
Toda la belleza de las cordilleras del placer, en: www.satanasparado.com

Toda la belleza de las cordilleras del placer, en: www.satanasparado.com

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 Daniel Vazquez photography -american ghoul-

Daniel Vazquez photography -american ghoul-

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 Daniel Vazquez photography -american ghoul- 

Daniel Vazquez photography -american ghoul- 

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“[…] yes, I’ve always dreamed of a little girl just like you!”


The Promised Neverland | 2ª Temporada | Trailer Legendado

EEEEEEEEITAAAAAAAA POAAAAAAAAR    É ASSIM QUE SE FAZ ANIME, CARAY!!!! Já foi lá ver o ep 01? Tá lindão, na moral  Tô choranu

Mis hijos me reclamaban cada vez que consumía sustancias. Decían que las dejara, que estaba destruyendo a nuestra familia.

En cierto modo, tenían razón. Con el tiempo dejé de verlos, me di cuenta de que nunca fueron reales. Los medicamentos estaban funcionando.

Autor: Santiago Pedraza

Ya me mareaste otra vez



A creepy Christmas legend. Hailing from Germany, Belsnickel is a creepy looking figure. Covered in p

A creepy Christmas legend.
Hailing from Germany, Belsnickel is a creepy looking figure. Covered in patchworked rags to keep his identity secret, he also wears furs and carries a switch with which to threaten children. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Belsnickel stops by the doors of households with children and threatens the kids whom have been behaving poorly this year one last time that if they don’t straighten up they’ll not only not get presents, but a good beating from the Belsnickel himself. (ranker.com)

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