#steve rogers fanfiction


Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing



“The news is loving you guys, though no one else is” Hill explained.  “There’s been no official call for Banner’s arrest, but it’s in the air.”

“The Stark relief foundation?”

“Already on the scene, on how’s the team?”

“Everyone’s… We took a hit. We’ll shake it off” Tony answered.

“Well, for now, I’d stay in stealth mode and stay away from here”

“So, run and hide?”

“Until we can find Ultron, I don’t have a lot else to offer.”

“Neither do we” Tony ended the call and walked over to Clint, who was flying the jet.  “Hey, you wanna switch out?”

“No, I’m good.  If you wanna get some kip, now’s a good time because we’re still a few hours out.”

“A few hours from where?”

“A safe house.”

Jo sat far away from everyone.  Though considering what they had been through no one was exactly in the talking mood. Her head was pounding and she felt slightly dizzy.  Jo tried to put the new puzzle pieces in their place but considering it felt like she was doing a million-piece puzzle, it was a painful process.  You’d think regaining your memory would be like the movies, one minute nothing and the next you remember everything and you’re fine. When in reality it feels like your brain had been on overload for three hours and the end is nowhere in sight. 

“Hey, wake up”

“Huh?” Jo’s eyes snapped open, realizing she had fallen asleep.  Jo noticed they had landed in some field.  “Where are we?”

“Don’t know, Barton say’s it’s a safe house” Steve explained as he helped her up.  “You okay?”

“Are any of us?” Jo muttered.  She had yet to tell Steve her memories were back.  Because that involves explaining how they had returned.  

They all followed Barton through the field and up to the front steps.  “Honey? I’m home” Barton called out as they entered the home.  They walked into a living room, filled with books, toys, and stuffed animals.  A pregnant woman came around the corner, a child’s painting in hand.  

“Hi, company.  Sorry, I didn’t call ahead” Barton apologized as he kissed the mystery woman.  He put his arm around her and turned to the team.  “Gentlemen, this is Laura.”

“I know all of your names” Laura smiled at them all.  

“Ooh, incoming” Barton smiled at the sound of running steps.  

“Dad!” A little girl exclaimed.

“Hi, sweetheart!” Clint took the girl into her arms and held her close.  “Hey, buddy!” He threw his other arm around the teenage boy and kissed the top of his head.  

“Did you bring Auntie Nat?”

“Why don’t you hug her and find out?” The little girl squealed with delight and ran into Nat’s arms.

“Sorry for barging in on you” Steve apologized.

“Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.”  

“Yeah well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined” Barton explained.  “Kept it off Shield’s files and I’d like to keep it that way. I figured it’s a good place to lay low.”

Everyone began to talk amongst themselves.  Thor walked out of the house and Steve followed.  Jo heard Thor say something about a dream and watched as he swung his hammer and shot into the sky.  She saw Steve pause for a moment before walking out into the front yard.  

Jo sat up on the roof, watching Tony chop wood and Steve pull pieces apart with his hands.  Jo laid down and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her skin.  Made her think of the days she was allowed out of her cell.  The cold snowy air may have been killer, but Jo had had someone there to keep her warm.  Jo couldn’t remember the last time she had felt this way.  Sure, she had her fair share of flings, one-night stands, and short-term relationships.  But Jo believed this might be the first time she was in love.  Jo missed him more than she had missed anyone.   She had finally felt comfortable leaning on someone.  That she was not alone.  

Jo flinched and swatted away the piece of wood that had hit her face.  She sat up and saw Steve looking up at her with his hands on his hips and a look on his face that told Jo he was annoyed about something.  

“What?” Jo grunted as she jumped down to the ground.  She noticed Tony was no longer there chopping wood.  

“What’s up with you?”

“You all just got shown our darkest secrets and worst fears by a witch and you’re asking me what’s up?” Jo looked at him surprised.  

“What did she show you?”

Jo sighed and pushed her hair out of her face.  “I don’t…”

“Whatever happened, it changed you.  And Barton said you ran out of the ship while Tony went for Banner and Clint was helping Nat, did you run into the Maximoff’s?”

“Yes,” Jo whispered. Steve stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders.  

“Jo, whatever happened, you can tell me.  Did you remember something? Did you- “

“I remembered everything” Jo breathed.  Steve’s hands dropped to his sides.


“Wanda, the Maximoff girl, she used her powers to give me back my memories”


“Because… We’re friends” Jo confirmed.  Steve shook his head in shock.

“You… You’re friends with- “

“We were all held by Strucker remember?  I wasn’t in cryofreeze the whole time you know.  Our cells were close and we sometimes were allowed outside at the same time.”

“Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?”

“You were dealing with whatever Wanda had shown you!  In no state for me to be telling you my own problems.”

“There you go again!” Steve ranted, throwing his hands up in the air.  “You always do this! You always keep it all to yourself, never letting anyone help you!”

“I’m sorry” Jo whispered. “I’m trying to be better, honest. I just, my brain is a mess!”

Steve sighed and pulled Jo into a hug.  She remained still at first, before embracing it.  “You’re my kid, I’m going to- “

“Help me no matter what. I gained memories, I didn’t lose more” Jo joked making Steve laugh.  

“Where is she?” Jo spun around and smiled.

“Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”

“There’s no need to sound more disappointed each time you say that” Fury grunted as he approached them, with Tony in tow.  “Have they fixed your memory?”

“I’m good as new”

“Rogers, Stark, inside. I want a word with Carter alone. I’m assuming I can use your last name now?”

“She’s my daughter, her last name is Rogers.”

“It’s Carter, and could you give us a minute?” Jo asked, but was really telling the two to piss off. Tony and Steve rolled their eyes before doing what they were told.  “Now, what do you want?”

“Man, you really are back to your old self.  Shame, Wilson said you were actually a bit nicer without your memory”

“And I’ll smack him upside the head for it” Jo muttered.  

“You doing alright kid?”

“Did you make them leave so you could ask if I was okay?”

“I’m not as heartless as I look” Fury responded.  “But I also want to know what you’ve got on those enhanced people.”

“You know their past, you know their abilities and why they joined the program.  What more do you need to know?”

“Are you prepared to take them down if it comes to it?”

“I haven’t let you down so far” Jo dictated.  “Why doubt me now?”

“Because, although I’m sure your father has no clue, I am aware you were quite close to the Maximoffs.”

“I’ve killed comrades before who picked the wrong side, I can do it again.”

“That’s the thing, I don’t want you to have to”

Jo looked confused. “What are you on about?”

“You’ve been an agent most of your life and spent the other half being tortured by Hydra or running from them.  When this is over, I want you to take a break.  Get that apartment in Brooklyn with Rogers, or maybe with the Maximoff boy if he comes to his senses.”

“Last I checked you aren’t my boss anymore”

“Doesn’t change that I care about you” Fury responded, leaning against the porch railing.  

Jo nodded in understanding. “I don’t know what I’ll do when this is over, I’m not even sure if I’ll survive this.  But I’m a soldier, always have been.  Was raised by one, my father is the most famous soldier, and I’ll die like one.”  

“And you’re just as dramatic as your father as well.”  

Tag List:


 Type: One-shot

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Summary: A Steve x Reader one-shot based on the song Heathens by Twenty-one pilots

Requested by: Anonymous

Warnings: Fighting and swearing 


You bite your lip as you continued to struggle against your chain.  Your wrist ached from holding it at a weird angle, but you continued to work. You let out a small sigh of relief when you hear a click and your restraints loosen.  You looked the door, no lock or handle on your side.  You shook off your chains and rushed over to the security camera, you shoved the bobby pin into the lens and crushed the res with your bare hands.  You heard some shouts from outside and quickly hid behind the door, waiting.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse

You ran as fast as you could, your bare feet pounding against the cold grown.  You burst through a door and into a stairwell.  You checked the number of bullets the gun had that you had taken off a guard. You heard shouts from behind the door and headed down, taking three stairs at a time.  The entrance they had brought you threw was on the bottom floor.  Where they kept all their vehicles from.

Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn’t mean our brains will change from hand grenades

You reach ground level and creak open the door.  There was only a hand full of guards, most were probably searching for you in other parts of the compound.  

“Down there!” You hear someone shout from above.

“Shit” You muttered, you rush out into the open air.  You race towards a jeep, doing your best to dodge the oncoming bullets.  You take cover behind a car and fire at the agents in sight.  You jump into the driver’s seat and take the covering off the wires below the steering wheel. “Come on…. Come on!” You grunted.  They were getting closer, a bullet shattered the windshield.  “Ha!” You exclaimed in victory as the engine roared to life.  You slammed on the gas pedal and speed off.  

“Close the gate! Close the gate!” A guard shouted.  Sparks flew as the sides of the jeep scrapped against the metal gate. You shouted in victory as you drove off.  But it wasn’t over yet.

You stumbled through the snowy woods.  The jeep was now miles behind you.  You had ditched it, just in case there was a GPS tracker implanted in it.  You had made a fake trail going in the opposite direction before circling back around and heading West, towards civilization. You knew your plan had worked according to the feed you were hearing on the radio you had taken.  From what you had gathered during your time as a prisoner, you had been there for at least two weeks.  The drive there from the airport was three hours long if you subtracted the time spent at the gas station you had stopped at, you had been traveling at roughly fifty miles per hour which put the airport at one hundred and fifty miles away.  The gas station was twenty-five miles away from the compound, you had driven for fifteen. They hadn’t tortured you in three days. You were grateful for the time your wounds had been given to heal.  You could walk the ten.  This you could do.  

You’re loving on the psychopath sitting next to you
You’re loving on the murderer sitting next to you
You’ll think, “How’d I get here, sitting next to you?”
But after all I’ve said, please don’t forget

You wrapped your arms around yourself trying to conserve heat.  You could barely feel your feet, and the thin t-shirt and pants were doing you no good.  The cut on your side had reopened and you couldn’t remember the last time you had been this sore.  The sun was setting in front of you, and you had no way of knowing how many miles you had left.  

“I can do this, I can do this” You whispered.  “I can get away from him.”

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse

 It was night, you curled up in the cave you had found, holding your gun close to your chest. You couldn’t risk building a fire in case they saw the smoke.  The radio had no signal, you had tried to mess with the wiring and channels to see if you could pick up a channel form Shield, but had found nothing.  Your only comfort that night was at least if you died, it would be out here away from him.

We don’t deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
You have trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions

You awoke at sunrise, surprised to still be alive.  You stood, ignoring the sharp pains in your feet.  You did some jumping jacks and stretches, trying to get your blood flowing. You found snow that looked clean and held it in your hands waiting for it to melt before consuming it.  You did this two more times before you started walking again.  You shudder at the sudden memory the snow brought to mind.

“No, you have to melt it first!”

“Why? Snow’s just frozen water”

“Exactly! Eating snow can actually lead to further dehydration due to the process your body has to go through to heat and melt the snow once you eat it. It can also lead to hypothermia.”

“You’re such a nerd!” You laughed.  He rolled his eyes.

“Well, you’d figure I’d know a thing or two about snow.”

You’re loving on the freakshow sitting next to you
You’ll have some weird people sitting next to you
You’ll think “How did I get here, sitting next to you?”
But after all I’ve said, please don’t forget 

You could see it, just a few more feet.  You let out a laugh, which sounded more like wheezing as the gas station came into view.  You observed your surroundings, there was only one car in the parking lot which probably belonged to the owner.  It was still early morning and this obviously not a busy highway.  Deciding it was safe, you stumbled out of the trees and across the road.  You made it to the outside restroom and slipped inside, grateful you did not have to face anyone yet.  Your appearance didn’t surprise you.  You were honestly shocked you didn’t look worse.  You grabbed some paper towels and got them a bit wet before gently washing the blood off your stomach.  You then proceeded to wash your face, hands, and arms as best you could.  You moaned as the hot water rushed over your skin, grateful to finally feel some warmth.  

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse

You finally stepped out of the bathroom and headed inside the convenient store.  A little bell rang as you opened the door.  There was no one behind the counter, and you didn’t hear anything except the humming of machines.  You wanted to head straight for the prepackaged sandwiches in the cooler, but your instincts told you something was wrong.  You slowly took out your gun and turned off the safety.  A small click broke the silence.  You instantly held up your gun as a man jumped up from behind the counter, holding up a rifle.  

“Y/N, you need to- “

“I’m not going back with you” You growled.  Of course, he would have come to the gas station! He knew you better than anyone else.  You should have known better than to think this would have been a safe place to come to.

“Y/N please!”

“I have no reason to trust you”

“I love you, you know that!”

“Lies!” You screamed.  “I used to think that was the truth.”

“It still is! It wasn’t all lies”

“You’re Hydra Steve! Everything out of your mouth is a lie!” You ignored the pained expression on Steve’s face.  You could not let your emotions cloud your judgment.  You were nothing more than assignment to him.  

“Y/N, if you don’t come back willingly, I have orders to kill you.”

“Then why haven’t you shot me yet? Come on! Be good little soldier like you always have” You taunted.  “You had no problem killing those Shield agents, so why can’t you shoot me?”

Steve flinched at your words.  “I didn’t want to do that, but they gave me no choice!”

“More lies!” You screamed.  “Here, I’ll make it easier for you” You turned the safety back and tossed your gun aside.  “I’m not gonna come willingly”


“Shoot me”

“I’m not going to- “

“KILL ME!” You roared.  “You’ve already destroyed every part of me, so just shoot me.”  Something in you had finally snapped.  You didn’t want to live this life.  Not anymore.  Not with the future, you had dreamed of destroyed.  There would be no apartment in Brooklyn to go home to.  No more morning runs, movie nights, and late-night kisses.  No leaving Shield together, no getting married, no kids.

“I was going to do it you know, I was going to leave, for you.”

“But you never did,” You whispered.  “I won’t join you and you know no matter how much they torture me I won’t break.  So, if you ever really loved me, then end this.”

Why’d you come? You knew you should have stayed
I tried to warn you just to stay away
And now they’re outside ready to bust
It looks like you might be one of us

You could see the conflict in Steve’s eyes as he debated his options. You watched his expression become resolved, as he made his decision. 

Tag List: 


Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing



“We need to go after her!”

“And how do you suppose we do that?” Wanda demanded as she spun around.  Pietro took a step back.  “She is with the Avengers. Protected by the best security known to man.  The best idea is to wait for them to come to us, they’re bound to find us at some time.”

“But- “

“Pietro, no one understands better than I what she means to you, but right now, there is nothing we can do.”

“I hope she’s okay,” Pietro muttered shaking his head.

“She is, they wouldn’t hurt her, I promise.  Now come on, let’s find out who wants to meet us” Wanda motioned to the abandoned church before them.

Jo looked up from her computer when Barton and Steve walked in.

“What’s that?”

“A message.  Ultron killed Strucker” Thor passed the iPad to Tony as Steve spoke.  

“And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us.”

“This is a smoke screen, why send a message when you’ve just made a speech?” Jo asked.  

“Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss”

“Yeah, I bet he…” Natasha fell silent as her computer beeped.  “Yep, everything we have on Strucker has been erased.”  

“Not everything” Everyone looked at Jo in confusion as she walked out of the room.

Thor tossed aside the lid to a box filled with files.  

“Baron Strucker had a lot of friends” Steve muttered as he looked through his box.  

“Well, these people are all horrible”

“Wait, I know that guy” Tony pointed towards the file Bruce had who handed it over.  “From back in the day.  He operates off the African coast.  Black market arms.”

Steve gave Tony a suspicious look who rolled his eyes.

“There are conventions, alright? You meet people.  I didn’t sell him anything.” Tony looked over the papers again.  “He was talking about something new.  A game-changer.  It was all very, Ahab.”


“Uh, that’s a tattoo, I don’t think he had it.”

“No, those are tattoos, this is a brand” Thor pointed to the pictures as he explained.  

Bruce used one of his computer programs to search for the meaning of the symbol.  There was a ding a few minutes later.  “Oh yeah, it’s a word in African dialect meaning “thief”, in a much less friendly way.”

“What dialect?”


“If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods…”

“I thought your father said he got the last of it” Jo stated, she and Tony were looking at each other while everyone else looked confused.

“I don’t follow. What comes out of Wakanda?”

“The strongest metal on Earth” Steve answered looking at his shield.  “Where is this guy now?”

Men shouted orders and others groaned from the aches of labor.  The sound of metal grinding and machines hard at work filled the air.  

“Don’t tell me your men swindled you.  I sent you six short-range heat seekers and got a boat full of rusty parts.  Now, you will make it right, or the next missile I send you will come much faster” Klaw pressed a button on his phone, ending the call and.  “Now, minister, where were we?”

Everything came to a stop and lights flickered off.  Klaw could hear his men shouting in fear below him.  Flashlights spun around the room as the workers tried to calm everyone down and figure out what happened.  Klaw grabbed his gun off the desk, eerily looking at his surroundings.  He slowly stepped towards the doorway and fired his gun. There was a flash of silver and suddenly his gun was back on his desk, with all nine bullets set in a neat row.

“Yeah, the enhanced” Klaw chuckled at the site before him.  A young man with curly blond hair and his twin sister stared at Klaw.  “Strucker’s prize pupils.  Candy? Hmm?” Klaw asked, now sitting on a stool and holding out a rusty metal plate, but the twins said nothing.  “I was sorry to hear about Strucker, but then he knew what kind of world he was helping to create.  Human life. Not a growth market.”

The twins glanced at each other, a look of surprise passed between them.

“You didn’t know? Is this your first time intimidating someone? I’m afraid, I’m not that afraid.”

“Everybody’s afraid of something” Wanda spoke for the first time, stepping into the room.

“Cuttlefish” Klaw stated, pointing his finger at nothing.  “Deep sea fish.  They make lights, disco lights…” He made weird chomping noise with his mouth and moved his hand to imitate the fish.   “To hypnotize their prey, and then…” His hand shot out and snatched at the air.  “I saw a documentary once, it was terrifying.”  

Pietro zoomed over and grabbed one of the candies, tossing it into his mouth.  

“So, if you’re going to fiddle with my brain and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don’t do business and I know you’re not in charge.  And I only deal, with the man in charge” Klaw stood up as he spoke.  He failed to notice the flying robot behind him.

Klaw cried out in pain as he was thrown through the glass.  He struggled to sit up as the robot loomed over him.  

“There is no man in charge,” Ultron leaned down, now quite close to Klaw.  “Let’s talk business.”

One of Klaw’s men slid open the cargo hold.  The ceiling of it lowered, revealing an upper level that contained many vials.  Klaw grabbed one of them.

“Upon this rock, I shall build my church,” Ultron remarked as took the vial.  “Vibranium.” Ultron tossed it to Pietro.  

“You know, it came at a great personal cost” Klaw ran his fingers across the scarred tissue on his neck as he spoke.  “It’s worth billions.”

Ultron chuckled, “Now so are you.  It’s all under, your dummy holdings?  Finance is so weird.”

There was a vibration and Klaw’s man checked his phone, showing his boss the screen to confirm that what the robot spoke was true.  

“But I always say, keep your friend’s rich and your enemy’s rich and wait to find out which is which.”



“Tony Stark used to say that” Klaw clarified.  “To me. You’re one of his.”

“What? I’m not…” Ultron grabbed Klaw’s arm, Klaw’s man drew his gun but Wanda used his magic to stop him from moving anymore.  

“I am not.  You think I’m one of Stark’s puppets? His hollow men? I mean, look at me.  Do I look like Ironman? Stark is nothing!” Ultron swung his other arm, chopping Klaw’s arm clean off at the elbow.  Klaw stumbled back in shock.  “I’m sorry! I’m… oh! I’m sure that’s gonna be okay.  I’m sorry.  It’s just, I don’t understand.  Don’t compare me to Stark!”  Ultron kicked Klaw in the face, who tumbled down the stairs. “It’s a thing with me, Stark is… he’s a sickness!”

“Ah Junior,” Ironman landed behind Ultron with Thor and Cap behind him.  “You’re gonna break your old man’s heart.”

“If I have to,” Ultron remarked stepping forward, Pietro and Wanda moving with him.  

Natasha, Clint, and Jo took positions on the upper level.  Jo twirled the knife between her fingers, an action that felt so familiar to her yet she couldn’t remember learning to do it.  

“Nobody has to break anything”

“Clearly you’ve never made an omelet.”

“He beat me by one second” Tony added glancing at Thor.  

“Ah, yes. This is funny” Pietro spoke as he stepped out from behind the robot.  “This is what? Comfortable? Like old times?” He looked at the missiles as he finished.  

The site of the blond-haired man struck something in Jo, she knew him! This she was sure of, but where did they meet? And who was he to her?

“This was never my life.”

“You two could still walk away from this” Steve stepped up.  

“Oh, we will”

“I know you’ve suffered.”

Ultron howled with laughter.  “Captain America, God’s righteous man.  Pretending you could live without a war.  I can’t physically throw up in my mouth, but if I could – “

“If you believe in peace, then let us keep it” Thor cut off Ultron.  

“I think you’re confusing peace with quiet.”

“Uh-huh, what’s the vibranium for?” Tony asked.  

“I’m glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan.” Instead of doing that, Ultron and two other robots attacked.  Ultron and Tony flew up and continued in their combat.  Steve and Thor fought the robots, Jo was about to jump down and help when gunfire and shouts came from the stairway.  She turned to see Klaw’s men advancing on her.  

“Just do what your instincts tell you” Jo whispered Natasha’s words to her and did exactly that. She ran up a wall and jumped in between the two men.  Jo ducked down as one of them swung and hit the other in the gut.  He bent over and Jo hit the other man in the jaw before he could attack.  She shot both before moving on.  

Jo took down five more guards and had never felt better.  She felt so much like herself! A sense of belonging had overcome her that Jo couldn’t remember feeling since she was a little girl in Uncle Howard’s lab.  

Jo put a bullet in another man’s head, his blood splattered across her hands.  Yet, she felt no remorse or disgust.  The hairs on her neck stood up and Jo whipped around with her gun up, the Maximoff girl jumped back in surprise.  


