#shit post


Yes, it is my birthday! Yes, I am really old now! Yes, I am also really drunk! Happy Birthday to Me!

I went into my lab today and found my bots huddled over something. When I tried to see what it was they whirred angrily at me and chases me off. Either they were making me a gift or they’ve gone all Skynet in me. I really hope it’s not Skynet

Natasha was telling someone about how much of an idiot she thinks Clint is and when they agreed with her she pulled a knife on them and dared them to say it again.

I complained about getting older today and Freezer Burn said he had a solution for that. I don’t know if he was trying to recommend cryofreeze or he was threatening to kill me.

With my birthday coming up people are starting to ask what I want. I want to not be asked that, is what I want.

I wonder exactly how sharp a needle has to be to tattoo a God’s skin.

Peak artistic ability

A very rough cut of a Spider-Man 3 shit post I was inspired to do. Enjoy

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does anyone ever think about how when we die, we could just disappear into nothing?

If our conscious isn’t made up of atoms, and atoms can neither be destroyed nor created, our conscious could be destroyed. It would just be gone forever if we die.

This is similar to a brain dead person in a way. Where did their conscious go? It was destroyed. Is our conscious even real? what is a conscious? What is the voice is our head?

Just a lifeless flesh vessel buried in the ground to remind others that we existed. Hm.

just some assorted Me doodles

The entire pack has once done this together, got stuck in their sweatshirts, and Emily had to help them out:

no, you cannot change my mind.

yes, Paul had a panic attack and passed out.

no, Sam will not speak of it ever again.

and yes, they are traumatized.

no I will not elaborate

Vitamin D makes me sexually charged

I’m like a sexual plant

Am I producing my pollen jizz because I was in the sun for a week?

I’m gross lmao

I should start posting the weirdest shit I’ve made in discord calls, but give no context.

Put the tumblr queue thing to good use-

i’d like to believe that Walter types like an old man (because he is one) and seras tries to help him with that issue [no alucard, it’s not that funny]

Alucard, after Luke keeps trying to impress him and claiming he’s the better vampire:

The Nazi Army coming to fight Walter and Girlycard:
