


hello studyblr community! \(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)/

i’m back with a new bujo spread to share. i’ve gone long enough here on tumblr so might as well be back with this beige theme spread for the first week of march. i’m so excited coz next week will be my birthday. yey! i’m still busy with my undergraduate thesis but i’m half way through it + next next week will be our midterm examination, so probably, i’m gonna study on my birthday. lol. also, thank you for sticking around here in my blog! i will always be grateful.

right now i’m finishing my presentation on my undergrad. seminar about stem cells as treatment for osteoarthritis! it’s quite difficult but we can do this. have a great day everyone!


Hello studyblr community!

It’s been quite a while since i last posted a content. I’m very grateful to mention that i defended my thesis proposal successfully! (high-five!), i still need to do some revisions though but at-least i can update this blog guilt-free!

This week is our midterm exams but i only have 2 subjects to study. I got more time for studying but my lazy butt is not in the mood to do so. Right now, i just drew the Integumentary System for our Human Anatomy class. Our exam on that subject is 2 weeks ahead from now, so i’m doing some light review of what we’ve discussed. There are more body parts to study so wish me luck everyone!

Also, remember that stress and hard times when studying is part of our journey (as for mine, the Thesis i’ve been ranting before ) but make sure to do the best that you can and i assure you, best prizes are waiting in the end. I know you can make it through! I believe in you, so goodluck and give your best in studying! Thank you so much everyone!


Ain ♡

18-08-18 Good morning everyone!So happy to announce that i survived my first two weeks at uni. Yey18-08-18 Good morning everyone!So happy to announce that i survived my first two weeks at uni. Yey18-08-18 Good morning everyone!So happy to announce that i survived my first two weeks at uni. Yey

Good morning everyone!
So happy to announce that i survived my first two weeks at uni. Yey! Being a fourth year pre-med student is quite bombarding. I’ve still got a lot of things to do but i just like to share my notes with you guys. Here are my notes in Human Anatomy&Physiology! there are tons of body parts to memorise but i’m actually having fun studying this subject!
I’m looking forward to post more contents, thanks for hanging around with me. You guys are amazing! ✨

Sending virtual hugs&kisses,

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05-08-18 Hello studybloggers!Guess who’s back? Me! I miss the community and i’m sorry for taking a05-08-18 Hello studybloggers!Guess who’s back? Me! I miss the community and i’m sorry for taking a

Hello studybloggers!
Guess who’s back? Me! I miss the community and i’m sorry for taking a very looong hiatus. Tomorrow will be the first day of this school year and I’m a fourth year pre-med student already! Still couldn’t believe i survived my third year life. Also, here are my school supplies haul. Muji-inspired notebooks and minimalist pens!
I hope i will be more active this school year and thank you for being with me since the very beginning of my journey in this blog! I’m very grateful to be in this studyblr community! ☺️ Have a blissful day everyone! ˚₊*(ˊॢo̶̶̷̤◡ुo̴̶̷̤ˋॢ)*₊˚⁎

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23-05-18 Up with a new content! Hello everyone! So happy to announce that this school year has final23-05-18 Up with a new content! Hello everyone! So happy to announce that this school year has final23-05-18 Up with a new content! Hello everyone! So happy to announce that this school year has final23-05-18 Up with a new content! Hello everyone! So happy to announce that this school year has final

Up with a new content!
Hello everyone! So happy to announce that this school year has finally come to an end! Hooray! I’m really glad for more hours of sleep, guilt-free binge watching and novels reading. No more impossible schedules and unending school deets. I’ll be posting more content maybe sooner or later, right now I will savour this moment of solitude and guilt-free feeling! :)
How’s everyone doing? Please let me know! I’ll be happy to hear it out.
Have a great day studybloggers!

those are my notes from our Parasitology. :) goodbye nematodes, cestodes, trematodes and protozoa!

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09-05-18 Updating with a new content after ages, my bad.Hello everyone! Here is my bujo for the mo09-05-18 Updating with a new content after ages, my bad.Hello everyone! Here is my bujo for the mo09-05-18 Updating with a new content after ages, my bad.Hello everyone! Here is my bujo for the mo

Updating with a new content after ages, my bad.
Hello everyone! Here is my bujo for the month of May, spread from last week. I’ve been into multi-tasking these past few weeks, studying while re-watching the sequel of Harry Potter and yes, i’m not so much into it (lol). It’s a shame for a 19-year-old like me to watch the whole story of HP and find it very amazing! I’m so amused with the story up to the character and cinematic! That is why my theme last week was inspired by the movie. :) I’ve been also planning to make another bujo like this but not right now coz finals week is approaching! I am currently studying Cell and Molecular Biology bec. we’ll be having our exam there this coming friday, so yep. I just updated everyone and now have to go back to studying. Hoping for everyone’s success for today! :D wish me luck studyblogger!