“How do you know me?” Jo growled.  She had orders to not kill the twins, harm maybe, but not kill.  

“You don’t remember… oh, of course, you don’t!” The girl exclaimed.  “Here, let me- “

“Don’t touch me!” Jo ordered. She glanced to her right and left but Natasha was nowhere in sight.  

“I won’t hurt you, Jo, I promised you that.  I only want to help and I’m going to do just that” Red energy shot from the girl’s hands and Jo’s vision blurred.  

Jo stumbled back, grabbing onto the metal railing for support.  She felt like she was in the ocean, and wave after wave kept dragging her under.  


Her mother…

Being in hiding…

Working for Shield…

The battle of New York…

Her father…

The helicarriers…

Being captured….

“Wanda?” Jo croaked looking up, but Wanda was gone.  

“To anyone who’s still standing, we better move” Clint spoke through the coms.  “Guys?” he spoke again when no one responded.

“I think the Maximoff girl did something to the others” Jo answered.  She looked down to see her father stumbling around on the lower deck. Jo made her way out of the ship, maybe they were still here! She rushed out onto the damp ground and over to some wrecked, small ships.  And she saw them.  

“Wait” Jo yelled, the man spun around and his eyes widened at the sight of her.  


“Do you remember now?” Wanda asked excitedly.  

Jo nodded, and before another second had passed Pietro had rushed over and embraced her.

“Your safe” He whispered against her neck.

“I’m safe” They leaned their foreheads against each other.  The reality of the situation came to mind and Jo painfully pulled herself away from Pietro.

“You guys have to come back with us”


“Look, I don’t know what Ultron wants, but it’s not peace!”

“He is helping us! We have a common goal in mind” Wanda stated, crossing her arms.  

“I thought we discussed this whole crazy revenge plan”

“You wouldn’t understand”

“Oh? Please, Pietro, tell me how I wouldn’t understand the feeling of losing everything!” Jo screamed. Pietro looked away from her, realizing he had been wrong.  

“Join us”

“You know I won’t”

“Then we should go, come on Pietro.”

“But we- “

“We need to finish the job!” Wanda insisted.  Pietro looked at his sister and Jo.  She could tell he didn’t want to leave her, but she also knew he would.  

“I’ll come back for you” He promised.  Pietro scooped Wanda up into his arms and then he was gone.  Apart of Jo went with him.  

Tag List:


Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 


You let out a small grown as the sunlight filled your vision. You rolled over and blinked a couple times as your eyes adjusted to the light.  You sat up, confused as to why your husband wasn’t in bed beside you.  You looked at your alarm clock and saw it was eight in the morning.  It was Saturday, Chris barely got up before nine on a regular day much less the weekend.  

“Hey, you’re up” Chris smiled as he entered the room, the bundle of joy in his arms stretched out its arms as it yawned.  

“Morning” You whispered as Chris climbed into bed beside you.  He gave you a peck on the lips and placed your son on the bed between you.  “When did you two get up?”

“A few minutes ago, I don’t think he likes being alone” Chris explained as he turned on the TV in your bedroom, putting on Friends before you even asked. You smiled and snuggled closer to Y/C/N as the episode started.  

“They were on a break!”


“But Rachel said- “

“So, if I said I needed space would you go sleep with another woman an hour later?”

“I’m not going to answer that because it sounds like another one of those trap questions women set for us men” Chris stated.  You both looked down at the infant between you two, who let out a cry.

“I think he’s hungry”

“I’ll go grab bottle” Chris mumble climbing out of the bed.

“And- “

“I will get you coffee and one of the muffins as well” Chris turned and smirked at you before leaving the room.

You rolled your eyes and picked up the whining baby.  “Don’t worry little man, Daddy’s coming to the rescue” You soothed rocking him in your arms.  “He’s pretty great, but don’t tell him I said that.”

“I can hear you!”

“I was talking about Dodger!”

You could hear Chris scoff as he walked towards the bedroom.

“Where’d Y/C/N go? There he is! Where’d Y/C/N go? There he is!” The baby squealed with joy as you pulled the blanket back again and tapped his little nose.  Chris tickled Y/C/N’s sides, causing more bursts of laughter to come from those tiny lungs.  

“Hey, I was thinking, for Christmas, everyone should come here”


“Yeah, I mean we’re the ones with the big house now and it would be fun for all of us to stay together” Chris added.  You nodded as you thought about his suggestion.

“I like it! Everyone together for Y/C/N’s first Christmas!”

“As long as you won’t go crazy with pictures I say we do it”

“I can’t help the fact I have a very photogenic baby!” You exclaimed.  

Chris laughed, “That’s due to the fact he has a very pretty mutter”

“His father isn’t bad looking either” You kissed Chris on the cheek.

“That was not a real kiss,” Chris pouted.  

“Such a child” You rolled your eyes before kissing him on the lips him on the lips. Y/C/N let out a whine and you giggled. “You want a kiss too?” You leaned down and kissed him all over his chubby cheeks, making the baby giggle and squirm.  

“Dodger!” Chris laughed as the excited boxer jumped onto the bed.  Dodger rushed over and sniffed Y/C/N, whose eyes had gone wide at the animal that was triple his size.  “Dodger,” Chris said with a warning tone.

“Oh calm down, he won’t hurt him” You reassured.  Bringing Y/C/N home from the hospital had been quite an adventure. Dodger wouldn’t leave his side, seeming quite excited there was a new friend for him to play with.  

Y/C/N let out a giggle as Dodger licked his hand.


“We had that last night, what about Chines food?” You asked.  Y/C/N made sounds of contentment as he snuggled closer to you.  “I think he wants Chines food.”

“I think he wants your boob” Chris laughed as he ducked out of the way of the flying pillow.  

“One of these days he will pick up on things you say and your child will have the dirtiest mind in existence!” You warned, but Chris just shook his head and smiled.  

“I’ll order the Chinese food” He stated picking up his phone.


Chris hummed in response as he dialed the number.

“Do you think we should have gotten out of bed today?” You asked.  Chris glanced at the alarm clock that red five PM.  

Chris thought for a moment, “Nah!”.

“We got your rice, sweet and sour chicken, orange chicken, honey cashew shrimp, egg rolls, and more fried unhealthy foods filled with calories that will take me forever to lose!” Chris exclaimed using his announcing voice.  

You set your child down, making sure the pillows beside him were secure so there was no chance of him rolling away.  You grabbed a paper plate and scooped mounds of food onto it.  

“You fed him, right?”

“Yep! He’s had dinner, been burped, and I changed his diaper” You answered before taking a bite of orange chicken.  “What movie do you want to watch?”

“Isn’t there a new episode of Sherlock out?”

“Oh right! Put it on! Put it on!” You cheered.  Chris chuckled as went into Hulu and picked Sherlock.  You squealed with joy as the theme song started.  

“Hey, Y/N”

You hummed in response, eyes still on the screen.

“We should have family lazy days more often” You looked over and smiled at your husband.  You leaned over and kissed him, giving him a realkiss this time.  

“We should probably take him back to his crib”

“Five more minutes”

“You said that ten minutes ago” But neither Chris nor you made a move to get up. You both laid there watching your infant sleep, very content with staying in his parent’s bed.

“He’s so perfect” Chris whispered.

You hummed in agreement, smiling at the sight of your family.  You felt Dodger shift a bit at your feet before settling down again.  

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“Making me the happiest man alive” Chris whispered, still staring at his son.

Tag List:  


Type: Series

Status: Completed 

ANSPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS MAJOR INFINITY WAR SPOILERS specifically waited to publish it a few weeks after Infinity War had been out to avoid spoiling it for people.  Anyways, I saw Infinity War.  I cried, a lot.  Seriously, I was actually traumatized by that movie.  And it inspired me to write this. AGAIN, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE MOVIE OR SOME OF THIS WILL NOT MAKE SENSE. 

“At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing,” Wong began “Then, boom!”

A light exploded in the room and an image of the galaxy appeared.  Five stones floated in space.

“A big bang and six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe,” Wong waved his hand and the stone spun into place.   “These infinity stones, each controlled an essential aspect of existence. ”

The blue one lit up, “Space,” next was red, “Reality,” than purple, “Power,” orange, “Soul”, yellow, “mind, and time.” Doctor Strange looked at the eye-shaped necklace that hung around his neck.  He crossed his arms over it and made a sign with each hand before waving them in front of the necklace.  The necklace opened, revealing a bright green gem inside it.

“Tell me his name again,” Tony demanded from his seat on the couch.  He watched the men with an intense look, still struggling to grasp the things he was being told.

“Thanos,” Banner stated.  "He’s a plague, Tony.  He invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population, he sent Loki!  The attack on New York, that’s him!“

Tony stood up as Banner talked, walking around the room.  "This is it,” he whispered.  "What’s our timeline?“

"No telling!” Banner exclaimed.  "He has the power and space stones, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe!  If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony-“

"He could destroy life hitherto undreamt of,” Doctor Strange finished.

“Did you seriously just say hitherto undreamt of?” Tony asked.  He leaned against a giant cauldron, stretching his leg.

“Did you seriously just lean on the cauldron of Cosmos?” Doctor Strange’s cloak slapped Tony’s hand causing him to step back from the giant pot.

Tony squinted his eyes at the magician.  "I’m going to allow that,“ He stated before turning back to the problem at hand.  "If Thanos needs all six then why don’t we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?” Tony asked, pointing to the necklace.

Doctor Strange shook his head, “No can do,”

“We swore an oath to protect the time stone with our lives,” Wong insisted.

“And I swore off dairy but then, Ben & Jerrys named a flavor after me, so-”

“Stark Raving Hazelnuts,”

“Not bad,”

“A bit chalky,” Strange responded, starring Tony down.

“A Hunk-A-Hulk with Burning Fudge is our favorite,” Wong explained.

Bruce looked at the man surprised, “Wait, that’s a thing?”

“The point is, things change,” said Tony.

“Our oath to protect the time stone cannot change, and this stone may be the best chance we have against them.”

“It also might be his best chance against us!” Tony shot back.

“Only if we don’t do our jobs,” Strange growled.

“What is your job exactly? Besides making balloon animals,”

“Protecting your reality, douchebag,” Doctor Strange smirked.

“Okay guys, could we please table this discussion right now?” Banner demanded.  "The fact is, that we have this stone! We know where it is! Vision is out there somewhere with the mind stone and we have to find him now!

“Yeah, that’s the thing…” Tony grumbled.

“What do you mean?”

“Two weeks ago Vision turned off his transponder, he’s offline.”

“What!” Banner shouted.  "Tony, you lost another superbot?“

Tony walked away from the group, "We didn’t lose him! He’s more than that! He’s evolving!”

“Who could find Vision?” Strange asked.

Tony stopped and hung his head, a thought occurred to him, one he did not like at all.   “Probably Steve Rogers,”

“Oh great,” Doctor Strange groaned turning away.

“Maybe, but…” Tony trailed off and sighed.

Banner looked at his friend in confusion.  "Call him, or Jo! Jo’s specialty is finding people!“

"It’s not that easy,” Tony stated looking at Bruce.  "God, we haven’t caught up in a spell have we?“


“The Avengers broke up, we’re toast,” Tony explained.

“Broke up? Like a band? Like the Beatles?”

“Cap and I fell out hard, we’re not on speaking terms.”

Bruce looked down for a moment, not believing what he was hearing.  His team was gone? “What about Jo? Or did she take Cap’s side?”

Tony bit his lip.  It had been two years and he still struggled to say the words out loud.  "Jo’s dead.  She died during our fight.“

Bruce’s eyes widened.  "Jo’s dead? But… but how-”

“Actually,” Doctor Strange interrupted the two men.  "She’s not dead.“

Tony looked at the wizard, anger rising in his chest.  Was this a joke to him? "Yes, she is,” Tony breathed, trying to keep himself from lashing out.  "I was there.  I watched her die.  I buried her.“  Every word he said made it harder to breathe.  Tony dealt with his grief like he dealt with all his other problems.  He pushed them down and ignored them till he exploded or did something outrageously stupid.  Both usually happened at the same time.  Jo’s death had been no exception.  

Strange opened his mouth to argue but closed it.  Instead, he took out his phone and dialed a number.   It rang three times before someone answered.  "It’s me, I need you to come to the New York Sanctum right now.”

Tony watched Strange, clenching his fists.  Who was he calling?

“It’s an emergency, like an end of the world emergency,” Strange explained.  "I know, but you’re needed, and trust me, you’re going to want to be apart of this one.“

A moment later Strange hung up the phone turned to the two men watching him.  "Just give them a second.”  

And just as he said, a second later a portal with sparks flying around the edges opened.  A woman stepped through and the portal closed behind her.

Tony didn’t believe it.  This couldn’t be her.  This woman was skinner, her hair was down to her waist and it was brown, not blonde.  Her face was older, Jo never aged, but it was like time and stress had finally started to take its toll.  She wore black jeans and a teal t-shirt.  She had on a leather jacket and gloves that left her fingers exposed.  The gloves were a hint, but the eyes are what made Tony’s jaw drop.  Blue eyes.  Just like her father’s.  Eyes Tony saw in his nightmares. Eyes he could never forget.

He stepped towards the woman.  She remained still as Tony reached out and lightly gripped her shoulder as if checking to make sure she wasn’t a hologram.  "Jo…“

"Hello Tony,” Jo Carter greeted.  "It’s good to see you.“  She then looked at Banner.  "You too Bruce.”

Banner slightly waved, still surprised to see his old friend alive after thinking she was dead for less than five minutes.

“But how…”

“It’s a long story.”

“Well start telling it!” Tony shouted.  His shock was now replaced with anger.

“We don’t have time!” Strange interjected.  "Yes, she’s alive, she’s been hiding here with me.  Tetrodotoxin B was used to make you believe she died before she was brought here to continue her healing and then went into hiding.  Now that that’s out of the way, we have more pressing matters.“

Jo turned to the Doctor.  "What did you call me for Steven?”

Steven Strange and Wong then explained to her the dire situation involving Thanos and the Infinity Stones.   Banner explained his part, how Thanos had attacked the Asgardian ship and killed everyone on it.  Including Thor and Loki.  

Tony just continued to look at her.  He couldn’t understand it.  Why? Why had she faked her death? Why leave them? Why leave her family?

“And you want me to find Vision?” Jo asked as they finished telling their tale.  The men nodded.  Jo sighed and ran a hand through her long hair.

“Do you have any idea of where he might have gone?” Steven asked.

Jo shook her head, “I don’t, but I know how to get in contact with someone who does.” She looked at Tony, “You need to call him.”

“Why?” He asked his voice a bit raspy.

“Because I won’t be able to protect Vision on my own, It’s better if we have as many people on this as possible.”

“Why can’t you call him?”

“Because he doesn’t know I’m alive,” Jo answered quietly.  "He won’t believe it’s me.  He’ll think it’s some kind of trick.  It has to come from you.“

Tony shook his head, stepping away from her.  "You’re in no position to be giving orders!”

“You can be mad at me later! Right now, we have a real problem on our hands!”

“No! We do this now!” Tony shouted.

Jo let out a sigh of frustration.  "Ten minutes,“ She glanced at the others before grabbing Tony’s arm and pulling him upstairs and into a small study.  Tony couldn’t help but glance at the different artifacts and weapons as they walked passed them.  Jo slammed the door shut and faced her old friend.

"Alright, go ahead, get it all out of your system.  Shout, ask questions, just don’t break anything.  The last thing I need is to piss Steven off again.”

Tony stared at her for a moment, trying figure out where he should start.  "Why?“

"Why what?”

“Why’d you do it?” Tony growled stepping closer.  "Why did you leave? Why did you let us think you were dead?“

Jo tried to look down but Tony grabbed her chin, making her look him in the eye.

"Look at me when you answer! I want you to look at me when you explain why you abandoned your family!”

Jo slapped his hand away.  "You tore our family apart!“ She shot back.  "I was already going to quit, I was so done, Tony! I was so tired of fighting, and, with the accords, I would have either ended up in prison or had to live the rest of my life in hiding.  I didn’t want that!”

Tony shook his head. “But…”

“I’m sorry okay! I’m sorry I hurt you, but I had to do what was right for me for once. Because if I kept going the way I was, it was going to end badly.”

Tony recognized the look in her eyes, he understood the things she had left unspoken.  It was something he had experienced personally.    "But you’re still hiding, you even changed your appearance.“

"I’ve been hiding in plain sight, something I wouldn’t have been able to do had I not left,” Jo explained.  "After the fight, like Steven said, I came here.  Since Steven is a doctor, he looked after me till I was healed.  He taught me the ways of the Mystic Arts.  I’m apart of this team now.  I get to travel, and see the world, and pretend to be normal.  I hide till my job calls on me.  I have friends, I’m a regular at a coffee shop, Steven and I get lunch together every Tuesday.  Tony, I get to live a real life.  I have a reason to keep going.“

Tony felt guilty for being angry with Jo.  How could he be? When she was finally happy.  He remembered how she used to be before the Accords.  Serious.  Tired.  Never being able to find joy in anything.  "I’m sorry I yelled.”

Jo shook her head, “You have every right to be angry with me.”

“I just…”  Tony grabbed Jo’s shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.   Jo was shocked by the action but did wrap her arms around Tony.

“I missed you kid,”

“Missed you too.”

“Your father is going to be so pissed,” Tony stated as they pulled away.

Jo smirked, “I think I can handle him.”

“Sorry to intrude,” Steven stated as he up through the floor causing Tony to jump back.  "But we have a situation outside.“

They walked out onto the streets to find people screaming and running.  They would pull their cars over and rush out.

Tony and Jo walked down the sidewalk.  Jo helped a woman up as a car hit a pole.

"Friday, what am I looking at?” Tony asked as he threw on a pair of tech glasses.

“I’m not sure, I’m working on it,”  the artificial intelligence responded.

“Hey!” Tony shouted pointing to Steven.  "You might wanna put that time stone in your back pocket Doc!“

"Might wanna use it,” Steve stated.  He crossed his arms over his chest and pulled them away, bright orange rings appeared around his forearms.

They walked around the corner out into the middle of the street.   Jo stared up at the giant black ring in the sky.  It was clearly a spaceship, but not like any Jo had seen before.   The inside of the ring was spinning, causing the strong winds to blow over cars and poles.

Doctor Strange waved his hands and shot a blast of energy at the ship.   The spinning began to stop and the winds calmed down.  Strange looked at Tony to find Tony staring at him.  Steven winked and Tony rolled his eyes.

A blue beam shot down from the ship.  Once it disappeared two figures stood where it had touched.  One was large and muscular, he wore armor Jo did not recognize.  The other was short and skinny, he also had no nose.  Both were clearly aliens.

The short one spoke first.  "Hear me and rejoice.  You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos"

The larger one grunted and lifted the large ax he carried.

“Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributed to-”

“I’m sorry! Earth is closed today!” Tony shouted.  "You better pack it up and get out of here!“

"Sentinel, does this chattering animal speak for you?” The creature asked Doctor Strange.

“Certainly not, I speak for myself,” Steven pounded his fists together and two orange discs appeared on them.  "You’re trespassing in this city and on this planet.“

Wong copied Strange’s actions.  A bright light appeared in Jo’s hands.  Once it disappeared a golden sword took its place.  Her outfit was replaced with one that was a similar style of Steven’s, except her’s was black.

"It means get lost Squidward!” Jo shouted.

Tony looked back at Jo, “What’s with the sword?”

“This is DragonFang,” Was Jo’s only response.

The creature sighed before glancing at his companion.  "He exhausts me, bring me the stone.“

The larger creature grunted in response and began to approach the group of heroes. 

Jo, Wong, and Banner ran back to where the fight began.  Jo sheathed her sword and it disappeared.  Banner looked at where the sword had been confused.

"It’s invisible when it’s sheathed,” Jo explained as she made her way through the rubble.  She looked up the sky.  The ship was leaving their atmosphere and there was no way she could get up there.  "Wong!  You go back to the Sanctum, guard it.“

"What will you do?” He asked.

Jo looked at Banner, “I’m staying.  I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Wong nodded.  He opened a portal to the Sanctum and stepped through, the portal closed behind him.

Bruce picked a small flip phone off the ground.  "This is Tony’s, it has Steve’s number in it.  Should you call him?“

Jo shook her head, "No, you should.  Tell him to find Vision.”

“Then what? Where do we go?” Banner asked.  Jo slightly smirked.

“I’ve got an idea." 

"Still no word from Vision?”

“No, we lost the signal,” Rhodey answered.  He looked up at the hologram of a conference table with a few men sitting around it.  One of those men was The Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross.

“Yeah, on stolen Quinjet with four of the worlds most wanted criminals,” Ross stated.

“You know, they’re only criminals because you’ve chosen to call them that right?”

“God, Rhods, your talent for horse shit rivals mine.”

“If it weren’t for those Accords, Vision would have been right here.”

Ross got out of his seat and walked around the table so he now stood toe to tow with Rhode.  "I remember your signature on those papers Curnal.“

"That’s right,” Rhode sighed “And you know, I’m pretty sure I paid for that.”

“You having second thoughts?” Ross asked.  He looked down at the machine Rhode wore that made it possible for him to walk.

“Not anymore.”

The two men looked up at the sound of footsteps.

“Mr. Secretary,” Steve Rogers greeted.  Natasha Romanoff stood at Steve’s side.  Sam was helping Vision walk and Wanda Maximoff was beside them.

“You’ve got some nerve, I’ll give you that,” Ross growled stepping towards them.

“You could use some of that right now,” Natasha shot back.

“The world’s on fire, and you think all is forgiven?”

