#sketch dump


Some recent jelli telli sketch pages

So I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played BSo I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played BSo I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played BSo I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played BSo I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played BSo I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played BSo I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played B

So I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff recently but I really missed it so I started drawing and it turned into a whole sketch dump

Big Moe isn’t weak enough to dislike pickles but the meme really fits them lmao

The little photoset is a throwback to a pair of asks; one that said MC would be lucky to get a candy ring from Carrie and another where she’d asked MC to marry her very casually. This oneandthis one.

After learning that the wolves can shift different parts of their bodies, I figured I’d draw to their strengths or what they would favor. Biyu has no qualms going for the throat so she’d probably shift her head the most. Big Moe is built like an oak so I figure she’d rely mostly on her arms and upper body strength. It was also a chance to figure out what color their wolves would be!

Marco is both Biyu and Big Moe’s best friend (poor guy lol) so I wanted to do some best friend photo sketches. Maybe I’ll do one of Ed on Big Moe’s back and one of Carrie in Big Moe’s lap. There already exists a pic of Biyu straddling Vicky’s waist ;D 

Post link

I made this sketchdump last December idk why I haven’t posted it for so long

End of year unfinished sketch dump, on to Tumblr where it will exist but never be seen >.> <.<

Finally got around to reading Rhythm of War and it did a thorough job of ripping out my heart and soul. In a good way, of course. Now all I wanna do is draw TSA hhhh

‘Vote Happiness for Kaladin, 2021’

blue death kiddos - a little bit of fashion exploration mostly

some more warmups from the other day

sketch dump

there’s nothing quite as sad as a one-sided love

when one doesn’t care at all and the other cares too much

Sketch dump of Trunks and Goten playing in uncle Piccolos cape

There is a scene in the anime where he protects them with it and I think it’s so cute

I bet it’s so warm and cosy in there

Sketch dump!!

Just all chaotic lines but I’m only in the mood for quick sketches tonight


Sketch dump.

There’s no way no one snuck in some wine/had their own stash.

Also, I just want Edelgard to have some real pure happiness before shit goes down.

Before the war p1,During the war,After the war


[ID: A sketch composition on a pink and yellow background, with three sketches in total. In the first, two mourning doves nudge beaks in a heart. In the second, three ballet dancers stand in a line. The third is a large iris, petals furled.]
