

Analysis #2 Location, Location, Location

So…I kinda wanted go in order of the video. However, I really REALLY want to talk about dis ho


Because…well I love this. In concept and it’s just a gorgeous, if grotesque piece of art.

What this concept art is depicting is a study of Dragon anatomy, you can see (unfortunately) that the main person of the art is cutting into the dragon corpse. They have a saw (I’m gonna call it a bone saw, but I know 0 actual medical tools) and are removing some part of the Dragon (too small for the brain? but too big for eye?). They also have one of the dragon’s eyeball on an apparatus.

You can also see two skeleton assistants carrying away the dragon pieces in glorified trays.

So let’s take a closer look at the person first.


They’re dressed in a cross between armor, a smock, and an intricate headpiece. They also have more medical tools in their smock.

When I first looked at this and the other concept arts containing characters like this ones, I was super confused. This looks like a walking corpse, the glowing skull and all. Could what happened in Inquisition with the Fade, have allowed for such a shift in the possibility and acceptance of spirit beings in Thedosian society???

That was until I went back to this person’s assistants.


Their assistance are skeletons possessed by spirits, the bodies have been altered specifically to hold the spirits. And if you look closely, their bodies look more organic and coarse than the face of their master. Which got me to thinking about something, specifically something from Tevinter Nights.


Mortalitasi are known for Necromancy, summoning Fade spirits to possess mummified and preserved bodies. They foster these spirits and sometimes even employ them as assistants, giving them purpose. I especially noticed how similar the main figures outfit is to the statues outside the Nevarran Tomb pictured above.

Which means it is possible, the figure in the concept art isn’t a spirit themselves; rather they are a Mortalitasi in full uniform.

I don’t know why or how the skull helm/headpiece glows, if it is magic or residual spirit. If maybe they are possessed or if it’s just aesthetic. I’m just not sure the skull head is even their real head. Especially since the spirit skulls have lit eyes and they don’t. That’s honestly the most confusing and least convincing part of these concepts (as in a good argument to them Not being Mortalitasi).

I also mentioned before this figure shows up elsewhere in the video too.

They appear far right in what seems to be a silhouetted version of what could be Companions. I’m pretty sure this in them or someone like them, even though they are obscured. As you can still see the green glow and the head piece is similar to the one worn above (if slightly bigger) and zooming in, you can also see a similar smock/armor under their coat as above.


Meaning, if all my speculation isn’t just bullshit from too much Dragon Age College. It is possible (but of course not confirmed) we could be looking at a Mortalitasi Companion in the newest Dragon Age, which I think is awesome!! I definitely can’t wait for Nevarra! Which is why I had to do this one first, cause I just love the idea of this; even if I’m completely wrong or it changes. So sorry for not doing it ordered like I was going to (I’m going to try in the future posts), but come on! 

Death Goth Dragon Mage Companion, who wouldn’t want that?

Going forward, these analysis will vary in length and content. However, I will link them all together and try to make it easy as possible to find. Some will be in-depth, some surface looks, and some just a ramble of conscious. I hope you can enjoy them all, but if not there are absolutely plenty of cool people out there looking at these things.

Lastly shout out to all the devs working hard on this game, it’s already looking really nice and I look forward to seeing more in the future with high hopes.

If everyone who gets attacked by hollows starts noticing the presence of spirits, like Tatsuki and Orihime, shouldn’t a noticable portion of the world have some knowledge of spirits already, thereby alerting the rest of the world of spirits? Shouldn’t Yuzu be able to see some now, since she was attacked by hollows? Could a character who can kind of see spirits, like Karen or Kanonji, only have that power because they were previously attacked by a hollow?


To briefly analyze, I want to point out that Luz’s cloak seems to be repaired! Not sure how Eda pulled that one off without our former demon hunter Prim… Did Darius help, as he did with Hunter’s cloak? Maybe even Steve, since he doesn’t have a sigil???

We see Luz has a new outfit! Seems to be a gray shirt with baggy beige pants, we can get a better look with this leaked thumbnail;

Definitely a more tactical, practical type of outfit for combat and lethal situations! I appreciate the CATTs making sure this kid is prepared and dressed to fight! Luz also has a blue backpack, possibly for glyphs and/or her Palisman, and I just love the new look overall! Like the letterman was already enough as a Season 2 update but the creators really go above and beyond in updating our cast to symbolically and visually show their growth, I love it!

