#positive blog


you will succeed, one bad day, week, month, or year does not mean you won’t ever be successful. it’s ok to ‘fail’ at things, but don’t think of them as failures, think of them as steps to success. thomas edison tried to make a lightbulb 1000 times and only succeeded on attempt 1001. so don’t be discouraged by failure, don’t be discouraged if things don’t go your way. life is messy and things happen that might surprise you, so go with the flow and live every day enjoying yourself, not worrying about possible failures.

Happy Valentines Day!

Know that you are special and you are loved, not only today but every day! I hope y'all are spending this day with those closest to your heart, and if not, spend this day pampering yourself and doing what you love, you deserve it for being awesome!

Thank you all for your support, I love you guys
