
shitpostingsterek:i am alive and stronger than evershitpostingsterek:i am alive and stronger than evershitpostingsterek:i am alive and stronger than evershitpostingsterek:i am alive and stronger than evershitpostingsterek:i am alive and stronger than evershitpostingsterek:i am alive and stronger than ever


i am alive and stronger than ever

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Can someone give me a Sterek surfer au? Like maybe Stiles is a surfer and Derek is a lifeguard. Or Stiles is a surfer who also works for the Hale company, and Derek drools over him whenever he comes back from surfing??? Serioulsy, anything works with me . All I’ve been thinking of lately.

 Unforgettable, together held the whole world in our handsUnexplainable, the love that only we could Unforgettable, together held the whole world in our handsUnexplainable, the love that only we could Unforgettable, together held the whole world in our handsUnexplainable, the love that only we could Unforgettable, together held the whole world in our handsUnexplainable, the love that only we could

Unforgettable,together held the whole world in our hands
Unexplainable,the love that only we could understand

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apinchofsanity:Sterek- The Witcher AuThe Witcher Derek of Rivia has many monikers… White Wolf, Butchapinchofsanity:Sterek- The Witcher AuThe Witcher Derek of Rivia has many monikers… White Wolf, Butch


Sterek- The Witcher Au

The Witcher Derek of Rivia has many monikers… White Wolf, Butcher of Blaviken, White one etc. Personally, Stiles prefers the name Sourwolf, because in his eyes that is the most befitting of the grumpy mutant. It has yet to catch on however but do not worry! Stiles has sick ass lute and a stubborn streak more impressive than Derek’s very very expressive brows. This skinny defenseless bard is going to fix Derek’s Witcher’s reputation or fall in love trying!! So sit back, relax and …TOSS A COIN TO YOUR WITCHER O VALLEY OF PLENTY O VALLEY OF PLENTY O O O O!!  

Don’t JUDGE ME!!! >:( they’re basically the same fucking characters and this is completely self indulgent. I don’t have a talent with writing so this is all I can create with the little plot-fairies in my brain :( *sobbing uncontrollably in yearning*

oh my goodness I love this! - someone needs to write this immediately!

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Imagine an AU where Derek found a box of kittens abandoned on the edge of his property and the reserve. They’re in bad condition–freezing cold, starving, and barely have the energy to lift their heads or mew–so he takes them home and calls Deaton. Despite his best efforts, only one of the kittens survives.

Derek has never had cats before but he refuses to give this one up for adoption. He can’t help but fall in love with them, especially when the tiny kitten tries to climb up Derek’s leg while he’s getting their dinner ready. 

When they’re a little bigger, the cat learns to sit on his shoulder and just chills there as Derek walks around.

They get really excited when Stiles or Cora come to visit and will sit in the window chirping and meowing until they walk through the door and then will run to them for pets.

Chapter 9 ofUnforgettable- Sterek Never Fade AU - is now up on AO3.

There was a rush of air; a cascading wall of swirling white noise that hit him hard enough to jolt him awake. His eyes flew open as he gasped for air, groaning and squinting as the light of day made his head ache.

The ground below him shook slightly with a low rumble, a quiet rattling echoing in his head as feeling slowly returned to his body.

Everything hurt.

He tried to swallow, tasting only the bitter metallic taste of his blood. He tried to move his jaw, feeling the resistance of the piece of cloth that was tied around his face, gagging him.

He tried to move his hands to shield his eyes, but the rough frayed edges of coarse rope dug into his wrists. He strained as he turned his head and looked over his shoulder slightly; his hands were tied behind his back.

Shit, shit, shit, he thought, feeling the panic flood his veins.

He squeezed his eyes shut, plunging himself into darkness and steadying himself. Whether he liked it or not, he was in this situation; panicking wasn’t going to help him.

Accept. Adapt. Act.

That’s what Deucalion had taught him during training.

His shoulders aches as he tried to adjust his position and look around. He was in the back of a van, the only light coming through the metal grate that separated the back of the car from where the driver and the passenger seat, dressed in black.



You can read it on AO3 here, or catch up on the series here

Kidnapper: You are going to call someone - your parents, your friends, your partner, whatever - and you’re going to get them to pay $50,000 or you’re not coming back, got it?

Stiles, in the back seat eating Doritos: Sure. *calls Derek* Hey, I’ve been kidnapped and this guy wants fifty thousand dollars or he’s going to kill me.

Stiles, to the kidnapper: Are you sure you don’t want a hundred thousand? Fifty seems kind of low.

Stiles, to Derek over the phone: Make it a hundred thousand. Okay, see you soon. Love you. Bye. *hangs up*

Kidnapper: Wait, that’s it? He’s going to bring a hundred thousand dollars?

Stiles: Not exactly. You’re going to get a hundred thousand dollars, it’s just going to be in the form of medical bills.

Chapter 8 ofUnforgettable- Sterek Never Fade AU - is now up on AO3.

You can read it on AO3 here, or catch up on the series here

Chapter 7 ofUnforgettable- Sterek Never Fade AU - is now up on AO3.

Two weeks passed before he found the red folder in his locker, balanced atop the small stack of books.

The locker room was filled with speculations, voices bleeding into one another until it was nothing more than noise.

He pulled the folder out, ignoring the way his hands shook as he opened it and began to read the bold black letters printed on the page.

               OP ID: 349022-A

               TOD: 15 Dec 13:00

               Location: Boston, MA

Stiles thought for a moment, trying to remember what states still had buses or train lines running and how he could get from Massachusetts to North Carolina.

He read on.

               Objective: Pull Dr. David Geyer, Director of Administration, Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases Harvard School of Public Health; disable lab.

Stiles felt his stomach clench. ‘Pull’ meant he’d have to interrogate him once they reached the League’s safehouse, or – if he proved uncooperative – tear the information from his memories. And ‘disable’ meant destroy, demolish, burn; a job for the tactical team.

               Tact Team: Beta Group

Great, Stiles thought, the voice in his head dripping with sarcasm. Beta Group was Rafe’s team.

               Psi: Tangerine, Sunshine

               Minder: TBD

“No,” he muttered under his breath as numbness spread through his body, leaving him paralysed.

Their code names were based around their Psi colour. Stiles was Orange, so he got stuck with the code name Tangerine.

Sunshine, however, was Mason.


You can read it on AO3 here, or catch up on the series here

I don’t know how to put this into words but I really want grown up Stiles and Derek to have the kind of relationship that Buck and Eddie do in 9-1-1. Derek’s a single dad who is a loving and protective father. Maybe he and Stiles work together or maybe they just know each other, but they know that the other has their back no matter what, and there’s no one in the world Derek would trust more with his kid than Stiles. 

If Stiles is having a bad day, Derek invites him over to play video games or watch Star Wars with his kid or gets Stiles to take him to the pier. 

When Derek wakes up to find his kid missing, Stiles is he first person he calls, and most of the time Derek doesn’t even get to finish the sentence before Stiles lets him know his kid is with him.

Derek’s kid is sick? Broke an arm and ended up in hospital? Stiles is there for him. The hospital staff think he’s the kid’s dad.

All it takes is one phone call from the kid saying something’s wrong with Derek and Stiles is there in a heartbeat.
