#tarot divination

FREE Tarot Reading Printable Download your free tarot reading printable HERE. Included in the tarot

FREE Tarot Reading Printable 

Download your free tarot reading printable HERE.

Included in the tarot printable are spaces for each tarot card, questions you want to ask you reading and any insight you gain afterwards. Perfect for keeping track of your readings and progress from your higher self.

If you’ve downloaded the free tarot sheet don’t forget to follow or leave a comment!

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∆Energy Breathing Meditation∆

This meditation is meant to help beginners who struggle to focus during meditation, assist those who wish to learn how to manipulate energy as well retrain those who may just need a refresher.

Start by getting into a comfortable position either sitting up with your back straight or lying down, whichever is easiest for you. Calm yourself, relax and softly slip into a meditative state, train your focus to your physical body, become aware of how relaxed and almost numb you become, then lift your focus right above your skin, feel and visualize your personal energetic field above you and all around you. Take in it’s shape, color, texture and the way it moves around and within you. Is it right above your skin? Or is there space between your physical self and your energy? How much?

Take a moment to answer all these questions and take note of them, becoming intune with your personal energy is of high importance for this exercise.

Once you are comfortable and aware of your energetic field, begin to become fully aware of your breathing, breathe softly but deeply, note it’s rhythm, the rise and fall of your chest, and link your energy to your breath. As you breathe in, visualize, feel and allow your energy to expand and swirl larger around you, and as you breathe out, shrink your energy back to you. Keep this up for as long as you can hold, or until it feels like second nature.

This may take a few tries if you’re new to energy work or tend to have very unruly energy. And this is okay. Good luck, and stay safe!!! Many blessings to you!!

Tarot of the day: Ace of Crystals

Guidance: Don’t forget to strive for balance and groundedness as you continue down your path right now. There is much success and prosperity ahead, just continue to focus your alignment and thoughts on the positives.

I thought it would be kind of unfair to only update the tea part of my blog and not the occult part, so I wanted to share how I’ve been doing tarot divinations and what the result of the one I did today was!

First of all, I keep my deck in a wooden box I got on a trip recently, along with an amethyst and a feather. Amethyst helps keep the energy of the deck clean and connected to greater cosmic forces. I also keep a feather in the box, to represent the Air element, which is what I associate with divination!

This is the box I keep my tarot deck, amethyst, and feather in! Beside it is my tarot guidebook wrapped in the cloth I lay the cards out on. 

Moving onto how I actually perform the ritual, I like to burn either sage or frankincense incense, and pass all my divination tools I’ll be using back and forth the smoke nine times. I meditate with the amethyst and feather, and then rub my mala’s chrysocolla beads against each other so the sound puts me in a sort of trance.

Finally I shuffle the deck, cut it into three, bring the portions back together, and lay out the cards. I always pull cards with my left hand.

Lately my divinations have been telling me to move on from my past disappointments and focus on the successes I’ve earned. So that’s what I intend to do!

I tried to do an I Ching divination, but my thoughts were just too scattered to focus on it. I also think I have too much that I need to do right now to be picking up a new style of divination. I think I’ll stick with tarot for now.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but recently, I’ve felt really in-touch with my intuition! Whenever I find myself starting to worry about anything that’s not actually a problem, I get this comforting feeling that lets me know it’s going to be alright. Also, it really helps with tarot divinations in figuring out the right interpretation when it’s not immediately apparent!

readings are open !!

three card spreads for $3.33 until slots fill up

just message me on tiktok @ rodent.witch for your reading! you can also send a message here if you don’t have tiktok, no worries!

hey guys, i’m back!!

i’m trying out filming some spells and such over on tiktok!! i’ll also be doing tarot and pendulum readings on live and stuff soon, come check it out if you’re interested!! tysm for all your support <3

atarot spread to help you in your work with fae! i figured it was a pretty summer appropriate spread as ive been working with fae a lot more in the spring/summer months and im sure lots of you have too~


1. how can i better my relationship with the fae?

2. do my local fae have anything they’d like to tell me?

