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swanqueengranger:I have wanted Swan Queen so badly and for so long and have now seen it within rea


I have wanted Swan Queen so badly and for so long and have now seen it within reach, that I honestly don’t know how I will react when we see this for real. All credit for this photo goes to evilregal-forever. So ridiculously amazing.

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Scavenger hunt

It’s persons A’s birthday and their friends decided to do a scavenger hunt across town.

Too bad they miscalculated how much there is to plan and especially when to start. So they only have one shot at this and time is running out. There is only one person both smart and organised enough to plan everything in time:

Person B, who has been A’s rival since they met. Whom they constantly fight with about trivial things and never seem to agree!

Luckily for them, after a bit of begging and the promise of free drinks and food they agree to do so.

They just hope that A will take it just as well…



Wait …

How did B know so much about A? Their favourite café? Their pizza order? Their favourite spot in the park?


Okay so we all know the whole “Oh god my ex just walked in can you please pretend to be my partner?!” Here is the aftermath.

B: Is that how they always were ?

A: What? Why?

B: Cause they sound like an asshole. Looks like one too.

A: Yeah they coul- please don’t call- they’re just-I mean ..it’s comp-

A: *realising what was just said*- Wait. Is that how you always judge people? Based on their looks and one conversation ? Cause if so, I really don’t want know what you think about me. I can’t take it tonight. *hopping off of their stool* So uh- thank you for everything and -uhh uhm- a good night! Oh and by the way : the drink is on me! Ok, so by-

B: *grabbing their wrist* I think: I just met a wonderfully, kind person who has had some bad taste in partners. And I apologise for making that person uncomfortable just now. But if that person would want to keep .. talking: I’d be more than happy to do so and show them the way I actually think. I can’t promise that I’m the best taste here either but I’d certainly treat you better than however your ex did. … only if that person would want to though. Of course.

A: *shocked and dazed* uhhh Of course

Confessions of a Perfektionist (1)

“I had it all planned out, you know? Aways knew who I am and what I want. Always knew what to do and where to go. How I’d act and what kind of people I’d befriend. Where I’d live and what I’d work on. How many pets I’d have and when I’d have them. Just… who I would be.

But now? With you here? You’ve inflicted so much chaos in me; so many emotions. And I don’t even know what I’m thinking anymore. And If you’d ask me to I’d throw everything out the window.

And I mean it. All of it. All I’ve worked on the past years-no my entire life-.All that I had planned and all that I had yet to do. Just …everything.

Without a second thought. Without looking back.

And I’ve never been more scared.

I’ve never felt more alive.”

Based on/an opposite side to this post which I received from @iwishforausername

My hand on your shoulder

We all love the feral x calm ship, right? Where one can openly and publicly express their love while the other hates any form of PDA?  And in general, we like that the calm one is able to calm the feral one down and prevent them from doing something stupid and regrettable. But sometimes–I think–in certain situations, that would not me the case. Sooo what if

The Protagonist tried to not fall into the deep slumber they so desperately needed after another one of these pointless meetings, that are more complaints about insignificances rather than discussions of the actual plan. They had hoped that the 5-minute break would calm everyone down a bit but to no avail. 

Even from half across the entrance way they could see how tense their Partner was–and even worse: they could hear how thick faced their Partners current …conversation partner was as well.

The Protagonist sighed. They knew how hard the past few meetings had been on their Partner and how little they were able to take off their shoulders, their heart and mind. Today had been even worse than all the other meetings. 

And now this? 

Before they could even think of going towards them; to lay a hand on their shoulder in silent support or a give them a warm look, acknowledging their current stress; their Partner, who had lasted the past days without doing so, had finally blown up at the person in front of them. 

Not being the only one to have noticed the show currently unfolding, everything and everyone seemed to suddenly speed up and the crowd, that had been quite divided just minutes ago, quickly gathered in shared excitement and curiosity.

But before the Protagonist could dwell on it for too long, one of Opponents supporters had run towards them, yelling indignantly: 

“This is getting out of hand! Protagonist! You’re the sensible one! Aren’t you gonna stop your Partner?!?”

The Protagonist sighed once more. 

The Opposition and their Supporters have not only been a menace to their Partner but to everyone else in the meeting as well– including the Protagonist. They had slowed down all their plans immensely and `working together` seemed to be foreign words to them. So, no. They couldn’t lie and say they weren’t satisfied­­–even amused– just a bit to see someone finally snapping at their rude associates. Especially if that someone was their Partner.

So, trying to keep their amusement in check, they answered with a small smile: “Why? They seem to be able to handle this just fine!” 

