#suggestion blog



You’re my fairy tale, my happily ever after.


never too late to be a brand new you, to start over, to rewrite your story, to dream new dreams


I can’t wait to sleep in your arms again


i still wonder how we found each other


wish i could bury my face in your shoulder as you wrap your arms around me and tell me it’s okay


I just want to hold you in my arms as we fall asleep together


when you feel emptiest, remember to eat something and drink some water. remember to breath and to un-tense your shoulders.


i wasn’t sure i could find love again, but then i met you and my whole world changed


Your excitement is adorable and I’ll do anything to make you smile like that again


you have dimples when you smile and i don’t know how to tell you how much i love them


things that you are that’s so cute: your aloof smile, your abundance of dimples, and your blush when your hand gently encloses mine

Date a nonbinary person who (mostly) can’t see out of one eye due to a birth defect

date a nonbinary person whos just really fucking chubby. like a fucking squish . just so fuckign chu

Date a nonbinary person who loves succulents but can never ever keep them alive.

Date a nonbinary person who is autistic and is scared most of the time

date a nonbinary person who keeps getting physical hurt because of dumb things

Date a nonbinary person who uses wigs to express themselves

Date an enby who loves your favorite youtuber/actor/musical/musician more than you do.

Date a non-binary who forgives your past. Date one who disregards your Cracker Barrel arson charge. Heck, date one who was an accomplice in the Cracker Barrel arson if you can.

Date an enby who is willing to sit through 3 high School musical movies with you just to please you!

Date a nonbinary person who can show you who they really are.

Date a nonbinary person who is a complete nerd about their work and lies in bed with you telling you all about it while you kiss their shoulder and you hold hands

Date a NB person who writes “what what in the butt” on their Converse

Date a nonbinary person who promises to kick their future selfs ass if they ever forget how to show how much they love you ❤️

Date a non binary person who cares about your wellbeing.

Date a nonbinary person who gets really anxious about being vulnerable around you

Date a nonbinary person who’s afraid to express themself due to their weight

date a nonbinary person who pays for half of your planeticket home when you’re depressed and in a different country and just want to go home