3. what ways have the fae tried reaching out to me?


message me to receive this reading! 3 card spreads are $3 and i currently take both venmoandpaypal :) please feel free to use this spread in your personal craft if you can’t afford a reading or anything; and please credit if you repost the spread~


Colorful, witchy aesthetics for spooky season



I felt inspired to create a Full Moon Tarot Spread. Sometimes we need to take our time to look back, evaluate our actions and perspective in life. Full Moon is a good time to recharge and get ready for what’s ahead. Stay positive babes!





a one-card summary of where everything went horribly, horribly wrong


what happened on your end that lead to the downfall


the fuck is up with that person/organization


fixating? putting energy into the wrong people? turning left at a red light?


use your damn blinker and utilize the block function on facebook


let’s be honest, if they haven’t stopped listening to nickelback by now, there’s no hope


look, maybe they like chad kroeger’s old ramen hair from the early 2000s, clearly y’all are on divergent paths and you need to just let them be their own kind of mess now

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The Compass Spread

A perfect spread for finding some guidance, when you are feeling lost.

  1. Central - You right now
  2. East - New beginnings, what’s on the horizon.
  3. South - Your Passion, where you should draw your fire from.
  4. West - Your Subconscious. What are you keeping hidden? Where do you need to look inward?
  5. North - Your Wisom, where should you look for guidance and wisdom?



When to say “goodbye” to a deck…

I hear this from many tarot readers… We all love to collect decks with different art, theme and style. What matters is how you vibe with each deck. Some of us prefer to use a different deck depending on the nature of the reading. Some of us have that one special deck that is only used for personal readings. Honestly, there are no rules and there is no right or wrong. All that matters is how you vibe with them!

But, there is that one deck laying around somewhere in the house… Maybe it was an impulse purchase, maybe it brings back bad memories or inherited from / gifted by someone you know. It doesn’t matter how many times you tried to cleanse it or bond with it, it just does not feel… “yours”. This may also come with a side of guilt cause you might have spent too much money on it or the person who gave it to you really thought you would enjoy it, but it didn’t go as planned. Whatever the background story is, there is one final consequence: You don’t vibe with this deck and it is time to say goodbye. But, what is a good way to do it?

When people ask me for suggestions about “how to get rid of/dispose of a tarot deck”, my first recommendation is to use a more positive language, “saying goodbye to a deck” actually sounds better. I am a firm believer that cards do spread energy and not all cards have positive messages. That’s why it’s better to keep them in a pouch or a box when they’re not used. And for this reason, I do not recommend burning them, throwing them away or recycling to use for an art project. So then, what is the best way to say goodbye to a deck? I will try to go step by step:

1. How do you get ready for a reading? Candles? Music? Incense? Crystals? Prepare the setting as usual, get it all ready as if you will do a reading.

2. Bring out the deck. Hold it in your hands and focus. Remember the first time you got it, the messages it brought to you, things that turned you away from it… Look at the cards, take your time and think.

3. Put your hand on the deck, and say “thank you for all the good and bad news you gave me. Thank you for your wisdom”.

4. Keep a piece of cloth handy (an old tshirt, scrap fabric, whatever you got). Cut enough to wrap up the deck and sew both ends shut. Keep sewing until you feel comfortable. This will also help you process it and have closure.

5. We all have this one box, or junk closet at home; full of stuff that no longer have any use but we still choose to keep them. Do you have one too? Well, that could be the new home of your deck. Who knows, maybe one day you will want to revisit and try bonding with this deck again…

These are just my recommendations to people who ask me about what to do when they can’t vibe with a deck. Just like any other relationship, it is a virtue to know when to say goodbye. Sometimes we just gotta let it go, same goes for tarot decks! Sending positive vibes to y'all, be safe!

Need a tarot reading? Runes? I Ching?

Well, why don’t you come visit my shop;)

Just bought my first mineral sphere!!! After months of online research and changing my mind several times about which mineral to get, finally found the perfect one. It is huge - 113 mm in diameter!!! But let me tell you why I decided to get blue apatite: The name “apatite” comes from the Greek word which means “to deceive”. This stone is known for its ability to activate psychic abilities, stimulate the intellect and establish a deeper reflection into one’s quest to connect with self. This is why it will make a good addition to my collection of items that I keep around during my reading sessions.

