


not to be insane but something about dean winchester as a character who was named after his grandmother, who from a young age is put in the caretaker position for his family, who puts on a hypermasculine exterior not because it suits him or he enjoys it but because he wants to but in order to be taken seriously by his father, who gets called “daddy’s little girl” by alastair trying to get under his skin, who screams that he doesn’t deserve to go to hell but also doesn’t believe he deserved to be saved makes me feel insane in the gender department



i love castiel because he says things like “cas is back in town” and “i like texting :) emoticons :)” and “you have a guinea pig? where?”

but he also says things like “maybe they wrongfully assumed dean would be brave enough to withstand them” and “if i plan to do anything else stupid, i’ll let you know” and “maybe one day, but today you’re my little bitch”

but then sometimes he’s alsolike “strange how a leaky pipe can undo the work of angels, when we ourselves are supposed to be the agents of fate” and “freedom is a length of rope; god wants you to hang yourself with it” and “there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst”

#yeah ❤️#(and this is not really on topic but the reason I find that people write Cas so ooc to me in fic very frequently - PARTICULARLY in au fic#where he’s not an Angel - is because they cherry pick one of these aspects/don’t know how to integrate them all into the whole to represent#his fully realized nuanced character#like he IS that bitch he’ll call himself agent lizzo he’ll say ‘I don’t sweat under any circumstances.’ he’ll play connect four with his#son he’ll profess to Dean his love and everything that makes him the most loving man he’ll ever know he’ll warn Dean that he can throw him#back in he’ll intentionally make Dean jealous by saying about Benjamin ‘well you know HE’S sarcastic but *thoughtful.*’ he’ll punch a cop#and let him know that his position of corrupt authority won’t protect him from him he’ll wear the cowboy hat and quote the little movie#line because his husband has a Thing for it he’ll say ‘at least I don’t look like a lumberjack.’ he’ll die and kill for who he loves he’ll#binge watch his little Netflix episodes. he IS that bitch and he is ALL of these things) 



the empty is probably regretting taking cas because right about now cas is getting wax poetic and explaining all the ways in which he knew he loved dean, what he loves about dean, telling it about how many freckles dean has, talking about how dean gives the best hugs… you get the picture.


the cw: hey south america, did you dub the unrequited love confession from castiel for episode 18?

south american network: …unrequited what?

the cw: you know, when cas dies after saying ‘i love you, bye dean’

south american network: yeah, ‘i love you’, then bi dean

the cw: bye, dean

south american network: bi dean

the cw: BYE, DEAN



in a perfect world we would get a reciprocated love confession where they’re not on the verge of death and when dean says “i love you” back all the lights in the bunker would explode because of how happy cas is



Fan A: You’re the best
Fan B: You’re beautiful



isn’t it funny how they had to get cas out of the picture while he was human in season 9 because otherwise they could not physically have stopped dean and cas having sex???? cas experiencing human feelings for the first time????? dean seeing cas dressed in his clothes????? tell me dean wouldn’t have bumped into cas coming out of the shower only wearing a towel and they wouldn’t have ended up in bed together i’m sorry but it was inevitable so they had to get cas out of there they clearly cannot control these characters

ok ok ok the sexy stuff is great but also just imagine how SOFT human!cas and dean could’ve been???

dean towelling cas’s hair because “if you don’t dry it properly you’ll get a cold”

dean making cas loads of different meals to see what he likes to eat, then teaching him to cook them (domestic helping cas chop veggies while holding his hands and putting his chin on cas’s shoulder)

actually dean just teaching cas to do anything human whilst cas stares at him lovingly (changing a tyre, stitching up clothes etc etc)

DEAN STITCHING UP/BANDAGING CAS’S WOUNDS!! HURT/COMFORT!!!! cas hating that he can’t heal himself or dean anymore and dean saying it’s okay but begging him to be more careful

dean hugging cas for literally any reason except it’s the first time cas isn’t covered by all those layers and he can really feel him and it just fucks dean up a bit because he wants him so badly

just,,,,,,,,,human!cas and bi disaster dean thank u and goodnight

June 18th - 19th 2022


*sigh* Aight. So. On the weekend of the 19th month anniversary of Nov 19th, aka the fucking finale, Misha Compulsive Liar Collins reveals to the Melbourne’s All Hell Breaks Loose 11 panel that Cas was indeed going to be present AS HIMSELF in the original Roadhouse reunion finale

And that’s not all. He addressed what had been talked about for A WHILE during later seasons but never explained or used plot wise: Cas’ fading powers

Because yes we know they were basically nonexistent in s15 and it was very much a possible sign of “The Empty won’t be able to keep him since he’s almost not an angel anymore” or full on human!Cas

The King states he’s happy of finally being able to “talk about how much of a shitshow The Shitshow was”

Oh and he -ed everyone at the panel with the hand of a life-size crochet Cas doll, not before checking for a dick

Now, the thing is, do we believe the actor man for Cas and Dean eating pancakes and pounding on tables in Heaven’s sake or do we meme about him trying to get the attention back on him before Jensen Full Frontal Ackles comes up in “Herogasm” next week?

On a final positive note, someone in the crowd made AlCal proud by loudly calling Misha “Tranch Daddy”


“Cas was gonna be there”

-Misha #1 Cas Fighter Collins

Aries: Dick Roman
Taurus: Jo Harvelle
Gemini: Ruby
Cancer: Crowley
Leo: John Winchester
Virgo: Bobby Singer
Libra: Castiel
Scorpio: Lucifer
Sagittarius: Mary Winchester
Capricorn: Sam Winchester
Aquarius: Bela Talbot
Pisces : Dean Winchester

E P I S O D E   P O S T E R S  { s p n }  Season 2

↳ Part 8; (x)

F A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : SkinF A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S↳Season 1 : Skin
F A V O R I T E     S C R E E N C A P S

↳Season 1 : Skin

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E P I S O D E   P O S T E R S  { s p n }↳ Season 2 ( x )

E P I S O D E   P O S T E R S  { s p n}

↳ Season 2 (x)

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dustydreamsanddirtyscars:10x14 “The Executioner’s Song”Like the means to an end…dustydreamsanddirtyscars:10x14 “The Executioner’s Song”Like the means to an end…


10x14 “The Executioner’s Song”
Like the means to an end…

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