#she ra incorrect quotes




war criminal pussy got me acting unwise

Yes, I logged in just to reblog this lmao

Catra:Can i have an owl?

Perfuma:We dont sell owls here,only flowers!

Catra:Someone told me you sell owls



Catra:I just fucking heard it

Glimmer: when i die yall will appreciate everything i do for this place. i do so much to make yall happy and i never ask anything in return,but this is the way im treated? i see how it is

Adora: glimmer,its just monopoly

Hordak : Special skills of any kind ?

Double Trouble : I…look good in black ?

Hordak : Excellent !

Double Trouble : What’s your biggest fear ?

Hordak : Being forgotten.

Double Trouble : Wow… That’s deep.

Double Trouble : Mine’s the Kool-Aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now.

Mermista, praying :Amen

Mermista, looking around : Where’s the holy water ?

Sea Hawk : [slowly spits out water back into a cup]

Catra : I’m not out of control ! I’m a law-abiding cat !

Glimmer : Oh yeah ? Name one law.

Catra : Don’t kill people ?

Glimmer : That’s on me. I set the bar too low.

Double Trouble : You know that’s not a stress ball, right ? It’s a lemon.

Catra : Let me have my process.

Glimmer : She’s engaging the enemy !

Adora : [gets down on one knee and proposes to Catra, who squeals in delight]

Bow : We lost a good woman today.

Adora: Knock knock!

Catra: Who’s there?

Adora: Smell Mop!

Catra, having no idea what a knock knock joke is: Nobody’s name is Smell Mop!

[source: Five Second Films]

Glimmer: Oh, a Capri Sun.

Adora: *whips out the sword* Hey, you need a sword?

Glimmer: Whoa, Adora-!

Adora: *whips out the sword* Just makes it- it’ll make it faster.

Glimmer: No, I don’t need a sword! It’s a juice package!

Adora: *whips out the sword and cuts open the Capri Sun, destroying it* There you go, just saved a couple time, so…

Glimmer: …that was the last one.

Double Trouble: Children! Children! Children! This interminable bickering was amusing at first, but it’s getting very stale and we’ve still got a long flight ahead of us. So, why don’t you two cut the horseshit and get to the part where you admit your sexual feelings for one another?


Catra: You are WAY off base, buddy!

Double Trouble: Oh, spare me, spare me, spare me!

Double Trouble, to Adora: Yes, she’s a brute. I know. And, gosh, you’d really like a nice girl to settle down with, but, admit it, you’re real curious to know what she’s like in the sack!

Double Trouble, to Catra: And YOU. Ha! Well, you’re just a big womanbaby who’d rather act tough than show her true feelings because the last time you opened your heart, you got hurt. Owie.

Double Trouble, to both: And now, rather than admit these feelings, you’re dancing around one another in this mind-numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual. So please, for my sake, either quit your bickering or pull over, tear off those clothes, AND GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!

Catra: Hey not to sound evil, but if I had the power to cast lightning bolt on anyone I wanted, I’d use it on people who inconvenience me even slightly.

Glimmer: Zeus, but without the horny.

Catra: I simply did not mention the horny.

Glimmer: I regret getting you that blender for Christmas.

Adora, drinking toast:Why?

[source: Twitter]

Adora: Hi! I’m Adora!

Catra: And I’m devastated.

[source: Disjointed]

Double Trouble: You’re sad, Catra. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like there’s a cloud following you. You’re antisocial and you’re a virgin.


DT: I don’t ever see you with any girls. I don’t remember the last time you brought someone home.

Catra: Yeah, well, how do you know I’m not having casual encounters? Or when I slept in the dorms? You weren’t there.

DT: I’ve talked to Adora

Catra: Why are you talking to her?

DT: We’re Facebook friends

Catra: Oh my god. How do I eject from this conversation?

(source: Safety Not Guaranteed)

Congratulations on 4k!

Catra: Every day I wake up now, I’m like “Still alive, huh? Well, okay then, I guess.”

Entrapta:Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Scorpia: *picks up a dandelion*

Scorpia: I don’t need a foundation to tell me I can make a wish.

Adora: from now we’ll be using code names, you can address me as Eagle 1, Catra, codename, “Been there done that”, Glimmer is “Currently doing that”, Mermista is “It happened once in a dream”, Bow is “If I had to pick a dude”, Swift wind is… Eagle 2

Swift wind: oh thank god

Double Trouble: *transforms into Catra*

Catra: OK are you, like, blind? Cause you look nothing like me. Like, first of all, my tits are way bigger, and secondly, even if you could drag a comb through that hair, you’re like a 7 on a good day and I’ve been told I’m a 10.

Catra: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me?

Scorpia: I can’t hug the shit out of you without getting closer.

Catra: Well then come as close as you’d like!