Now all I need is a cool looking display stand - feel free to send links. I will share the photos once it’s here, so excited!!!

Photo credit: Earth Family Crystals



The Nine of Cups


The Nine of Swords

The King of Swords

The Hanged Man

The Hermit

The Six of Swords

The Eight of Cups

The Five of Cups

The Sun

The Three of Swords

‘The Ghetto Tarot’: Haitian artists transform classic tarot deck into stunning real life scenes:

Welcome to the Ghetto Tarot, a project from award-winning documentary photographer Alice Smeets and a group of Haitian artists known as Atis Rezistans. The idea was to take the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck of 78 cards and create a photographic version of each card using settings and objects in the vibrant ghetto of Haiti.

As Smeets says, “The spirit of the Ghetto Tarot project is the inspiration to turn negative into positive while playing. The group of artists ‘Atiz Rezistans’ use trash to create art with their own visions that are a reflection of the beauty they see hidden within the waste. They are claiming the word ‘Ghetto,’ thus freeing themselves of its depreciating undertone and turning it into something beautiful.”


The Hallowed.

a tarot spread for samhain.

1. The Coffin.

This is what needs to be buried. What in my life needs to be left behind?

2. The Grave.

Some things are written in stone and can’t be changed. What in my life do I need to come to terms with? What can’t be changed?

3. The Hallowed.

The veil between those who are living and those who have passed is thinnest tonight. What do the souls of those who have passed need to reveal to me?


Like any other school of Magick, Divination uses many different methods in order to divine esoteric knowledge, including the past, present, and possible future. 

Important note: It is important to remember that, no matter the type of divinatory practices used, no single person is able to tell the future. There are always variables at play that may change your future and your destiny. Divination simple says that, should things continue as they are, this is the most likely outcome of the situation.

How does divination work? 

In and around all things is a flow of energy. You can think of this flow of energy as the circle of life type of thing from Lion King. “The circle of life flows through us all”, or, like water: Water particles are everywhere, even in the air we breath, and is thus constantly in motion. Same with energy. Energy makes up the very fabric of our existence, making us connected to everything around us.

Here’s a witchy secret they don’t often bother to tell you: We are connected to this energy, and this energy is connected to all things. Energy, at its base, is information.

When we tap into this energy, we are able to see the information that the energy has to give us. Different diviners use different methods of tapping into this energy, but it’s all the same.

Kinds of Divination:

By no means is this list exhaustive. As mentioned before, there are many ways in which diviners practice divination. None is better than the other, and all accomplish basically the same thing. There are a few that I have dabbled in, and a lot that I have not.


The most common and well known form of divination is divining using a deck of cards, most commonly tarot. Among the cards are different sets of titles and imagery that is meant to invoke some sort of reaction from your intuition. The best way to work with the tarot, oracle, or any other deck of cards is allow the cards to speak to you, and not you for it. In other words, allow there to be a natural progression as you read the tarot, instead of forcing meanings where there may be none.

Runes (Futhark)

Runes are another form of divination that use ancient symbols housing esoteric wisdom to divine. According to the legends which I’ve read, the runes are Norse in origin, but the exact details of how they came to be is a mystery. It is said that they were sacred to the Norse goddess Freya, and were possibly even discovered by her. She then introduced then to Odin, the Allfather, god of war, and the greater mysteries. Odin, who became fascinated by them, hung himself in a tree to die a shamanic death, and was then reborn as Odin the Runemaster. At some point, it is rumored that Odin then gifted the runes to man. 

Whatever the legends, the runes do have an energy all their own, but are not quite as easy as the tarot to read. They are symbols, ancient and unknown in origin, not pretty little colored images on a deck of cards. The best way to work with runes is to learn their general meaning, and allow them to expand their knowledge to you over time. 


Scrying is another popular form of divination that uses a smooth, reflective surface in order to “See” images within the depths. Most commonly, crystal balls, black mirrors, and bowls of water are used. 

This form of divination is difficult to master, and takes tremendous patience. Thus, I will not be able to go into further detail about this at present.


