#sanders sides incorrect quote


Incorrect Quotes Sanders sides X Helluva boss edition

Roman: Hey Remus you wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?

Remus: Oh I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!

Virgil: Thats what she said

Remus: What who said?

Everyoneelse: …

Remus: Wait what BITCH is talking SHIT about ME??

(Quote from Helluva Boss episode 5: The Harvest Moon Festival)

Roman:{chattering on and on}

Janus:{interrupting him} Will you marry me?

Roman: WHAT?

Janus: Just looking for something to shut you up <3

Roman: How am I? Really? As if you care. I’m so SICK of small talk. I want someone who asks about my day and MEANS it, wipes my tears and tells me I’m beautiful without makeup on, but all boys do is lie. Love wasn’t made for people like me

Janus: Sir, this is a Walmart.

{group chat}

Janus: hey guys, did you know if you post your password in the gc it’ll block it out?

Janus: *******

Janus: see?

Remus: *******

Remus: that’s so cool!

Logan: wait-

Roman: fairprinceybabe69


[Roman has left the chat]

Roman: Are you… blushing?

Logan: What? No.

Roman: Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, “I-don’t-feel-anything” Logan Sanders to blush?

Logan: No… it-it’s the cold.

Roman: Huh. It’s the cold. And not that I told you “your face is freaking adorable and I bet the rest of you is too”?

Logan: {blushing harder} N-no no, go away i’M COLD!

Patton: How did you two finally get together?

{Janus and Roman smirk at each other}

Roman: Well we hated each other and fought all the time. And since we saw each other regularly for our meetings with the rest, avoiding each other wasn’t an option.

Janus: Remus has an “amazing” idea to get us to get along.

Patton: And what was that?

Roman and Janus: Handcuffs.

Virgil:kissing” is such a dumb word. “Face battle” sounds way cooler.

Remus: You may face battle the bride

Janus: Face battle me in the rain

Remus: Hey Jan, I challenge you to a face battle, good sir

Janus: I accept

{they make out}

Virgil: No that’s not what I meant STOP

Logan: I’m not in love, I don’t have those kinds of feelings for anyone.

Roman: Then why are you currently sitting in Virgil’s lap?


Logan: He’s warm.