Pretty sure this is the same balcony from the Latissa hideout, you can see the railing and in the background over the doorway is a sign saying “sssssss” no doubt the cut-off hiss banner alluding to the CATTs!

But maybe it’s a hiss alluding to a snake Palisman…? Regardless, King is clearly pumped and hyping himself up to take on the Emperor’s Coven and his mom and sister are there for him!


I’m trying to figure out how the last four episodes Superman and Lois will go

On one hand, I’m pretty convinced that Jon will decide to merge. We’ve gotten enough hints all season that’s he’s unhappy and Aly’s thing is all about making people of their purpose and all that.

But on the other hand, I don’t know why he would think merging with a “kidnapping psychopath” would make himself feel better.

Unless someone convinces him that the merged Jon will just be a super happy non-psycho. Which I’m pretty sure would be a huge lie

At this point in the season, I’m actually on the side of Jon not merging with his bizarro counterpart. I’ve been saying since pretty early on that I felt that he *would* merge but I was basing that on the early season structure heavily suggesting that Jon merging would be a story point. It *has* been a story point but I’m guessing it was intended as a ‘raising the stakes’ plot point rather than a Bad Thing to happen that needs to be fixed.

Clark’s line “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you” I think is less about forewarning something bad happening to Jon per se as it is about the lengths Clark is going to feel he needs to go to to keep Jon safe (to keep family and friends safe too). It’s about establishing what his mindset is and to give insight into later decisions and actions of his. We additionally have John Henry Irons saying something similar to Natalie this episode (I forget the exact wording but the message there is very much the same), which together points towards Desperate Times calling for Desperate Measures ahead.

I know what my money is on but time will tell etc etc :)



now, see, a more recent pokemon episode has delia snuggling pikachu all night, she sings him a little lullaby song and falls asleep with him, it’s adorable! But it’s only adorable because pikachu looks like a pet animal anyway. Mr. Mime tucks them in as they fall asleep and shuts the door as he leaves, like just a person would, but all pokemon are written like they’re of roughly equal sapience so like MENTALLY there isn’t any difference between him and pikachu right?? So either mr. mime would also be allowed snuggles in bed by a human adult because he too is a little creature or he’s not allowed this form of affection because he’s shaped like a weird man, and frankly I hate both of those scenarios equally. there is no good answer.


Okay, so in the recent livestream that they did for Tiger & Bunny 2, Episode 5, we learned that Antonio likes Agnes, but this is a secret (or like, something that shouldn’t be mentioned, I’ve seen some Japanese fans saying NG = no good or オフレコ (ofureko = off the record).

So some Japanese fans are speculating that Agnes may be pregnant with Antonio’s baby or that Antonio keeps bringing Agnes high calorie foods (b/c he likes her, so he is bringung her food, etc.).

I don’t mind the idea of Agnes gaining weight because she is pregnant. I think it is important to have media that depicts pregnant women working. My only worry is that they’ll do something like have her quit after having the baby or lose weight and suddenly be skinny again (if this does end up being the case). If she doesn’t quit though and isn’t suddenly skinny again like magic, then I’ll be more okay with that idea. We have a female director this time, so if they do go down this route, I have a bit more faith in them.

Of course, this is all just fan speculation and theorizing. Still interesting to think about and possibly something we will see being addressed in the second cour of season 2.

I’ve been thinking about this all day, so I’m going to add some additional thoughts to this in this reblog. I also posted about this over on the T&B subbreddit (and left a comment on the post with these same thoughts).

I *do* like the idea of Antonio and Agnes though, and I wouldn’t mind if the series explored that in an episode. It would be nice to get another episode with a larger focus placed on Antonio and, even more so than that, it would be *really* nice to see Agnes in a situation outside of HeroTV and work. We’ve never seen her outside the work setting before and if they did do something like an Antonio and Agnes focused episode (if it results in an actual relationship or not) it would be the perfect episode to flesh Agnes out more.

Another thing that makes this bit of information and anything possibly happening between them story wise very interesting to me, is how that would make them an official pairing in the series, and T&B doesn’t really have any of that, outside of Kotetsu and Tomoe. Kotetsu and Barnaby are heavily implied and are absolutely open to that interpretation, of course, but the stance on that (so far) is still that their relationship is open to interpretation. If we get one canon pairing in the way of Antonio x Agnes, I feel that opens the floodgates for other possible canon ships.

Okay, so in the recent livestream that they did for Tiger & Bunny 2, Episode 5, we learned that Antonio likes Agnes, but this is a secret (or like, something that shouldn’t be mentioned, I’ve seen some Japanese fans saying NG = no good or オフレコ (ofureko = off the record).