“I’m not looking for forgiveness,” Steve answered.  "And I’m way passed asking for permission.  Earth just lost her best defender.  So, we’re here to fight, and if you wanna stand in our way, we’ll fight you too.“

Ross turned to Rhode.  "Arrest them,”

Rhode nodded, “All over it.”  He waved his hand, ending the call and Ross and the other men disappeared.   Rhode looked at Steve.  "That’s a court-martial,“  Rhode smiled.  "It’s great to see you, Cap,”

“You too Rhode,” Steve smiled as the two men shook hands.   Natasha walked over and gave Rhode a hug.

“Well, you guys really look like crap,” Rhode stated, looking at Sam.  "Must have been a rough couple years.“

"Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five stars.”

“I think you guys look great,"Everyone turned at the sound of Bruce Banner’s voice.  It may have surprised them to see their old friend, but what really shocked them was the woman who stood behind him.

"Hi,” Jo slightly smiled as they all stared at her.  Natasha was the first to react.  She walked over and pulled Jo in for a tight hug.

“It’s good to see you again,” Nat stated as she pulled away. Wanda rushed over.

“Hello, Сестра (Russian for sister)” Wanda exclaimed as they hugged.

Jo chuckled, “I missed you too.” Once Wanda stepped away Jo looked at Steve who was still staring at her with a cold expression.   “Steve,”

“Jo,” He greeted coldly.

“This is awkward,” Sam whispered. 

“So, we gotta assume they’re coming back, right?” Rhode asked as they had finished explaining the situation.

“And they can clearly find us,” Wanda added.

“We need all hands on deck,” Banner stated.  "Where’s Clint?“

"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal.  It was too tough on their families.  They’re on house arrest.” Natasha explained.

“Who’s Scott,”

“Ant-Man,” Jo answered.

“There’s an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?” Bruce exclaimed.  "Okay, look, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he… he gets Vision’s stone.“

"Well, then we have to protect it.”

“No, we have to destroy it,” Vision protested.  "I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to this thing in my head.  About its nature, but also it’s composition.  I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps.  Its molecular integrity could fail.“  Vision walked over to Wanda as he spoke, looking at her in the ey.

"And you with it,” Wanda responded.  "We’re not having this conversation.“

"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain Thanos can’t get it,” Vision argued.

“That’s too high a price,”

Vision shook his head and placed both hands on Wanda’s cheeks.  "Only you have the power to pay it.“

Wanda walked away from Vision, unable to look at him.  Jo took a step to the right, so she was beside her friend.  Wanda reached over and Jo took her hand, giving it a light squeeze.

Vision hung his head.  "Thanos threatens half the universe,  one life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.”

“But it should,” Cap stated.  He shook his head, “We don’t trade lives Vision.”

“Captain seventy years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? You gave up everything, including knowing your daughter, to save people you didn’t even know.  Tell, how is this any different?”

“Because, you might have a choice,” Jo interjected.

Bruce nodded in agreement.  "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays.  Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me,  the stone.  All of them mixed together.  All of them learning from one another.“

"You’re saying Vision isn’t just the stone?” Wanda asked.

Bruce furrowed his eyebrows, trying to decide the best way to explain this.  "I’m saying, if we take away the stone, there’s still a whole lot of Vision left.  Perhaps, the best part.“

"Can we do that?”

“Not me, not here,” Bruce answered.

“Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast,” Rhode ordered.  "Ross isn’t just gonna let you have your old rooms back.“

"I know someone,” Steve spoke up.  

Jo looked at the two outfits that were in front of her.  One was the one she usually wore in the Sanctum.  The other, was almost exactly like the one she wore when she used to be an Avenger, except it had a few minor upgrades.  Jo sighed,  she promised herself she would never move backward, so, she picked the first one.  

After getting dressed she made sure she had her knife and sword, but before she could leave the room, the door opened and in stepped Steve who closed the door behind him.  He kept his back to her for a moment, neither of them spoke.  When Steve did turn around an face her, there was a look in his eyes Jo had never seen.

Jo had imagined this scenario a thousand times.  The things she would say or do.  That her father would yell and probably break something.  She never expected him to hug her.

Jo stood there with Steve’s arms wrapped around her, not sure what to do.  Finally, she reciprocated the hug.  Steve kissed the top of her head and let out a sigh.  His beard tickled her forehead.

“I’m sorry,” Jo whispered.  She meant it.  Jo may have loved the new life she had found, but not as much as she loved the days of movie marathons and pizza with her Dad.

Steve pulled away and placed his hands on the side of her face.  He wiped away the tear that had rolled down his daughter’s cheek.  "I have you back now, that’s all I care about. “

"This is not how I expected you to react,” Jo chuckled.

Steve smiled, “I was mad, but then I thought, I get a second chance to have you in my life.  So, why would I waste time being angry about stuff that is said and done?”

Jo let out a laugh and threw her arms around Steve’s neck.

“I told you they’d make up!”

Steve and Jo jumped apart to see Sam and an annoyed Rhode standing in the doorway.

“You owe me ten bucks!”

“Come on Steve! You didn’t even break anything!” Rhode complained as he pulled out his wallet.

Jo and Steve laughed as the two men continued to bicker.  Steve threw his arm around Jo’s shoulders and kissed her forehead.

“Missed you Pops,”

“Missed you too weirdo," 

They all sat on the stolen Quinjet, making their way to an unknown location.  Well, unknown to everyone except Steve, Natasha, and Jo.  The other two didn’t know Jo knew, but she was good at predicting what her father would do.

"What’s with the new outfit?” Steve asked.

“They her new uniform!” Sam answered before Jo could.  "Speaking of, how’s that wizard friend of yours doing?“

Jo smirked, "He’s fine, I think.  Steven’s strong, I’m sure he’s handling outer space just fine.”  She finished braiding her hair as she talked.

“Wait, you knew where she was?” Cap spoke up.

“So did Nat!” Sam defended.

“And Wanda!” Natasha shot back.

Steve groaned, “So, did everyone know except for me?”

“Not everyone, I couldn’t tell Bucky because he was in cryofreeze,” Jo laughed and ducked out of the way as Steve tried to smack her upside the head.

“Get up to 2600 heading 030,” Steve instructed Sam.

“I hope you’re right about this, or we’re gonna land a lot faster than you want to,” Sam responded as he increased their speed.

Jo watched as they flew straight to the forest on the mountain, but before they hit the trees the greenery disappeared.  They passed through the forcefield and a lake and large city became visible to them.

“What do you think?”

“I’ll never get tired of that,” Jo answered glancing at Steve.

He narrowed his eyes, “You’ve been to Wakanda?”

“A few times.  We keep in touch.  We let them know when we find a bad guy they want, they let us know when they find someone we want.”

“So T'Challa knows you’re alive?”

“Do you really want the answer to that?” Jo sighed as they landed.

The landing dock opened and they walked out of the ship.

“Should we bow?” Jo heard Banner whisper to Rhodey

“Yeah, he’s a king,” Rhodey answered.

Jo couldn’t help but slightly smirk.

“Seems like I’m always thanking you for something,” Steve stated as he shook T'Challa’s hand.

Banner cleared his throat and bowed.

“What are you doing?” Rhodey exclaimed.

“We don’t do that here,” T'Challa clarified.   He turned to Jo, “It is good to see you again Jo,”

“Likewise, your highness,” Jo greeted.

The group began to walk towards the building’s entrance.

“So, how big of an assault should we expect?” T'Challa inquired.

“Uh, sir, sir! I think you expect quite a big assault,” Banner spoke up.

“How we looking?” Natasha asked.

“We have my King’s guard, the Border tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-”

“A semi-stable hundred-year-old man,” James Buchanan Barnes stated as he approached the group.  He and Steve hugged.

“How you been Buck?”

“Ah, not bad, for the end of the world.” Bucky smiled.

“Hey Bucky,” Jo said quietly as she stepped forward.

Bucky returned the smile and the two hugged.  "It’s good to see you, Jo,“

Steve looked between the two.  "Did you know she wasn’t dead!”

“T'Challa told me seven hours ago,”

Steve groaned, “I’ve known for six! So, even you knew before me.”

“Do not take it personally, Captain,”

They all turned to see Shuri, princess of Wakanda walking towards them.

“All Fathers are the last to know things about their daughter,” Shuri smirked.  T'Challa, who stood behind her, rolled his eyes at his sister’s dramatics.

Jo chuckled and hugged her friend.  "It’s good to see you again Shuri,“

"You have been away for too long! Come! I have some new toys for you!” Shuri took Jo’s hand pulling her in the direction of her lab before Jo could object.

“Those two together…”

“They could end this war by themselves,” T'Challa chuckled as he followed the two girls. 

They all watched as Shuri used her bracelet to scan Vision’s body.  Vision currently laid on a table keeping his eyes closed.

Steve watched as Shuri and Jo made quietly made small talk and joke as Shuri worked.  He couldn’t help but let a small smile appear on his face as he listened to a laugh he thought was gone for good.

Shur opened her palm and a hologram of the infinity stone appeared.

“Woah,” Banner whispered.

“The structure is polymorphic,” Shuri observed.

“Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially.”

“Why didn’t you just pre-program the synapses to work connectivity?” Shuri asked.

Vision looked at Banner who was struggling to come up with an answer.

“Because…we didn’t… think of it?” Banner finally spoke.

“I’m sure you did your best.”

“Can you do it?” Wanda interjected.

“Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here,” Shuri explained.  "One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures.  This will take time, brother.“

"How long?” Jo asked.

“As long as you can give me.”

There was a beep and Okeye tapped one of the spheres on her bracelet.  A hologram of the Earther appeared on the palm of her hand.  "Something’s entered the atmosphere.“

"Hey Cap, we have a situation out here,” Sam spoke over the coms.

They all looked out the window and up at the sky.  Something big was coming towards them, but once it hit the forcefield it exploded leaving the people below unharmed.

“We got more incoming outside the dom!” Rhodey warned them.

“It’s too late,” Vision spoke, trying to sit up on the table.  "We need to destroy the stone now.“

"Vision, get your ass back on the table,” Natasha ordered walking to him.

“We will hold them off,” T'Challa stated.

“Wanda, as soon as that stone’s out of his head, you blow it to hell,” Steve instructed.  Wanda nodded.

“Evacuate the city! Engage your defenses! And get this man a shield!” T'Challa ordered pointing at Steve.

Steve looked at the King of Wakanda and nodded.  It was time to go to war. 

Talon fighters filled with warriors flew across the fields of Wakanda with ships flying above them.  Jo stood on one of the Talon fighters beside Okeye and T'Chala.  Bucky and Steve were on the one on their right and Natasha was on their left.

“How we looking Bruce?” Natasha asked over the coms.

“Yeah, I think I’m getting the hang of it!” Bruce used his boosters and flew ahead of them a couple of feet and continued to run in the Hulkbuster suit.  "Woah! This is amazing! It’s like being the Hulk without actually-“ Bruce let out a cry as he tripped on a rock and landed on his face.  The Talon fighters continued on, flying above him.

Jo chuckled at Okoye’s look of disgust.

"I’m okay! It’s okay!” Bruce assured them as he got up and dust off the suit.

“I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line!” Rhodey reported as he flew overhead beside Sam.

The Talon Fighters came to a stop and the warriors climbed off and rushed forward to assume their positions.

The Jabari tribe chanted as they joined the army.  Man-Ape, their leader, shook hands with T'Challa.

“Thank you, for standing with us.”

“Of course, brother,” Man-Ape answered in Wakanda’s native tongue.

Two creatures approached the barrier.    One was large and muscular creature Jo recognized from New York.  The other was a female who wore gold armor and a helmet with horns.  Black paint covered her eyes in the shape of a mask.  The female held her sword against the forcefield, creating a light blue glow as the energy came in contact with the metal.

Natasha, Jo, Steve, and T'Challa walked over to meet them.

“Where’s your other friend?” Natasha asked.

“You will pay for his life with yours,” The female answered.

Jo didn’t know when or how, but it was clear Steve and Natasha had met this creature before.

“Thanos will have that stone.”

“That’s not gonna happen,” Jo stated.

“You are in Wakanda now, Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood,” T'Challa threatened.

“We, have blood to spare,” The female dictated.  She let out a grunt and raised her sword high.  The ground shook and a horrible screech filled the air.

“They surrender?” Bucky asked as the group returned.

“Not exactly,” Steve sighed as he took his spot beside his friend.

Natasha stood on Bucky’s right and Jo stood on Steve’s right.  She looked at her father and they nodded to one another.

“Yibambe!” T'Challa shouted.

“Yibambe!” His man answered.




“Yibambe!” The warriors answered one last time.

The female behind the barrier lowered her sword. Creatures came sprinting out of the trees. The walked on all four legs. The had no eyes but a large mouth that showed their many sharp teeth. They let out the most horrible screech you had ever heard.

“What the Hell…” Bucky whispered.

“Looks like we pissed her off,” Natasha grumbled.

The creatures threw themselves at the barrier, the impact killing them one by one. Some managed to get a limb or two through, but the forcefield would cut them clean off.

“They’re killing themselves,” Jo stated in disgust.

A few creatures managed to make it to the other side.

“Yibambe!” The warriors shouted and took formation, putting up their shields.

T'Challa gave the order and they began to fire their weapons, killing the monsters that had managed to reach them.

Jo crossed her arms over her chest then uncrossed them, just how Strange had taught her. Orange discs appeared on her hands and she threw them at their enemy.

“Where did you learn to do that?”

“From my wizard friend,” Jo joked.

“Did you see the teeth on those things!” Sam shouted as he dove out of the way of a creatures bite.

“Alright, back up Sam, you’re gonna get your wings singed,” Rhodey warned. The compartments on the back of his suit opened and dropped a few explosives on the creatures below him. The explosion burned them to ash.

Jo noticed some of the creatures who were still behind the barrier began to run around it.

“Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us there is nothing standing between them and Vision!”

“Then we better keep them in front of us,” Steve growled.

“How do we do that?” Okoye asked.

T'Challa, bit his lip, trying to think of a solution. “We open the barrier,” he answered looking at his general. T'Challa raised his hand and pressed his com. “On my signal, open northwest section seventeen.”

“Requesting confirmation my King, you said open the barrier?” Shuri responded.

“On my signal.”

“This will be the end of Wakanda,” Man-Ape whispered.

“Then it will be the noblest end in history,” Okoye stated firmly.

Steve brought up his arm and metal arrowhead shaped shield took form. The discs on Jo’s hands disappeared and she brought out her sword.

“You just carry that in your pocket or something?” Natasha whispered. Jo smirked in response.

T'Challa shouted an order and his men put down their shields and drew their weapons. He walked to the front of the army and stood there for a moment. “Wakanda forever!” T'Challa crossed his arms over his chest and his Black Panther mask appeared on his head.

“Wakanda forever!” They screamed before charging at the enemy.

“Now!” T'Challa shouted as they ran. A section of the barrier opened and the enemy came charging through.

T'Challa, Steve, and Jo easily outran their warriors and reached the monsters first. They jumped into the knee-deep lake and attacked. Jo swung her sword slicing a creatures head clean off. She swung again and shoved it through another’s chest. She drew her dagger and killed another with her other hand.

Steve stood beside her, swinging his fists left and right, hitting anything that came his way. The new vibranium shield tearing through the monster’s skin like it was butter.

T'Challa fought alongside them, using the kinetic powers of his suit to kill as many enemies as he could.

Their army continued to fight. No monster would make its way into Wakanda, not on their watch.

“Shuri, how much longer!” T'Challa shouted over the madness.

“I’ve barely begun brother!”

“You might want to pick up the pace!” He suggested before taking out another creature.

Bucky fired his gun, killing as many as he could. One came up behind him and knocked the weapon out of his hands and pinned him to the ground. Bucky grunted as he tried to keep its snapping jaw from biting his face off. Suddenly, the creature went flying and landed dead a few feet away from Bucky, dead with a sword sticking out of its side.

Jo stepped over Bucky as she walked towards it. She kicked it, making sure it wasn’t playing dead before pulling the sword out of its flesh. Jo winked at Bucky before rushing back into the fight.

The war raged on. It seemed like as they killed one monster, two more took its place.   The aliens outnumbered them. T'Challa was pulled to the ground as two played tug of war with his limbs. Steve was pinned against a rock by four. Jo swung her sword left and right, shooting orange discs as quick as she could. Even Banner, who was in the Hulkbuster was being buried.

“There’s too many of them!” Banner shouted.

A beam of bright energy shot out of the sky, burning the aliens to a crisp. Those who were still alive ran from it in terror. When the beam disappeared in its place stood Thor, son of Oiden, with a raccoon on his back a tree man stood beside him. His eyes shined bright like lightning and in his hand, he wielded a mighty ax that electricity ran through.

The heroes were frozen in shock at the sight of their old friend.

The Hulkbuster lowered its helmet revealing Banner’s tiny head.  "Ah! You guys are so screwed now!“ He laughed.

"Bring me, Thanos!” Thor shouted as he charged into battle with the tree man and raccoon following his lead.

Thor jumped into the air and dark clouds formed around him.  His body became a conductor of lighting and he fired the energy at the aliens bellow him as Thor stuck the ax onto the ground.  the explosion killed thousands.

Jo looked at Steve and the two grinned.  They had a chance. 

Shuri worked as quickly as she good without causing any damage or making a mistake.

Wanda stood idly by, biting her nails as she looked between Vision, who laid on the table unconscious, and the battle taking place outside.

Jo let out a breath as she killed another alien.  Though she loved her new home and the new job, she had missed the battlefield.  Nothing made the soldier in her happier than be in the center of the fight.

She looked over at the raccoon who fired his gun like a madman.

“Ah! Come and get some face dogs!” He screamed.

More came charging.  Bucky grabbed the raccoon and raised him up and spun around.  Together they fired their guns killing anything that dared to approach them.

“Get some! Get some! Get some!” The animal shouted.

Bucky dropped him once they aliens had stopped running their way.

“How much for the gun?” The raccoon asked.

“Not for sale,” Bucky answered as he reloaded his gun.

“Okay, how much for the arm?” Bucky just looked at the animal before walking away.

“Oh, I’ll get that arm,” The raccoon chuckled.

Jo fell into step beside Bucky.  "That was so badass.“

Bucky just smirked and fired his gun. 

Thor swung his ax taking out enemies as he went.  Steve fought alongside him.  It almost felt like old times.

"New haircut?” Steve asked when they had a moment to take a breath.

“I noticed you’ve copied my beard,” Thor answered motioning to his own facial hair.

Steve nodded and waved his arm.  He looked over to see the tree man shoot out his wooden arm and it pierced through three aliens killing them.

“Oh! By the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree,” Thor introduced.

“I am Groot!” Groot shouted.

“I am Steve Rogers,” Steve responded doing a slight bow.

A creature jumped at Thor from behind but Jo was on it before it ever touched him.  She broke its neck and stood up.

“Good to see you, Thor!”

“Always a pleasure Daughter of the Shield!” The god of thunder greeted as he swung his ax.

Shuri vigorously continued her work.

Wanda looked down that the man she loved, trying to suppress the fear she felt.  She looked up at the sounds of fighting and walked towards the large windows.  Wanda watched as something large traveled beneath the ground.  it went under the forcefield.  Large spinning wheels that had sharp edges tore up the Earth as it came up.

Wanda watched as her friends and their warrior’s fleed from the deathly machine.   She couldn’t do this.  She could not stand there doing nothing while her friends were fighting for their lives. 

“Focus all fire on the left flank!” Rhode ordered.

“I’m doing it!” Sam shouted as he fired everything he had at the machine.

Jo took down another alien and looked up in time to see the wheels spinning directly towards her, Okoye, and Natasha.  They ducked down and covered their faces, preparing for impact.  But it never came.   Jamie looked up to see the machine was now in pieces floating in the air.

Wanda Maximoff brought back to the ground destroying it.

“Why was she up there all this time?” Okoye questioned.

Jamie shook her head and laughed before patting Wanda’s shoulder.  " Come, Сестрa (Russian for sister), the fight isn’t over  yet.“ 

Shuri turned her head at the sound of fighting coming from the hallway.  She worked faster, but it wasn’t fast enough.  Shuri was shoved aside as another alien jumped through the glass window and onto the lower floor.  He looked at the table where Vision was supposed to be only to find it empty.

Vision came up behind the stranger and attacked him.  The two struggled and fell out the window and down into the forest below.  

"Hey, guys! We have a Vision situation!” Sam spotted their friend fall as he flew by.  He was attacked by an alien before he could help Vision.  

“Someone get to Vision!” Steve ordered.

“I got it,” Wanda answered.  But before she could move someone hit her on the side of the head and she fell into a ditch.

The female alien landed on her feet and slipped Wanda onto her back.  "He’ll die alone, as will you.“

"She’s not alone.”

The female turned to see Natasha standing behind her.  She looked to her right to see Okoye who spun her speer into a defensive position.   She then looked up, to see Jo standing on the ground above her.

“You’re about to get your ass kicked, alien bitch,” Jo sneered before jumping down.

The female raised her sword and it collided with Jo’s.  Okoye struck the female from the side while Natasha came at her from behind.   The female spun her sword like a skilled warrior.  Turning from the left to the right, defending herself.   One of the spinning wheels of death rolled by them.

“See ya,” The female sneered.  She shoved Okoye to the ground and kicked Natasha in the face.  But Jo grabbed her arm when the female went to attack her.

“You’re not getting off that easy,” Jo grunted as she shoved back.  She grabbed her sword off the ground and attacked, but this time, the alien was ready.

She dodged Jo’s advances and swung at Jo’s left side, slicing through her robes and cutting open her skin.   Jo let out a cry and jumped back.  The female pushed forward hit Jo square in the chest.  Jo fell to the ground and held up her dagger in time to stop the alien from stabbing her in the throat.  

The female looked up in surprise at the red energy surrounding her body.  She let out a cry as she was thrown up into the air and one of the machines rolled by, turning her body to mush.  Blue blood was splattered on Jo’s face and Wanda sat on the ground trying to catch her breath.

The four women sat up and looked at one another.

“That was really gross,” Jo gasped.  

