#the guy who didn’t like musicals


Hear me out- the Lords in Black but they have the doors like Encanto and Webby’s is all grey and dead like Bruno’s

I’ve updated the Hatchetfield Lore Master Doc to include the stuff from Jim’s streams! I’m planning to sit down and finally type up my notes from NMT2 in the coming weeks. (I have everything down I just need to write them up lol)https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1buxPy95OEaISfnfxXsfqkWHKP2hOOeErawwk7bdGzRQ/mobilebasic

I think Casey might be on of Miss Holloway’s three girls…

Okay so on one of her streams recently Mariah said this (I’ve edited out the game dialogue bits in-between)

And it got me thinking…

We’ve all pretty much guessed for a year that the 80s pop star on Casey’s shirt was Miss Holloway but NMT2 all but confirmed it… “the whole world has FORGOTTEN”. The pop star is one of Miss Holloway’s old personas!!!!

I (and I’m sure everyone) just assumed this was an “oh it’s been a while since the 80s lost to time” sort of thing BUT NO!! THEY’VE ACTUALLY FORGOTTEN HER. So we have such a clear connection between Miss Holloway and Casey already and then I kept thinking about what Mariah said.

Casey is dead right?? She got buried by the Hatchet Men meaning she had the gift and she was killed for it. That sure as hell sounds like someone who Miss Holloway couldn’t save right?? And to add onto this Mariah played one of the girls in the 3-girl creature!! Add that to the fact that Casey was the only tree-person named and that Nick is discussing her character with Mariah (he wouldn’t do that for a one-off background character) I think it’s very likely we’re gonna be seeing Miss Casey again and it’s gonna be HEARTBREAKING

After having seen Multiverse of Madness twice, it got me wondering if the HDU (Hatchetfield Dramatic Universe ) will explore characters (besides Hannah) in one timeline becoming aware of the other timelines, or even traveling to those timelines. They probably couldn’t meet their other-timeline-selves outside of Nightmare Time since live theatre isn’t really conducive to that (unless younger Black Friday Hannah met older Yellow Jacket Hannah?) but the possibilities are almost endless