“Throwing bones” as it were. I’ve had more time to learn a little bit more about this, and I have a very basic understanding of how this form of divination works. 

Osteomancy uses bones, preferably from small animals, as well as other shells, beads, and curios collective known as the “bones” thrown out onto a cloth to divine the future. Depending on where the bones land, the diviner is then able to use their meaning to paint a picture of the quarents future, past, and present. 

I’ve read a few blog posts about this form, and it seems that, most commonly, osteomancers use what is known as “animism” the idea that everything has a spirit and is alive, in order to divine. While this may or may not be true, I believe that bone throwing employs the use to psychometry in order to decipher the bones.

Which brings me to my last point…


Psychometry is a powerful way to exercise your “Psychic muscles”, but it also takes a lot of patience to learn. Psychometry refers to the latent or inherent or learned ability to perceive residual information off of objects and/or people, usually by touch. 

Psychometry is best practiced in one of two ways. 

  1. Collect various, preferably older items, such as necklaces, pocket watches, other small antiques, wood, shells, etc. Place all of the items under a cloth or under a bowl and then shuffle them around, making sure that you shuffle long enough for you to have no way of knowing where each item is. You then place your hand over the object, fell its energy, and try and divine what the object is. It’ll take time, but your accuracy will vastly improve, and you’ll find that other esoteric things come to you easily.
  2. Find random objects such as old building bricks, signs, lampposts, antiques, etc. and place your hand on them. Close your eyes, and try to sense the object. See all of the memories that it houses within. Who did it belong to? What has it witnessed? Where did it come from? Eventually, you’ll begin to gain an understanding of the objects around you even without needing to touch them and close your eyes. Then, eventually, you’ll be able to divine a person’s past, present, and future using the same exact method, giving you yet another tool in your divinatory arsenal.

There are, of course, many MANY other methods that I missed. The ones I mentioned above are simply the ones that I personally have, so far, dabbled in. The tarot, of course, is my strongest practice, but others are working their way up there as well.

Short list of other divination practices:

Tesseomancy- Tea leaf reading

Pyromancy- Fire scrying

Lithomancy- Stone throwing

Pendulum- Divining with a heavy, pointed object on a chain

Numerology- Divining with numbers

Astrology- Divining using the stars and their alignments

Automatic writing/Drawing- Divining by closing your eyes and allowing your subconscious mind to write/draw

Card of the Day 8 October 2021

Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent in Scorpio

Card of the Day: 6 of Fire

Enjoy the full daily 1-card collective reading with moon astrology for free here:


Moon Phase: Dark Moon in Libra

Card of the Day: VII of Fire

Enjoy the full daily 1-card collective reading with moon astrology here:


Tarot Card of the Day September 16th 2021

Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous in Aquarius

Card of the Day: Queen of Pentacles

Enjoy the full daily 1-card collective reading with moon astrology for free here:


Tarot Card of the Day 14 September 2021

Read the full daily 1-card collective reading with moon astrology for free at the link:


Weekly Tarot Forecast for Water Signs September 13th-17th

Come read the Weekly Tarot Forecast for Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces) for Sept. 13-17 FREE at my Patreon!


Single-card tarot readings are now available through the Mage of Aquarius Etsy:


Get thorough, yet straightforward answers to whatever’s on your mind!

Card of the Day 25 October 2021

Enjoy the full daily collective 1-card reading with moon astrology for free at the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57850315

Want to help a full-time tarot reader and artist pay her rent? Consider supporting me by signing up for my Patreon!


Mage of Aquarius Full Blood Moon in Aries Readings for Every Rising Sign patreon.com/mageofaquariusALT

Mage of Aquarius Patreon Tier 3 Patron Benefits Moon Acolyte: $8.88/month Includes all the benefits of Tier 1&2 Monthly Full Moon Readings for Every Rising SignALT

The Full Blood Moon in Aries Readings for Every Rising Sign are now available for the Moon Acolyte tier and above on my Patreon! These readings combine traditional Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism and astrological houses for a high degree of accuracy for what you can expect during the course of the full moon and the following 2 weeks.

