#spanish langblr

Mental note:Treat yourself as you would a small child: feed yourself with healthy, varied and nutrit

Mental note:

Treat yourself as you would a small child: feed yourself with healthy, varied and nutritious food, make sure to spend time outdoors and go to bed early to rest for enough hours.  Allow yourself naps, don’t tell yourself hurtful things and don’t put yourself in danger…

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Oh no, I don’t want to die…Oh, come on…  You’ll like it at the bottom…  Think o
  • Oh no, I don’t want to die…
  • Oh, come on…  You’ll like it at the bottom…  Think of all those waiting for you on the other side… Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, Frank Zappa, Robbie James Dio…  If you stop to think about it, death is something like…  THE MOST EPIC ROCK FESTIVAL IN HISTORY!

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Do you want to come and read in bed with me?

Do you want to come and read in bed with me?

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My name is Patrick.  Call me Patrick or nothing.Okay, Nothing.
  • My name is Patrick.  Call me Patrick or nothing.
  • Okay, Nothing.

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Hey, pssst… Look, this is an Oscar.  I’ve won one, and you haven’t, hahahaha

Hey, pssst… Look, this is an Oscar.  I’ve won one, and you haven’t, hahahaha

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Suele ser muy elegante y de buen gusto.
It tends to be very elegant and tasteful.

Repite que no tiene nada que ver con Podemos.
He repeated that he has nothing to do with Podemos.

Estará disponible a partir de este mes.
It will be available starting this month.  /  It will be available from this month.

Pero Draxler estaba con ganas y seguía haciendo de las suyas.
But Draxler was eager and continued to make mischief.  

Pero, por encima de todo, el alumno.
But, above all, the students.

Un grupo de antiguos alumnos se vuelve a encontrar.
A group of alumni is found again.

Pero yo siempre lo digo con amabilidad; yo no soy de Podemos, soy de Compromís, aunque nos llevemos bien.
But I always say it gently/with kindness; I’m not from Podemos, I’m from Compromís, although we get along.

Les queda poco tiempo para intentar llevarse uno al bolsillo.
They have little time left to try to take one out of the pocket.

A fin de cuentas, es solo cristal y plástico.
After all, it’s just glass and plastic.

Me parece que en realidad ella se ha creído que a mi me gusta que haya un bebé llorando mientras hablo.
It seems that she really believed that I like to have a baby crying while I talk.

Además disfruta de un buen estado de forma.
Besides, she’s in really good shape.

El mundo de fútbol no entiende de fronteras y sigue creciendo.
The world of football knows no borders and continues to grow.

Disparó las letras y la entregó en tiempo y forma.
He fired the letters and delivered it in a timely manner.

¿Cómo ha cambiado Nathan Drake en esta nueva historia?
How has Nathan Drake changed in this new story?

La salud pública está en juego.
Public health is at stake.

Obviamente, me siento feliz por haberlo logrado.
Obviously, I’m happy for having achieved it.

Las cifras van aún más allá.
The numbers go even further.

Paramos a descansar y a admirar el paisaje.
We stopped to rest and admire the landscape.

No quiere hacerse responsable, ni comprender los derechos de los refugiados.
He doesn’t want to be held responsible, nor understand the rights of refugees.

Spanish A Level topics: A2 - EL RACISMO

Al-Andalus- (n.) name given to Muslim Spain

el atraso - (n.) backwardness

dar el alto y registrar - (v.) to stop and search

dar rabia - (v.) to make angry

depende de los ojos con que se mire - (ph.) it depends on how you look at it

haya quien diga - (ph.) some would say

la masificación - (n.) overcrowding

el motín - (n.) revolt

el orgullo - (n.) pride

¡Qué barbaridad! / ¡Qué pasada! - (ph.) Incredible! How awful!

la Reconquista - (n.) the conquest of Muslim Spain by Christians

vincularse- (v.) to be linked 

aguantar- (v.) to put up with

amenazar- (v.) to threaten

arraigado - (adj.) rooted

bularse de - (v.) to make fun of

denunciar- (v.) to report

el golpe - (n.) the blow

el juicio - (n.) the judgement

menospreciar- (v.) to scorn

mercer- (v.) to deserve

la pandilla - (n.) the gang

el patrimonio - (n.) the heritage

la deportividad - (n.) the sportsmanship

desplegar - (v.) to unfurl (a flag)

la escudería - (n.) the motor-racing team

extremar - (v.) to maximise

el fallo - (n.) the verdict

la infracción - (n.) the infringement

jugarse - (v.) to risk

la pancarta - (n.) the banner

el par - (n.) pair; opposite number (in politics)

el rostro - (n.) face

el simio - (n.) ape

ultrajado- (adj.) offended, outraged

¿Considera que esas ayudas son suficientes?
Do you think this aid is sufficient?

