#supernatural humour


Dean: I had a bad childhood.

Crowley: I know.

Dean: What do you mean you know?

Crowley: Look at you.

Dean: What do you mean look at me?

Crowley: Look at how you stand. People who had good childhoods don’t stand like that.

Dean:Hear me out-


Dean:What if-

Castiel: No

Dean:We were-


Dean:Can you guys please stop cutting me off?

Sam:The last time you asked us to hear you out, you talked about raccoons and buttholes, so no

Sam:If it excites you and scares you at the same time then you should probably do it

Jack:Time to slap Dean while he is sleeping

*At a museum*

Jack:Can we take a picture?

Sam, taking out his phone: Sure

Claire, grabbing a painting off the wall: Alright, run quick! Before they catch us!


Jack: *Comes into the bunker kitchen late at night* Hey, can we talk?

Castiel: *Instantly panics* Yeah, sure? What’s going on?

Jack: If ‘mono’ means ‘one, and ‘poly’ means ‘two’

Jack: What the fuck does Monopoly mean?

Dean: Jack, what the fuck-

Dean: You know that feeling where your heart skips a beat?

Castiel: That’s called arrhythmia

Dean: I get that feeling every time I see y-

Castiel: You can die from it

Gabriel: I don’t think I’m the protagonist, I’m the antagonist

Gabriel: Not in an edgy “Ooh ahh, I’m evil, I’m a villain” way, I just create problems and obstacles for anyone who encounters me

Gabriel: People meet me and are inevitably worse off for it

Dean: My policy is if you see something, say something.

Jack: I saw a frog on the bus yesterday

Dean: Outstanding, this is what I’m talking about, people
