#self care suggestion


You know that you are more than enough, you know that you matter, you know your value. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.

Take that pencil and draw, even if you haven’t done it for years. Pick up that guitar and strum it, even if you never took a single class. Click that camera button and take a picture, even if you don’t know anything about temperature or saturation. You should do what you feel drawn to even if you think that you aren’t “skilled”. You should do it because you genuinely enjoy it, which is more than enough.

Don’t allow the negativity of others to make you doubt of your worth. The only person you should be competing with is your past self.

Never forget that being connected to your own self is the most important thing before anything else. Knowing who you are and staying true to yourself is the ultimate form of self care.

It is very easy to start developing a negative mindset when looking at other people’s lives, maybe because of envy, maybe because of jealousy. Remember that most people show only one side of the medal, nobody’s life is perfect.


Being in college I’ve learned how crucial self talk is. I just broke up with what I thought was a really nice guy. But I was hurting, and alone. My family and most friends were asleep. So I had to go breath by breath for a while because it just hurt. It’s okay if it hurts. You just gotta go take care of you. For me that was sitting in my car on a heated seat and crying for a bit. Self care takes on a lot of forms. Do what works