No digo que sus miembros sean unos santos, cosa que no son.
I’m not saying its members are saints, which they’re not.

Somos un grupo que hacemos las cosas a largo plazo.
We’re a group who does things in the long run.

¿Por eso hay una fuga de guerreros?
So that’s why a lot of the fighters are leaving?

Con tu talento te esperan muchos éxitos en el Real Madrid.
With your talent, they expect a lot of success from you in Real Madrid.

Se acabaron las excucas.
No more excuses. / The excuses are over.

Lo más importante para Vincent es ponerse en forma.
The most important thing for Vincent is to get in shape.

¿Cómo se logra algo así?
How is something like that achieved?

¿Cómo se llevan los premios?
How have the awards treated you?

A lo mejor es que no las tienes que soltar.
Maybe you don’t have to let them go.

Recuerde que “bajo en grasa” no significa “saludable”.
Remember that “low in fat” doesn’t mean “healthy”.

Hay que enseñar lo que nos jugamos aquí.
We must show what is at stake here.

¿Escribir es también resistir?
Is writing also a form of resistance?  /  Is to write also to resist?

¿Te pierdes en lugares familiares?
Do you get lost in familiar places?

Aumentan su frecuencia con la edad.
They increase in frequency with age.

La historia se repite.
History repeats itself.

¿Soy yo o hay olor a quemado?
Is it just me or is there a burning smell?

Mandé a alguien a por él.
I sent someone after him.

Yo lo uso en mi beneficio.
I use it to my benefit.

Si te quedas sin Pokéball, deberás buscar una Pokeparada.
If you are left without Pokéballs, you will have to find a Pokéstop.

Los chicos se dejaron llevar por el comentario.
The boys let themselves be carried away by the comment.

Hay que tener agallas.
You must have the guts. / You have to have guts.

Fue una “película sin presupuesto”, ni siquiera una película de bajo presupuesto.
It was a “no budget film”, let alone a low-budget film.

Dan la apariencia de que no pasa nada.
They give the impression that nothing’s wrong. / They make it look like nothing’s wrong.

Como si un gato negro se hubiera cruzado en su camino.
As if a black cat had crossed his path.

Los proyectos no se hacen si no hay una visión a largo plazo.
Projects are not made if there is no long-term vision.

No podía casi ni moverse.
He could barely move.

Al final la liga te va a poner donde tengas que estar y tenemos mucha ilusión y confianza en el equipo.
In the end, the league is going to put you where you need to be and we have great enthusiasm and confidence in the team.

Los motivos se pueden llamar también deuda pendiente.
The reasons may also be called outstanding debt.

Mañana podrán retirarse entradas para ambos partidos.
Tomorrow they may withdraw tickets for both games.

Sin embargo, las cuentas estaban mal hechas.
However, the accounts were poorly made.

Ahora la investigación continúa y se espera renuir mayor información.
Now the investigation continues and more information is expected to be gathered.

Antes del partido hablábamos de trabajar bien.
Before the game, we were talking about working hard.

Cuando llegue el momento todos sabremos cuál es la decisión.
When the time comes, we will all know what the decision is.

Esta técnica se habría empleado durante años.
This technique would have been used for years.

Es inevitable; me pasa mucho.
It’s inevitable; it happens to me a lot.

Ni nos lo han ofrecido.
Neither have they offered it to us.

Tenemos que estar orgullosos de nuestra forma de vida, explica.
We have to be proud of our way of life, he explains.

Además de conocer lo que piden los estudiantes de las nuevas generaciones.
In addition to knowing what students from new generations ask for.

O este otro que seguirá practicando cuando acaba el servicio militar.
Or this one who will continue to practice when military service ends.

Además, muchos turistas dejaron de venir.
In addition, many tourists stopped coming.

Puede esconder algo más profundo que no tenga que ver con el sexo.
You can hide something deeper that has nothing to do with sex.

“La abrí para disfruta de la nueva música”, explica.
“I opened it to enjoy new music”, he explains.