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06-04-18 Nothing is greater than a free morning class! I’m not a morning-type of person but I’m happ06-04-18 Nothing is greater than a free morning class! I’m not a morning-type of person but I’m happ06-04-18 Nothing is greater than a free morning class! I’m not a morning-type of person but I’m happ06-04-18 Nothing is greater than a free morning class! I’m not a morning-type of person but I’m happ

Nothing is greater than a free morning class! I’m not a morning-type of person but I’m happy to be productive this morning and these past few days!
I admit i really don’t have so much time to take aesthetic notes and bujo but i do when i have an extra time. It’s because of my thesis :( but i’ll try to catch up with everyone asap. So to compromise my absences, here’s my minimal black & white bujo for this week! Yes, i’m a b&w sucker. Kekeke~
Hope everyone’s doing well. We got this! ᕕ༼✿•̀︿•́༽ᕗ

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03-13-18 Hello studybloggers! I’m back with some notes on Parasitology and a cup of tea! Sorry for u

Hello studybloggers!
I’m back with some notes on Parasitology and a cup of tea! Sorry for updating very late. This week is our midterm exams and I’m dying. I just borrowed some time coz I want to update you guys and today is my birthday!
We may be flooded with many school requirements but don’t forget to prioritise your self! You are more important! Have a hydrating day studybloggers!

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03-02-18 Welcoming February! Hello everyone, I just survived the first one month of university and I03-02-18 Welcoming February! Hello everyone, I just survived the first one month of university and I03-02-18 Welcoming February! Hello everyone, I just survived the first one month of university and I03-02-18 Welcoming February! Hello everyone, I just survived the first one month of university and I

Welcoming February!
Hello everyone, I just survived the first one month of university and I’m dying (lol). Thesis is taking my soul out of my body but I’m trying my best to be productive still. I’ve got inspired by you guys and I’m very grateful for the 7k followers! I love you all! Despite of my inactiveness, you guys still support my blog! Let’s keep this support-each-other no matter what. I hope everyone’s doin’ well. I’ve got colds rn but I’m fine. Be hydrated and inspired to push through whatever you want to pursue! I’m here for all of you *sending virtual hugs!

Yep, I’m the one who’s sticked there. ✌

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06-01-18 Hello everyone! So happy to get back on track again. Sorry for being so inactive for the pa06-01-18 Hello everyone! So happy to get back on track again. Sorry for being so inactive for the pa06-01-18 Hello everyone! So happy to get back on track again. Sorry for being so inactive for the pa

Hello everyone! So happy to get back on track again. Sorry for being so inactive for the past 3 months, uni got 89.9% of my life! Lol. Here’s my weekly spread for the first week of the year! I’ll try to become more active this time and upload some of the lectures I made. Btw, happy new year studyblr community! Let’s start the year full of hopes, determination and motivation! Chase down our dreams and turn it into reality!
Have a great day studybloggers! ✨

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Winter Studying Challenge

7th January: Do you like the cold?

I think it can be refreshing and nice but I much prefer the feeling of coming in from the cold! I’ve been raking leaves in the garden this morning to get over what happened in Washington DC last night and now I’m moving onto my next essay. X Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

4th January: What is the most important things that’s going to happen to you this year? - I would have to say graduating with a Masters Degree!

5th January: Would you rather live in a world where it’s always winter or always summer? - Both could be equally eerie! I think I would prefer always summer because I miss reading and doing yoga outside, but I love the chill in the air sometimes. Autumn is my favourite season.

Winter Studying Challenge

2nd January: have you made any new years’ resolutions?

Sort of! I’m starting Spanish lessons next week. With an eating disorder my resolutions have always been to lose weight and this year I have struggled not to repeat that, so I would rather not make any resolutions really.

I’ve submitted one essay and have two and a presentation for a grad scheme to go! I also had to do a numeracy test which was so anxiety inducing, so my therapy was digging up these jerusalem artichokes! They’re my favourite! X Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

27th December: What was the best moment (of your Christmas)?

This Christmas I didnt have the difficult family moments of previous years. It was a quieter, more grateful christmas. I hope everyone had a nice time. Xx Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

21st December Q: What was the most memorable holiday celebration you had at school? A: my school did a christmas talent show! We would always do the 12 Days of Christmas as a whole school and in year 11 you got to do 5 GOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDD RIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGSSS and it would be so exciting that usually the year 11s would sing all through the last round one long RIIIIIINNNNGGGGSSSS!

22nd December: Q: Finish this thought: “It wouldn’t be Christmas without” A: a tree! I just think I would feel really sad if we couldn’t have a tree. We went through some difficult times following my parents divorce and couldn’t afford a real one, so we got a fake one. This is the first year since then that we can afford a real one!

Winter Studying Challenge

20th December: Q: what’s your least favourite holiday food? A: difficult to say! I actually dont love mince pies all that much. I have a gastric condition and they’re a bit bad for it!

I’m leaving brighton and my boyfriend for christmas to go back home. London’s in the same lockdown as spring now and it’s actually a good thing for me because I wasted loads of time when I could still go out! I have no many deadlines.

Winter Studying Challenge

18th December: Q: what is a Christmas song that makes you cringe? A: Santa Baby! Ugh it’s so cringe

19th December: Q: what is your favourite holiday food? A: That’s so hard! It’s so close between smoked salmon and caviar blinis oorr really strong brandy butter on Christmas pudding!

I have been moving in my boyfriend to his new flat in Brighton x Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

15th December: Q: what is the coolest gift you ever gave to someone? A: ahh oh no I’m not sure… I gave someone a star named after them once!

16th December: Q: what is your favourite christmas movie? A: this is so hard! I think its between Love Actually, the first Harry Potter, and we always watch Wallace and Gromit the wrong Trousers!

17th December: what is your favourite Christmas song/Carol? A: top three! All I want for christmas is you the my chemical romance version, dance of the sugar plum fairy, and Patapan/o come o come Emmanuel by Mindy Gledhill