Jo had been right before.  The battle was long from over.  The Jabari tribe chanted as they continued to fight.  Thro flew to one of the enemy shops and ducked inside.  A few seconds later it exploded from the inside and came crumbling down and Thor flew to another.

Wanda landed in the forest and rushed to Vision’s side.  "Are you okay?“ She asked as she knelt beside him checking his wounds.

Vision let out a scream as more pain shot through his body.

"What? What is it?”

Vision looked around him, eyes wide and frantic.  "He’s here.“

Wanda’s face fell.  A chill ran up her spine.

A breeze blew through the air.  It was like the world had gone silent.

"Everyone on my position, we got incoming,” Steve ordered them.   Natasha and Falcon were nearby.  Banner was in the Hulkbuster a few feet away.  T'Challa and Okoye were in the clearing as well.

Jo landed beside her father who nodded in her direction.  Jo got a bad feeling in her gut.  She drew her sword and dagger.

A cloud of grey smoke appeared not far from them.  Once it disappeared, a large purple man appeared.  He wore a golden breastplate and on his left hand was a golden gauntlet that had five crystals embed in it.

“Cap, that’s him,” Banner stated.

Thanos surveyed the warriors before him.

Captain America raised his shield.  "Eyes up, stay sharp,“ He ordered his comrades before stepping forward.

Banner got there first.  Thanos raised his fist and walked straight through the HulkBuster.  When he opened his hand, and Banner stopped moving when half his body was stuck in the side of a mountain. Thanos threw Steve to the ground.  He grabbed T'Challa by the neck and tossed him aside.  Falcon came down from the air firing his guns, but it was only mere seconds before Thanos had defeated him too.

"Wanda…” Vision spoke up.  "It’s time.“

Wanda shook her head, "No.”

“They can’t stop him, Wanda, but we can.” Vision insisted.  He grabbed her arm making Wanda face him.  "Look at me, you have the power to destroy the stone,“

"Don’t!” Wanda growled.

“You must, please,” Vision grabbed her hand this time and pressed it against his cheek.  "We are out of time.“

"I can’t…” Wanda whispered.  She blinked, trying to stop the tears.

“Yes, you can.  You can,” Vision encouraged.  He brought her hand forward so her finger was pointed at the stone.  "If he gets the stone half the universe dies.“

Wanda stepped back.

"It’s not fair.  It shouldn’t be you but it is,” Vision continued.  "It’s alright, you could never hurt me,“ He tried to comfort her.

Her bottom lip trembled and her mouth opened like she was trying to say something but couldn’t find the right words.

"I just feel you,” Vision whispered.

The red energy that flowed through Wanda’s veins shot out of her palm and into the stone.  Vision tried not to scream, but the pain was too great.  The tears rolled down Wanda’s cheeks without protest now.

Behind them, Thanos crushed the Iron Patriot’s suit.  Purple energy shoved Bucky to his knees.  The earth flew up and trapped Natasha on her back.  Groot shoved his fists into the ground, tree roots sprung up and wrapped themselves around Thanos.  He tore them off like they were made of string.

Wanda raised her other hand and more power shot from it, increasing the pressure on the stone, increasing the amount of pain Vision was experiencing.

Jo slid on her knees and stopped between Wanda and Thanos.  She swung her sword and dagger at the beast in front of her.  Thanos grabbed her arm and ripped the sword from her hand.  Jo jumped up, pressing her feet to his chest and jumping off, freeing her arm.  Thanos brought his hand down on her.  Jo dropped her dagger and raised both her hands, stopping the gauntlet from grabbing her neck.  She screamed and pushed back with all her strength.  Thanos turned his arm and swung with the right, punching Jo in the side of her head.  Jo fell to the ground unconscious.

Thanos approached Wanda.  She turned one hand towards him, using her powers to keep him at bay. Thanos raised the gauntlet and slowly made his way towards her.  

Wanda looked back her love to see him whispering one last I love you.  He closed his eyes and cracks appeared in his face.  Golden light shined through them as the stone exploded.  The explosion blew through the trees as a golden light.  When the dust had cleared, Wanda could see Vission.  He laid on the ground, instead of his vibrant read he was now grey and lifeless.

Wanda, on her knees, looked up as Thanos walked towards her.

“I understand child,” Thanos spoke.  "Better than anyone.“

"You could never…” Wanda growled.

Thanos leaned down and ran his hand over her head as Wanda cried.  "Today I lost more than you could know.  But now is no time to mourn.“ Thanos got up and walked towards Vision’s body.  "Now, is no time at all.”  Thanos clenched his fist and a green ring appeared around the gauntlet.  He opened his fist and a bright light appeared as he turned his hand.  

Wanda watched as the damage from the explosion was undone.  When the light disappeared she could see Vision, alive, with the stone still in his head.  "No!“ She screamed stumbling to her feet.  Thanos hit her and Wanda went flying back.

He grabbed Vision by the neck and lifted him up. Vision gasped for air.  Thanos raised his right hand and grabbed the stone.  He ripped it from Vision’s head, crushing his skull in the process.  Vision’s body, once again grey and dead, was dropped to the ground.

Thanos kept his eyes trained on the mind stone as he put it in its place.  The center of the gauntlet.  Yellow energy coursed through his body and Thanos let out a groan.

Lightning shot from the sky hitting Thanos square in the chest causing him to fall back.  He looked up at Thor and shot at him using the gauntlet.  Thor threw his ax and it collided with Thanos’ power.  It spun through the air until it reached Thanos, cutting through his armor and stabbing him in the chest.

Thor landed on the ground in front of his enemy.  "I told you,” He growled.  "You die for that.“ He put one hand behind Thanos’ neck and the other on the ax.  Thor pushed it deeper into the alien’s flesh causing him to shout in pain.  

Thanos gasped for air and mumbled gibberish before being able to form a sentence.  "You should have gone for the head,” He rasped.  Thanos raised his left hand and snapped his fingers.  Light filled their vision and when it was gone they could see the now burnt and destroyed gauntlet.

“What did you do?” Thor whispered in shock.  "What did you do!“ He shouted.

But Thanos didn’t respond.  He clenched his fist and disappeared into a blue portal that closed behind him.  The ax fell to the ground, a part of it covered in dark purple blood.

Steve limped over, holding his side.  "Where’d he go?” Steve asked.  He looked around, trying to piece together what had happened.  "Thor…where’d he go?“

But Thor just stared at him, unable to speak.

"Steve…” Bucky spoke as he walked over.  Except…. one of his legs was disappearing and his arm was turning to ash.   It was only a mere seconds before the gun hit the ground and Bucky’s body been turned completely to ash.

Steve stumbled over and knelt on the ground.  He ran his hand through the ashes, that had moments ago been his best friend.

All around the world, people were disappearing right before their loved one’s eyes.  

“Up, General! Up!” T'Challa urged Okoye.  "This is no placed to die!“

Okoye reached for her King’s hand, only to find a handful of ash.  

"I am Groot,” Groot croaked as he disappeared before his friend.

Rocket stumbled towards him, “No, no, no!” he cried out.  But there was nothing he could do. “Groot…”

Wanda didn’t notice as her body disappeared.  Her eyes remained on the man she loved as she joined him in the afterlife.

“Sam!” Rhode called out, trying to find his friend.  Not knowing that Sam was now part of the ground he walked upon.  

Thousands and thousands of miles away on the planet called Titan, more people fell victim to the power of the stones.  Tony Stark watched as Mantis, Drax, Peter Quill, Doctor Strange, and Peter Parker turn to ash before his eyes.  

The heroes gathered around Vision’s body as Natasha came sprinting to them.

“He did it…” Steve whispered, who was on his knees.

Natasha looked around.  "Where’s Jo?“

Steve looked up, frantically searching the forest around him.  "Jo!” He screamed standing up.  "Jo!“ He cried out, not able to hide the fear rising in his chest.


Steve turned to see Jo stumbling towards him.  He rushed over and caught her in his arms before she fell.  Steve knelt to the ground, holding his daughter close.  "You’re gonna be okay, you’ll be fine!“

"Dad… Dad, please…I don’t want to go…” Jo whispered.  She could feel it.  She could feel her body giving up.  It wasn’t painful.  It was like you were falling asleep.  But Jo didn’t want to go.  She had a new life now.  She had friends.  She was happy.  Jo had finally gotten her father back…

“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,” Steve assured her.  He looked behind him to see the others watching.  They looked just as helpless as Steve felt.  His grip on Jo tightened.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Jo gasped.  First, it was her hand.  Then both her legs and her hips.  Her other arm was gone and then her chest began to go too.  "I’m sorry…“ Jo whispered one last time before she completely disappeared.

Steve stared at his hands, now filled with the remains of his daughter.  "Oh, God…” He cried.  "Oh, God…“


That’s it, folks! The end of Daughter of the Shield! For real this time.  No more extra chapters.  There be no sequel.  This is the end of the line for Joanne Carter-Rogers.  Let me  tell you, I have fallen in love with this character and saying goodbye to her is no easy task.

I hope you enjoyed this story.  Thank you so much to all my readers for the comments and votes.  I hope you all enjoyed this ending and have a lovely day!

Tag List:  

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Type: Series

Status: Finished 



Tony paced back and forth in the hallways of the hospital.  He didn’t know what to do.  He had said nothing to Steve when he met them at the compound, deciding it was neither the place nor time.  And considering how things ended Tony had no clue how to contact Steve if things got even worse than they were.

It was not supposed to end like this.

Steve had already broken the others out of prison and was no doubt surprised to not find her there.  Tony took the burner phone out of his pocket.  Should he call? Why? All Tony had to say was bad news and it wasn’t like Steve could come.  

Tony sighed and put the phone back in his pocket.  He faced the closed door and turned the handle.  “What are you doing here?”

Natasha turned from the hospital to look at Tony, shoving her hands in her pocket.  

“Shouldn’t you be on the run or something?”

“I just wanted to check on her.”

Tony nodded in understanding.  This was not something he would turn Romanoff in for.  He walked to the other side of the bed and looked down at the girl who laid in it.

Jo had been in a coma since Tony had found her trapped beneath the plane wreckage.  If he had known that was where she had landed… Tony shook his head.  What was done was done.  Blaming himself would not wake Jo up.  According to the doctor’s nothing would.  Even with Jo’s healing ability they were not certain this was something she could recover from.  They had suggested pulling the plug… Doing so caused Tony to shout more than he had during the whole accords argument with Steve.

That would be too far.

To take Jo away before Steve could say goodbye to her.  Tony hated the guy, but Tony also knew what it was to not have closure.  Steve would need that when Tony finally got the nerve to tell him what had happened to his daughter.  He already had his lawyers working on clearing Steve’s name, it was the least Tony could do, since Jo was here because of him.

“Don’t blame yourself.” Natasha whispered, as if she could read his thoughts.  “Jo made her own choices and would slap you upside the head if she knew you blamed yourself.”

“You make it sound like she’s already gone.”

Natasha looked Tony in the eyes with a sadness he had never seen before.  

Before either could speak the machine beside Jo’s bed began to beep franticly, drawing the attention of multiple doctors and nurses.  

“She’s crashing!” Someone shouted.

“What’s happening?”

“Her heart just went from normal to nearly nothing and it’s not going back up!”

“Well do something!” Tony shouted frantically as a nurse tried to usher him out of the room. “Don’t you dare let her die! He’s not here! She needs to be here when he gets here!”

Natasha slipped out of the room without anyone noticing.  

Tony sat as his desk, having ordered everyone to not disturb him until further notice.  He looked at the small phone that now sat on his desk.  That damn phone.  That only had one number in it.  Now there was no reason to not call, but still, Tony could not bring himself to do it.  

This made him regret signing the accords.  

Not the Avengers falling apart.  Not losing Steve.  Not locking up his friends.  No, this was something he had no seen coming.  

Tony downed the rest of his drink and picked up the phone.  Some might call it cruel to do what he was about to do.  Taking away a man’s hope that his daughter would find her way home to him.  But Tony saw it as a mercy.  Because false hope, was worse than no hope at all.

The phone rang three times.

“I didn’t think you’d call so quickly,” Came the familiar voice.


“I honestly didn’t think you’d call at all,” Steve sighed.  

“It’s Jo.”

“Do you know where she is?” Steve asked, panic rising in his tone.  “Are you keeping her somewhere? Got a special prison just for her? Was your underwater one not secure enough? I mean, I know my daughter is impressive but to- “

“Steve stop!” Tony yelled.

The other line went quiet, Tony could only hear Steve’s breathing.

“She’s not… She’s not locked up.”

“Then where is she!”

“Steve…” Tony’s voice cracked.   “Jo is dead.”

Steve couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe.  He barely registered the sound of Tony’s voice coming from the phone that now laid on the floor.  


His Jo


That couldn’t be right. She was tough.  Jo could take care of herself, as she liked to constantly remind him.  There had to be some mistake.


Steve turned to see Clint standing behind him, wearing a worried expression on his face.  “Have you heard from Jo?” His voice was quiet, like it was painful to talk.

“No… Listen, Steve, I need to- “

“Have you heard from Natasha? Maybe she’s heard form Jo.  Or T’Challa.  Maybe he could find her on – “

“Steve! Slow down for a sec.” Clint spoke calmly.  Clint picked the phone off the ground and held it up to his ear.  “Tony? Yeah, it’s Clint.  I know.  Nat told me. I know.  Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him.”  

Clint hung up and turned to Steve.  “Steve, you already know what I’m about to tell you.”

“It’s not true.  It’s not.” Steve growled.  Something in him was breaking, like a damn that had been holding him together had finally taken too many hits.  

“Natasha contacted me. She was there when it happened.”

“It can’t… It just can’t…” Steve fell to the floor, his back hitting the wall. Tears now flowed down the Captain’s face.   He shouldn’t have let her go.  Should have insisted on her coming with them in jet.  Where he could keep on eye on her.  Protect her.  

His Jo…his daughter.

Clint sat down beside his friend, not saying a word.  There is nothing to be said when someone loses a child.  Nothing can describe such a pain.  Nothing will be a comfort.  Even time has trouble healing such a wound.  

It was drizzling, which Jo would have said was completely cliché.  Sam was back at the car.  Respecting Steve’s wish of wanting to be alone for this.  Tony had been able to pull some strings, so Steve could get to England undetected.  It was the least he could do Tony had said.  

Tony had had Jo buried next to her mother, where she belonged.  He had even added Rogers to Jo’s last name and had put Joann on the tombstone.  Jo would have slapped him for it.  

Steve didn’t know what to say.  He couldn’t say goodbye because there was no one there to say goodbye to.  His daughter was dead.  His whole world was gone.  

He could have dealt with Peggy going, that he had been expecting.   The fight about the accords was inevitable. Bucky was a tough one to swallow. But this.  This may be the last straw.  He had tried to do good.  To do what was right, fight for what he believed him.  And look where that got him.

Steve’s tightened his grip on the cardboard box as anger burned in his chest. He had given everything to cause all those years ago and for a split second he regretted it.  Because then there would have been no war, no Peggy, no daughter to lose.

But then… He remembered the sound of her laugh.  How annoyingly stubborn she could be.  The movie marathons.  The late-night trainings.  And Steve realized that even with all the pain, loss, and fighting he would do it all again.  Because it meant, even if he didn’t know it the whole time, he got to have a family. She was worth it all.

Steve placed the box in front of the tomb stone.  “Enjoy your pepperoni pineapple pizza you weirdo.”

Steve didn’t notice the figure behind the trees as he walked back the car. Didn’t notice them walk to grave and pick up the pizza box as Sam drove away.  

No one saw the daughter of the shield take out a slice as she made her way down the road.

Tag List:  

@topthis808@capsicle-steve-rogers@jameszbarnes@wayward-marvel-sommer1196@shadoassassin@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@supermarvel-ous@lara-ludbey@capsicletho@geeksareunique@in-winchester-we-trust@buckyappreciationsociety@ek823@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @chloe-skywalker @thekeyfortherainbow@lostamongstthecosmos@prancingdestiel@manchildstagram@all-fandomthings@rainbow-starr

Type: Series 

Warnings: Violence and swearing 

AN: TOMORROW I will be posting the final chapter of this series! 



The tiny blue car pulled into the parking garage and parked along side a white van.  Jo got out of the backseat as quickly as she could, happy to stretch her legs.

“Hey Jo,” Clint smiled as he walked over and gave Jo a hug before turning to Steve.  “Cap.”

“You I wouldn’t have called if I had any other choice.” Steve explained as the two men shook hands

“Hey, man, you’re doing me a favor.  Besides, I owe a debt.” Clint responded glancing back at Wanda.

“Thanks for having my back.” Steve spoke to her.  

“It was time to get off my ass.”

Jo snorted at Wanda’s statement and the two women did a fist bump.  Because they were cool like that.

“How about our other recruit?”

“He’s raring to go,” Clint grunted as he pulled the side door of the van open.  “Had to put a little coffee in him, but he should be good.”

The man in the back seat jumped awake and slowly climbed out of the van.  “What time is this?” he groaned.

Steve glanced at Sam with worried expression, but Sam just shrugged and crossed his arms.

Clint gave the man a little push, since he had stopped dead at the sight of Steve.

“Captain America,” He said in shock as he and Steve shook hands.

“Mr. Lang,” Steve answered.

“It’s an honor…. I’m shaking your hand too long.”

“Just a bit,” Jo joked as Scott Lang let go of Steve’s hand.

“Wow! This is Awesome! Captain America. Hey, I know you guys too! You’re awesome!” Scott exclaimed looking over at Wanda and Jo.  Scott turned back to Steve, “Ah, look, I just wanna say. I know you know a lot of super people, so, thanks for thinking of me.”

Steve smiled and nodded.

“Hey man!” Scott said pointing to Sam.

“What’s up tic-tac?”

“Hey, listen, about what happened last time…”

“It was a great audition, but it will never happen again” Sam chuckled. 

“Aw, I was hoping to see that live.  I mean, the security tape was funny but the same as seeing Sam get his ass kicked in person.” Jo laughed as Sam gave her a death glare.

Steve rolled his eyes, ignoring their childishness. “They tell you what we’re up against?” he asked Scott.

“Something about some psycho-assassins?”

“We’re outside the law on this one.  So, if you come with us, you’re a wanted man.”

“Yeah, well, what else is new?” Scott mumbled.  

“We should get moving.” Bucky spoke up.

“We got a chopper lined up.” Clint explained.  Suddenly, a voice began to speak through the speakers.

“They’re evacuating the airport,” Jo translated.

“Stark.” Steve muttered. “Suit up!”

Jo stood with Bucky and Sam in the upper level watching as Tony and Natasha tried to convince Steve to turn himself in.  When suddenly, a man in a red and blue suit shot something at Steve and took his shield from him.

“Who the hell is that?” Sam demanded.

“I think he goes by Spider-man, saw a YouTube video of him once” Jo answered, her eyes never leaving her father.

“Found it!” Sam exclaimed. “Quinjet is in hanger five, north runway.”

Jo watched as Steve held up his bonded hands and an arrow broke him free.  Tony put his helmet back on, looking to where the arrow had come from.

“Alright Lang,” Steve ordered.

Ant-man jumped off the shield, returning to his normal size and kicking Spider-man in the face.  “I believe this yours, Captain America.”

Steve nodded and took the shield.  

Tony flew off to where Clint and Wanda where and Steve threw his shield at Rhodey.  Jo didn’t have time to see more as she took off running with Bucky and Sam, making their way to the Quinjet.

There was a thud on the glass as Spider-man landed on it.

“Everyone’s got a gimmick these days,” Sam grunted in frustration as they ran.

Spidey swung away from the glass and then back toward it, crashing threw and kicking Sam to the ground.  Jo jumped back as Bucky swung at the kid, but Spidey caught the metal fist in his hand.

“Woah! You have a metal arm? Dude, that’s so cool!”

Bucky looked at the kid confused.  Jo kicked the kid in the back and tumbled to the floor.  Sam grabbed him and flew into the air as the two wrestled.

“You have the right to remain silent!” Spidey yelled.  He broke free and began swinging around the room as Sam shot missiles at him.  Jo grabbed a couch and chucked it at the webslinger, ducking behind a column beside Bucky.

“Hey buddy, I think you lost this!” there was a loud crash as the couch hit the column breaking in half.

Sam tried kicking the guy to the ground but jumped out of the way and webbed up Sam’s wings.  Sam hit the ground with a grunt he tried to move quickly but the kid shot his webs, tying Sam to a railing.

“Those wings carbon fiber?”

“Is this stuff coming out of you?”

“That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that’s awesome man.”

“I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a fight before, but there’s usually not this much talking.” Sam growled with annoyance.  

“Alright, sorry. My bad.” The kid jumped up as Bucky moved to free Sam. He shot his webs, pushing both men to the ground and tying them to where they landed.

“Look, I would love to keep this up, but I only got one job today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark so… hey wait! Weren’t there three of you?”

Spidey let out a yelp as Jo grabbed him from behind and flung him out the window.  He was too shocked to try and catch himself and ended up hitting the ground below.

“Never did like spiders,” Jo muttered climbing down to Sam and Bucky.

“You couldn’t have done that earlier?”

“Stop complaining, at least I didn’t get beaten by fifteen-year-old kid.”

Both men kept their mouths shut after that as Jo used her knife to free them.

“Come on!” Steve shouted as the team gathered together, sprinting towards the hanger.  They all came to a stop as beam of light craved out a line in front of them.  Everyone looked up to see Vision floating high above them.

“Captain Rogers,” Visions’ voice boomed.  “I know, you believe what you’re doing is right.  But for the collective good, you must surrender now.”

Tony, Natasha, Rhodey, T’Challa, and Spidey appeared on the other side of the line.  

“What do we do Cap?” Sam asked.

“We fight.” Steve ordered. He walked forward, and his team followed him.  Tony’s team began to approach them.  

Jo glanced at the people in front and beside her.  Her family was divided and when this was over, the Avengers would end with it. This she was sure of.  There would be nothing left for her.  Jo shook her head.  She knew she was fighting for the right cause, but how much longer could she keep this up?