The Other clearly hadn’t expected that reaction. Clearly had expected them to immediately fold and apologise on behalf of their Partner instead. Like they usually would, when their Partner would start a fight or discussion that quickly got out of hand. So, with a dumbfounded expression and a higher pitched voice, the Other countered: 

“ Uhh?!? Cause they’re beingmore than rude and unprofessional towards My Associate?!?!!My Associate, who is in very high regards of everyone involved and beyond ?!?”

The Protagonist tried to not roll their eyes. But the more the Other`s word sank in, the more the more than rude implications of their words sank in. Their previous amusement had long vanished, yet their serene smile, they were so well known for stayed edged on their face, holding none of its usual warmth.  And when they finally turned towards the Other, their voice was still as light and calm as ever, yet with just enough of an edge to it, that it seemed to throw the Other off. 

“Wasn’t My Partner the one, who stayed calm, while being insulted to their face? Wasn’t My Partner the one who let them go on in their triad about how ‘impossible they’re to work with’? When all my Partner did, was point out some of the flaws in Your associates plan? Flaws that not only would’ve sabotaged the entire plan but also created an even bigger catastrophe then the one we’re trying to prevent. “

The Others eyes had went comically wide in fear and their complexion lost its colour. But they did not dare to answer. 

Pity them; cause the Protagonist was not yet finished.

`How dare these people constantly judge their Partner for things they pride themselves on? How dare they provoke and ridicule others, when they have only scraps to show off for? When they piggy-back on other people’s success? No. Not any longer. `

The Protagonist took a step towards the Other, gaze focused now entirely on them. 

“So pray tell: What am I supposed to stop My Partner from doing? From taking part in a meeting discussing a very. Important. Plan? One where they are a vital part in? Or do you mean stopping them from pointing out all. Those. Flaws in your plans? From preventing a catastrophe?” 

Another step.

“Or on a more basic level: Am I supposed to let My Partner take all of the uncalled-for criticism without a word? When you make your opinion known at even a single. Drop. of tea. Poured incorrectly?”

The Other was now so clearly in distress that even the associates around them had noticed it. Feeling the stares on them, as well as being sure the Other would not try to suggest such a thing again, the Protagonist turned back to their original position. Their gaze locked with their Partners. An equally curious and surprised expression painted their face. 

The Protagonist decided, they did not like the latter component of that expression. 

Not one bit. 

Acid seemed to suddenly fill their mouth and lungs. 

Why was their Partner surprised? How had they failed their Partner so much, that them, openly supporting them, seemed impossible?! That they still thought, they stood alone?!? Especially during such open confrontations and intentional ridicule of their person?

They had to do better.

To be better. 

They vowed right here, right now–to themselves and their Partner–that they will forever and always make their support clear. 

That no one can make a fool of their Partner. 

So, when they addressed the Other next, they made sure that even the last attendee could hear their voice loud and clear. And while it was spoken with the same calmness, they were known so well for, this once, it send shivers down peoples spine and the room suddenly felt colder.  

“I’d like to think that you and your people are not that arrogant to believe, that you are the only ones allowed to defend themselves?”

With one last glace, a too sweet smile and a playfulness twinkling in their eyes, they added: 

“Are you not?”

The Other was now fully trembling, equally in shock and fear. And while the Protagonist did not enjoy inflicting such terrible feelings in others, they knew, that for their Partner, they would do it all again. 

And again. 

And again. 

Barley hearing the stutter of an answer they held their head up high and walked over to their Partner, whose love and devotion to them was for once openly and publicly written all over their face. And when they finally finally laid their hand on their Partners shoulder in silent support, all they could think was:  

No one should wear such a beautiful, loving look, by some simple public support. 

Least of all their Partner. 

Their Love. 

They´d make sure of it. 

Have you ever thought the neighbour across the street was waving at you so you wave back before realising they’re cleaning their window?

Yeah me neither but imagine your OTP

A cruel hug

“Do you understand now? “

The villain hadn’t noticed how hard they were breathing until it was the only thing left to be heard. How desperate their voice sounded in their last plea of kinship. But

It does’t matter what happens afterwards. They just needed the hero to understand.They quickly tried to wipe away the tears running down their cheeks but it had been a futile gesture long ago.

They didn’t know when the hero had lowered their weapon but suddenly it hit the ground with a bang and the hero was closing the distance in a couple of struts.

Usually kind eyes, full of hope and determination, were now full of sorrow and compassion, holding theirs like a prisoner; seemingly taking in every little thing they possibly could. Their face. Their entire body. Their past, they just poured out all over the floor. Their entire future, yet to be determined. And most of all: Them. The villain. In every possible way. In their entirety.

