#rise of skywalker


Love or Leave Me [ Kylo Ren x Reader ]

Summary: Everything you know was leading to the moment you feared.

Warnings: Mentions of death

A/N: I’m missing my troublesome boy…



You remember the day like a harsh snap. That was the only way you could describe it. Your life was perfectly fine and then in an instant, everything went to absolute shit.

You were young, in your late teens when the war broke out again. Your usual morning routine of meditation and slipping on your Jedi robes with difficulty. They were never too comfortable and you always complained to Master Skywalker about it. “(Y/N), you’re here to learn, not be treated like a princess anymore. You’re going to have to deal with it.”

He was right and you knew it deep down inside. Sure, you came from a royal bloodline and was next to be Queen on your home planet, but you had other plans. Finding out you were force sensitive at a very young age, you begged your parents to let you train with the famous Master Luke Skywalker.

It took forever for them to agree to this ridiculous plan that seemed to come from nowhere, but they eventually did send you off.

Training to become a Jedi was one of the greatest things to ever happen in your life. Instead of curtesy classes and council meetings and banquets, it was a breath of fresh air to you.

The morning of the tragedy was calm. After dressing in your robes, you exited your room and walked around the long hall that had other rooms and then in the center was one training place. You decided against going to that one that morning because the little kids were training and they tended to accidentally throw objects around. Last time you had decided to help them left you with a black eye. So, never again.

You went to the area where the older kids would hang out during the morning. Well, they would stand there and have their own conversation while you were awkwardly standing away, not wanting to barge into their own bubble.

When you first arrived, people had already made friends and become close. Therefore, you were often by yourself or with a certain Solo boy.

Ben Solo. He was a loner and quiet just like you. You could say there were similarities between the two of you. He came from famous parents with a high reputation while you came from an important royal family.

You had had conversations with him before, here and there, mostly about Jedi tricks that would help one other with training. He would never address you by your name, but rather princess since it was your actual title.

Ben was skilled beyond belief. He often helped you out in the places you struggled and did not mind being close with you.

If it was not forbidden, something beautiful might have bloomed between you two during that time. You would reflect on it later on in your life, wondering if it could have stopped his downfall into darkness.

But at the time, you were so wrapped up in your own world, thinking about Ben, that you didn’t hear Master Skywalker repeatedly call for you.

The older teens looked at you suspiciously; you never got in trouble or called upon so this had to be serious.

You followed after him as he led you outside of the temple.

There was a ship that you recognized immediately; it was one from your home planet that royalty and their servants would use for trips. At the bottom of the ramp was one of your childhood maids. She had a solemn look on her face which troubled you.

“Princess (Y/N), I was ordered to retrieve you under terrible consequences.”

“What has happened?”

“There is no easy way to say this but, your family was assassinated last night at a council meeting. You must come home and claim your position as queen.”


Your life from then on was like a blank journey, no color or liveliness.

Taking the mantle as Queen, your life from then on was filled with meetings, banquets, showing your face to planets you were in union with, dress fittings, and so on.

You obeyed what your higher officials told you to do, not caring all too much about what was happening around you.

Your home planet flourished while you wilted away inside.

The dream of becoming a Jedi was stomped into the ground immediately.

Only a few days after leaving did you receive the news of what happened at the Jedi Temple. Every last one of the people there were slaughtered, and Master Skywalker has vanished.

You mourned even more than you had before. While the death of your family stung, any chance of leaving this planet was gone. And Ben… the thought of him burned in your heart. The sweet, quiet boy was gone. The one who called you princess at every greeting and respected your boundaries and the want for silence.

People claimed there was war on its way, having said that it was the work of the new First Order.

A discussion arouse on your home planet: what side would you chose for them?

Long nights entailed for you. Demands from everyone around you made your head throb and your hands shake.

You knew you had to make alliances with the First Order. It was the only smart way in your eyes. You did not entirely agree with what they stood for, but it was either stand with them or perish. Despite your lack of caring for what happens to the royal gardens or the transportations to new planets or what color dress you would wear, you knew for sure that you could not let your home planet go down in ashes.

So you agreed to the peace treaty with the First Order. You were told that a high member of the Order was to visit your planet to get familiar with the resources and how your army was getting along.

Everyone was prepping for his arrival, making the castle look even more incredibly rich with life & prosperity. You were forced into a red gown that was embellished with silver and a lace belt that tied around your waist. You also adorned a small black cape that rested on your shoulders delicately.

You stood on the balcony overlooking the vibrant flowers of your home world. However, you noticed a dark figure admiring the tree that stood in the middle. The tree was older than you, and had been planted years before your grandparents were born. The thought of your family arose again, and made you wonder if they would have chosen to join the First Order.

The thought did not last long as one of your guards approached you. “Madam, the representative of the First Order is waiting for you in the garden.”

You nodded your head at him and he escorted you down the stairs. The floors, freshly polished, glimmered in the candlelit hallway.

Once outside, you dismissed your guard and began walking towards the tall man who had his back faced to you. His long dark hair rested on his broad shoulders. His outfit consisted of a dark, long sleeved shirt and fitted pants. He wore a thick belt buckle that had a… lightsaber attached to it?

You stopped in your tracks, worried about what this might entail for you. While your training was never finished, Master Skywalker did leave you with a blue lightsaber. However, you kept it hidden away in your room.

Now, you feared you should be carrying it with you at all times. Who is this man to be standing so confidently and poised with a lightsaber in sight instead of hidden?

“Will you continue to stand there or will you introduce yourself?” The figure said with a familiar voice. He sounded like a ghost to you.

He finally turned around, only to reveal what you least expected and that made your heart drop.




A/N: Should I make a Part Two?


“Let the past die.” Here’s Adam Driver as Kylo Ren to follow on from Rey (see previous post). Bring on December 19!

“We’ve passed on all we know.” Star Wars, like for so many of us, has been with me my whole life. I have this vague memory from when RotJ first came out, which was my first Star Wars experience on the big screen, that there was an accompanying flyer talking about how George Lucas already had ideas for a trilogy of sequels. I remember a wave of excitement rushing through me. I know we had the prequels first, and at the time I was very excited about those too, but I never could have imagined it would have taken so long to see the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. So here we are, decades later, and now I’m a father myself, but the magic of that galaxy far, far away still feels as strong to me today. It’s still my dream to be able to paint some official artwork someday (though I loved sketching over 50 drawings for the Solo: Tales from Vandor book last year!), but in the meantime, I thought I’d do my best to carve out some time to make some character studies. Here’s Daisy Ridley as Rey to kick things off. Bring on December 19!