Steve broke into a run and the others followed.  Wanda and Sam shot into the air as the rest of the team sprinted at the enemy, because that’s what they were.  No longer family, but enemies.  

Chaos exploded.  Cap dodged one of Tony’s missiles, Natasha and Clint were clearly not hitting as hard as they could.  Jo noticed Bucky was stuck with T’Challa’s hand on his neck.  

“I didn’t kill your father!” Bucky grunted.

“Then why did you run?”

Jo kicked the King’s feet out from under him, and shoved him hard enough to send him a few feet threw the air.

“If a guy in a cat suit with killer claws tried to kill you wouldn’t you run too?” She shouted at T’Challa.

The King growled and charged at her.  Jo jumped over him as Bucky punched T’Challa straight in the jaw.  Jo grabbed the King’s arm and swung him up into some piece of equipment.  Bucky nodded to her in thanks.

Jo, Bucky, and Steve took cover behind some equipment.

“We gotta go,” Bucky ordered.  “that guys probably in Siberia by now.”

“We gotta draw out the flyers,” Steve answered. “I’ll take Vision, you two get to the jet.”

“No! you get to the jet! All three of you!” Sam shouted over the coms.  “The rest of us aren’t getting out of here.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, if we’re gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.” Clint put in.

Steve hung his head, knowing they were right.  

“This isn’t the real fight Steve!” Sam pressed.

“Alright Sam, what’s the play?” Jo asked.

“We need a diversion. Something big.”

“I got something kind of big!” Scott piped up.  “But I can’t hold it very long.  On my signal, run like hell.  And if I tear myself in half, don’t come back for me.”

“He’s gonna tear himself in half?” Bucky asked, clearly confused.

“You sure about this Scott?”

“I do it all the time. I mean, once.  In a lab.  Then I passed out.”

A few seconds later Scott Yang was now a sixty-foot-tall man, who was holding Rhodey by the foot.

“I guess that’s the signal,” Steve stated looking impressed.

“You guys go!”

“What?” Steve growled turning to Jo.

“You go! I’m staying.”

“Jo, that’s not- “

“You don’t need me! You guys got this.” Jo turned from her father to Bucky.  “Make sure he doesn’t do anything completely stupid.”

Bucky nodded, not fully understanding the look in Jo’s eyes, but he didn’t argue.

“Get to the jet, and get out of here. You’ll be fine!” Jo ran off before Steve could argue with her.

“Let’s go,” Bucky grunted grabbing his friend by the arm.  Cap reluctantly followed.  

Jo noticed Tony flying after Sam.  She jumped from box to box, climbing up any tall piece of equipment she could find. Jo made it onto a plane and along it, waiting for the right moment.

“Wait for it… wait for it…” She muttered to herself.  “And now!”

Jo jumped from the plane into the air, shoving her knife into Tony’s leg.  

“What the- “

“Come on Tinman!” Jo growled climbing up to where she had her arms around Tony’s chest.  She grabbed Tony’s arm as he tried to shoot Sam, moving it so the shot hit Rhodey.


“You’re a lousy shot!”

“And you’re a pain in my ass!” Tony growled flying in random directions, trying to shake Jo. “Vision! Rhodey! Someone shoot her!”

Vision got there first. He fired, hitting Jo in the back.  Jo fell probably around seventy feet from the sky, crashing into a broken plane that was already in flames.  Fire licked at her skin, causing pain to shoot through her body.  Jo struggled to move away.  The plane creaked, and a metal beam fell, landing on Jo’s legs. She let out a cry, feeling her bones break

Jo laid down on her back. The flames were growing hotter. She could see the blue sky through the wreckage.  She watched as the Quinjet flew by, causing a small smile to appear on her face.  

Maybe it was better this way.  If there was no life to go back to, then why go back at all?  

Tag List:

@topthis808@capsicle-steve-rogers@jameszbarnes@wayward-marvel-sommer1196@shadoassassin@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@supermarvel-ous@lara-ludbey@capsicletho@geeksareunique@in-winchester-we-trust@buckyappreciationsociety@ek823@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @chloe-skywalker @thekeyfortherainbow@lostamongstthecosmos@prancingdestiel@manchildstagram@all-fandomthings@rainbow-starr

Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing

AN: I know this is literally the shortest thing ever but I wanted to get SOMETHING posted for you guys.  More is coming! 



Jo looked out the window as another car drove away from the gas station.  Sam and Steve, were inside grabbing drinks since they still had a bit to go before making it to the place they were meeting Sharon.  

“Has it been weird for you? Living in hiding?” Jo asked breaking the silence.  She looked over at Bucky who was looking down at his hands. She didn’t expect an answer to be honest.

“It was nice actually,” His voice was deeper than she expected it to be.  “No one was looking for Bucky Barnes.  I was just another face on the street.  I got to go to a grocery store.  I can’t remember the last time I got to do something so…”

“Normal.” Jo finished.

“Do you miss living in hiding?”

Jo looked at Bucky slightly surprised.  He shrugged.

“I did my research on you too.”

Jo sighed, “Sometimes, I think.  I think I miss working in the shadows, the simplicity of it.  Just being another face in the crowd.”

Bucky nodded in understanding.  “Guess normal isn’t really in the cards for us, huh?”

“I think having a metal arm and being a sixteen-year-old who doesn’t age sort of killed that chance,”  Jo answered.  She looked over at Bucky and slightly smiled.  He smiled back.  

The car door slammed behind Steve as he walked over to Sharon.  Jo sat in the back seat beside Bucky while Sam was in the passenger seat.

“Who’s she?”

“His girlfriend.”

“No, she’s not!” Jo growled. Sam glanced back at her and smirked.  

“But he does like her, right?”

“Hmm, it’s a bit more than like her.”

“She’s my cousin.” Jo spat.

“Doesn’t that kind of make him her uncle?”

“That’s what I said!” Jo exclaimed turning to Bucky.  

“That’s just gross.”

“I’m starting to like you.”

“Uh, Jo!” Sam called out.

Jo turned to see Steve take a step closer to Sharon and….


Sharon and Steve jumped apart before their lips even touched and turned to see Jo with half her body hanging out the opened window, holding a gun.

“Oh! My bad! Thought I saw Tony flying towards you!” Jo apologized as she climbed back into the car. “Stop giggling like school girls,” Jo muttered only making Bucky and Sam laugh harder.  

A few minutes later Steve had put the equipment in the trunk and climbed back into the driver’s seat.

“Was it necessary to take out her taillight?”

“It looked like Tony’s face.”

Steve turned around in his seat, so he was facing his daughter.  “Is that what you keep saying no to? Her and I dating?”

“You are technically her uncle.”

“Thank you!” Jo exclaimed smiling at Bucky.  

“So, you don’t want me to date?”

“You can date, just don’t date her.”

“Who do you approve of?” Steve asked with a slight smirk.

“Currently? Bucky.”

Bucky let out the loudest laugh Jo had ever heard.  Steve noticed it was the first time he had heard Bucky’s laugh in over seventy years. He smiled.

Tag List:

@topthis808@capsicle-steve-rogers@jameszbarnes@wayward-marvel-sommer1196@shadoassassin@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@supermarvel-ous@lara-ludbey@capsicletho@geeksareunique@in-winchester-we-trust@buckyappreciationsociety@ek823@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @chloe-skywalker

Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 

Summary: You and your husband, Chris, spend the day decorating the tree with your two kids 

Warnings: None

“Mommy, what’s Daddy doing?”

“You’ll see in just a minute” You reassured Nikki for the millionth time.  Ben sat on your lap, playing with his tiny Santa as the three of you sat your bed waiting for Daddy’s “big” surprise.

“Ho ho ho!” Chris exclaimed bursting into the bedroom, causing Nikki to squeal and you to laugh. “Merry Christmas!” Chris shouted. He currently wore a Santa suit that you had neverseen and made a mental note to take a picture of him in it later.

“Daddy, is the surprise your Santa Claus?” Your four-year-old asked.  

Chris laughed, “No! Your surprise is downstairs, now come on!” Chris and Nikki ran down the stairs and you followed with Ben in your arms.  

“Wow!” Nikki exclaimed upon entering the living room.  It was filled with boxes of lights, ornaments, tinsel, garland, and even some popcorn on a string.  Then there was the large tree in the center of it all

“You did all this?” You asked your husband in shock.

“It’s Ben’s first Christmas so I figured we could do a little extra this year,” Chris explained, allowing Ben to grab his finger.

Nikki was running around the room looking at the different decorations.  Decorating the tree had been her favorite Christmas activity and looked forward to it every year.  

“We can teach Ben how to put on lights! And the ornaments! And he could do the star this year.”

You smiled at the sight of your daughter’s excitement.  “Maybe you two could put it on together!”

Nikki smiled and nodded her head in agreement.  “Can we start now? Oh please!”

“Of course, sweetheart, let’s get those lights up!” Chris boomed putting his Santa hat on Nikki. It was so big it covered her whole head making her laugh.  

“I did not anticipate this,” Chris sighed in defeat.  Nikki shook her head in disappointment looking at the tangled lights.

“Here, you two sort out what ornaments we are going to use while I do the lights,” You ordered.  You set Ben down by the tree and got to work on the lights.


“Yes! Can we put the gold ones with them?”

“Sure, and what about this one?”

“Hey! That’s me!” Nikki giggled pointing at the baby picture in the picture frame ornament.  

“Sure is! You were even smaller than Ben,”

“And Ben’s small!” Nikki exclaimed making Chris laugh.  “Can we put up the ones I made?”

“Of course! Thank you for allowing us to put such masterpieces on our tree!” Chris bowed dramatically.   “Hey hon, how are the lights –“

“All done!” You exclaimed. Chris and Nikki looked at the neat, untangled lights in front of you.

“But… how!”


“Okay… but how!” Chris asked again.

“I’m a mother, I know how to do everything.” You answered as you started to put the lights on the tree. “And don’t roll your eyes at me!”

“You weren’t even looking!”

“She’s a mother Daddy, she knows everything,” Nikki whispered making you both laugh.  

“And this one will go here! And this one here!” Nikki stated putting another ornament on the tree. Ben light out a cry from the floor and reached up towards the tree.  “Mommy! I think Ben wants to help!”

“Come here little men,” Chris spoke picking up his son.  “Wanna help me put this on the tree?”

Ben reached out and took the red ball from Chris and Chris held him out towards the tree.  Ben held up the ornament and… threw it at the tree. The red ball plummeted to the floor and landed with a quiet tap.  

“Maybe we can try again in a few months,” You chuckled picking up the ornament.  

“Are we ready for the star?”

“Star! Star! Star! Star!” Nikki chanted jumping up and down.  Ben clapped in agreement.  

“Nikki, you should probably put it on this year,” Chris suggested picking up the pieces of another broken ornament.  

You picked up the star and handed it to Nikki before lifting her up.  Your daughter as far as her little arms could but could not reach the top of the tree.

“Uh oh! I think we need the help of a certain superhero.”

“Captain merca!” Nikki exclaimed.  At age two Nikki had tried to learn to say Captain America but it came out a bit differently. The nickname stuck, and you never let your husband forget it (neither did Downey).

Chris chuckled as he took Nikki into his arms and lifted her up into the air.  Nikki was able to place the star on to the top of the tree this time and squealed with delight.  Chris placed Nikki back on the ground.

“Who’s ready to turn on the lights?” You asked.

“Me! Me! Me!” Nikki shouted jumping once again.  

“Light em’ up!” Chris exclaimed now holding Ben.

“Okay, one, two…three!” You plugged in the cord and the tree light up.  

Nikki clapped and Ben copied her making you and Chris smile.  

“I think it’s time for some cocoa and a movie.”

“Agreed,” Nikki stated and ran into the kitchen making you laugh.

The four of you now sat on the couch, movie over, stomachs filled with warm cocoa and cookies. Nikki laid asleep between the two of you while Ben was curled up on your lap.  Chris put his arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder.

“Do you think we’ll be able to top this next year?”

“We’ll have to.”

“Why?” Chris asked looking at you confused.  

“Because it’s going to be someone else’s first Christmas,” You whispered.  It took a moment, but a look of realization finally appeared on Chris’s face.

“You mean…”

You nodded, biting your lip as you tried to contain your excitement.  “I believe Baby Evans will be arriving sometime in October if I did the math right.”

“I can’t believe this!” Chris whispered, he leaned over and kissed you.


You and Chris quickly jumped apart and Nikki sat up looking slightly grumpy.  

“You were squishing me!”

“Sorry sweetheart,” Chris chuckled kissing the top of his daughter’s head.  

“What were you two talking about?”

You and Chris locked eyes and nodded.

“Your Mommy just gave me the best Christmas present ever.”

“What? A kiss?” Nikki asked, clearly disgusted.

You laughed and shook your head.  “No Nikki! A baby!”

“A baby? Where! There?” Nikki asked pointing at your stomach.

“Yes! Just like Ben was, remember? You’re going to have another brother or sister!”

Nikki gasped, making you and Chris chuckle at her expression.  “I hope it’s a sister! Oh, please be a sister!” Nikki leaned down and whispered to your stomach.

“I think it’s time for bed,” Chris chuckled picking Nikki up.  You got up and carefully unplugged the tree before you headed up the stairs.

You placed Ben in his crib and headed into Nikki’s room.  “All tucked in?”


“Got all your stuffed animals?”

Nikki nodded and held up her teddy bears, one wearing a Captain America outfit and the other in an Ironman suit, to show you.  

“Okay, goodnight sweetheart.”

“Sweet dreams!” Chris whispered as he kissed Nikki’s cheek and you the other.  

“Hey, Mommy,”

“Yeah?” You responded stopping in the doorway.

“How did the baby get in your tummy?”

“You should ask daddy,” Chris looked at you in shock.

“But I thought mothers know everything.”

“Oh, we do! But Daddy would know how the baby got there since he put it there.” You winked at Chris and walked to your own bedroom before he could respond. 

Tag List:

@patzammit@nadtandy@iamwarrenspeace@evansstanpine@lara-ludbey@httpmcrvel@supernaturaldean67@courtneychicken @ek823

Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


AN: We’re getting close to the end… just thought I should warn you…


“Does anybody listen to me? No! They think it’s a good idea to go running down a highway, flipping cars, doing flips off motorcycles, fighting foreign kings…”


“Shut up I’m still not done mocking your stupidity!” Jo growled as she continued to pace.  Steve and Sam currently sat at the conference table while Jo paced around the glass box they were currently in.  Surrounded by the CIA.  Bucky was in the basement actually locked up in a box.  At least theirs had comfy chairs.  

“Did you get someone to look at your injuries?”

“You’re going to need to someone to look at your injuries if you don’t piss off!” Jo snapped.  Why did Steve had to be such an idiot where Bucky was concerned? Didn’t think! Didn’t plan! Just when in there thinking it would be all fine! Jo shook her head, resisting the urge to hit Steve again. She finally sat down, at the other end of the table away from Steve, when the pain in her side started to bother her.  It was no cakewalk getting hit by multiple cars and having the Winter Soldier shove you through a concrete wall.  

“So, what’s our next move?” Sam asked trying to break the tension.

“We wait.”

“I can’t just- “

“Oh, no! We did it your way now we do it mine!” Jo ordered.  “We wait because we won’t walk out of here alive with Barnes unless we do just that.  No more going in guns blazing.  You’re going to sit there, answer their questions, do as they ask, and be a good little prisoner till the opportunity we need shows itself.”

“Should I sign the accords if Tony asks again?”

“You sign those things and I’ll be the one to make sure you don’t walk out of here alive.”

“Man, have you ever seen her this mad?” Sam mumbled.  

“I think Tony putting Wanda on house arrest didn’t do much to calm her.”

“Don’t forget your stupidity” Jo stated glancing at Steve.   Jo stood up again and looked out of the glass.  

“Jo, I am- “

“Shut up and look at this!” Jo whispered.  Steve walked over and looked at the monitors showing Bucky’s cell.  A man was sitting down at a table across of Bucky’s box.

“The receipt for your suit,” Sharon stated walking in.

“Bird costume? Come on!”

“I didn’t write it,” Sharon defended.  Jo and Steve were still looking out of the glass when Sharon pressed a button turning on the monitor in their room.  They could now see and hear the conversation between Bucky and the man.

“I am not here to judge you.  I just want to ask you a few questions.” The man spoke.  He had an accent Jo didn’t recognize but it sounded familiar.  “Do you know where you are James?”

Bucky did not respond.

“I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.  James?”

“My name is Bucky,” Bucky finally said.  His voice was sound rough.  

Jo looked away from the monitor and picked up the photo that had been released when they announced Bucky as their prime suspect.  “Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?”

“Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?” Sharon suggested.  

“Right. It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding.  Set off a bomb.  Get your picture taken.  Now you got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.”

“You’re saying someone framed him to find him?” Steve asked turning to Jo.  

“But Jo, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing.”

“But we didn’t bomb the UN,” Steve put in.  “That turns a lot of heads.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t guarantee who framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.”

“Yeah…” Jo whispered looking back up at the monitor.  Suddenly, the room went dark and emergency lights started to flash.

“Sublevel five, east wing!” Sharon spoke up.

“Is this our opportunity?”

“You bet it is!” Jo growled as they took off.

They arrived to find bodies all over the room.

“Help me… help me…” The man was laying on the floor of the cell.

“Get up,” Steve ordered. He grabbed the man by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.  “Who are you? What do you want?”

“To see an empire fall.”

When Jo entered the room, she ducked just in time to avoid Bucky’s swing.  She rolled out of his way and Sam hit him from behind.  Jo threw herself at Bucky’s middle and shoved him against the wall. Bucky lifted his legs and kicked Jo across the room before shoving Sam to the ground.

Steve jumped into action throwing hits where he could while dodging the metal arm as they headed out of the room.  

Jo got to up in time to see the man standing by an elevator with broken doors.

“Hey!” Sam called out as he stumbled to her feet. The man disappeared down the hallway.  

Jo rushed over to the elevator and looked down. “Steve!”

“Go! Get Bucky!”

Jo nodded and she and Sam took off in the direction the man had gone.  

They exited the building along with the crowd of screaming people.  Jo spotted a familiar sweater on the ground and picked it up.

“Damn…” She whispered. It was the sweater the man had been wearing.

“Look!” Sam pointed at a helicopter as it fell into the lake.

“Steve!” Jo whispered as they took off running.  

Bucky let out a groan as he began to wake up.  He looked over at his metal arm, that was currently jammed into some contraption.

“Hey Cap!” Sam called out and Steve came running over.

Jo remained in the shadows, unsure if it was a good idea for Bucky to see her.  

“Steve…” Bucky groaned.

“Which Bucky am I talking to?”

“Your mom’s name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.” Bucky slightly laughed.

“Can’t read that in a museum.”

“Just like that was supposed to be cool?” Sam asked.

“What did I do?”


“Oh, God, I knew this would happen,” Bucky sighed.  “Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there.  All he had to do was say the god damn words.”

“Who was he?”

“I don’t know…”

“People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you.  I need you to do better than “I don’t know”” Steve ordered.

Bucky bit his lip, clearly trying to remember anything he could.  “He wanted to know about Siberia.  Where I was kept.  He wanted to know exactly where.”

“Why would he need to know that?”

“Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier,” Bucky answered.  

“Who were they?”

“Their most elite death squad.  More kills than anyone in Hydra’s history.  And that was before the serum.”

“They all turn out like you?” Sam asked.  Jo could hear a slight bit of sarcasm in his tone.  She could already tell how that friendship was going to go.


“The doctor, could he control them?” Steve inquired.


“Said he wanted to see an empire fall…”

“With these guys, he could do it.  They speak thirty languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize.  They could take a whole country down in one night and you’d never see them coming.”

Sam walked over to Steve and they began talking quietly to each other.  Steve looked to wear Jo had been standing, out of sight, and motioned her over.  

“We already know we’re on our on with this one,” She whispered upon reaching them.  

“Sam doesn’t think so, says he knows a guy.”

“You talking about tic-tac?” Jo asked surprised.  

Sam nodded.

“You…. How are you…”

Jo turned to see the shock on Bucky’s face at the sight of her,

“You know each other?” Steve demanded.

“I… I killed her,” Bucky whispered.  

“You tried to at least,” Jo sighed.  

“How did you survive?”

“The super soldier serum. If I had been a simple human I would have frozen to death within minutes, and there was no place close to go.”

“That’s what I had assumed…” Bucky muttered.

“Okay, explain, now.”

“Steve listen, I- “

“Nope.  You got to give orders now it’s my turn.  Explain. Now.” Steve ordered.

Jo sighed, she walked out of the room and Steve followed.

“Why can’t Sam hear this?”

“Because he already knows,” Jo answered.  Steve was clearly not happy about that.  “Look, the only reason I never told you this was because I knew it would not do any good. After I escaped Hydra, I was not… a good person.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I spent a good ten years hunting down Hydra operatives and killing them, and I had my work on the side.”

“You were a hitman, I know this.”

“Yeah, but you don’t know most of it,” Jo muttered.  “Anyways, I came across a Hydra compound out in the middle of Russia.  My info told me it was abandoned, figured I could see if there was any useful information left behind so I made my way to it.  Upon arriving, I found it was not abandoned, but in fact, occupied by the Winter Soldier team.”

“You fought Bucky…”

“Yeah.  It was early on in my years of hiding.  I was untrained and unprepared.  Anything I had done before had been petty work, child’s play compared to what he could do to me.”

“How did you get out?”

“I managed to get outside but there was nothing for miles, Bucky was right on my tale and could outrun any vehicle I could have tried to take.  So, I let him throw me into the ocean.  Swam for a couple miles before climbing out at a bank and hiking to the nearest village.”

“My God… Jo you could have- “

“Died, drowned, frozen to death. Trust me I know.” Jo reassured waving him off.  “I was young, stupid, filled with anger, and alone. After I recovered I did some research and found out who Bucky was.  I did try and go back to find him, but by the time I got there they had left without a trace. I could never find anything on him.”

