#tarot daily

FREE Tarot Reading Printable Download your free tarot reading printable HERE. Included in the tarot

FREE Tarot Reading Printable 

Download your free tarot reading printable HERE.

Included in the tarot printable are spaces for each tarot card, questions you want to ask you reading and any insight you gain afterwards. Perfect for keeping track of your readings and progress from your higher self.

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New Moon Daily Draw in Tarot ♟

King _ of _ Pentacles / September 28th 2019

Call on the characteristics of someone who is savvy and saves their money well, but is always quite generous and does gracious favors , but dont forget to keep what you have got because you did not get to your wealthy status by giving it all away, so slay a little not a lot say? Hmmm… i think so, HAPPY NEW MOONIES MY BRONIES N WITCHES N OTHER BITCHES BUT FORGET THE SNITCHES YALL GET STITCHES IN DITCHES N FUCKED UP BITCHES !! HAAAH SKSKSK

With Chiron turning today direct in Aries we’re open to new possibilities in our healing process, able to access deep memories, rising from fragmentation into wholeness.

This is a moment where our agreement to go further matters, where we decide if we’re ready to descend into darkness, to accept what we’re going to find there; if we’re ready for metamorphosis and expansion.

The darkness is visibly fearful and hard to be discovered, it needs time, quietness, calmness to open to you the secrets, path, new territory.

Fear is a bandage on your eyes, a mechanism to hold you from reaching wholeness, it’s compartments, rooms, ideas, expectations.

Healing is about saying yes to the darkness, unknown, bringing light to the abandoned places, a calmness of warrior and openness of the child.


You can.



Manifest completely new.

Four of Swords… l pulled today while walking in the forest. Standing in the forest from my childhood, surrounding the old country house of my parents, I can relate so much to the message of the card. I’m in my sanctuary, the place I used to play as a child, yet now it looks eerie, dark, abandoned as if telling a story of past storms and journeys that caused to leave the place of inner equilibrium. ******* I can see how constantly pushing too hard, failing to give ourselves time to connect back with our tranquil inner garden and check our compass, we come back there one day to see that it turned into mystical garden of storms and shadows and we need time to be able to discover here meditation, prayer, equilibrium and peace again and softly call for our soul. So we could heal ourselves after passed stressful, stormy, painful situations and come back to our core.