Estos expertos habían mostrado esto último en una investigación anterior.
These experts had shown the latter in a previous investigation.

“Fue uno de los días que peor lo he pasado en el festival”, insiste.
“It was one of the worst days I’ve spent at the festival”, he insists.

A nadie le gusta que le traten peor que al de al lado.
Nobody likes being treated worse than others.

Estamos también muy contentos con el éxito en México.
We are also very pleased with the success in Mexico.

Esta iniciativa se desarrolla en un espacio físico y en un entorno virtual.
This initiative is developed in a physical space and a virtual environment.

Estamos en casa, tranquilamente sentados, y decidimos que vamos a prepararnos un té.
We are at home, sitting quietly, and we decide that we’re going to prepare ourselves some tea.

Estados Unidos tiene un equipo de súper-estrellas, en el que cualquiera puede marcar veinte puntos en cada partido.
The US has a team of super stars, in which anyone can score twenty points in every game.

No ha habido ningún ataque similar desde entonces.
There have been no similar attacks since then.

En consecuencia, el aire no entra ni sale con facilidad de los pulmones.
Consequently, the air does not easily get in or out of the lungs.

Es un tema personal, que me parece una cuestión de principios.
It is a personal matter, which seems to me a question of principle.

Vi que era mi forma de vida, que ya no podía vivir sin pintar.
I saw that it was my way of life, that I could no longer live without painting.

Le van a poner en la “silla eléctrica”.
They are going to put him in the “electric chair”.

Entonces, ¿la música avanza o retrocede?
Then, does the music move forward or backward?

Siguiendo hacia el norte, está el faro de las ballenas.
Continuing northwards, it is the whales’ lighthouse.

Los expertos no están del todo de acuerdo.
Experts do not entirely agree.

No obstante, es vital que nuestras preocupaciones vayan más allá del sentido comercial.
However, it is vital that our concerns go beyond the commercial sense.

Si nosotros, los humanos, seguimos así, el planeta ya no aguantará.
If we, humans, continue like this, the planet will no longer endure.

Pero a todos mis amigos políticos siempre les digo lo que pienso.
But, to all my political friends, I always tell them what I think.

Es más probable que las empresas estadounidenses busquen producir en otros países con salarios bajos.
It’s more likely that American companies are looking to produce in other, low-wage countries.

Significa mucho, es un gran honor ser parte de la historia de nuestra selección.
It means a lot - it is a great honour to be part of the history of our selection.


La sección “Recomiendo leer” de mi blog ha estado un poco escasa jaja así que abro la oportunidad para que puedan enviar sus recomendaciones de libros :) Pueden responder a esta publicación, enviarme un mensaje, o hacer reblog  y agregar el título del libro y el nombre del autor.

Nota: pueden recomendar también comics, manga, cuentos, etc.

Para los que no sepan de que se trata esto pueden revisar los siguientes links:

**Gracias a los que ya han enviado recomendaciones**

The brain is not a glass to fill but a lamp to light.

The brain is not a glass to fill but a lamp to light.

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 “No hay suficiente oscuridad en el mundo para extinguir la luz que Dios ha puesto dentro de ustedes

“No hay suficiente oscuridad en el mundo para extinguir la luz que Dios ha puesto dentro de ustedes.”

“There is not enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light that God has placed within you.”

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  1. Tú vas a mirar. - You are going to see.
  2. Lo voy a reconocer. - I am going to recognize it.
  3. Él va a pedir agua. - He is going to ask for water.
  4. Voy a llamar a la policía. - I’m going to call the police.
  5. Lo voy a comprender. - I am going to comprehend it.
  6. Voy a servir el arroz. - You are going to serve the rice.
  7. No vas a creer esto. - You are not going to believe this.
  8. Usted va a mirar al niño. - You are going to see the boy.
  9. La voy a llamar mañana. - I am going to call her tomorrow.
  10. No te van a comprender. - They are not going to understand you.
  11. No lo vamos a reconocer a él. - We aren’t going to recognize him.

  1. Lo voy a reducir. - I am going to reduce it.
  2. La voy a escuchar. - I am going to listen to her.
  3. Ella me va a olvidar. - She is going to forget me.
  4. Ellos no van a venir hoy. - They are not going to come today.
  5. ¿Te vas a quedar en casa? - Are you going to stay at home?
  6. Está bien, vamos a continuar. - Fine, we are going to continue.
  7. Creo que me voy a quedar aquí. - I believe I’m going to stay here.
  8. Nosotros vamos a empezar a comer. - We are going to start eating.
  9. Muy bien, vamos a continuar. - Very good, we are going to continue.