So some Japanese fans are speculating that Agnes may be pregnant with Antonio’s baby or that Antonio keeps bringing Agnes high calorie foods (b/c he likes her, so he is bringung her food, etc.).

I don’t mind the idea of Agnes gaining weight because she is pregnant. I think it is important to have media that depicts pregnant women working. My only worry is that they’ll do something like have her quit after having the baby or lose weight and suddenly be skinny again (if this does end up being the case). If she doesn’t quit though and isn’t suddenly skinny again like magic, then I’ll be more okay with that idea. We have a female director this time, so if they do go down this route, I have a bit more faith in them.

Of course, this is all just fan speculation and theorizing. Still interesting to think about and possibly something we will see being addressed in the second cour of season 2.

new promo pictures……Hotel Obsidian room key for room #19……..five suitcases with one of the locks set to 555………

Trailer on 19th of May????


I’m terrible at “having opinions about unfinished storylines” but

  • I really enjoyed the new DW episode
  • Finally some actual conflict between Yaz and the Doctor
  • Dan is a good egg. I like him. I want to be friends with him
  • The TARDIS oozing some ominous fluid and suddenly having distorted doors like. yes. yes to all of this. more like this please
  • I love how over-the-top tasteless the crystal-faced guys look, there’s so much stuff going on it shoots way above “tasteless” and ends up looking awesome
  • The Flux is yet another vague-thing-destroying-the-universe at first glance, but also it seems to be doing the same kind of thing the crystal-faced guys do when they kill people and use them to regenerate themselves? So hear me out: what if it’s another dying universe trying to absorb our own to renew itself
  • If it isn’t that, I hope it’s something equally as strange and interesting
  • But I’m just stalling for time because the best addition to the DW universe here by far is the fact that each human on earth has a designated emotional support space dog
  • Like. Can you imagine someone who was in a really bad situation regardless of the fact that the Flux is coming. Like idk, someone trapped under rocks. Or all alone in the middle of nowhere and afraid they might die of exposure. And out of nowhere a big soft grumpy dog arrives in a spaceship to save and protect them??
  • That’s all I’m going to think about for a while now bye

I’m thinking Yaz’s issues with the Doctor’s reticence are going to come to a climax and a resolution in this story. If it were anyone else from this century headwriting I’d fear for Yaz’s life (though if it were Moffat there’d no doubt be some kind of afterlife involved too) but I think Chibnall’s Doctor Who has been too feelgood for that.

Because speculating and then getting the majority of your expectations dead-wrong is all part of the fun. As usual, spoilers for the most recent episode of TFP [Triage] after the break.

Starting out with the end of Triage, we see Bulkhead lying on the ground still smoking. And let’s not forget that Raf immediately told Fowler that Bulkhead was coming back. There’s a reason for this - remember in Tunnel Vision when Miko called Fowler? He was telling Bulkhead to “drop the rock and come back home.” At some point in Bulk’s mission, Fowler wakes up and becomes emotionally invested, which probably explains why he so eagerly turns to watch Bulkhead’s return.

I’m seriously hoping the first thing Ratchet does in this episode is tell Raf to send the groundbridge for Wheeljack. We know that the two of them bonded in the last episode, and it seems only right to call Bulkhead’s partner for what may very well be his final hour (it was stated that the repercussions from this episode would affect the rest of the season; and let’s not forget the writers had initially wanted to include Cliffjumper in the entire first season and then kill him off in the finale - they’re not scared to kill an established character). Wheeljack wouldn’t have even stayed on Earth if it weren’t for Bulkhead’s prodding, and I feel as though the only reason Wheeljack would stay if Bulkhead died, is if Bulkhead made that his dying wish (which would be cheesy, but whatever).

Additionally, when Soundwave returns to the Nemesis, Megatron says that he is confident that Knockout and himself would be able to retrieve the last two relics. However, in the preview for Toxicity, Megatron sends Hardshell instead. Megatron shouldn’t be fearful of failing his troops, so something else has to pop up that would cause Megatron to send the Insecticon in his place. I’m pinning my hopes on that something being either Starscream, or the return of Breakdown’s body with M.E.C.H. - or maybe Megatron just wanted to make sure Soundwave was all right, I suppose.