“Why did you try and find him again?”

“He had been your best friend, I figured that’s what you would have done.”

Steve sighed and grabbed Jo by the shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.  “I love you, you know that?”

“Love you too pops,” Jo sighed pulling away.  “But, we should go.  Who knows how much longer this warehouse will be safe.”

Steve nodded.  “Come on, we got a world to save.”

“Again…” Jo muttered as they headed back over to Bucky and Sam.  

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Type: Series

Warnings: Swearing


The church was completely packed.  The choir sang as the men carried in the casket, Steve was among them.  There was a large portrait Margret Carter at the front with some white flowers in front of it.  Jo did not sit beside her father.  In fact, Steve didn’t even know she was there.  Jo stood all the way in the back, in a corner where she remained unnoticed by the crowd.  

“I would like to invite Joanne Carter, to come say a few words.” The Priest said.  Jo sighed and made her way to the podium.  

Ignoring the surprised look on both Steve and Sam’s faces, Jo cleared her throat and began to speak.

“Everyone knew Margret Carter as the founder of Shield, one of the best agents the government has ever had, a hero, someone who helped shape the world we live in today.  But I knew her as Mom.” Jo paused for a second, it had been many years since the last time she had talked about Peggy.  It had taken an hour-long conversation with Coulson just to convince her to do this.  “She may have been the woman who fought the bad guys, but she was also the woman who walked me to school and made pancakes every Saturday morning. She taught me how to fight and to stand up for what I believe.  She proved that even in a world that seemed impossible for women to succeed in, she went against the odds and proved everyone wrong.  Hell, she even bought me my first holster.”  This earned a bit of laughter from the crowd.  “So, sure she met John F Kennedy, fought the Nazis, and is the girl who took Captain America’s virginity, but even though she did all that, the best thing she ever to me was being my mother.”

Jo took another sip from the bottle of vodka she had managed to get out of the storage closet in the bar she was now sitting outside of in back alley.  One of the downsides of not aging is that you never look old enough to buy alcohol.  

“How did you know she took your dad’s virginity?” Sam took the bottle from her as he sat down on the ground and took a sip.

“Uncle Howard had a bit too much to drink one time when he was watching me,” Jo answered taking back the bottle.  

“You okay?”

Jo nodded, “Yeah, I mean, I knew this was coming.  It just felt weird to be there, to talk about her and tell stories.  In a way, she had already been dead to me, but now she truly is gone…”

“She was proud of you, you know.”

Jo scoffed.  “Sure, proud her daughter turned into a cold-blooded assassin.  She would be so proud of the woman who let Hydra take her a second time.  She would absolutely love how I failed to fight them, how I failed to stop their experiments and what they were doing.”

“You’re not invincible you know,” Sam insisted.  “Not to mention you shouldn’t be fighting this all on your own.  None of that was your fault anyhow.”

“But I’m tired of fighting!” Jo exclaimed.  “There’s always someone who needs saving! Always another Hydra to fight! People I care about are always dying! I’m tired of it!”

“So, what? You gonna quit?”

Jo didn’t have a response to that because she herself did not know the answer. Or it was more likely she was not ready to admit what she wanted to herself.   “Where’s Steve?”

“I left him back at the church.  He didn’t seem ready to leave.”

“Natasha is probably with him”

“Is there something between those two?”

“God, I hope so!” Jo exclaimed.  “It’s better than the alternative,” Jo cringed at the possibility of Steve having feelings for Sharon.

“What’s the alternative?

“I should go see him,” Jo stood up, ignoring Sam’s question, finished the bottle and tossed it into the nearby dumpster.  Before she could set off for the church both hers and Sam’s phones began blowing up with notifications.

“Looks like the worlds in chaos.”

“When is it not?” Jo groaned.

Jo and Sam arrived at Steve’s location, which was a hotel.  It had not taken much convincing to get Sam to promise to not tell Steve about the tracker Jo had planted on his phone.  

“Hey, Steve, you need to-“Jo stopped when she noticed Steve was not standing by the elevator alone.

“What is it?” Steve asked, looking between Sharon and Jo completely confused.”


“You can’t tell- “

“I said no, and that means no, so no,” Jo growled starring Sharon down. “And as I was saying, Steve, there’s something you need to see.”

Steve, Sam, and Jo stood in front of the TV in Sharon’s hotel room. Listening to the news broadcaster explain the explosion in Vienna.  Sharon was on the phone with a co-worker trying to find out what she could.

“Oh God,” Jo whispered as the news broadcaster named James Buchanan Barnes as their number one suspect.  

Sharon put down her phone and looked at the TV.  “I have to go to work.”

“So do we,” Jo grumbled.

Jo sat beside Sam at the bar.  Sam wore a baseball cap and sunglasses, while Jo wore jut the sunglasses and had dyed her short hair brown.  She was tired of blonde anyways.  Steve was outside on the phone with Natasha.  

“Did you have any run-ins with Barnes when you worked for Shield?”

“No, but I did before Shield recruited me.”

Sam looked at Jo slightly surprised.  He took another bite of his food and motioned for her to continue.

“After I escaped Hydra, and had spent a couple years learning how to live in hiding, I started hunting down Hydra operatives who had escaped the war. There were many who did not hide as well as the rest.” Jo explained.  “One night, I infiltrated an old Hydra compound in Russia that was said to be abandoned.  I figured there might be some useful files left there or something.  I usually sent such things to Shield anonymously.  The problem was, it was not abandoned.  It was set up similarly to the first place Hydra did experiments on me.  Though I was in no way prepared to fight someone like Barnes.”

“How so?”

“He was ruthless.  I may have matched him in strength and speed, but I was sloppy, untrained.  While he had years of experience in the army and had been trained by Hydra’s finest.  I didn’t stand a chance.”

“How did you even survive?”

“Only way I could, I died.” Jo took a sip of her beet before continuing. “The compound was near the ocean, so, I let him get a few hits in before I fell in.”

“In Russia! The water must have been freezing!”

“I had pneumonia for three months.” Jo chuckled.

“Does Steve know this?”

Jo shook her head, “No, I never saw any good in telling him this. When I figured out who had tried to kill me I did try and find him again.  He had been my father’s best friend, I figured Steve would have wanted me to at least try and save him.  But he was a ghost but the time I was strong enough to return to the compound.”

Jo stopped when she saw Steve walk in with a grim look on his face.

“She tell you to stay out of it?” Sam asked.  “Might have a point.”

“He’d do it for me.”

“1945, maybe, I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people that shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at us.” Sam motioned over to Jo and himself as he spoke.

Sharon stepped up beside Steve before he could respond.  “Tips have been pouring in since the footage went public.  Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of its noise.  Except for this.” Sharon slid a file over to Steve. “My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now… So that’s all the head start you’re gonna get.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re gonna have to hurry, we have orders to shoot on sight.” Sharon looked over at Jo before leaving.

Jo said no in sign language before Sharon disappeared out the door.

“You wanna explain what you keep saying no to?”

“No,” Jo answered taking the file from Steve and walking out of the bar.

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C H A P T E R     F I V E

Summary: Peter and his best friend [Y/N] get a hold of a time machine and accidentally send themselves back to a time where their leader was in high school. Problems occur when [Y/N] finds herself to be the dame that Steve falls for instead of his high school sweetheart, Peggy.

Word Count: 1.2K

Tag list status: Open

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Authors Note: I hope you enjoy!

Captain Young Masterlist

Peter has messed many times in his life, but this mistake took the cake. Steve turned around and stormed out of the room, his pulse rising, while Peter’s heart had dropped to his knees. Peggy clung onto Peter’s arm, ready to express more of her appreciation, but Peter had cut her off short and pulled away from her. Peggy kept her gaze upon Peter, not even noticing the fact that Steve had walked in on them.

Peter quickly excused himself from Peggy. He couldn’t even bare to look at her any longer. He just did something that he harped on you not to do earlier today. Peggy trailed behind him as he made it back into the theater. Peter caught the sight of Steve climbing back into his seat that was beside you. Steve turned his head, and noticed that Peter was staring at him.

Peter hurried his way back to his seat, which was on the other side of you. Peggy was pulled aside by her friends who wondered where her date went. Peter kept his eyes on Steve as he made his way back to his seat. Steve looked over to the side and made eye contact with Peter. Peter was about to explain himself, but Steve scoffed at him and stood up from his seat.

You looked over at Steve who was leaving his seat. You raised an eyebrow in confusion, only to feel the presence of Peter arriving back in his spot. You turned  your head to see that Peter looked more worried than usual.

“Are you okay Peter?” you asked, observing his disturbed facial expression. You turned to see where Steve was going, only to notice that Peggy’s date had disappeared. “Also, where did Peggy’s date go?”

“Okay, long story short, I might have kissed Peggy.”


You turned your head once more, to see Peggy smiling over at Peter. Peter leaned forward and looked at Peggy who immediately looked away, giggling with her friends when he caught her staring at him You sighed and turned back to face Peter who was now completely tomato red. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

“How did that even happen?” You asked, swinging your eyes back up to meet with his. “You know what, it’s fine. You just need to tell her you’re not interested, and it’s the end of that story.”

Peter remained silent as you suggested that plan. You expected an answer but didn’t receive one. All Peter did was just blankly stare at you.

“Peter? Are you even going to respond?” You asked, expressing your concern. “You’re worrying me. Please don’t say that you’re actually falling in love with Peggy.”

“No, I’m far from that [Y/N],” Peter said, shaking his head. His eyes lowered from yours. “I just feel bad for Steve having to walk in like that. The last thing I wanted was to hurt his feelings.”

“Peter, it’s okay, you just need to fix it,” You said, patting him on the shoulder. “Once we have it fixed, everything will go back to normal.”

Peter looked over your shoulder and saw Peggy leaving the theater with her group of friends. Peter excused himself, claiming that he was going to confront her about his feelings. You nodded as Peter got out of aisle and went out the exit to find Peggy. As for you, your remained in your seat, wondering if the future Steve was trying to figure out a way to get you and Peter back.

You thought about the consequences that would come if he were to bring you and Peter back right now. Would Steve not even know you? Or even worse, you wouldn’t even know Peter if Steve and Peggy didn’t meet. You knew that there was going to be a bad ripple effect if Peggy fell in love with Peter.

Whilst in the midst of your thoughts, you saw a figure beginning to climb back in through the aisle. You turned your head, only to see that Steve had gotten concessions. The men of the other girls dates were all seated ahead of you, which meant Steve had to climb through them to get to you. He had a large bag of popcorn and a large drink in both hands. You offered to assist him, but he claimed that he was fine.

You nodded in response, but the second that he got closer, that was when the thought popped into your mind. This was the moment where he got his first kiss from Peggy. Before you could move, you heard the yelp of Steve as he was tripped. The buttery popcorn flew everywhere, landing all over you, as well as the sticky substance of the soda.

You shrieked in disgust as it soaked in through your clothes. Steve had caught himself, but that resulted in you getting the short end. Steve gasped as he saw he completely drenched you in the popcorn and soda. You wiped the soda away from your eyes, seeing him sit down beside you.

“I’m so sorry [Y/N]!” Steve shouted, brushing off the kernels off your shoulder. “I-I wasn’t paying attention and—”

As Steve was blabbering his apology to you, Peter had come back from chasing after Peggy. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to find Peggy. Her and her group of friends had completely disappeared when he went into the hallway to try and find her. His plan to confront her was destroyed, but it didn’t compare to the stress he felt when he saw that you were covered in popcorn and soda from head to toe.

Peter knew exactly what was about to come. Peter rushed over back to his seat, hoping that he was going to show up in time to save you. But instead of saving the situation, Peter had worsened it. While you were still trying to get the popcorn out of your hair, you didn’t notice that Peter had returned.

On the other hand, Steve did, and he still was infuriated with him. Steve caught a glimpse of Peter approaching you, and didn’t hesitate with the evil thought that entered his mind. Steve knew that Peter liked you, just like Peter knew that Steve liked Peggy. Steve thought of the broken heart that Peter gave to him, which meant that he wanted to return the favor.

With revenge in Steve’s heart, he leaned forward and clashed his lips upon your lips that had the sweet taste of soda. You stiffened up as you felt Steve’s lips press against yours. What you feared the most, was happening, and you weren’t able to process the fact that you were being kissed by your captain! You broke the kiss off, soon feeling a hand wrap around your arm.

Your breath began to become heavy as thoughts raced through your mind. The situation worsened. Not only did Peggy kiss Peter, but now you had kissed Steve. Your wide eyes pierced into Steve’s soft blue ones that were glaring at you in admiration. You could tell from the look that he found that kiss to be more than he expected.

“I uh, I need—”

Before you could speak anymore, Peter had yanked you out of your seat. Steve watched as you were being dragged out of the theater by Peter. Steve wanted that kiss to be revenge for finding Peter kissing his girl, but little did Steve know, he enjoyed that kiss. The kiss sparked something in Steve that he never knew he had. Steve had fallen in love, and you were the one who stole his heart.

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The Dignity of His Choice (3)

Brand, Part One(seepreviousorseries)

[Minors DNI, 18+ content, implied smut, canon level violence, angst]

How this all started…

They stopped a terrorist cell.

From intel retrieved at the leader’s residence, a small team immediately dispatches to a warehouse within ten kilometers where explosives are suspected. Steve and Bucky sweep the facility first since they could also escape the fastest were anything triggered. They split up. Bucky takes the large spaces while Steve clears a short labyrinth of offices and storage closets.

Bucky gives the all-clear to the team outside. Steve confirms “no explosives” over the channel before catching his friend’s eye and waving for him to follow. Steve doesn’t say a word until the door is shut to the windowless room. He even takes out his comms.

From Bucky’s wide eyes, Steve was right to bring him in immediately.

Bucky removes his earpiece, too, then flips the volume up on his walkie and orders, “I want the warehouse handled but then await further instruction. No other rooms. Got it?”

“Acknowledged, Sarge.”

Steve holds up several papers from a makeshift desk littered with files. His skin crawls in panic. “Tell me this isn’t what I think it is, Buck.”

Among the papers are photos, dozens of photos of just one person: you, including a picture of you out celebrating your promotion months ago, one of your friend Gracie’s birthday party from just last week, and one of a particularly disturbing nature inside a dressing room. He can’t tell when that’s from; he doesn’t recognize the clothes or the walls. The papers detail all kinds of things, thorough tracking your movements and records of your preferences of everything from food and drink to skincare and feminine hygiene products. Steve’s gut knots itself entirely when he comes across a file containing medical records and an accurate calendar of your menstrual cycle. He’s gonna be sick.

Bucky doesn’t have to say anything. The intent is obvious enough.

“Looks like kidnapping,” Buck mutters anyway. “You don’t do this level of recon just to poison or kill. My guess is leverage over you.”

The papers are like heavy knives in his hands. His tact suit feels excruciatingly tight, and Steve’s brain is on fire with rage.

“Down to her fucking period,” he blurts, low and violent. Bucky’s eyebrows shoot up at the language but an air of holding his tongue has Steve more nervous. “What?”

“A pregnant woman would be even more valuab—“

Steve punches the table so hard the plastic buckles, toppling to one side, stacks of surveillance intel sliding to the floor. His jaw locks. The thing is that there is nothing for his rage to stand on because Steve doesn’t understand how this could be happening.

“But we caught them all, right?”

His voice is tight, Steve admits, weaker than he hoped. There’s no confidence in it. There’s less than none when Bucky speaks.

“Today was one of the leaders, yeah…” His friend rubs the back of his neck.

Steve’s hands sink deep into his hair as he weighs options. “How many more?”

Bucky slides his walkie back up to his mouth, eyes fixed on Steve’s barely contained meltdown. “Torres, come in.”

After a beat, “yeah, Sarge?”

“I’m gonna need a crate brought to the back hall here. Just leave it there and we’ll pack it up.”

“You got it. Looks like we’ll be finished here in twenty.”

“Okay. Crate now, and we’ll be ready by the time you guys are done.”

A minute later, a hollow thump from beyond the door signals the drop-off.

With an armful of files, Bucky turns back to Steve. “I’ll handle the box myself. No one will see these,” he assures, opening the door and dragging the solid-sided, black bin inside. He drops in his armful, and just as he straightens, he sighs, “but we need to think of something, pal. This investment? The time they’ve spent? They won’t let her go.”

Steve worried Buck would say that, but then he never answered the question.

“How many?” Steve throws the force of a punch behind each word, and by the unblinking look on his friend’s face, Steve is already unprepared.

“Compiled list is thirty-five members—” Bucky puts his finger up before Steve tries to ask “—and that’s the ones not crossed off yet.”

Steve takes his rage and frustration out on the files until Bucky stops him from destroying evidence. Steve uses every ounce of his training, focus, and serum-laced enhancement to not show any agitation outside of the room.

On the return flight to HQ, he settles into a stoic—but very edgy—version of his normal self. His mind races at the speed of light. One of his first decisions is to not tell you because he doesn’t actually know anything yet. With so many enemy operatives still unaccounted for, he has to proceed under the assumption that some of that mountain of intel was fed through sources inside the Initiative. To allow Bucky time and distraction to haul the crate to his own quarters, Steve oversees unloading and takes point at the debrief.

He only becomes more paranoid when he gets back home. As you speak about your day, you mention at least two names he doesn’t recognize, so he pries, harder than he ever would before. You tease him about being jealous and swear that Tom the Barista only has eyes for Jake Hudson from your lab. Tom even came as Jake’s date to Gracie’s birthday party. You tell Steve he’s met him.

Steve shifts leaning forward on the couch while you casually lounge in his rocking chair. “Who? Thomas?”

“Yes,Steven,” you sass, twirling a finger through the chain of your necklace, a gift from your lab group given for your promotion (that dozens of nefarious scumbags have a picture from), “that’s generally what ‘Toms’ also go by.”

Steve considers how long that means you’ve been watched. He considers it for too long.

“Are you feeling okay? You’re very twitchy.”

“Tired.” Steve isn’t lying about that, and since he knows he’s a crappy liar, Steve has to be more careful.

“Go have a shower, love.” You kiss his forehead, running your fingers lazily through his hair. It makes his skin crawl again, painfully exhilarating and terrifying all at once. “I can bring dinner back here if you want.”

His grunt and sigh suffice as an answer.

Steve never was a stealth operative (well, not for anything longer than sneaking into a building), so he only stops obsessively over every product you kept in the bathroom—on the counter, in the drawers, and in the cabinet—when you peek in to ask if he wants sweet or savory sauce for his egg rolls.

Your curious look turns into a smirk. “What? Not liking the way I smell now?”

“Uh…” He blanks.

You pluck the jar of cream out of his hands and replace it with a tube of balm.

“Better for your dry elbows,” you hum with a smile and pat the meat of his bicep. “I’ll put out all the sauces. Just take your time, Sketch.” You shut the door behind you.

Steve knows he will throw up if he forces himself to eat his normal amount of food, and since he’s a super soldier and doesn’t get stomach bugs or food poisoning (or lose his appetite for any other reason), he is forced to do something he has never, ever done before. Steve fakes getting a call from a team member and leaves the apartment for a while. He walks the whole tree line around the complex in the dark and then returns to say not to worry, they had food upstairs. He gets away with this because there is food up in the lounge right by the main conference room; he just doesn’t fill in the part where he didn’t go anywhere near it.

The only thing that settles his stomach is to be near you, as near as humanly possible, so that night when you two make love, Steve holds onto you a lot tighter, his face never more than an inch away from yours. He pushes your hips against him and grips the back of your neck. You respond to his intensity with extra affection, which leads to a second-round where Steve was nothing shy of overbearing and possessive. He knows you sense a change, but you didn’t ask. You never ask for details after missions, and he usually likes that you help keep those things separate. You always wait for him to be ready to talk. He will never be ready to admit what kind of danger you were in.

So he spirals for hours. Each time he closes his eyes, he sees the photos. He sees you going about your everyday life not knowing you’re being watched. He sees you, twirling and biting at your necklace, deep in thought. He wishes he never scolded you for that nervous habit. He wishes he’d been nicer about the bear on it (even though he’s right and it is actually the same as the California state flag), but you love it anyway. He can’t take any of it back now. All he does is stare at the metal chain laying against your softly rising chest, pendant settled just between your breasts, and he feels helpless.

The next day, when he gets a chance to speak with Bucky far away from HQ on their run, it only gets worse.

The reason someone would want to kidnap you is to control him. It doesn’t take the brain power of anyone over the age of five to notice Steve will do anything for his wife, and the biggest problem boils down to the time it takes to tick off all the names on that list. Of the listedthirty-nine, four are already captured or killed as of yesterday’s mission. However, the Team only started acting on intel for this group a week and a half ago. They currently have leads on seven more, but the info ranges from “we know he lives right here” to “I heard someone talk about seeing him in this other country a year ago.” Tracking, verification, and takedown of thirty-five targets could take…well, it’s impossible to estimate.

Keeping you in hiding is an option, but you’d be out of work for who knows how long (and pissed about it). Bucky is fairly certain Steve would not be able to join you in hiding either, so you’d be alone and pissed and he’d still be afraid. You could have a heavy security detail, but that’s no good because some of that research came from HQ; at the very least there’s a data leak, but there could also be an operative working amongst them. Even if Steve up and quits, retiring from the Avengers, he’s still capable of being wielded as a physical or political weapon, and just because he isn’t fighting on the Team, doesn’t mean he can’t influence the Avengers (and several world governments) anyway. There is no clean path forward. All options require coordination and too many resources.

Eventually, it’s Bucky’s suggestion that offers the quickest and most efficient solution. If Steve dies, no one has use of you as leverage. Steve now wants to throw up. He doesn’t like the idea of being stuck away from you indefinitely, but he soothes himself by comparing this to any other mission. In fact, he wills himself to calm down since this mission is entirely for your safety, but he can’t fully accept it. He just keeps feeling sick.

