#star girl



since i’ve finished reading cog2 (and i know a bunch of you guys have too) i’ve been dying to talk about everything that happened. so, i put together these questions! send me some and i’ll answer them!!

  1. what was your favorite part, 1 or 2?
  2. which scene in the book was your favorite?
  3. what scene (or scenes) made you cry the most?
  4. what scenes were unsatisfactory?
  5. what made you laugh the most?
  6. what bored you?
  7. what disappointed you?
  8. what is the top thing you wish had been done differently?
  9. what things did you predict that came true?
  10. what are some things that were really unexpected?
  11. are there characters that you didn’t like before that you like now?
  12. are there characters that you liked before that you don’t like now?
  13. who was your favorite new character?
  14. what places in the book would you like to visit?
  15. did you like the ending?
  16. what did you think of the epilogue?
  17. what are your thoughts on the engagement?
  18. what did you want to see that didn’t happen?
  19. what do you wish had been resolved that wasn’t?
  20. what is your favorite pairing as of now?
  21. which characters would you like to see more of in the next book?
  22. what is one character whose death you would undo if you could?
  23. which characters got bad/unsatisfactory endings?
  24. which characters got what they deserved?
  25. who should have died but didn’t?
  26. what plotline are you most excited to see in the next book?
  27. what is one scene that you wish hadn’t happened, but you know was unavoidable?
  28. which pairing do you like the least?
  29. what are some theories you have for chain of iron?
  30. what characters do you think should have gotten more plot time?

also, feel free to reblog w some of your answers to these questions or message me some of your thoughts or questions of your own! i am dyingto talk about this book and you guys are all i have.

nobody cares but I want to talk about this book so here I go…

Spoilers ahead duh

1. Part one- meeting the characters I’ve been waiting to read about for four years was great!

2. Scene between Alastair and Cordelia at the end where Alastair talks about his father

3. Any scene with Will or Tessa, when Jamie “died”, engagement, Lucie and Matthew talking about his problem, Matthews chapter on his secret

4. I thought that the ballroom scene was just meh, I loved seeing all the characters interact but with Jesse showing up and then Barbara it was just a little forced

5. The scene with Jesse and Lucie and Will in her bedroom, the Merry Thieves helpings James to the shadow world and Will yelling at them, Lucie pretending and failing to be asleep when Jamie was getting yelled at

6. I don’t think anything outright bored me. SKIP

7. Grace’s characterization wasn’t to the level I wish it was

8. More Grace and more Lucie and Matthew

9. Barbara’s death, Matthew’s addiction, Alastair and Charles’ relationship, Grace’s manipulating power, Lucie’s power

10. Jesse, the proposal, Matthew and Cordelia’s relationship and Lucie and Matthew’s relationship, the Herondale families rapport( just that they are all so openly loving and the way the children don’t get in trouble because Tessa and Will can’t get many them when they know they did worse haha so cute!)

11.Alastair is a top one, James always seemed too indifferent to everything in the novellas and I love him now

12. I didn’t have strong feelings for Charles but I don’t really love him after reading, and Grace


14. London Institute

15. Heartbreaking

16. Terrifying, I hate knowing bad things are coming when the characters don’t know

17. I’m really hoping they fall in love before the engagement ends

18. I just want Matthew to be happy

19. Jesse

20. Hmmm, I’ve made up in my mind that Lucie and Matthew need to be together for me to be happy but Cordelia and James are wonderful, and yeah Lucie and Matthew

21. More Grace, I want to know what’s going on with her, more Christopher and Thomas

22. Barbara, she didn’t deserve that

23. It’s not over yet so I have no words on endings

24. Again it’s not over so I’m hopeful for everyone

25. Uhhhh….next question

26. How the HELL we gonna defeat a prince of hell and what more can Lucie do

27. The fire

28. Alastair and Charles (I only ship alastairs with one man and that’s thomas)

29. Theoriesss hmmm, I think Matthew is going to have to tell someone his secret and I feel like it might be Cordelia. Bracelet is totally getting cut off my Cortana

30. Grace

“…there’s no past or future…it all exists at once”

summoning circle, hope this works

the tid

show being so good

we get a tlh show

Did yall ask for more cute girls? No?Well that’s what you’re getting anyway.Enjoy!My Etsy Shop: http

Did yall ask for more cute girls? No?

Well that’s what you’re getting anyway.


My Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CrayonQueenCreations

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lomakes:DC’s Blonde Brigade! I wanted to draw them all together in an effort to make them look diffelomakes:DC’s Blonde Brigade! I wanted to draw them all together in an effort to make them look diffelomakes:DC’s Blonde Brigade! I wanted to draw them all together in an effort to make them look diffelomakes:DC’s Blonde Brigade! I wanted to draw them all together in an effort to make them look diffe


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Some view the presence of confident, self-assured, brazenly unconventional women and femmes as a cha

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Artwork: Moebius

Captions: @futurefemmetext

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