#quote post


Women like me, we do not burn —

I have been thrown into fire

& ascended from the very core

of the flames that dared to birth me.

I stood, extend my wings & ignited the entire sky.



is a thorn

stuck in my throat —

that I

have not been able

to swallow.

E.V. Rogina / @evrogina

& there is nothing more dangerous, then a woman that knows she can l survive // @evrogina

[deGruy] We’ve got to really rewire the way human beings look at our relationship to nature. In the same way that humans have the ability to conciously shift the balance of the Earth, which we’ve done, we also have the capacity and capability of stopping it. We can shift it. We have to. What we have on Earth is all we’ll ever have. 

[Safina] The sad fact of it is that the ocean could be empty and it would still look the same. It’s a very hard thing to convey what’s happening, how it will affect you personally. And so as the ocean is being emptied and as the ocean is dying, the surface looks the same, the waves look the same. 

[Earle] If I could be born anywhere in time, it would be now. It would be now because this is the time, as never before, that we know. We understand what we didn’t know 50 years ago. If we wait another 50 years.. opportunities we now have will be gone. This is the moment. Our decisions, our actions will shape everything that follows. 