A vague semblance of a plan is discussed. Bucky has a safe house from his time on the run (left unfound because of how useless the location is for fieldwork), but it is remote—can’t find it on a map even when it’s marked with an x remote—and in a wilderness surrounded by tundra. No electricity, no running water, no satellite signal. Nothing.

A new leader will take over the terrorist cell. That could take some time, but not much, and Steve and Bucky can’t coordinate an elaborate rouse on their own. With each person they’d bring into the fold, or each prepared part of the deception, they risk whoever is feeding information from inside knowing Steve is still alive. Worse yet, their plan to take you might be moved up if the group knows that he suspects. Steve and Bucky agree to tell absolutely no one. They have to go by opportunity with knee-jerk reactions as their guide.

Steve spends half of each night watching you sleep, memorizing your body, stroking your hair and hip. He reminds himself not to behave differently. He can’t savor your touch more or convince you not to spend a day with your sibling at port that week. He catches you watching him sadly a few times. You sense something still, but he convinces himself over and over that it’s for the best. Nothing helps him sleep.

Ten days later, Bucky, Natasha, and Steve are all sent to dismantle an Inhuman fight club that acts as a rendezvous for two names on the list, theoretically. Steve never gets to see their faces. One of the Inhumans can explode and then reintegrate, so there’s basically a bomb moving around the place that can go off as many times as it wants. It only takes one shared look between Steve and Bucky to know: this is it.

Steve tosses the shield at the man as he’s triggering, drops his comms where he stands, then sneaks back to the jet, hiding, while part of the building collapses. After the Inhuman and his associates are captured, Bucky behaves like he’s looking for Steve in the rubble. Nat finds the shield, scorched so badly the color’s gone off, and her distraught announcement to send a cleanup crew, one that should expect human and superhuman remains, sounds genuine because it is. Nat thinks Bucky is being quiet and brooding because he’s in the field and she wouldn’t expect him to slip into an emotional scene no matter how epic the Brooklyn boys’ bond. Steve hides for almost two and a half hours until Bucky and Nat finally return to the jet. Once in the air, Steve hears muffled voices, then yelling, and then Buck calls his name. If Steve didn’t know Nat so well, he’d swear she barely blinks as he steps out of his expansive cargo locker onboard, but she’s upset.

All Steve has to say, though, is that you’re being targeted, and Nat springs into action, finding any supplies that can be overlooked as missing or a regular inventory discrepancy. A certain number of rations. Some first aid supplies. Ammunition. Two of Bucky’s (many) knives and one of her own guns. Steve notices Bucky smiling at his gal fondly several times and feels a stab in his own gut for how much he already misses you. Bucky packed his own go-bag with several helpful additions (including clothes and an extra duffel to carry it all in) and wrote down extremely thorough directions to the cabin, directions which Steve is to destroy as soon as he gets there.

Natasha raids every locker and storage area onboard for liquor (which covers up the evidence of removed supplies) and splashes some vodka on her chest after a few swigs. She insists Steve and Bucky drain every bottle, too. Finally, she explains that any extra time the jet is in the air and doesn’t return to HQ will be chalked up to her and Bucky wallowing in their own unique way. Steve adores Nat’s genius at that moment, but he half-wishes for Thor’s refilling container of Asgardian ale—the only thing he and Bucky can really get drunk on—because Steve already hates what’s about to happen.

They fly the jet in stealth mode as low and as close as possible without wavering from a reasonable flight plan. It’s the one time Natasha doesn’t mind Steve jumping out of her jet; she’s a pragmatist and knows it’s necessary. It still takes Steve about twenty-seven hours to find the damn cabin, a needle among needles in a needle factory, but that’s why Bucky’s the best.

And then all Steve can do is wait.

(Next part coming this Friday!) Don’t hurt me, dearies /o\


Summary: Navigating physical intimacy with a man out of time.

Rated Explicit for smut and language, so minors DNI. Read this and the rest of the Fools Rush In series here!



…And I’m Wearing Tights

Summary: Steve once revealed a bit of a fetish to you. Tonight, you test it out.

Warnings:uh…you and Steve being cheeky weirdosandsmutty smut (graphic but loving), lightly edited because I is tired. (Minors DNI)

It’s not the perfect day or time for this, but if there’s one thing you’ve learned being with Steve Rogers it’s that it’s never the perfect time for anything. You two would never have had a real conversation. You’d never have made it to a first date. You’d never have gotten engaged. Perfect isn’t what you two are, but you do love each other, you are devoted to each other, and that is enough.

Keep reading

This story of soft!Steve experiencing his fantasy come to life is fucking AMAZING! Do yourself a favor and read all chapters of the series she’s written of the (painfully!) slow-burn of their relationship up to this point. I can’t recommend it enough!

Hilariously, I keep thinking to myself “I could have made that slower,” but I’m pretty sure I’d have been hunted down and punched in the face. ><

What’s started out as a single one-shot now reminds me of that moment in the theater where–

–flashed before my eyes, and my idea for 5k became 100k (and counting, woof).


I just want Steeb to be Steeb again.

The Dignity of His Choice (2)

Symbol, Part Two (Fools Rush In series, see previous)

Summary: You are helped through Steve Rogers’ funeral.

Warnings: it sucks because it’s a funeral (?) and some language (Minors DNI)

The phone rings in your hotel room. Loudly. Louder than a fucking bomb going off, and you want to scream. It didn’t wake you. You’ve been staring at the wall, tucked under the covers for who knows how long.

Exasperated, you roll over to pick up the receiver, but say nothing.

“Hey,” Tony’s voice clips from the other end, “don’t hang up.”

After a long sigh, you wait, still saying nothing.

“Ok,” he sighs, too, “thank you. I just have a few things to say, and I’ll leave you alone.”

You sit up and place your feet on the rough carpet. Fancy hotels remind you of Steve. You made it all the way into a room at one place before freaking out, leaving, and finding close to, but not quite, the cheapest option you could find. You never thought you’d miss your mediocre apartment off of the HQ campus.

Tony finally accepts that you won’t be speaking to him. He’s used to having one-sided conversations. He’ll get over it.

“Romanoff will be over there in the morning with everything you need. Starts at 11. I’m hosting the reception after. It’s not here—” back on campus, you presume, since he clearly knows which room you are in within a building he doesn’t own and wouldn’t be caught dead in “—and if you wanted to speak, the priest is ready for that.”

Steve’s funeral. Tony Stark is talking to you about your husband’s fucking funeral. The fucking nightmare hasn’t fucking ended, and you can’t tell anyone how hollow you feel for not believing. You’re grieving but you’re not. It isn’t real. This cannot be real.

If the funeral is tomorrow then…you have been in this room for four days.

“Ok, so I don’t trust the menu of the room service there, and I’m ordering you some delivery. All I ask is that you open the door.”

He pauses, taking a few breaths to see if you’ll crack. “Fine, they’ll leave it at the door, but I think you should know that I can see if you bring it in. If you love and respect me, which is obviously extremely difficult to do—“ he fumbles and maybe puts his hand over whatever he’s speaking into “—Pep, I’m trying. Can you just—ok, yes—FINE. I am not threatening you to eat, but…”

His voice goes soft, paper-thin and wispy with a faint tinge of wetness. “Please eat. Cap will come back to haunt me if you don’t. Just please be ok.”

Your blood boils instantly. “Okay?! OKAY,Tony?!

“Shit,” he yelps just before you slam the phone back down.

Tony just can’t help but poke the bear. He just is not capable of shutting the hell up. He’ll make decisions for you all day long. He’ll run circles around you and tell you you’re both exercising. He just can’t stop.

The loud ring explodes in the silence again. You could hang up on him a second time, since the first was remarkably satisfying in a way that only slapping Bucky has been recently, but you let it ring. You let the noise go and go until your eardrums ache like your heart.

Then it stops, and no one calls back.

* * *

Natasha arrives early. Really early. She seems to have guessed what state you’d be in when she arrived (and she didn’t need you to open the door, just walked right in before slipping some device down the side of her shoe). She drops a bag of uneaten food that was outside your door all night into the trash and places some boxes on the little desk in the corner.

This is the second time Nat has brought you a black dress. This is the second time you will wear said black dress in a hotel at some point. That is where the similarities end.

She coaxes you into the shower, talks you through the steps of shampooing, conditioning, washing your body, washing your face, drying off, and putting lotion on. She’s babying you from the other side of the bathroom door, but it’s also to keep you on pace. You’d be lost in memories of him and lose another four days if she didn’t.

She hands you panties and a bra, neither of which are yours, but they are clean and fit. You shouldn’t be surprised that a super spy would be able to find out your size, but you are.

Nat helps you into the dress, not because it’s tricky to put on, but because it’s the form of help she can offer. She zips you up, tugs at pieces here and there to get the garment seated just so, and then pulls out your necklace from beneath the neckline, smoothing the little, circular pendant with a bear down the bodice. Her smile is noticeably less convincing than Nat is capable of, but that seems…deliberate.

She moves a chair for you to sit. She dries your hair carefully before pinning it back. The style is classic and clean but reminds you of old-fashioned glamour. It reminds you of photos of Peggy Carter, though the comparison is a stretch, and you have to look away from the mirror.

Finally, Nat reallysmiles and opens the only remaining box.

She’s brought you donuts. She’s knows you love sweets. It’s maybe one of the very first things Steve ever knew about you, and they are fancy, covered in thick icing in cool designs. They smell warm even after all this primping.

It’s the strangest thing. The outrageous comfort this indulgence brings to you while it also breaks you into a million pieces. You’ve said a total of ten words to her this whole time, and then you eat donuts quietly with the Black Widow while tears stream down your face. Together, you kill a half-dozen easily, and Nat politely offers to have more brought up if you want.

You shake your head. She goes to refill your water and returns with two white pills in the other hand. You shake your head again. You hate taking pills. Steve would know not to offer them.

After finishing the water, Nat asks you to brush your teeth before she puts a touch of makeup on you. At least you don’t look like death warmed over when she’s finished. The best part, the part that will keep you separated from all this horror by the tiniest fraction, is the veil. It’s gossamer and reaches to your collarbone. It lays over and hides some of your perfectly styled hair, but you don’t care. It’s your shield today. Nat knows. You can tell that Nat understands what that means to you by just one shared look through the mirror.

Your mood makes it feel like torrential rain dampens the world around you, but it’s actually a partly cloudy day. It’s beautiful out. Steve would want to take a hike, to go sketch something pretty. Instead, you’re sitting in a folding chair with one leg sinking into soft grass, wobbling like Steve when he proposed. 

The priest is just talking. You don’t care whether the words are comforting or dignified or even fucking English.

Natasha is seated beside you while your parents flank the other. She has not left your side since the hotel. Your mother puts her hand on your knee and squeezed who knows how many times while you compare every tiny detail to something about your life with Steve.

He comforted you at a funeral once, the same way, with a warm hand on your knee.

The wind flutters the veil, making the fabric stick to your wet cheek.

Bucky stands in military dress behind you. It’s not lost on you that the last time he wore such a uniform was you and Steve’s wedding, but he hands you a handkerchief from over your shoulder then sets his hand on you to steady the wobbling chair. Your staring at the photos they’ve printed and framed, propped on stands next to the prominently displayed shield. Steve would have appreciated that one of the photos is of him smiling. You think maybe Bucky or Tony had something to do with that. The other is a stalwart propaganda image of Cap with the cowl covering most of his head and face. That isn’t your husband; that man belonged to the nation, the world, the universe even. He was not yours. Somehow you feel a deep bitterness that the two images are side by side.

It’s the gun salute that jostles you back. You’re handed a flag that’s folded as neatly as Steve folded fitted bed sheets. The precision is pointless and stings to remember because you’ll never know how he did that now. Your hands are clasped so tightly in your lap that several fingers are numb, but you know they will shake if you try to relax them. 

Bucky steps around from behind your chair to drop some dirt onto the lowered casket. You’re not even sure he’s in there since you refused to know anything about this whole charade. Because that’s what it feels like: a bad farse.

Time is lost on you.

Tony’s voice behind you asks the other mourners to leave without trying to speak to you. Bucky offers to take the flag from your lap, and you push it towards him without looking away from the hole in the ground. Nat doesn’t move from the chair beside you.

Just as the priest steps forward to say some more words of condolence you don’t care about, you’re up on your feet, heading straight for Cap’s shield mounted on a stand beside Cap’s photo, not Steve’s. Because they were different. Because Steve and Captain America may have been the same person, but only Steve Rogers could die. Cap cannot. The whole nation still has their symbol while you lose the only part of this whole damn thing that mattered to you. 

One violently shaking hand reaches out to touch the cool, smooth metal. It’s so…thin. The whole façade is hollow, a vibranium illusion of strength and endurance. What good was the illusion? Who fucking cares about a symbol?

You move too quick to tell if the shaking continues. In one fluid motion, you grab one leg of the stand and topple the whole thing.

There’s a ruckus of shock behind you, where perhaps several people scramble to secure the shield that slides across the smooth blades of grass down a short slope, and why that small annoyance to others brings you a flicker of joy, you don’t know. It’s a drop of water in the magma of your anger.

So you walk away because that’s what you do when you’re upset. You walk. You can’t walk as fast as you would without these modest black heels Natasha stuck you in, but at least you’re moving. That’s what they all want, right? You’re supposed to move forward, to move on. Just the thought makes you furious. Your skin crawls with resistance to ever, ever forgetting because you will never forgive yourself if you do.

He’s gone. Steve’s gone. You can still hear the words as clearly as if Bucky repeated them now. The same kicking fury that pushed you to slap the bearer of bad news seizes your lungs and pulls.

For the first time, you scream, a crack of thunder so tortured that life halts around you. The birds stop. The bugs quiet. The mourners not yet gone freeze. Every single one. The second scream is wetter, hoarse, and full of devotion to your misery. The pain ripping through your throat starts the tears, but they don’t end with the physical pain.

Steve comforted you once at a funeral. You’d cried anyway. It’s only fair you fail to control yourself now. It’s only fair that if the world took the man you love that the world sees what it’s done. They don’t get composed. They don’t get serene. They don’t get poised. The world deserves the same turbulent destruction wracking your existence right now, but unlike your husband, you are not strong enough to force that on even one other soul.

When you open your eyes, Natasha and Bucky are there again, and your hands are already knotted tightly to their proffered arms. Nat soothingly repeats your name between simple statements.

“You don’t have to get up.”

“Take as long as you need.”

“We’re right here.”

There’s another uncontrollable surge that grips your lungs. The scream is broken up by shot-gun blast sobs and deep, choking breaths. There’s only one thought that comes to mind when Nat speaks to you.

“I can’t leave him,” you manage in a quiet, rough voice. “I can’t leave him.”

Your grip becomes hard and punishing, enough to make Natasha wince. Bucky’s metal forearm barely registers the pressure. He hands the folded flag over to Nat and slips the fingers of his now free hand between yours to release Nat.

“Never,” Bucky whispers.

He looks too flat. You want him to be wrecked. You want to see that you’re not alone in this pain, but the well-trained soldier remains inscrutable.

Some of them, these superheroes and experts within the Avengers, have the power to crack worlds and raise cities. They can force their will onto others. They can make people see what they want. You can’t do any of that. All you can do is lash out with your pain, and by god, you will wield your only weapon with a sharp a blade.

“You did this,” you spit in Bucky’s face. “This is your fault.”

His face turns stony, brow locked in a guilty v-shape, and that bastard nods at you. Bucky Barnes nods like it fixes something. He nods like acknowledging his failure after-the-fact helps you at all.

Your anger flairs, hurling fiery tentacles around like a kracken in your sea of sorrow, and your hands release him.

“Get away from me,” you hiss, steadying yourself to stand alone, because you are. You are alone. “I never want to see your face again.”

He’s just Barnes now, and as you turn, she’s just Romanoff. Your tie to the Avengers has been severed. You’re just as you were years ago, an employee on the fringes of their world, and it’s time to get back to work.

(Next part)


The Book of Steve Rogers (1 of 2)

Summary: You’re a writer, too, but Steve has never pushed for you to share. It’s nerve-wracking as all hell, but you’re gonna show him. You’ve *got* to show him what you’ve been working on now. It’s time.

(This is gonna be split between two posts because I wasn’t expecting a few very small ideas to weave together into 5k+, but this half is basically all lovey fluff before a tooouch of smooooot in the next.)


Your hands are so clammy they stick to the pages still warm from the printer. The manuscript is sloppily bound; you didn’t feel this warranted a fancy seal. It could all go in the bin at any moment. If Steve for one tiny second doesn’t seem to approve, it’s game over. You’ll delete the whole file and burn all the copies…although currently, this is the only hard copy on the planet.

Gosh, you need to find a better phrase since you are now set to marry into an intergalactic band of heroes.

Only hard copy in existence. There. That’s more accurate.

You’ve chosen the day you and Steve officially move in together, into a new, bigger apartment on AvIn campus, to hopefully take some of the pressure off of this moment, this…present. Steve’s so over-the-moon about your new space—since you now have an extra bedroom that is the agreed ‘studio’ space for you both—plus a second bathroom and its own laundry. He’s gone off on several little shpeels about hating that someone else washes all of his clothes. Dry-cleaning and the tact suits, he understands, but his boxers? Steve doesn’t like handing that task off. It’s always made him uncomfortable. It makes him feel high and mighty. It makes him feel like Tony, though he’ll never be caught dead admitting that. So your fiance self-corrects to the point of hauling his own army duffel down to the laundry and chats up some staff while he uses a machine for himself wheneverhe possibly can. Once or twice he even brought his laundry over to your apartment, your old apartment now, to hang out with you during the cycles. It took a lot of effort to convince the man you’re gonna marry that he should maybelet you wash both of your things together when he isn’t around to do it himself.

Logic was a mighty weapon that day, but from Steve’s face, hell likely froze over in the process. He’s a stubborn git when he wants to be, and you love it. He loves you because you won’t let him be a stubborn git for too long. He gets to throw his ‘back in my day’ tantrum. He’s heard…and then you immediately offer him the logical option which was your choice in the first place. Everyone’s happy. When it doesn’t really matter, you let Steve win. Compromise is the name of the game.

You even compromised on what you consider is not pulling your weight when it comes to moving. Steve insisted he carry all the boxes himself, two by two, across the entire compound. His logic: it will be about the equivalent of his dozens of mile runs or the hours-long training he does regularly. It’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. He kissed your forehead as a warning. This was just one of those things he wasn’t going to budge on. You weren’t ever going to win this argument.

And so you took the time to print out this and hope for the best. Two hundred and seventy-eight pages weigh a fuckton, say nothing of the weight of their meaning. Your palms are sweating full-stop now.

Since your desk had to be driven from your off-campus apartment to the compound, it was one of the first things moved in. You set the beast of pulp down with a thud, leaving it to rest and cool off—or maybe just you need to rest and cool down—because Steve’s not back from his latest pickup from downstairs. Shame, but oh well, you’ll do it later.

The manuscript fits in the second drawer. You even put it face down, so it looks just like a stack of paper, not even Steve’s good drawing paper. He has no reason to look or to want it. It’s only going to be until you next see him, which might be seconds away. That thought makes your stomach swirl harshly.

Now to grab some lunch. He’ll be so proud you remembered to feed yourself without his prodding, especially because you aren’t sitting at work with a whole group of people who walk out to do just that every day. Compromise and growth. It’s a beautiful thing.

*     *     *

“D’ya’know, one of the perks of billionaire life is paying someone to do this for you,” Tony drawls with a click of his tongue slapped on the end for good measure. He doesn’t help, of course; he just leans against the door frame.

“Yeah, well, I’m not a billionaire, Tony.” Steve lifts the third-to-last box of books and papers (plus one surprise), the heaviest by far because you efficiently stuffed it full, a Tetris of bricks. Good thing he’s a super-soldier, or you would’ve had to unpack it and carry the same contents in four smaller bins.

“You and the misses are so cheap,” Stark chides.

Steve doesn’t even correct him. Tony has offered so many bad ideas for the wedding that Steve needs a single day without giving him ammunition. “We aren’t cheap. We’re thrifty. It’s a good quality to have. Maybe you could even try it sometime.”

“Ew—“ Tony wrinkles his nose as if he too saw what the empty fridge looked like this morning “—why.”

Steve snorts and pushes past the loving idiot in his way.

“When’s the housewarming party?” Tony calls after him.

If Steve could roll his eyes hard enough to shake the ground beneath Stark’s feet, he would, but alas, that kind of power eludes him. You two are only moving to a different floor, one with larger (and thus fewer) residentially suites. Instead of Steve’s original and perfectly adequate one-bedroom apartment, you’ll have three rooms and two and a half baths. You and Steve agree that it’s a bit excessive, even though you’ve been giddily chatting on how to use all the space several nights in a row, legs tangled together in bed as Steve called dibs on the smallest room to use as a studio.

You’d crossed your arms in a huff of fake irritation, shoving your naked breasts together in a ploy to distract him (in the dark because you know he can see that and it will get you what you want). “Fine, but then the other is an office or work storage. And that includes—“ you emphasized your point with a finger to his chest “—your suit, shield, and weapons. I don’t want them in the closet anymore.”

“Hmm,” Steve acted perplexed, using his Cap voice for a minute, “what if I say ‘no?’”

You cocked an eyebrow and shimmied your feet behind his calves. “That’s the hill you wanna die on?”

“No.“ He leaned forward and pushed your arm out of the way, hand sliding over your ribcage so his thumb could caress the soft swell of you. It’s his favorite. “But you’re very cute when you’re annoyed.”

“Oh, welcome, Captain Critical to my bedroom,” you teased.

“Our bedroom.” Steve’s arm wrapped around your back to pull you closer. He’d kissed you with a smile on his lips because he knows it makes you giggle. “Must be true love if I move the suits for ya, huh?”

Steve fondly recalls all of this while he waits for the elevator. These books are actually heavy enough that he doesn’t take the stairs.