Next, looking at the timeline for these episodes:

At around the same time, Knockout, Bumblebee, and Arcee all leave for New York. After this, Bulkhead leaves for his mission in Toxicity, and is shortly followed by Optimus who leaves for the arctic. Simultaneous to Optimus, Starscream and Dreadwing embark on their arctic explorations. Ratchet and Wheeljack have the Jackhammer up and running at about the same time as Soundwave, and the three of them reach the skies leading to the relic at about the same time.

Ratchet and Wheeljack left at midmorning, and did not return to base until well after sunset, and although they were the last group to get going, were the first to return. Because Dreadwing possessed the ability to fly, his mission in the arctic was swift enough for him to reach the Nemesis before Soundwave’s return. Soundwave arrived just after Dreadwing’s debriefing, and Knockout returned to the Nemesis soon after. The Decepticons had a lot of blank space in this area of time - Megatron took Knockout and Soundwave to the medical bay (possibly sending Hardshell to retrieve the fourth relic on the way), and saw to it that Soundwave was back to work with the Iacon database before Bulkhead ever returned to base. It’s obvious that Arcee, Bumblebee, and Optimus’s missions are finished by this point - as the Decepticons they were up against had already returned, but they have not yet headed back to base for reasons I can’t figure out yet.

Either the timeline is all messed up for these episodes, or something happens that makes all the bots too busy to return to base.

Image from the “Triage” promo below the break, along with one more tidbit of speculation, because I somehow missed this my first ten times watching the promo for my initial speculation post.

>Trail of black smoke leading to mountain

I’m assuming Wheeljack manages to shoot Laserbeak out of the sky? The Jackhammer looks like it’s not going to stay up in the air for much longer either, though. Now that I’m looking at this, why are Wheeljack and Ratchet flying? Was it impossible to groundbridge to a distance near enough to the relic to walk, or did they just want an advantage of surprise over Soundwave that [evidently] doesn’t end up working?

Transformers Prime “Triage” Preview Clip

My anticipation for this episode is through the roof. Since I can’t add breaks to embedded videos, if you don’t want the clip spoiled, don’t read below, because it contains wild speculations for things to come.

First off, we get to see Knockout again, and I’m assuming he hasn’t had time to buff himself off since the Tunnel Vision encounter - since Megatron is also already back in the Nemesis, he must have already finished his mission against Bulkhead in Toxicity. Since he’s yelling at K.O., I’m thinking that he did manage to get the relic, and he’s yelling at Knockout for being incompetent enough to not grab the New York one. I’m also going to believe that Dreadwing hasn’t returned from the Arctic relic hunt.

And Soundwave’s face gets cracked; I’m not sure how that affects him - is it just a faceplate, or is it his actual face? Because if it’s his actual face, that has to hurt worse than pretty much everything that’s happened to Starscream throughout the show. I’m not really sure where his sword comes from, though, Soundwave’s arms don’t look very transformable to me - I’d just assumed Laserbeak did all of the blasting. I’m excited to finally get a fight scene dedicated to Soundwave - we only got to see him against Airachnid and that was extremely brief, just the short acrobatics he shows off in the promo sets the bar way up high for him.

What concerns me is that Soundwave doesn’t have Laserbeak for any of his fight against Wheeljack - which leaves him seriously underprotected in his chest. I’m sincerely hoping the opportunity that Laserbeak’s deactivation provides isn’t the chance to kill Soundwave, but I doubt it since the last two seconds of the video offer a different idea.

It seems like Ratchet and Wheeljack have a short conversation about how much time they have to do something to Laserbeak. This is where my really wild speculations kick in. I’m not entirely sure of the complete sentience of Laserbeak in this continuity, is he just a Deployer that is given a mission to carry out, or does he have a choice in the matter? For this speculation I’m assuming the former. What if the orange fluid that Ratchet is holding in the preview is something similar to the concept of Predacon and Maximal cores, and it will essentially rewire Laserbeak to be an Autobot weapon?

Spoilers from “Triangulation” are below this line, to be added to my speculation.

Raf wasn’t there when Optimus called the base, and Bulkhead left before Optimus. I’m pretty sure this means that Raf ended up tagging along on the Ratchet-Wheeljack mission somehow, though I’m not sure how useful he’d be in that situation… Nevermind, I found Raf - he was hiding behind the giant green computer screen.

#transformers prime    #transformers    #triage    #soundwave    #ratchet    #wheeljack    #speculation    
greycorbie: charlesoberonn:marsincharge: Please look at the contestants for the upcoming season of




Please look at the contestants for the upcoming season of The Bachelor and laugh with me.

Show us your cloning lab, The Bachelor.

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