#shit post


I feel like every friend group ever has a bisexual- and if all your friends are straight- well I have some news for you…

Hot take.

Demon Slayer is just the love child between Claymore and Inuyasha. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


The idea that Luke would fedex overnight ship grogu to din without even like an in person explanation or at the very least a note.. akfndnnrgnnfnnfnf?? In my brain Luke was like all ready in the x wing and punched in the coordinates and saw tatooine and was like oh absolutely not fuck this

When a native speaker says something but you don’t have a response memorized for this specific situation:

i just realized that peter’s initials are PP and i cant

i deserve fucking olympic gold medals for the amount of times i’ve cried this week and then gone to school and pretended to be fine for the sake of my friends and family

@catnippackets dedication to the leakira pioneers its inspirational

#klance    #leakira    #lance mcclain    #keith kogane    #buzzfeed unsolved    #leandro    #shit post    

Came home from college today for my little brothers birthday. He decided he wanted to have a toy sword fight with me. Well if you think I’m going to go easy on you just because you’re turning ten you have another thing coming. On guard you little shit I’m coming for your knees.

i feel like adrien would dress up like sonic i unironically. i don’t have anything to support this theory but i’m right

Skateboarding is hard

being stuck between the 90s generation and the jake paul generation is absolute shit… it’s like we were so close to greatness, but we also dodged a huge bullet. so i guess we’re the “meh, average” generation.

Part Two of things my friends have said as dbd characters!

And of course I had to mention David… Even with his face rework

Barnes and I are now choosing to do things based on spiting each other so much that we’re canceling each other out.

It’s always fun hearing Cap give a rousing speech saying there is no destiny, we are all just people making the choice to stand up and fight - only to have Thor come in right after him and tell everyone we were all destined to be here at this glorious battle.

God, I hate when people are passive aggressive.

I also hate irony.

FRIDAY has become susceptible to Morgan’s puppy dog eyes, which has made bedtime almost impossible given that FRIDAY controls the lights, door locks, and the TV.

I wish other people were as smart as me so they would know that I’m almost always right.

I somehow woke up with a hangover while inside a giant donut again. I don’t know how this keeps happening.