You had then playfully smacked his arm.

“No, Sketch. Separate bathrooms is true love.”

He just smiled wider, hugged you a little closer, and ticked his nose up to nuzzle at your neck.

“That’s the saying, huh? Separate bathrooms make the heart grow fonder?”

He would have laughed if he weren’t thoroughly distracted by the pulse of your heartbeat against his lips. Suddenly, you didn’t have any more quips for him either.

The elevator dings, and there you are, smiling brightly as you see it’s him.

“I’m gonna get us some food. You’ve earned it, big buy,” you say with a wink, but Steve hears a nervous edge to it. Maybe you’re still concerned with how heavy the boxes are or how many trips back and forth he’s been taking, but since he’s almost finished before lunchtime, he doesn’t see the big deal.

So all he replies with is “sounds good.”

It does sound good. It sounds perfect because you’ll be out for a bit and he’s got that surprise to hang in the new place. Since he knows he can grab it now, he hurriedly drops off the heavy box and races to the stairs. He saved the surprise for last, but two boxes ahead of schedule will do just fine.

Only one other thing, he wants to write a little note, but everything is packed away. There might be paper floating around in your desk still. He’ll take a look when he gets back up.

*     *     *

It takes way longer than it should to drive out and pick up Indian. There’s traffic, a line, a substitution they needed to make when something suddenly ran out, but it’s fine. You are nowhere near as put out as the staff rushing around the packed restaurant (and you got a refill on mango lassi, so you can’t complain).

You ask Friday to swing open the door since your hands are full. It still smells like new apartment when you step in, and you passingly wonder if your first meal will christen the whole place with a homey aroma. If that’s the case, your mouth is going to water every time you come home, an impulse Steve will wildly approve of since it’s just another reminder he won’t have to give.

Steve isn’t visible from the entrance or the kitchen. You put the food on the counter and check to see if anything will need heating a little more before digging in, and then you see it.

A long rectangle wrapped in brown paper sits across the coffee table. It’s not a shape you recognize as one of the paintings you packed from downstairs, but it sits with the taped side up. Maybe Tony dropped it off? He loves to collect art. Well, Pepper loves to collect art, and Tony loves to ownart.

Your finger slices beneath a corner fold. Steve’s not really one for surprises—another reason you’re so worried about your little project—so he won’t mind if he’s not here for an unveiling of a gift. Where is he anyway? Only one of the huge book boxes is there sitting by the door, so he might still be—

Oh my god.


It’s you. The whole thing is you, or you two rather. Nearly two feet tall and one foot wide, it’s a close-up of your favorite photo of you and Steve.

But this isn’t a photo. Steve has drawn you in painstaking detail, with vivid colors, and soft edges. His arms are wrapped around you from behind as he curls forward to kiss your cheek. Your head is lifted with a huge, toothy smile, open and laughing. Natasha took the original. You and Steve don’t really remember to take photos much, and there was one time, just one time, you joked that “it’s no big deal, he can sketch us anyway” in front of everyone. You’ve never seen him draw you, but you don’t ask because he wants things private until he shares them, like everything about you two and your relationship so far.

Butoh my god. You loved the original photo. You didn’t care that you didn’t have makeup on or that you wore one of his oversized sweaters. You didn’t care that your flesh rolled just a smidge between his tight arms across your middle. You didn’t care that your hair looked a bit lost because it was pulled back and out of frame. That was the photo.

This. This is you and Steve absolutely perfect. The tone of your hair is noticeably portrayed in a style you love, your skin is flawless, and he’s changed the sweater he wears to your favorite color. He hasn’t made it hyper-realistic. He didn’t simply copy over what he saw in the photograph. He interpreted what you adored about it with a few added bonuses. You look amazing. You look joyous. Most importantly, he’s captured how in love he looks by your side, enveloping you, feeding your body his heat on that brisk cold day.

You can feel that heat in your cheeks now.

“Steve,” you call out, unable to take your eyes off the art. His art. It’s already framed and everything. It’s like he knew you would want it up right here in the living room. “Steve!”

It’s odd he’d take so long to come back up—shit.

On your way to the door, you see him. He’s leaning on your desk because there’s no chair. You’ve ordered a new one, and it hasn’t arrived yet. In his hands, Steve is flipping through a document about three hundred pages thick. Your brain can’t even make up any option but the worst.

He found it. He found it with no explanation, no lead-in, no excuse.

“Sweetheart,” you huff in a rush to get over and take it back before too much damage is done. It’s not as perfect as his drawing of you; you know now that it’s not ready. Your sinuses seize and threaten to flood your vision while you beg to have it back, but Steve just holds out a long arm and easily keeps you at bay while he continues to read…

…about himself, about his life.

You’re not even sure what gibberish comes out of your mouth before he finally lifts a crystal clear gaze to you.

“What is this?”

“It’s nothing. It’s stupid. Please just put it down. I promise I’ll get rid of it if you—“

“Keeps,what is this?”

“Um, it’s,” and then you mumble a bit. His stern look tells you to try again. “It’s a…biography. Kinda. I wrote down every story you’ve ever told me. And then I…put in commentary about why it’s all important. How it all—“ a shaky breath ravages your tense system “—made you the man you are today.”

“Honey,” Steve starts with an inscrutable tone. You’re not sure what’s coming but your mind is on fire. “When did you start this?”

You giggle nervously, afraid to admit the truth, but he’ll know. Steve Rogers will know if you lie to him.

“The day…” you say quietly, “the same day you…when I sat on your couch for the first time. The day my hand was injured, again, well, the second time. I wrote down little descriptions of how you looked sketching, real you, not Captain you. I didn’t know what I’d do with it, but I knew even then that most people don’t get to see that. It just…snowballed from there.”

From where his finger sits in the stack, Steve’s already forty to fifty pages in. How long has he been in here? Jeez! He looks down at the manuscript and then back out toward the hall. He runs a broad hand over his face.

“So like a year,” he questions.

You nod and bite your lip.

“Dang, I—“ The sharp, slapping thud of paper on your desk startles you until you’re pulled into a huge hug. “I only spent three weeks on the picture.”

“Heh,” you cry-laugh. Your shoulders kick up to your ears even under the weight of Steve’s arms. “I’m an over-achiever.”

Now it’s his turn to laugh, but he’s more focused on tucking his arms beneath yours to lift you up. Your hands slide across his shoulders and bury your fingers in his hair. Steve hums between chuckles. You can feel his smile through your shirt at your collarbone.

His words are muffled in the fabric. “What’s it called?”

You quickly sweep away a few recklessly shedding tears and gasp in relief. “Ah, well, the working title—the one I’m leaning toward—is The Son of Joseph and Sarah.

Steve stops laughing. He grips you tighter for a long moment.

It’s bright daylight. You both are fully clothed in a nearly furniture-less room. You aren’t even eye-to-eye, but neither of you has ever been so exposed to the other. From early on, Steve said he struggled to find the lines to capture you. You replied by saying you wanted the words to describe him. You’re both here now, at the finish line of your separate lives, at the start of your lives together, and you’ve done it: you’ve learned one another enough to show what you’ve seen. It’s beautiful. It’s flawed. It’s a long, long time in the making. It involves so many people and experiences you weren’t around for, but you understand.

You let Steve hold you as long as he wants, and after what feels like an eternity (which isn’t enough), he untucks his face and sniffs the air.

“Oh, wow, that smells good. I’m starving.”

You’d completely forgotten again. Good thing he’s around to remind you.

I can’t handle how sweet Steve would be in a relationship, guys. Like this literally haunts me at night–his cuteness, his support. Just dying, but really happy about it? Ugh, ok, happy Thursday everyone! Dignity get’s updated tomorrow…


Ope! Almost forgot there’s a masterlist.

The Dignity of His Choice (1)

Symbol, Part One (continued from Fools Rush In, see Masterlist)

Summary: You’re told your husband, Steve Rogers, has died while on a mission.

Warnings:aaaaaaangst, kinda violence, swearing? (sexual references, Minors DNI) [takes place approx. 2 yrs after you and Steve marry because it’s all out of order, sry, and I am purposefully playing with past/present tense here so hopefully it’s not distracting]

It’s odd, the complete fracture you feel in your mind, body, and soul when Bucky says it. He twitches but keeps eye contact.

“He’s gone,” Bucky croaks. “Steve’s gone.”

Your whole being turns to stone, and an atom bomb of effort goes into simply ticking your head back and forth a single millimeter. You almost laugh. Bucky can’t be serious. There’s no way.

Except his face is slack, not angry. Bucky would be fighting if there was even a chance Steve could be alive. He’d wage war on a galactic army. He wouldn’t be pitying you. He’d be promising you Steve’s safe return or justice. Instead, Bucky stands with wide, puppy dog eyes.

He’s sorry.

He’s fucking sorry?

Well, that’s not enough. That’s not fair.

And then Bucky tries to say it.

“I’m sor—“

CRACK!The force of your hand across his face ripples Bucky’s cheek, and the echo takes a long second to roll all the way down the otherwise empty lab. You worked late, not liking to go back home knowing Steve’s away. Because Steve is away. That’s all. Steve is just away.

Bucky looks less wounded than before you hit him. He looks resigned, like he deserved that (which he did), like he expects much more (which you might give), and finally, Bucky looks like it changes nothing. The only sense that slap knocked into anyone was the lasting sting across your palm.

You are screaming, but only on the inside because it is even harder to move now than it was to shift your head. Your soul is shaking as if an earthquake rattles the entire earth below you, but your body doesn’t even let you breathe. If you could still your heart, you just might because Steve is…

The fissure grows, a small chasm between two perfectly competing thoughts. Steve could be dead. Sure. No. Probably…not? There’s also Steve’s job. It’s a weird fucking job that includes all sorts of ridiculous dangers including faking death, but why would Bucky have to tell you the lie? Steve is your husband. Surely you can know? Then there’s the possibility that if Steve is really gone, and you behave like he’s totally alive and coming home any day, you will be considered insane, delusional, or irrational.

You are not irrational.

Yougasp because you stopped breathing.

The heaving inhale startles Bucky. He has a hand out toward you, hovering a few inches from your arm, but he pulls it back. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you realize he didn’t flinch at your violence; what shocked him was your sign of life. Bucky still looks guilty. He looks afraid of you or your reaction. He looks…devastated.

Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe it’s real. And if it’s real and you’re wrong and Steve is gone…

“What am I supposed to do?”

Your eyes lock onto a blank space on the wall behind Bucky. Your husband’s best friend shifts in your periphery, not knowing what to do either. There’s a faint noise, a whine, a distraughtwhine, and you turn again, staring right into his grey eyes surrounded by red and sorrow.

You once told Steve that hugging was your superpower. Bucky stands there, curled inward but on display, a wounded animal. If anyone needs a hug, it’s him. His best friend is gone, and he was right there to watch.

But your husband is gone, and you were not there. Only Bucky was. Only one of you had even a chance to save Steve Rogers, and it wasn’t you.

You walk out of the lab without another word, leaving Bucky alone with what you can only hope is as great a shame as your bubbling anger.

* * *

You forgot yourself that first night. You walked right back to your apartment in the compound and just stood there, holding the door open, looking around at all this familiar stuff that Steve touched days ago. His sketches were still out on the coffee table with his pencil tin open beside them, his way of reminding himself to sharpen a few before putting them away again.

You curled up onto the couch that still smelled of him and pulled the tartan throw over you, the one that you had never, ever seen Captain Keeps-A-Neat-House fold before tossing it over the back cushion, not even after it was laundered. You slept. You forgot the news when you woke up, and systematically got ready for work and down to the lab.

The lab triggered it. Only one person was already there, and they watched you freeze in the middle of the room, stare up at a random spot on the wall, and walk right back out.

The media had it by midday, and you immediately turn off your phone. You and Steve don’t keep a television in the apartment, considering there are a whopping five-hundred and twelve monitors in this building alone, and you would have to turn on the radio.

You found yourself doing that a lot in the first days: switching back and forth in tenses when you spoke or thought. Everything happens like the murky, slow churn of an old-fashioned riverboat.

Old-fashioned. It hurt how much you were reminded of him, but somehow you became more upset with yourself when things didn’t remind you of him. Forgetting for one second was tantamount to wiping your life clean of him and spitting on his grave.

Oh god, his grave.

They’ve set the funeral for a week and three days after.

Pepper comes to your door, and for a heated flash, you think she’s come with agents to strip-mine Steve’s quarters for government property and potential memorabilia. If they touch his sketches, more people than just Steve will be dead. You growl in preparation before opening the door.

But no, Pepper quietly makes you tea and talks about details. The woman—bless her—finds a way to ask the most indelicate questions about logistics and event details so that all you have to do is nod, shake your head, or look up at her. God, she is good at her job, except you now realize you are being managed. Pepper is too soothing for it to matter much, though in the back of your mind, you resent your status as a prop to move around.

Your brain also starts a joke it won’t finish: Mrs. Stark and Mrs. Rogers sit on a couch planning a funeral. Whose is it?

You rub at the etched surface of your necklace absently before pressing it between your lips, staring at Steve’s pencils which still stare back from the table. 

Pepper might be efficient, but with you, she is anything but cold. She can interpret any body language. She takes notes. Half a mug of tepid tea sits in your bundled hands by the time she wraps up your checklist. She’s setting up prepared meals to be delivered and stored in your freezer. You get a passing mental image of Scott Lang showing up with a homemade tofu casserole and silently thank Pepper for saving you the extra grief of refusal. Somehow, you don’t have the energy to ask how, she knows you don’t mind leftovers in the least.

You told him that in a hotel room once when Steve chose to let food sit because he would rather touch you than eat. There used to be times when he would rather touch you than breathe, or so it seemed. 

A week before he died, Steve clung to you during sex, held you so closely, different than other times. His big hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you towards powerful thrusts. There was something so distinctly feral about his need for you that night. You relished it then but are haunted now. You’ll never have that again. It still doesn’t feel real.

All you can think about after Pepper leaves is Steve’s touch. You try to sleep instead. You cry instead. Hours later, your mind takes pity on you and suspends its punishing cycle.

In a haze of exhaustion and heartache, you can picture him. He’s in bed with you, gently sweeping dirty hair away from your tear-stained face. He smiles, big and bright, scooting forward with a hand floating down to the small of your back as he chats. You can’t hear the words. You’re just watching, excited by his excitement, and he leans to kiss you. He pulls you to him and with a laugh rolls you over onto his chest. His kiss is gentle before it deepens, the pressure of his fingers in your hair mounts with each flick of his tongue against yours.

Your brain doesn’t lie to the point of making you say you miss him because Steve hasn’t returned. Steve is dead, but with a bit of imagination, your fingers feel like his fingers. They can do what his did. You can imagine his clear and intense blue eyes obsessively taking in the sight of you coming apart before he drops to your chest for his favored, lingering kisses and love bites all across your neck and breasts. Picturing his body helps. Thinking of his soft hair in your hands helps, too. What breaks you, the thing that tips you over the edge, is his hum. It’s just a memory, but you can hear the musical, happy sound so vividly that your body shakes with it as you climax.

The cruel joke is that your brain mimics his voice.

Can I keep you?

But he can’t. He can’t keep you, and you can’t keep him because Steve Rogers is gone.

* * *

It’s day who-the-fuck-cares now, and you’re back to your marathon walks in the gym. You used to do that. It’s one of the reasons you grew close to Steve in the first place. You’d had a trauma and walked an unhealthy amount of time around this very track years ago. From that concerning surveillance footage, someone assigned you to a therapy meeting led by Captain Rogers. Then you were shocked and concerned about your sibling, Ro, coming out as enby, so you walked some more. Steve had walked right through these doors you keep passing, probably having been alerted that the Weird Walking Lady was back on the security screens, but then he gave you his number and asked you on a date.

You screamed more in excitement then than you’ve screamed in pain now. The thought sinks into your sorrow-dense bones, but you just keep walking.

They clearly watch you on all the video feeds because even though this is the employee track (and the Avengers have their own personal training area), someone is always there. It starts with Sam Wilson. He plays off what he’s doing the best, running laps casually while you wear noise-canceling headphones that aren’t playing music since your phone is off and sitting on the coffee table with sketches you won’t move. Sam either gets tired or has to go back to real work, but within seconds of him leaving, Natasha walks in. That’s the dead giveaway; Nat isn’t a fucking walker. Punching bag? Yes. Intense sparring? Absolutely. Intimidatingly lifting more than her own bodyweight? Hell yeah. Walking?Not on your fucking life (or Steve’s).

You openly glare at her for a beat, not moving your headphones or stopping, but she does it. Natasha walks just behind you for nearly ninety minutes before Bucky joins with a couple of water bottles in hand. He offers one to Nat as you both move towards him in your separate lanes, and then he holds the other out to you.

You swat it out of his hand and traipse right out the door he just came in.

Tony Stark is in the hall leading to your apartment as you approach. His arms are already up asking for forgiveness, but you can’t hear him and don’t care what he has to say.

“No,” you yell with a finger pointed at him, pushing him to back off enough so you can get in the door. Your back stays facing him until after the door is shut.

When you finally take off the headphones, F.R.I.D.A.Y chirps over a speaker.

Mrs. Rogers, you have thirty messages awaiting review.”

“Do any of them mention Steve being alive?”

No, ma’am.

“Then delete all of them.”

The AI reminds you of how watched you are, even in your own home—or what used to feel like a home—so you make a knee-jerk decision to pack a bag, grab your wallet, and leave. It’s not until the door of the hotel room clicks shut that you realize how thirsty and hungry you are. You pour water into the small cup from the bathroom tap and drain the glass seven times before splashing your face and walking back to the bed. Now, you’re too tired to order food.

At the bottom of your bag sits the very first thing you packed. Not a toothbrush. Not deodorant. Not face wash. It’s Steve cologne. You can’t fall asleep without smelling him, without being surrounded in some way by air that reminds you of his existence. It used to be a joke, that ‘second-best’ to the man himself was his shirt and a spritz of cologne, but the joke is on you now. That’s all you have left.

The amount you spray stings your nostrils. The scent should choke you at this potency. It can’t. All the smell can do is become thick and corporeal while it radiates from the pillows you stack on his side of the bed and hold like your life depends on it.

That’s because it does. Your life now depends on the memory of Steve Rogers.

Next part




Ask Game

Tag nine people you want to know better.

Thank you for tagging! @im-a-slut-for-fluff

Fav color: Green. Hands down. Like a forest/hunter green, but I own a lot of mint green stuff, too. (Not a fan of lime or much kelly green.) Emerald was one of my wedding colors.

Currently reading: shit, I should get back to that… Lots of fanfic for Steve/Reader—call it research or obsession, idk. I have Forward to the Foundation by Asimov at the foot of my bed, so let’s say that and an Agatha Christie are next.

Last song: Seasons (Waiting on You) by Future Islands

Last series: I’m rewatching Downton Abbey to go see the new movie with my mom this week. (Totally rewatched Defending Jacob last week and was an emotional wreck.) New? …uh…we are gonna start Obi-Wan tonight, I think…

Last movie: Strange and the Multiverse (in theater) *squeals for Wanda for eternity* and The First Avenger again for thots

Sweet/spicy/savory:Chocolate. All of it. White, ruby, milk, dark, WHATEVER. I will eat it. I even liked chocolate-covered potato chips, so clearly, if you put chocolate on it, I will eat that shit.

Currently working on: Fools Rush In, a Steve/Reader saga that no one asked for. It was supposed to be a one-shot (This All Day) and then die, but we are now at approximately 94k and counting. One day, I will return to my beloved Stark Legacy/Mistress Arsenal (Endgame AU), but Fools just won’t leave me alone until it’s all out…

No pressure tags: @barnesmurdock@geeky-politics-46@captainson-of-coul@icuminurbutt@fangirl-swagg@rogersideup@unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men@captainsimagines@whiskeytangofoxtrot555

Omg thank you so much for tagging me! I really love your work, so I’m kind of a fan

Also, sorry for the late reply, I gave my exam a few hours and then went out with my friends.

Favourite Colour: Blue. Like that dark night navy blue. But I also appreciate a good dark red (not maroon).

Currently Reading: I don’t read books BUT I love fanfics. I’m reading them all the time and was just reading Lizzygal’s (she is on AO3) Toxic series for IDK the hundredth time. It’s a Captain Hydra!Steve fic with several parts and it’s so well written. So, definitely worth checking out.

Last Song: Dancing Feet by Kygo and DNCE

Last Movie: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (ngl Wanda scared me for a second but I love her )

Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Ok that is a really difficult question for an Indian and ugh I can’t choose but I will go with savory.

Currently working on: I don’t write, so can I say I’m preparing for practicals lol

Also, please don’t stop writing your Fools Rush In series. I’m in love with it

ERMERGERD LizzyGal’s Royal Scandal is addictive. King!Steve is bae.

thanks for playing!

feels like i should link to what/who we’re talking about so hereon Ao3


* = smut

Steve Rogers



First Dance


Catch Me if You Can

*Behind Closed Doors

Long Enough

Run Away Baby (Suspended)Intro 1 2 3 4 5

Our Eyes(Finished)1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Why Not Me?(In Progress)Intro

Bucky Barnes 

First Date

Across the Room

Soft Side



December 16th

The Secret of These Hands(Suspended)Intro 1 2 3 4

There(Finished)Intro 1 2 3 45 *67 89 Epilogue

Birthday(Finished)1 *2

Battered and Bruised (Finished) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

Pietro Maximoff 

The Spark of the First Encounter 

Long Nights

The View 

Sharing the Tub

*Jealous Much? 

Pillow Talks

Peter Parker

City Lights


By Your Side

Leave Your Mark

Read to Me

Love Divided (Suspended) Intro 1 2 3 4 5

Pool Fun (Finished) 1*2

Loki Odison

Not So Bad After All


Bar Fight

Welcome to the Family

Rave Reactions

Last Updated: 1/7/18

‘Tis been updated! 