  1. Va a aumentar. - It is going to increase.
  2. Esto me va a ayudar. - This is going to help me.
  3. Lo vamos a abandonar. - We are going to abandon it.
  4. ¿Cuándo van a aprender? - When are they going to learn?
  5. Ellos van a acabar la comida. - They are going to finish the food.
  6. Ellas van a ofrecer su casa. - They are going to offer their house.
  7. ¿Cuándo lo vas a superar? - When are you going to overcome it?

  1. Voy a usar esto. - I am going to use this.
  2. Ella lo va a aplicar. - She is going to apply it.
  3. ¿Cómo vas a elegir? - How are you going to choose?
  4. Ellos se van a recuperar. - They are going to recover.
  5. Ahora voy a demostrar. - Now I am going to demonstrate.
  6. ¿Vas a elegir el vino? - Are you going ot choose the wine?
  7. Voy a descubrir un país. - I am going to discover a country.
  8. La gente lo va a descubrir. - People are going to discover it.
  9. Vamos a recuperar esta zona. - We are going to recover this area.
  10. Ustedes van a controlar el coche. - You are going to control the car.

  1. Ustedes van a regresar. - You are going to return.
  2. Voy a vender mi casa. - I am going to sell my house.
  3. ¿Ustedes van a querer café? - Will you want coffee?
  4. Le voy a mostrar mi coche a él. - I am going to show him my car.
  5. Ustedes van a cerrar la puerta. - You are going to close the door.
WordBrewery is great for improving your vocabulary.  It gives you a random sentence at either beginn

WordBreweryis great for improving your vocabulary.  It gives you a random sentence at either beginner, intermediate, advanced or master level, and you can make lists of words or sentences that you’d like to learn.  

It includes the following languages:

  • Spanish
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
  • Korean
  • Serbian (Latin)
  • Serbian (Cryillic)
  • Hungarian
  • Greek
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian

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You guys I just found something that’s pretty cool if you’re interested in practicing listening in your target language (and learning something new altogether at the same time!)

Khan Academy has a bunch of videos in foreign languages and apparently it’s called Khan Academy International (here’s a link to their tumblr).

They have content in quite a few languages, and while some of them have mostly math and science stuff, there are a lot of channels that delve into a lot of the other content that Khan Academy English does, like art history, world history, etc.

So far I’ve found their Youtube channels in these languages (I’m sure there are more though, and if you find any feel free to add them to this post!):



















13.11.2020: studyblr community challenge

day 10 - What is one thing you wished you could change about studyblr?

I’ve already touched on this in my last post, but I wish that a lot of the “mainstream” popular studyblrs would reflect more about their consumption. I feel like this would be a good step towards making studyblr more accessible to everyone.

day 11 - What is something that you have learnt from studyblr?

I’ve learnt that it’s okay to want to learn more and pursue my interests, but that it’s also okay to fail. Also, there are a lot of great productivity tips out there that have really helped me a lot!

day 12 - How much time do you spend on studyblr per day on average?

Honestly? Less than an hour, I’d say. Most of the time about 30-40 minutes.

day 13 - Do you have an ‘aesthetic’? If yes, what is it?

I don’t really have one tbh. There are a lot of aesthetics that I love (especially dark academia and light academia), but I don’t actually have one and I also feel like I don’t need one.

La Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu) ha lanzado una campaña en Twitter, en la que piden la cola

LaFundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu) ha lanzado una campaña en Twitter, en la que piden la colaboración de los usuarios de esta red social para documentar diferentes regionalismos.

Palabras como “dinero”, “autobús”, “biberón” o “faltar a clases” se dicen de manera diferente en cada rincón del mundo hispanohablante, por eso han lanzado la etiqueta #yolollamo.

Puedes expandir tu vocabulario haciendo click en los diferentes enlaces:

  1. #yolollamo «colectivo», «autobús», «buseta»…
  2. #yolollamo «dinero», «plata», «guita»… 
  3. #yolollamo «chancla», «sandalia», «chala»…
  4. #yolollamo «mamadera», «mamila», «tetero»… 
  5. #yolollamo hacer pellas, capar clase, hacer la rata… 
  6. #yolollamo pochoclo, cabrita, canquil, palomita… 

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