

to finding;

hands reaching out towards each other in the depths of the sea, a lone lighthouse standing in the midst of the ocean, waves that roar and grow only taller, the sea spray and the salty breeze kissing your face, odd things washing up onto shore, letters written in cursive and effortless script, beholding the words of a lover.

every bath should be had under cloud cover + a glittering moon in the Colombian jungle. unmatched

rolling a babymoon + wedding into one. remember when we used to have time, and so much more of it?


Colors: Turquoise, green, white

Values: Simulation, stylization

Motifs: Warm water, rippels, sunlight, sealife, exploration

Like a message found on the beach~A few weeks ago, I did a drawing telephone game with some friends

Like a message found on the beach~

A few weeks ago, I did a drawing telephone game with some friends on Discord. This is my result !  Drawing water is so much fun!

Redbubble : Bluesdrawings

Kofi: bluesdrawings

Insta: bluesdrawings10

Post link


i want to follow more people who post about the sea

photos, gifs, texts, poems, drawings, anything!!!

i need to kill my longing for the ocean.

so you know, right?

like it so i can follow you, please
