how face reveals in The Owl House don’t have this large build up or dramatic music playing. They just happen naturally.

Bump shows his students other benefits of Palismen.

The Golden Guard’s mask fell off in a crash.

Belos was alone working on the portal, when someone who’s seen him without his mask walks in.

And Steve was defecting from the Emperor’s Coven while simultaneously giving a bug a new home.

We’re obviously curious as to what these characters look like without their faces obscured and we eventually get rewarded. Not with a close up and a dramatic helmet/mask removal, but by it just happening naturally in the story.

Disney give us this series you cowards!

“The Owl House Presents: Eda’s Hexside Adventures”

You owe Dana, her crew and us fans that much!


Small details in the owl house that mean a lot to me

  1. Principal Bump offering teenage Eda a stress toy to help with her destructive tendencies in a safe way.
  2. In reaching out, when Alador goes in for a hug and Amity stops him in favor of a handshake.
  3. When Amity knows Luz is lying to her about the human realm but still makes a point to not go through her phone.
  4. Willow showing Gus how to breathe through his anxiety attack, and in turn Gus showing Hunter how to breathe through his panic.
  5. Eda holding back King and Hooty from crowding Luz and Hunter when they get back from the emperor’s mind.


I know Principle “no child is beyond redemption” Bump and Hunter had a ~conversation~ after all that was over

The original hexsquad (plus Eda of course, and Minus Odalia) :,)

Man I love this image sm

1- Aladors closer to Darius (like, their almost linking arms) than Odalia. They so dated before she got involved

2- Raine is such such shortie!!!! Even if their crouched down a little

3- Nothing special to point out I just love Bump

Eda: Why am I in trouble?



Bump: On your last test, you just wrote “Sorry, can’t read Lily’s paper”

The implication that Principal Bump just locked down all the students in Hexside to protect them.

Rewatching owlhouse, bump had to of known luz was an actual person during the abomination thing. I’d like to think he would of pressed the knife down and then turned to willow like, “wow, did not expect this from you,” then pull the knife back and drive it down only to stop just before he hit her. Like, “holy sh!t, you’re committed. Did she mind control you?”