They have never felt this naked. They have never felt this save. They didn’t believe anyone ever did.

A shaking hand was held next to their cheek. Slowly they cupped their face and even slower, a thumb wiped away the last tear.

“I am. So. Sorry. This happened to you.” How could a voice be so full of sorrow when it wasn’t their own to carry ?

“It should’ve never happened. To anyone. And certainly not when you were -. I am truly sorry. “

And then the hero came impossibly closer and wrapped their arms around them.

The villain could neither comprehend the grief, for their past self, that never got this confirmation of cruelty, flooding them ….nor the sudden, overwhelming relief of being understood. Of finally being seen. It was so much. So so much and much more than they had ever hoped for.

Sure they had been trying to get the hero see their side; to make them understand for so long …but it had gotten to be more of a routine.

The villain would start executing their plan; the hero would come in trying to stop them, when plan was juuuust about to work and thus they tried to quickly explain everything but the hero didn’t take it serious at all, thinking they’ve gone insane; shaking their head at them like you would at a silly little kid not getting why they can’t visit their mother anymore; and then? Then they would fight.

Sure they had always kept on trying to explain everything, but both could see how defeated it had been; as if every word had been said by a tired museum guide. They had given up on the hero understanding a thing about them. But now ? Now they finally understood.

With a barley noticeable jump, the villain wrapped themselve around the hero tightly, pulling them even closer into the hug. Their heads buried into each other’s neck, arms almost hurting from hugging the other so tightly.

Neither could let go. Neither could tell how long they stood there like this. Only that at some point the hero slowly loosened their gripped, the villain mirroring them. The hero stroked a couple times over their arms and looking up, the villain could finally see their like-wisely tear-streaked face. With a small smile the hero repeated: “I am sorry.”

This time when they went into a hug, they cupped the villains face with their right hand and the villain leaned into the touch without any hesitation. The other hand was now slowly rubbing circle onto their back and the world has truly shrunken down to the small square the villain and theirherooccupied.

“I need you to know something.”, the hero finally croaked out. A small smile grazed the villains face. Unwillingly. But not unwelcome. After all, the hero had always needed the last word.

“Of course.”, they breathed.

“I am not hugging you.”

The villain huffed at this ridiculousness and rolled their eyes playfully but not hiding the fondness for once. Not that the hero could see it.

“As if I’d be the one hugging you. Never.”

A small chuckle. The hug tightened for a second.

“You don’t understand. I’m not hugging you.” This time, the villain could hear the seriousness in their voice. The strain.

What.Brows began to furrow. Their entire body stopped.

“I am hugging the you, who had to go through it all. The you, who experienced all those atrocities. Those cruelties. But I’m not hugging you.”

Confused the villain tried to lean back again but before they even noticed, the hands that had just a moment ago stroked their face and rubbed circle into their back, were now binding theirs behind their back. The loud *click* echoed through the room. Through their mind.

They were handcuffed.

The hero’s head still laid in the crook of their neck. And with their hands holding the villains behind their back, it still felt like hug. A cruel one…but a hug nonetheless.

“Iam sorry for all the cruelties that were done to you”, the hero whispered into their ear.

How can a voice carry so much sorrow and compassion,

“But it doesn’t justify all the cruelties you’ve done upon others.”

while delivering such a cold message ?

And the villain realised the reason why they had looked so pained. It hadn’t been for compassion. Not entirely. But because the hero had finally understood them. Truly understood. And yet they couldn’t do anything about to.

Because by then, they had already made up their mind. About the villain. Their so called atrocities. About who deserves mercy. About it all.

Thus it hadn’t mattered. Not even in the slightest. It had just made it so much worse. For the both of them.

Understanding means truly seeing. And truly seeing means mercy.

At least that’s way the villain had always told themselves. But not to the hero. No. Mercy had always meant, that those who aren’t an immediate threat, could get a fair trial. That death, wouldn’t await them. For now at least. So no. Mercy had never meant what they thought it did.

No reluctant acceptance.

No truce.

No working together.


The villain hadn’t realised, how far ahead they had already planned; how they had already mentally integrated the hero into their little family.

Into their future.

Into their life.

“I am sorry.”

,the hero breathed one last time. This time, the villain could finally hear what they truly said.

I am sorry this happened to you. I am sorry you had to go through this alone. I am sorry that you felt compelled to make these plans and even try and executed them. That they had to stop them every time. That they never truly tried to understand before. That now that they did, they couldn’t do anything about it. That it was all too late. That they were now the one to feel compelled to follow through with their plan. That they had to betray them. One. Last. Time.

“I am too.”
